[Note to readers: For some reason this meeting had both the human stenocaptioner (the part in all-caps) and the Zoom autocaptioner (the lines that include lower-case letters). There was at least one section where the human-captioned part did not appear, so I've left both versions in this document. Where available, the all-caps section will be more accurate.] [Captioner] 19:01:49 I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [City of Fremont] 19:01:49 He's right to the flat which just stands [Captioner] 19:01:51 AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS ONE NATION UNDER GOD, [Captioner] 19:01:54 INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. [Captioner] 19:01:59 >> Vice Mayor Keng: THANK YOU. PLEASE BE SEATED. [City of Fremont] 19:01:59 Thank you. Roll call, please. Thank you so much. Council Member Cox. [Captioner] 19:02:03 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. ROLL CALL, PLEASE. [Captioner] 19:02:06 THANK YOU SO MUCH, MS. GAUTHIER. [City of Fremont] 19:02:08 Here. Councilmember saw one present Council member shall present Councilmember casts, and here Councilmember Jones, vice Mayor, King here, may or may here and at this time i'd like to share their vacancies on our boards and Commissions and the city's [Captioner] 19:02:12 >> Ms. Gauthier: COUNCILMEMBER COX, HERE. COUNCILMEMBER SALWAN, PRESENT. [Captioner] 19:02:15 COUNCILMEMBER SHAO, PRESENT. COUNCILMEMBER KASSAN, HERE. [Captioner] 19:02:19 COUNCILMEMBER JONES, HERE. VICE MAYOR KENG, HERE. [Captioner] 19:02:22 MAYOR MEI, HERE. AND AT THIS TIME, I'D LIKE TO [Captioner] 19:02:26 SHARE THERE ARE VACANCIES ON OUR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AND THE CITY [City of Fremont] 19:02:26 clerk's office, accepts applications throughout the year and if you're interested in learning about the vacancies, please go to our website, Add wwfremont.gov: and if you could look at the boards commissions and committees page or please. [Captioner] 19:02:29 CLERK'S OFFICE ACCEPTS APPLICATIONS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, AND IF YOU'RE [Captioner] 19:02:32 INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT THE VACANCIES, PLEASE GO TO OUR [Captioner] 19:02:36 WEBSITE AT [Captioner] 19:02:39 WWW.FREMONT.GOV AND IF YOU COULD LOOK AT THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS [City of Fremont] 19:02:41 Contact the city clerk's office at 5 1, 0, 2, 8, 4, 4 0, 6 0, members of the public wishing to participate in tonight's meeting with electronic meeting during public comments, may do So by pressing the raise hand Icon on zoom or if dialing in by [Captioner] 19:02:42 AND COMMITTEES PAGE OR PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE [Captioner] 19:02:46 AT 510-284-4060. MEMBERS OF [Captioner] 19:02:49 THE PUBLIC WISHING TO PARTICIPATE IN TONIGHT'S [Captioner] 19:02:54 MEETING, ELECTRONIC [City of Fremont] 19:02:56 Dialing star 9. I will make an announcement before each section of the agenda, if not noted on the zoom screen. [Captioner] 19:02:57 MEETING DURING PUBLIC COMMENTS MAY DO SO BY [Captioner] 19:03:00 RAISING THEIR HAND OR BY DIALING STAR NINE. I WILL MAKE [City of Fremont] 19:03:02 Please kindly state your name. Speaking on behalf of an organization State, the name of the organization you are representing emails submitted to the city clerk's office, compiled and distributed to city council and staff and published in the city's Agenda Center on Fremont gov and [Captioner] 19:03:03 AN ANNOUNCEMENT BEFORE EACH SECTION OF THE AGENDA. [Captioner] 19:03:07 IF NOT NOTED ON THE ZOOM SCREEN, PLEASE KINDLY STATE YOUR [Captioner] 19:03:10 NAME, IF SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZATION, STATE YOUR NAME OF [Captioner] 19:03:13 THE ORGANIZATION YOU ARE REPRESENTING. EMAILS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY [Captioner] 19:03:16 CLERK'S OFFICE ARE COMPILED AND DISTRIBUTED TO CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF AND [Captioner] 19:03:20 PUBLISHED IN THE CITY'S AGENDA CENTER ON FREMONT.GOV AND WILL BE [City of Fremont] 19:03:20 will be placed on file part of the public record I'd like to announce that this meeting will go up until 1130 Pm. [Captioner] 19:03:23 PLACED ON FILE AND CONSIDERED PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD. [Captioner] 19:03:26 I'D LIKE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS MEETING WILL GO UP UNTIL 11:30 P.M. [City of Fremont] 19:03:26 If needed, and we will allow for 30 min of general public comment if there are additional speakers for oral communications after the initial 30 min, we will take additional speakers at the end of the meeting. [Captioner] 19:03:29 IF NEEDED, AND WE WILL ALLOW FOR 30 MINUTES OF GENERAL [Captioner] 19:03:33 PUBLIC COMMENT IF THERE ARE ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS FOR ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AFTER [Captioner] 19:03:36 THE INITIAL 30 MINUTES, WE [City of Fremont] 19:03:37 If time remains at this time I'd like to turn the meeting over to our city manager. [Captioner] 19:03:40 WILL TAKE ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS AT THE END OF THE MEETING IF TIME REMAINS. [City of Fremont] 19:03:41 Karina, Shackleford to make any announcements, and to include introduce her staff. [Captioner] 19:03:44 AT THIS TIME I'D LIKE TO TURN THE MEETING OVER TO OUR CITY MANAGER, [Captioner] 19:03:47 KARENA SHACKELFORD, TO MAKE ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS AND TO INTRODUCE HER [City of Fremont] 19:03:47 Thank you, Madam Mayor. Good evening to you and to the council members. [Captioner] 19:03:49 STAFF. >> City Mgr. Shackelford: THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR. [City of Fremont] 19:03:51 Yeah, no announcements this evening, but I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my colleagues City at Attorney Raphael Alvarado here to my left, and across for me is city Clerk Susan gothir and Assistant City Clerk [Captioner] 19:03:52 GOOD EVENING TO YOU AND TO THE COUNCILMEMBERS. [Captioner] 19:03:56 NO ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS EVENING, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO [Captioner] 19:03:59 INTRODUCE MY COLLEAGUES. [Captioner] 19:04:04 CITY ATTORNEY RAFAEL ALVARADO HERE TO MY LEFT, AND ACROSS FROM [City of Fremont] 19:04:07 Alberto Kanthania. Thank you thank you. [Captioner] 19:04:08 ME IS CITY CLERK SUSAN GAUTHIER [Captioner] 19:04:11 AND ASSISTANT CITY CLERK, ALBERTO QUINTANILLA. [City of Fremont] 19:04:11 And at this time does the city or any have and report, out from the closed session item earlier this evening? [Captioner] 19:04:14 THANK YOU. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. AT THIS TIME, DOES [City of Fremont] 19:04:16 I do Thank you, Mayor. Good evening, Mayor and Council in closed session the Council discussed conference with legal Council existing litigation for The 13 cases listed on the evening's agenda closed session agenda The council took no reportable action on those items the [Captioner] 19:04:19 THE CITY ATTORNEY HAVE A REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED [Captioner] 19:04:21 SESSION? >> GOOD EVENING, MAYOR AND COUNCIL. [Captioner] 19:04:24 IN CLOSED SESSION THE COUNCIL DISCUSSED [Captioner] 19:04:27 EXISTING LITIGATION FOR THE 13 CASES LISTED ON THIS [Captioner] 19:04:30 EVENING'S AGENDA, CLOSED SESSION AGENDA. THE COUNCIL TOOK NO REPORTABLE [City of Fremont] 19:04:33 council also had conference with legal counsel regarding significant exposure, litigation, pursuant to paragraph 2 of subdivision D of California Government code, Section 596.9 and took no reportable action and lastly, the Council discussed initiation of [Captioner] 19:04:34 ACTION ON THOSE ITEMS. THE COUNCIL [Captioner] 19:04:37 ALSO HAD CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL [Captioner] 19:04:41 REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE [Captioner] 19:04:45 TO LITIGATION AND TOOK [Captioner] 19:04:48 NO REPORTABLE ACTION AND LASTLY THE COUNCIL DISCUSSED INITIATION [City of Fremont] 19:04:48 litigation based on existing facts and circumstances. [Captioner] 19:04:51 OF LITIGATION BASED ON EXISTING FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES PURSUANT [City of Fremont] 19:04:51 Pursuant to paragraph 4 of subdivision. [City of Fremont] 19:04:53 D, California Government Code Section 5, 4, 9, 5, 6, point 9, and directed the city attorney to initiate litigation on one case. [Captioner] 19:04:55 TO PARAGRAPH 4 OF SUBDIVISION D OF [Captioner] 19:04:59 CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT [Captioner] 19:05:01 CODE SECTION NINE -- AND CORRECTED THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INITIATE [City of Fremont] 19:05:02 That concludes my closed session report. Thank you, Mayor. [Captioner] 19:05:03 LITIGATION ON ONE CASE. THAT CONCLUDES MY CLOSED SESSION REPORT. [City of Fremont] 19:05:05 Thank you. And at this time I would like to introduce the calendar items which are items that will be passed with one council vote and The staff. [Captioner] 19:05:07 THANK YOU, MAYOR. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. AND AT THIS [Captioner] 19:05:10 TIME, I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE THE CONSENT CALENDAR [Captioner] 19:05:13 ITEMS WHICH ARE ITEMS THAT WILL BE PASSED WITH ONE COUNCIL [City of Fremont] 19:05:14 Recommendation will stand. Members of the public may comment on a consent calendar, item but raising their hand, or by clicking on the raise hand icon, or by calling in by dialing star 9 that's a clerk see any members of the public who wish to remove an item in the consent calendar this [Captioner] 19:05:16 VOTE AND THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION WILL STAND. [Captioner] 19:05:20 MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC MAY COMMENT ON A CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM [Captioner] 19:05:23 BY RAISING THEIR HAND OR BY CLICKING ON THE RAISE [Captioner] 19:05:26 HAND ICON OR BY CALLING IN, BY [Captioner] 19:05:29 DIALING STAR NINE. S TO THE CLERK SEE ANY MEMBERS [Captioner] 19:05:32 OF THE PUBLIC WHO WISH TO REMOVE AN [City of Fremont] 19:05:33 evening. There are no hands raised this time. Thank you. Are there any Council members who would like to either remove item or make a motion to approve the items [Captioner] 19:05:35 ITEM ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR THIS EVENING? >> Ms. Gauthier: [Captioner] 19:05:38 THERE ARE NO HANDS RAISED AT THIS TIME. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:05:41 ARE THERE ANY COUNCIL MEMBERS WHO WOULD [Captioner] 19:05:45 LIKE TO EITHER REMOVE AN ITEM OR MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE [Captioner] 19:05:48 ITEMS? [City of Fremont] 19:05:50 I just wanted to check before we start. Do that, I see only one request to speak, and that's from Councilmember, Kenya. We'll make sure everyone's buttons are working [Captioner] 19:05:53 I JUST WANT TO CHECK BEFORE WE START. I SEE [Captioner] 19:05:55 ONLY ONE REQUEST TO SPEAK AND THAT'S FROM COUNCILMEMBER KENG. [Captioner] 19:05:59 I JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE'S BUTTONS ARE WORKING. [City of Fremont] 19:06:01 I don't know which one. Okay, I I see Well, I know. [City of Fremont] 19:06:06 I hear the motion from Council Member Cox in the second by Councilor of K. [Captioner] 19:06:07 OKAY, I SEE -- WELL, I HEAR THE MOTION FROM COUNCILMEMBER COX AND [City of Fremont] 19:06:09 But I just wanted to make sure, as we're proceeding, that the buttons are working so [Captioner] 19:06:10 THE SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER KENG, BUT I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE AS WE'RE PROCEEDING THAT [City of Fremont] 19:06:13 Okay, we have a motion, a second one. We just have a roll call, but I wanted to make sure cause I don't see the other council members button working. [Captioner] 19:06:14 THE BUTTONS ARE WORKING. [Captioner] 19:06:17 OKAY. WE HAVE A MOTION AND A SECOND. WHY DON'T WE JUST HAVE A [Captioner] 19:06:20 ROLL CALL BUT I WANTED TO MAKE SURE BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE OTHER [City of Fremont] 19:06:22 You can oh, can vote on the buttons. Yes, we can vote on everyone's here. [Captioner] 19:06:25 COUNCILMEMBER'S BUTTON [City of Fremont] 19:06:26 We can both buttons this evening. Thank you. [Captioner] 19:06:28 WORKING. >> Ms. Gauthier: EVERYONE IS HERE, WE CAN VOTE ON THE BUTTONS [Captioner] 19:06:31 THIS EVENING. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:06:33 I see the vote is unanimous and the consent calendar items pass unanimously, and at this time there are no ceremonial items this evening, and there is oh, I'm sorry one more ordinance I forgot on the consent. [Captioner] 19:06:37 I SEE THE VOTE IS UNANIMOUS AND THE CONSENT [Captioner] 19:06:40 CALENDAR ITEMS PASS UNANIMOUSLY. AND AT THIS [Captioner] 19:06:44 TIME, THERE ARE NO CEREMONIAL [Captioner] 19:06:47 ITEMS THIS [City of Fremont] 19:06:47 Calendar if you could read that, please. Thank you. City Attorney, for the the record this evening. [Captioner] 19:06:50 EVENING. >> Cty. Attny. Alvarado: MAYOR? >> Mayor Mei: [Captioner] 19:06:53 ONE ORDINANCE ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. CITY [City of Fremont] 19:06:56 The council move forward. Item 2 C, which is an ordinance of the city of Fremont amending Fremont Municipal code title, 9 public Peace, Morals and welfare. [Captioner] 19:06:57 ATTORNEY. >> Cty. Attny. Alvarado: FOR THE ORDINANCE AND RECORD THE COUNCIL [Captioner] 19:07:00 MOVED FORWARD ITEM IT 2C, AN ORDINANCE OF [Captioner] 19:07:04 THE CITY OF FREMONT AMENDING FREMONT MUNICIPAL [City of Fremont] 19:07:06 Chapter 9 point, 3 5 streets racing and side shows Section 9, point, 3, 5. [Captioner] 19:07:07 CODE TITLE IX PUBLIC PIECE MORALS AND WELFARE [Captioner] 19:07:12 CHAPTER 9.35 STREETS RACING AND SIDE SHOWS, [City of Fremont] 19:07:12 Oh, whenever and 9.3, 5 o 3, oh! And adding sections, 9.5 phone. [Captioner] 19:07:16 SECTION 9.35010, AND 9.35030, [Captioner] 19:07:19 AND ADDING [City of Fremont] 19:07:19 I know 1 one and 1 1. 0 Thank you, Mayor. [Captioner] 19:07:23 SECTIONS 9.509 OH, 110 AND 110. THANK YOU, [City of Fremont] 19:07:24 Thank you. Next is oral communications or public communications, and any person desiring to speak on a matter which is not scheduled on this agenda may do so under oral communications section of public communications communications also receive via email now will be placed on file considered. [Captioner] 19:07:27 MAYOR. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. NEXT IS ORAL [Captioner] 19:07:31 COMMUNICATIONS OR PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS. AND ANY PERSON DESIRING [Captioner] 19:07:34 TO SPEAK ON A MATTER WHICH IS NOT SCHEDULED ON THIS [Captioner] 19:07:37 AGENDA MAY DO SO UNDER ORAL COMMUNICATIONS [Captioner] 19:07:40 SECTION OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS. COMMUNICATIONS ALSO [Captioner] 19:07:43 RECEIVED VIA EMAIL WILL BE PLACED ON FILE AND CONSIDERED PART OF THE PUBLIC [City of Fremont] 19:07:43 Part of public record and members of the public wishing to speak, may do so now by clicking on the race hand. [Captioner] 19:07:47 RECORD. AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK MAIL DO SO [City of Fremont] 19:07:49 Icon, or if I call in by Dialing Star 9 again, if not noted on the zoom screen, please kindly state your name. And when speaking on behalf of an organization State the name of the organization you're representing do we have any speakers Lisa Dance [Captioner] 19:07:50 NOW BY CLICKING ON THE RAISE HAND ICON, OR [Captioner] 19:07:53 IF BY CALLING IN, BY DIALING STAR NINE. [Captioner] 19:07:56 AGAIN, IF NOT NOTED ON THE ZOOM SCREEN, PLEASE KINDLY STATE YOUR [Captioner] 19:07:59 NAME AND WHEN SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZATION, STATE YOUR [Captioner] 19:08:02 NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION YOU'RE REPRESENTING. DO WE HAVE [Lisa Danz (she/her)] 19:08:06 Hi! Thank you. I just wanted to let you know that tonight. [Captioner] 19:08:07 ANY SPEAKERS THIS EVENING? >> Ms. Gauthier: LISA DANZ. [Captioner] 19:08:10 >> HI, THANK YOU. I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT TONIGHT THE TRANSCRIPT [Lisa Danz (she/her)] 19:08:10 The transcript that's showing up on zoom is a combination of both. [Captioner] 19:08:13 THAT'S SHOWING UP ON ZOOM IS A COMBINATION OF [Lisa Danz (she/her)] 19:08:13 This denographer transcript as well as the Zoom auto-generated transcript, which makes it a little bit confusing to follow. [Captioner] 19:08:17 BOTH THE STENOGRAPHER TRANSCRIPT AS WELL AS [Captioner] 19:08:20 THE ZOOM AUTO GENERATED TRANSCRIPT WHICH MAKES IT A LITTLE BIT CONFUSING [Lisa Danz (she/her)] 19:08:20 I'm not sure if that's intentional, or or what the plan is. [Lisa Danz (she/her)] 19:08:23 But I wanted to check, and wanted to make sure that you knew about that. [Captioner] 19:08:23 TO FOLLOW. I'M NOT SURE IF THAT'S INTENTIONAL OR WHAT THE PLAN [Captioner] 19:08:26 IS BUT I WANTED TO CHECK AND WANTED TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU KNEW ABOUT [Captioner] 19:08:29 THAT. THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:08:29 Thank you for letting us know, and at this time I'll close the moral communications and return to our regularly scheduled item. [Captioner] 19:08:34 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU FOR LETTING US KNOW. AND [Captioner] 19:08:37 AT THIS TIME, I'LL CLOSE THE ORAL [Captioner] 19:08:40 COMMUNICATIONS AND RETURN TO OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED ITEMS. [City of Fremont] 19:08:41 And this evening we'll begin with the first item, which is Item 5, A, which is the Rent Review Ordinance annual report and program fee. [Captioner] 19:08:44 THIS EVENING, WE'LL BEGIN WITH THE FIRST ITEM WHICH IS [Captioner] 19:08:48 ITEM 5A. WHICH IS THE RENT REVIEW ORDINANCE ANNUAL REPORT AND [City of Fremont] 19:08:49 And there is no formal presentation. There was attachments in the agenda item, and I know for questions. [Captioner] 19:08:52 PROGRAM FEE. AND THERE IS NO FORMAL [Captioner] 19:08:55 PRESENTATION, THERE WAS ATTACHMENTS IN THE AGENDA [City of Fremont] 19:08:58 Available. We have our human services. Director Suzanne Shenfield, and our Finance Director Dave Percelin, and our Cdbg Administrator, Robert Lopez are available for Questions, and at this time are there any questions from the Council, members again this is item 5 a [Captioner] 19:08:59 ITEM, AND I KNOW FOR QUESTIONS [Captioner] 19:09:02 AVAILABLE, WE HAVE OUR HUMAN SERVICES [Captioner] 19:09:06 DIRECTOR SUZANNE SHENFIL AND OUR FINANCE DIRECTOR DAVE PERSSELIN AND [Captioner] 19:09:09 OUR CDBG ADMINISTRATOR, ROBERT LOPEZ. [Captioner] 19:09:13 THEY'RE AVAILABLE FOR QUESTIONS. AT [Captioner] 19:09:16 THIS TIME, ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS FROM THE COUNCILMEMBERS? [Captioner] 19:09:19 AGAIN, THIS IS ITEM 5A. [City of Fremont] 19:09:20 Okay, I don't see any questions from the Council members. [Captioner] 19:09:24 OKAY, I DON'T SEE ANY QUESTIONS FROM THE COUNCILMEMBERS. [City of Fremont] 19:09:24 I'd like to at this time open the public hearing, and I don't know. [Captioner] 19:09:27 I'D LIKE TO AT THIS TIME OPEN THE [City of Fremont] 19:09:29 Are there any speakers on this item [Captioner] 19:09:31 PUBLIC HEARING, AND I DON'T KNOW, ARE THERE ANY SPEAKERS ON THIS ITEM? [City of Fremont] 19:09:36 There are no hands raised. Thank you. And at this time I'd like to close the public hearing on this item, and I'd like to see if there's any comments from any of our Council members, and if you could press the Button that'd be great I it says on my screen right Now, current is Rick [Captioner] 19:09:38 >> Ms. Gauthier: THERE ARE NO HANDS RAISED. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:09:41 AT THIS TIME I'D LIKE TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ITEM. [Captioner] 19:09:46 AND I'D LIKE TO SEE IF THERE'S ANY COMMENTS FROM ANY OF OUR [Captioner] 19:09:50 COUNCILMEMBERS, AND IF YOU COULD PRESS THE BUTTON, THAT WOULD BE [City of Fremont] 19:09:51 Jones, but I don't. Are you pressing the button? [Captioner] 19:09:54 GREAT. IT SAYS ON MY SCREEN RIGHT NOW CURRENT IS RICK JONES, BUT I [City of Fremont] 19:09:54 Okay, the first person I saw is Rick Jones, and then next speaker is Teresa Kang, Teresa, Cox and Yangshaw So Councilmember Jones Thank you, madam. [Captioner] 19:09:56 DON'T -- ARE YOU PRESSING THE BUTTON? OKAY, THE FIRST PERSON I SAW WAS [Captioner] 19:09:59 RICK JONES AND THEN NEXT SPEAKER IS TERESA KENG, TERESA COX [Captioner] 19:10:02 AND YANG SHAO. SO COUNCILMEMBER JONES? [City of Fremont] 19:10:02 Mayor. Thank you, Staff, for preparing this report. I know this is an annual update. [Captioner] 19:10:06 >> Councilmember Jones: THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR. THANK YOU, STAFF, FOR [City of Fremont] 19:10:07 you know. It looks like it's it's been pretty successful in the number of cases that we've resolved through the rent review process, and I was kinda happy to see that even though, inflation has gone through the roof we're actually only raising our fee a dollar [Captioner] 19:10:09 PREPARING THIS REPORT. I KNOW THIS IS AN ANNUAL [Captioner] 19:10:12 UPDATE. IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S BEEN PRETTY SUCCESSFUL IN THE NUMBER OF [Captioner] 19:10:16 CASES WE'VE RESOLVED THROUGH THE RENT REVIEW PROCESS, AND I WAS KIND OF HAPPY TO SEE [Captioner] 19:10:19 THAT EVEN THOUGH INFLATION HAS GONE THROUGH THE ROOF, WE'RE ACTUALLY [City of Fremont] 19:10:20 a year. So yeah, no, no real sting there. So you know I am happy that this program is working and looking forward to seeing much more success in the future. [Captioner] 19:10:22 ONLY RAISING OUR FEE A DOLLAR A [Captioner] 19:10:26 YEAR, SO NO REAL STING THERE. SO I [Captioner] 19:10:29 AM HAPPY THAT THIS PROGRAM IS WORKING, AND LOOKING [City of Fremont] 19:10:32 Thank you. Thank you so much. Next on the Speaker list is Council Member or Vice Mayor Kang. [Captioner] 19:10:33 FORWARD TO SEEING MUCH MORE SUCCESS IN THE FUTURE. [Captioner] 19:10:37 THANK YOU. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU SO MUCH. NEXT ON [City of Fremont] 19:10:39 Welcome. Thank you, Madam mayor. So I also want to just comment on how detailed the report was from the staff, and that, seeing that we were able to resolve most cases that were brought to the rent review board and also on top of that, be able to help many residents who were not able [Captioner] 19:10:40 THE SPEAKER LIST IS COUNCILMEMBER -- OR VICE MAYOR [Captioner] 19:10:42 KENG. >> Vice Mayor Keng: THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR. [Captioner] 19:10:45 I ALSO WANT TO JUST COMMENT ON HOW DETAILED [Captioner] 19:10:48 THE REPORT WAS FROM THE STAFF, [Captioner] 19:10:52 AND THAT SEEING THAT WE WERE ABLE TO [Captioner] 19:10:55 RESOLVE BOTH CASES THAT WERE BROUGHT TO THE RENT REVIEW BOARD, AND ALSO [Captioner] 19:10:58 ON TOP OF THAT, BE ABLE TO HELP [City of Fremont] 19:11:00 to pay their end, and get those rental assistants on to the, to, to the tenants, and the landlord. [Captioner] 19:11:02 MANY RESIDENTS WHO WERE NOT ABLE TO PAY THEIR [Captioner] 19:11:05 RENT AND GET THOSE RENTAL [Captioner] 19:11:08 ASSISTANCE TO THE TENANTS AND [City of Fremont] 19:11:09 So in the last couple years. So a great job to the staff, and I think the increase of one dollars is pretty reasonable, so I will be supported. [Captioner] 19:11:11 THE LANDLORD IN THE LAST COUPLE YEARS. SO GREAT JOB TO THE STAFF. [Captioner] 19:11:15 AND I THINK THE INCREASE [Captioner] 19:11:19 OF $1 IS PRETTY REASONABLE, SO I WILL BE [City of Fremont] 19:11:19 Thank you. Thank you. Next is our Councilmember, Teresa Cox, Council, Member Cox [Captioner] 19:11:21 SUPPORTIVE. THANK YOU. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:11:26 NEXT IS OUR [Captioner] 19:11:27 COUNCILMEMBER TERESA COX. COUNCILMEMBER COX. [City of Fremont] 19:11:29 Thank you. I think it's important. With the rent review that this really marks a one a way that the city is coming to work out any type of disagreement or alignments that occur. [Captioner] 19:11:33 >> Councilmember Cox: THANK YOU. I THINK IT'S IMPORTANT WITH THE [Captioner] 19:11:37 RENT REVIEW THAT THIS REALLY [Captioner] 19:11:40 MARKS A WAY THAT THE [Captioner] 19:11:43 CITY IS COMING TO WORK OUT [Captioner] 19:11:46 ANY TYPE OF DISAGREEMENT OR ALIGNMENTS THAT OCCUR WITH [City of Fremont] 19:11:46 With the tenants and with the landlords, and I, and with the help of the Federal Government, that almost 60 million dollars were given 1,365 households. [Captioner] 19:11:49 THE TENANTS AND WITH THE LANDLORDS, [Captioner] 19:11:54 AND WITH THE HELP OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT [Captioner] 19:11:57 THAT ALMOST $16 MILLION WERE GIVEN OUT [City of Fremont] 19:11:59 And so I really commend the staff of the city of frame moment to be able to carry forward with this plan and review board and actions associated with this. [Captioner] 19:12:01 TO 1,365 HOUSEHOLDS AND SO I [Captioner] 19:12:04 REALLY COMMEND THE STAFF OF THE CITY OF [Captioner] 19:12:07 FREMONT TO BE ABLE TO CARRY FORWARD WITH [Captioner] 19:12:11 THIS PLAN, AND REVIEW BOARD, AND [City of Fremont] 19:12:13 So I am in support of it, and I think it's one. [Captioner] 19:12:14 ACTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS, SO I AM [City of Fremont] 19:12:15 That is helping our community, and thank you to the staff and the community for working together on this [Captioner] 19:12:17 IN SUPPORT OF IT AND I THINK IT'S ONE THAT IS HELPING OUR [Captioner] 19:12:20 COMMUNITY. [Captioner] 19:12:23 AND THANK YOU TO THE STAFF AND THE COMMUNITY FOR WORKING TOGETHER ON THIS. [City of Fremont] 19:12:25 Thank you. Next is Councilmember Yangshin. [City of Fremont] 19:12:28 Thank you, Mana Mayor. Once again the history proves that it's not always one. [Captioner] 19:12:29 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. NEXT IS COUNCILMEMBER YANG [Captioner] 19:12:31 SHAO. >> Councilmember Shao: THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR. [Captioner] 19:12:34 ONCE AGAIN, THE HISTORY [City of Fremont] 19:12:37 Policy fits all I remember in 2019. The rank control was put on a ballot, and majority of California's. [Captioner] 19:12:38 PROVES THAT IT'S NOT ALWAYS ONE POLICY FITS ALL. [Captioner] 19:12:42 I REMEMBER IN 2018, WHEN THE RENT [Captioner] 19:12:45 CONTROL WAS PUT ON THE BALLOT AND MAJORITY [City of Fremont] 19:12:46 So voters voted No, and over here it already showed over the years that that the Brand Review Board is the right approach for us to on my hand, protect the interests and benefits of the tenants, but on the other hand, also protect the interests of a lot of [Captioner] 19:12:48 OF CALIFORNIA'S VOTERS [Captioner] 19:12:52 VOTED NO. AND OVER HERE, IT ALREADY SHOWED OVER THE [Captioner] 19:12:55 YEARS THAT THE RENT REVIEW BOARD IS [Captioner] 19:12:59 THE RIGHT APPROACH FOR [Captioner] 19:13:04 US TO, ON ONE HAND, PROTECT THE INTEREST AND [Captioner] 19:13:07 BENEFITS OF THE TENANTS BUT ON THE OTHER [Captioner] 19:13:11 HAND ALSO PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF A [City of Fremont] 19:13:11 senior people who would adjust the a house rented out for investment, so called, moms and Pops brand new houses for making living and in joining their retirements. [Captioner] 19:13:15 LOT OF SENIOR [Captioner] 19:13:18 PEOPLE WHO -- WHETHER THEY USED A [Captioner] 19:13:22 HOUSE, RENT IT OUT FOR INVESTMENT SO CALLED MOMS AND [Captioner] 19:13:25 POPS RENTAL HOUSES FOR [Captioner] 19:13:28 MAKING A LIVING AND ENJOYING THEIR RETIREMENTS. [City of Fremont] 19:13:28 So once again, glad to see that this system works and works well, and I'm in support of this approach in the future. [Captioner] 19:13:32 SO ONCE AGAIN, GLAD TO SEE [Captioner] 19:13:34 THAT THIS SYSTEM WORKS AND WORKS WELL. [City of Fremont] 19:13:41 and that is all I have to say [City of Fremont] 19:13:49 Thank you, Seeing no other comments from the Council I'll make some comments on this. [City of Fremont] 19:13:55 I wanted to thank our staff and also the community members and our Rent Review Commission, who've helped out and serving. [City of Fremont] 19:14:03 It's great that we were able to do education in the past with both the landlords and the tenants, and to be able to have a process that seems to be working well for our city it's important for us to have these annual reports as we had committed to accountability and terms [City of Fremont] 19:14:21 of looking at the different cases that have been received, and then I definitely concur with the rest of the Council that it's very reasonable increase in the fee. [City of Fremont] 19:14:33 We have worked very hard in this time period, I want to thank are staff and team for making sure that when it came to delivering the rental assistance, the over 16 million we're really grateful that we were able to do so and having experience in the past with the community block development. [City of Fremont] 19:14:50 Grant be able to prep our relationships with both the tenets and landlords, to ensure that the process was one that was successfully fulfilled. [City of Fremont] 19:14:57 I even saw people I know during our summer concerts in the parks, and our people that were giving out the information in multiple languages, which I think is also very important for access, and So I just wanted to commend the staff and say that this is a public hearing and I would like to get a motion to adopt [City of Fremont] 19:15:13 the resolution for the master Fee schedule, please. [City of Fremont] 19:15:17 So I move to except staff recommendation, including the authorization of an increase in the fee, and to about the resolution to amend the master fee schedule to reflect that change Okay, see? A motion. [City of Fremont] 19:15:34 And I see it current. I guess the second would be Council Member Kang, because I see it on the screen, and so, if we can vote, please thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:15:52 please press the button. Okay, thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:15:57 The motion passes unanimously. Thank you so much. [City of Fremont] 19:16:05 Next on our council items this evening is in particular the amendment to the animal ordinances, and I know our animal services. [Captioner] 19:16:09 >> Mayor Mei: NEXT ON OUR COUNCIL ITEMS THIS [Captioner] 19:16:13 EVENING IS, IN PARTICULAR, THE AMENDMENT TO [Captioner] 19:16:16 THE ANIMAL ORDINANCES. AND I KNOW [City of Fremont] 19:16:16 Manager, kelly Miot will be providing an overview, and we also had a meeting with the public. [Captioner] 19:16:20 OUR ANIMAL SERVICES [Captioner] 19:16:23 MANAGER KELLY ME YOT WILL BE PROVIDING AN OVERVIEW AND WE ALSO [City of Fremont] 19:16:24 And please, Captain, that Nelson are also a available for questions. [Captioner] 19:16:26 HAD A MEETING WITH THE PUBLIC AND [City of Fremont] 19:16:30 So [Captioner] 19:16:31 POLICE CAPTAIN MATT SNELSON [City of Fremont] 19:16:33 Do we need to transfer that to [Captioner] 19:16:34 ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FOR QUESTIONS. DO [Captioner] 19:16:37 WE NEED TO TRANSFER THAT [City of Fremont] 19:16:39 Miss me at this time [Captioner] 19:16:44 TO MISS MIOTT AT [Kelly Miott] 19:16:45 give me 1 s hold on. I'm here. Thank you. [Captioner] 19:16:47 THIS TIME? >> GIVE ME ONE SECOND. HOLD ON. [City of Fremont] 19:16:48 Welcome. [Captioner] 19:16:50 I'M HERE. >> [Captioner] 19:16:54 WELCOME. >> THANK YOU. [Kelly Miott] 19:16:55 Okay, Can you see my Powerpoint [Captioner] 19:16:59 OKAY. CAN YOU SEE MY POWERPOINT? [City of Fremont] 19:16:59 No, not yet. I have hard copy here, but [Kelly Miott] 19:17:03 Nope, I'm putting it up on my screen. A pull on 1 s [Captioner] 19:17:04 >> Mayor Mei: NOT YET. I HAVE A HARD [Captioner] 19:17:06 COPY. >> I'M PULLING IT UP ON MY SCREEN. [Captioner] 19:17:09 ONE SECOND. [Kelly Miott] 19:17:09 Huh! [City of Fremont] 19:17:10 Alberta, control it up, and give us just a moment. [City of Fremont] 19:17:15 Thank you. [Kelly Miott] 19:17:16 How about now? [City of Fremont] 19:17:18 Nope. Sorry, Kelly will on our end, if you can give us just a month. [Kelly Miott] 19:17:24 Okay, Got it. [City of Fremont] 19:17:25 There, There we go available, and then let's say next slide when you're ready. [Captioner] 19:17:26 >> Ms. Gauthier: KELLY, WE'LL SHARE ON OUR END. >> Mayor Mei: [City of Fremont] 19:17:29 Yes, we do have [Captioner] 19:17:30 THERE. IT'S AVAILABLE. [Kelly Miott] 19:17:30 Thank you very much. Thank you for being here tonight. Thank you for your time. [Captioner] 19:17:33 >> Ms. Gauthier: JUST SAY NEXT SLIDE WHEN YOU'RE READY. >> THANK YOU VERY [Kelly Miott] 19:17:39 this is this: Council is aware of these animal ordinance Revisions were prepared for the council, and response to Council Member Captain's Referral from last year. [Captioner] 19:17:40 MUCH. >> THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TONIGHT. [Captioner] 19:17:43 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. AS COUNCIL IS AWARE, THESE ANIMAL ORDINANCE [Captioner] 19:17:46 REVISIONS WERE PREPARED FOR THE COUNCIL IN RESPONSE TO COUNCILMEMBER [Kelly Miott] 19:17:48 That was directed to review ordinances of other cities, that promotion, agriculture in the keeping of livestock, and residentially zoned areas, and was asked to drop propose amendments to freelance animal ordinance police department staff have conducted the research and [Captioner] 19:17:50 KASSAN'S REFERRAL FROM LAST YEAR. [Captioner] 19:17:53 STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO REVIEW ORDINANCES OF OTHER CITIES [Captioner] 19:17:56 THAT PROMOTE URBAN AGRICULTURE IN THE KEEPING [Captioner] 19:17:59 OF LIVESTOCK IN RESIDENTIALLY ZONED AREAS AND WAS [Captioner] 19:18:02 ASKED TO DRAFT AMENDMENTS [Kelly Miott] 19:18:04 drafted proposed amendments to title 6 addressing keeping of animals for urban farming, including permitting goats and residential areas, expanding ownership of beehives and clarifying and updating the chicken ownership ordinance also included in the [Captioner] 19:18:05 TO THE PROPOSED [Captioner] 19:18:10 ORDINANCE. TITLE 6 ADDRESSING KEEPING OF ANIMALS FOR [Captioner] 19:18:14 URBAN FARMING INCLUDING PERMITTING GOATS IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS, [Captioner] 19:18:17 EXPANDING OWNERSHIP OF BEEHIVES AND CLARIFYING AND [Captioner] 19:18:20 UPDATING THE CHICKEN OWNERSHIP ORDINANCE. ALSO INCLUDED IN [Kelly Miott] 19:18:20 proposed, amendments are small changes to the ordinance. [Kelly Miott] 19:18:24 That would reduce the length of say, for impounded animals would give the animal services manager discretion to wave impound fees for residents, experiencing financial hardship would align leash, law, leash, length, in public parts, with the ordinance per parks, and recreation and when [Captioner] 19:18:24 THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS ARE SMALL CHANGES TO THE [Captioner] 19:18:27 ORDINANCE THAT WOULD REDUCE THE LENGTH OF STAY FOR IMPOUNDED [Captioner] 19:18:31 ANIMALS, WOULD GIVE THE ANIMAL SERVICES MANAGER DISCRETION TO [Captioner] 19:18:35 WAIVE IMPOUND FEES FOR RESIDENTS EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL HARDSHIP, [Captioner] 19:18:39 WOULD ALIGN LEASH LENGTH IN PUBLIC PARKS WITH THE [Kelly Miott] 19:18:41 alignment city is important is with recent State law changes for canine anti-rabies, vaccination during the amendment process the city thought public input via a virtual community meeting and Via the city's new communication community engagement platform that feedback has been incorporated in the [Captioner] 19:18:43 ORDINANCE FOR PARKS AND RECREATION AND WOULD ALIGN THE CITY'S [Captioner] 19:18:46 ORDINANCE WITH RECENT STATE LAW CHANGES FOR CANINE [Captioner] 19:18:49 ANTIRABIES [Captioner] 19:18:53 VACCINATION. DURING THE AMENDMENT PROCESS THE [Captioner] 19:18:56 CITY SAW COMMUNITY INPUT VIA VIRTUAL MEETING AND THE CITY'S NEW [Kelly Miott] 19:18:59 draft ordinance, when appropriate, The city's intent is to try to serve all the community's need. [Captioner] 19:19:00 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM. THAT FEEDBACK HAS [Captioner] 19:19:02 BEEN INCORPORATED IN THE DRAFT ORDINANCE WHEN APPROPRIATE. [Captioner] 19:19:06 THE CITY'S INTENT IS TO TRY TO SERVE ALL THE [Kelly Miott] 19:19:07 Both those who support urban agriculture and those who may be living next order. [Captioner] 19:19:09 COMMUNITY'S NEEDS, BOTH THOSE WHO SUPPORT URBAN AGRICULTURE AND THOSE WHO [Kelly Miott] 19:19:11 Those residents. I have a brief presentation summarizing the revisions, and I'm available for any additional questions council May have May I begin the presentation [Captioner] 19:19:12 MAY BE LIVING NEXT DOOR TO THOSE [Captioner] 19:19:17 RESIDENTS. I HAVE A BRIEF PRESENTATION SUMMARIZING THE REVISIONS AND [Captioner] 19:19:20 I'M AVAILABLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS COUNCIL MAY [City of Fremont] 19:19:22 Yes, please thank you. [Kelly Miott] 19:19:24 So the proposed I'm really having a hard time with my dual monitors. [Captioner] 19:19:25 HAVE. MAY I BEGIN THE PRESENTATION? >> Mayor Mei: YES, PLEASE. [Captioner] 19:19:28 THANK YOU. >> SO THE PROPOSED -- HOLD ON, [Kelly Miott] 19:19:30 I'm sorry. The proposed animal ordinance and amendments would permit ownership of 2 goats under certain circumstances expand ownership of the hives under certain circumstances, clarify and update chicken ownership, make minor revisions, to animal shelter vaccination and [Captioner] 19:19:31 I'M REALLY HAVING A HARD TIME WITH MY DUAL MONITORS. I'M SORRY. [Captioner] 19:19:35 THE PROPOSED ANIMAL ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS WOULD PERMIT [Captioner] 19:19:38 OWNERSHIP OF TWO GOATS UNDER CERTAIN [Captioner] 19:19:44 CIRCUMSTANCES, EXPAND OWNERSHIP OF BEE HIVES UNDER CERTAIN [Captioner] 19:19:47 CIRCUMSTANCES, CLARIFY AND UPDATE CHICKEN [Captioner] 19:19:50 OWNERSHIP, MAKE MINOR REVISIONS TO ANIMAL SHELTER, VACCINATION [Kelly Miott] 19:19:50 leash requirements. Next slide please. [Captioner] 19:19:53 AND LEASH REQUIREMENTS. [Kelly Miott] 19:19:55 City staff, conducted a community meeting and solicited feedback, via my 3 month. [Kelly Miott] 19:20:01 The city's new Community engagement platform. Common themes included support for ordinance amendments that would allow residents to keep goats, support for or in its amendments that would expand be high ownership, questions regarding the city's proposed property line and square footage requirements [Captioner] 19:20:01 CITY STAFF CONDUCTED THE COMMUNITY MEETING AND [Captioner] 19:20:06 SOLICITED FREMONT. COMMON THEMES INCLUDED SUPPORT [Captioner] 19:20:09 FOR ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS THAT WOULD ALLOW RESIDENTS TO KEEP [Captioner] 19:20:13 GOATS, SUPPORT ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS THAT WOULD EXPAND BEEHIVE OWNERSHIP, [Captioner] 19:20:17 QUESTIONS REGARDING THE CITY'S PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE AND SQUARE [Kelly Miott] 19:20:18 for keeps, keeping certain types of animals. Any questions regarding how the city intends to enforce new and existing ordinances Next, slide. [Captioner] 19:20:20 FOOTAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR KEEPING CERTAIN TYPES OF [Captioner] 19:20:24 ANIMALS, AND QUESTIONS REGARDING HOW THE CITY INTENDS [Captioner] 19:20:27 TO ENFORCE NEW AND EXISTING ORDINANCES. [Kelly Miott] 19:20:28 Here's the vote ordinance summary the current ordinance is listed at the top, and below is the proposed revised ordinance. [Captioner] 19:20:33 HERE IS THE ORDINANCE SUMMARY. THE CURRENT ORDINANCE [Captioner] 19:20:36 IS LISTED AT THE TOP AND BELOW IS [Captioner] 19:20:40 THE PROPOSED REVISED ORDINANCE. [Kelly Miott] 19:20:40 Exactly 2. Life goes with the new proposal, maybe kept on, kept only on a residential property, with a light lot size of 10,000 square feet or more within the city, being produced by live goats shall be for personal consumption. [Captioner] 19:20:44 EXACTLY TWO LIVE GOATS WITH THE NEW PROPOSAL MAY BE [Captioner] 19:20:47 KEPT ONLY ON A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WITH [Captioner] 19:20:50 A LOT SIZE OF 10,000 SQUARE FEET OR MORE WITHIN THE CITY. [Kelly Miott] 19:20:54 Only by members of the Permities household and shall not be sold, donated, or otherwise distributed, and the male goes shall be neutered, Finally, no person shall keep or maintain any go in the city within 10 feet of another person's dwelling. [Captioner] 19:20:54 FOOD PRODUCED BY -- SHALL [Captioner] 19:20:57 BE FOR PERSONAL CONSUMPTION ONLY BY MEMBERS OF THE [Captioner] 19:21:00 HOUSEHOLD AND SHALL NOT BE SOLD, DONATED OR [Captioner] 19:21:03 OTHERWISE DISTRIBUTED AN THE MALE GOATS SHALL BE NEUTERED. [Captioner] 19:21:07 NO PERSON SHALL KEEP OR [Kelly Miott] 19:21:08 Next slide, please, and this is the summary of the current, and proposed the High Orderness. [Captioner] 19:21:09 MAINTAIN ANY IN THE CITY WITHIN 10 FEET OF ANY PERSON'S DWELLING. [Captioner] 19:21:13 AND THIS IS THE SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT AND PROPOSED [Kelly Miott] 19:21:15 You see, the proposal would have a number. The number of be highives would be 4 with a minimum. Distance from any fence line of 5 feet, and this would be available on any locks where footage size with a permit required and next, slide Please [Captioner] 19:21:17 BEEHIVE ORDINANCE. YOU SEE THE [Captioner] 19:21:21 PROPOSAL, THE NUMBER OF BEE HIVES WOULD BE FOUR WITH [Captioner] 19:21:25 MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM ANY FENCE LINE OF 5 FEET AND THIS WOULD [Captioner] 19:21:28 BE AVAILABLE ON ANY LOT SQUARE FOOTAGE [Captioner] 19:21:31 SIZE WITH A PERMIT [Kelly Miott] 19:21:33 The Chicken ordinance summary is below the closure of our chickens. [Captioner] 19:21:35 REQUIRED. THE CHICKEN [Kelly Miott] 19:21:37 Our kept must be a minimum size of 10 square feet of permeable land per chicken. [Captioner] 19:21:38 ORDINANCE SUMMARY IS BELOW. THE ENCLOSURE [Captioner] 19:21:41 WHERE CHICKENS ARE KEPT MUST BE A MINIMUM SIZE OF 10 SQUARE FEET [Kelly Miott] 19:21:43 The enclosure where chickens are kept must be located at least a minimum distance away from any other person's property line as follows: So here are the revised the revisions. [Captioner] 19:21:44 OF PERMEABLE LAND PER CHICKEN. THE ENCLOSURE WHERE [Captioner] 19:21:48 CHICKENS [Captioner] 19:21:50 ARE KEPT MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST A MINIMUM DISTANCE AWAY FROM [Captioner] 19:21:53 ANY OTHER PERSON'S PROPERTY LINE AS FOLLOWS. [Kelly Miott] 19:21:55 And I'm open to any questions that anyone may have [Captioner] 19:21:57 SO HERE ARE THE REVISIONS AND I'M OPEN TO ANY QUESTIONS THAT ANYONE [Captioner] 19:22:00 MAY HAVE. [City of Fremont] 19:22:01 Thank you. At this time I have the buttons pushed by Councilmember, Kank, or Vice Mayor Kang. [Captioner] 19:22:06 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. AT THIS TIME, I HAVE THE BUTTON PUSHED [Captioner] 19:22:08 BY COUNCILMEMBER -- VICE MAYOR KENG. DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION ON THIS [City of Fremont] 19:22:08 Do you have a question on this, or from before earlier, and let me turn down also? [Captioner] 19:22:11 OR IS THIS FROM BEFORE? >> Vice Mayor Keng: FROM EARLIER. [City of Fremont] 19:22:13 I'm trying to apologize. I don't know if this is from before to Councilmember Cox. [Captioner] 19:22:16 >> Mayor Mei: ALSO I'M TRYING TO -- APOLOGIZE, I DON'T KNOW IF [City of Fremont] 19:22:17 That was from before. Okay. And then I believe Councilmember Kassen: Welcome. [Captioner] 19:22:19 THIS IS FROM BEFORE TOO. COUNCILMEMBER COX? >> Councilmember Cox: THAT WAS [Captioner] 19:22:22 FROM BEFORE. >> Mayor Mei: OKAY. AND THEN I BELIEVE [City of Fremont] 19:22:24 Thank you. I'm wondering. I know you do. A community meeting and put it up on the new website, but I'm wondering if any outreach was done to people in the community prior to that while the ordinance was in the process of being drafted was there any outreach to [Captioner] 19:22:24 COUNCILMEMBER KASSAN. WELCOME. [Captioner] 19:22:28 >> Councilmember Kassan: THANK YOU. I'M WONDERING, I KNOW YOU DID A [Captioner] 19:22:31 COMMUNITY MEETING AND PUT IT [Captioner] 19:22:35 UP ON THE NEW WEBSITE BUT I'M WONDERING IF [Captioner] 19:22:38 ANY OUTREACH WAS DONE TO PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY PRIOR TO THAT [Captioner] 19:22:41 WHILE THE ORDINANCE WAS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DRAFTED. [City of Fremont] 19:22:42 advocates for urban agriculture people who already have chickens or bees or goats. [Captioner] 19:22:44 WAS THERE ANY OUTREACH TO [Captioner] 19:22:47 ADVOCATES FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE OR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY HAVE [City of Fremont] 19:22:49 what kind of outreach was done during that, you know, about 1215 month timeframe of of the drafting process [Captioner] 19:22:51 CHICKENS OR BEES OR GOATS, WHAT KIND OF OUTREACH WAS [Captioner] 19:22:54 DONE [Captioner] 19:22:58 DURING THAT 15-MONTH TIME FRAME OF THE DRAFTING PROCESS? [Kelly Miott] 19:22:59 So we this is these are all based on the best professional recommendation and analysis, and similar city ordinances, and we currently do not have any goat permitees in the city. [Captioner] 19:23:04 >> SO THESE ARE ALL BASED ON THE BEST [Captioner] 19:23:07 PROFESSIONAL RECOMMENDATION AND ANALYSIS OF SIMILAR CITY [Captioner] 19:23:12 ORDINANCES, AND WE CURRENTLY DO NOT HAVE [Kelly Miott] 19:23:15 and we have 5 people that currently have beehive comments and 4 people that residents that have chicken permits. [Captioner] 19:23:15 ANY GOAT PERMITEES IN THE CITY, AND WE [Captioner] 19:23:19 HAVE FIVE PEOPLE THAT CURRENTLY HAVE BEEHIVE [Captioner] 19:23:22 PERMITS, AND FOUR PEOPLE THAT -- RESIDENTS THAT HAVE [Kelly Miott] 19:23:23 So we were looking for big picture and looking at other cities, ordinances [Captioner] 19:23:26 CHICKEN PERMITS. SO WE WERE LOOKING FOR BIG PICTURE AND [City of Fremont] 19:23:29 So just so no community outreach was done to those people while you were drafting it [Captioner] 19:23:29 LOOKING AT OTHER CITY'S ORDINANCES. [Captioner] 19:23:35 >> Councilmember Kassan: SO NO COMMUNITY OUTREACH WAS DONE TO [Captioner] 19:23:38 THOSE PEOPLE WHILE YOU WERE DRAFTING IT? >> I DID GET FEEDBACK FROM QUITE [Captioner] 19:23:41 A FEW PEOPLE AFTER THE [Captioner] 19:23:44 INITIAL MEETING THAT WE HAD, THE INITIAL COUNCIL [Captioner] 19:23:48 MEETING, AND THEY SUBMITTED QUITE A BIT OF INFORMATION THAT WAS USED IN [Captioner] 19:23:51 THE ANALYSIS. [City of Fremont] 19:23:52 Okay, thank you. At this time we're open the public comment period. [Captioner] 19:23:56 >> Mayor Mei: OKAY. THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:24:00 AT THIS TIME, WE'LL OPEN THE PUBLIC [City of Fremont] 19:24:01 Oops, Counselor Mocox, did you just push that after I did I could wait till after the public thanks. So why don't we open the public comment period? [Captioner] 19:24:03 COMMENT PERIOD. COUNCILMEMBER COX, DID [Captioner] 19:24:05 YOU JUST PUSH THAT AFTER? >> Councilmember Cox: I DID. [Captioner] 19:24:08 I CAN WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE PUBLIC COMMENTS. >> Mayor Mei: SO WHY DON'T WE [City of Fremont] 19:24:09 Thank you. And do we have any speakers? Several. Thank you. [Captioner] 19:24:11 OPEN THE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD? THANK YOU. AND DO WE HAVE ANY SPEAKERS? [City of Fremont] 19:24:14 how many minutes? We have About 7 currently with room hands. [Captioner] 19:24:16 >> Ms. Gauthier: SEVERAL. >> Mayor Mei: THANK [Captioner] 19:24:19 YOU. >> Ms. Gauthier: HOW MINUTES? WE HAVE ABOUT SEVEN CURRENTLY [City of Fremont] 19:24:20 Okay, I guess 2 min, I think, is what I see on my top right here right? [Captioner] 19:24:22 WITH RAISED HANDS. >> Mayor Mei: OKAY. I [Captioner] 19:24:26 GUESS TWO MINUTES, I THINK IS WHAT I SEE [City of Fremont] 19:24:27 The first speaker is Nicki Irvine. Welcome, Nick Case [Captioner] 19:24:29 ON MY TOP OVER HERE. >> Ms. Gauthier: THE FIRST [Captioner] 19:24:32 SPEAKER IS NICKIE IRVINE. [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:32 Thank you very much. My name is Nickiervin. [Captioner] 19:24:36 >> Mayor Mei: WELCOME, NICKIE. >> THANK YOU VERY MUCH. MY NAME [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:37 I'm the coordinator of the B legal project which has worked since 2 2,013, under developing a beekeeping regulations that are good for the community. [Captioner] 19:24:39 IS NICKIE IRVINE. I'M THE [Captioner] 19:24:42 COORDINATOR OF THE BEE LEGAL PROJECT WHICH HAS WORKED [Captioner] 19:24:46 SINCE 2013 ON DEVELOPING BEE KEEPING REGULATIONS THAT ARE GOOD [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:47 Good for neighbors, and also good for healthy bees, which have considerable problems surviving for many years Now, as as you've probably heard, we've researched different policy approaches in that time, and worked with many cities to change restrictive, regulations and to develop what we call win-win [Captioner] 19:24:49 FOR THE COMMUNITY, GOOD FOR [Captioner] 19:24:52 NEIGHBORS AND ALSO GOOD FOR HEALTHY [Captioner] 19:24:55 BEES, WHICH HAVE CONSIDERABLE PROBLEMS SURVIVING FOR [Captioner] 19:24:58 MANY YEARS NOW AS YOU'VE PROBABLY HEARD. [Captioner] 19:25:04 WE'VE RESEARCHED DIFFERENT POLICY APPROACHES IN THAT TIME, AND WORKED [Captioner] 19:25:07 WITH MANY CITIES TO CHANGE RESTRICTIVE [Captioner] 19:25:09 REGULATIONS AND TO DEVELOP WHAT WE CALL WIN-WIN POLICIES. [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:09 policies. We're currently working closely with the Fremont beaks and the Alameda County Beekeepers Association to make positive changes in different. [Captioner] 19:25:17 WE'RE CURRENTLY WORKING CLOSELY WITH [Captioner] 19:25:19 THE FREMONT [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:20 I'll meet accounted jurisdictions. [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:23 I want to thank Staff and the City Council for working on these amendments to the animal ordinance, and in the picture in particular, your attention to beekeeping regulations. [Captioner] 19:25:23 BEEKS AND ALAMEDA COUNTY BEEP [Captioner] 19:25:27 KEEPERS ASSOCIATIONS: I WANT TO THANK STAFF [Captioner] 19:25:30 AND CITY COUNCIL FOR WORKING ON THESE AMENDMENTS TO THE ANIMAL ORDINANCE [Captioner] 19:25:33 AND IN PARTICULAR, YOUR ATTENTION [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:35 there's considerable interest in Fremont to recognize and encourage good beekeeping practices in the city. [Captioner] 19:25:36 TO BEE KEEPING REGULATIONS. [Captioner] 19:25:39 THERE'S CONSIDERABLE INTEREST IN FREMONT [Captioner] 19:25:42 TO RECOGNIZE AND ENCOURAGE GOOD BEE KEEPING PRACTICES IN THE [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:42 So changing the old ordinance will have widespread support in the community. [Captioner] 19:25:46 CITY, SO CHANGING THE OLD ORDINANCE WILL HAVE WIDESPREAD [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:48 we did participate like last year, when we urged you to consider a combined nuisance and mitigation approach, to regulating, beekeeping in Fremont. [Captioner] 19:25:49 SUPPORT IN THE COMMUNITY. WE [Captioner] 19:25:52 DID PARTICIPATE LAST YEAR WHEN WE URGED YOU [Captioner] 19:25:55 TO CONSIDER A COMBINED NUISANCE AND [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:57 This has been the major approach throughout bay area in many jurisdictions over the last 10 years, and restrictive regulations, such as the ones in this for proposal have not been the approach that's been used more recently mitigation which is the services of expert [Captioner] 19:25:58 MITIGATION APPROACH TO REGULATING BEE KEEPING IN FREMONT. [Captioner] 19:26:02 THIS HAS BEEN THE MAJOR APPROACH [Captioner] 19:26:06 THROUGHOUT BAY AREA IN MANY JURISDICTIONS OVER THE LAST 10 [Captioner] 19:26:10 YEARS, AND RESTRICTIVE REGULATIONS SUCH AS THE [Captioner] 19:26:13 ONES IN THIS PROPOSAL HAVE NOT [Captioner] 19:26:16 BEEN THE APPROACH THAT'S BEEN USED MORE [Captioner] 19:26:20 RECENTLY. MITIGATION, WHICH IS THE [Nickie Irvine] 19:26:21 beekeepers to recess whether nuisance has occurred make it much easier for the city to respond to rare complaints and result in much better outcomes for both, neighbors and big keepers. [Captioner] 19:26:23 SERVICES OF EXPERT BEE KEEPERS, [Captioner] 19:26:26 TO ASSESS WHETHER NUISANCE HAS OCCURRED MAKE IT MUCH [Captioner] 19:26:30 EASIER FOR THE CITY [Captioner] 19:26:33 TO RESPOND TO COMPLAINTS AND RESULT IN MUCH BETTER [Captioner] 19:26:36 OUTCOMES FOR BOTH NEIGHBORS AND BEE KEEPERS. I'M [Captioner] 19:26:39 NOT SURE WHY COMMUNICATION SEEMS TO HAVE [City of Fremont] 19:26:41 Sorry. Thank you. Time is up next [Captioner] 19:26:43 BROKEN DOWN. >> Mayor Mei: SORRY. THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:26:48 >> Ms. Gauthier: TIME IS UP. JOHN HINDS. [City of Fremont] 19:26:49 Welcome, Mr. [John Hinds] 19:26:51 Hello! Everyone first. I'd like to thank Staff for the work they did on this, but especially the compilation of how other cities approach suburban agriculture. [Captioner] 19:26:53 >> Mayor Mei: WELCOME, MR. HINDS. >> HELLO, EVERYONE. [Captioner] 19:26:56 FIRST, I'D LIKE TO THANK STAFF FOR THE WORK THEY DID ON [Captioner] 19:26:59 THIS. ESPECIALLY THE COMPILATION OF [John Hinds] 19:27:01 Very helpful. As for the public meeting, I was impressed that you were able to get 53 people on on unusual topic. [Captioner] 19:27:02 HOW OTHER CITIES APPROACH SUBURBAN AGRICULTURE. VERY HELPFUL. [Captioner] 19:27:05 AS FOR THE PUBLIC MEETING, I WAS IMPRESSED THAT YOU WERE ABLE TO [John Hinds] 19:27:08 But maybe you could have got more. I didn't know this meeting was coming, for instance. [Captioner] 19:27:09 GET 53 PEOPLE ON AN UNUSUAL [Captioner] 19:27:12 TOPIC, BUT MAYBE YOU COULD HAVE HAD MORE. I DIDN'T KNOW THIS MEETING WAS [John Hinds] 19:27:14 Then the survey, the survey could have been a good way to learn what people think are the appropriate setbacks, and then limits on animals, and we could hear both from people who would like to keep more animals and their neighbors. [Captioner] 19:27:16 COMING, FOR INSTANCE. THEN THE SURVEY. [Captioner] 19:27:19 THE SURVEY COULD HAVE BEEN A GOOD WAY TO LEARN [Captioner] 19:27:22 WHAT PEOPLE THINK ARE THE APPROPRIATE SETBACKS AND LIMITS [Captioner] 19:27:26 ON ANIMALS, AND WE COULD HEAR BOTH FROM PEOPLE [John Hinds] 19:27:27 In case they see it differently. I can see that some work put into preparing the survey, but we have to discount the results considerably, because with just 58 self chosen respondents It's much harder to know how representative that group is the survey still has value especially those free [Captioner] 19:27:30 WHO'D LIKE TO KEEP MORE ANIMALS AND THEIR NEIGHBORS IN CASE THEY SEE [Captioner] 19:27:33 IT DIFFERENTLY. I CAN SEE THAT SOME WORK WITH END [Captioner] 19:27:36 UP REPAIRING THE SURVEY, BUT WE HAVE TO DISCOUNT THE RESULTS [Captioner] 19:27:40 CONSIDERABLY BECAUSE WITH JUST 58 SELF-CHOSEN [Captioner] 19:27:43 RESPONDENTS, IT'S MUCH HARDER TO KNOW HOW REPRESENTATIVE THAT GROUP IS. [John Hinds] 19:27:46 form essays, just less value than I could have had. I have a couple of suggestions for next time around first split the meeting and the survey into 2 independent events. [Captioner] 19:27:47 THE SURVEY STILL HAS VALUE, ESPECIALLY THOSE [Captioner] 19:27:50 FREEFORM ESSAYS, JUST LESS VALUE THAN IT COULD HAVE [Captioner] 19:27:53 HAD. I HAVE A COUPLE OF SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT TIME AROUND. [Captioner] 19:27:57 FIRST, SPLIT THE MEETING AND THE SURVEY [John Hinds] 19:27:59 The meeting is more demanding of people's time, and probably drove away. [Captioner] 19:28:01 INTO TWO INDEPENDENT EVENTS. THE MEETING IS MORE DEMANDING [John Hinds] 19:28:02 Some people who might have participated in an online survey that was open for a 3 week window or so. [Captioner] 19:28:04 OF PEOPLE'S TIME AND PROBABLY DROVE AWAY SOME PEOPLE WHO [Captioner] 19:28:07 MIGHT HAVE PARTICIPATED IN AN ONLINE SURVEY THAT WAS OPEN [John Hinds] 19:28:08 That might have gotten another 100 people second for every hour that's spent on preparing the survey. [Captioner] 19:28:10 FOR A THREE-WEEK WINDOW OR SO. THAT MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN [Captioner] 19:28:14 ANOTHER HUNDRED PEOPLE. SECOND, FOR EVERY HOUR [John Hinds] 19:28:15 Questions. Consider spending an equal hour on strategizing how to get broader participation. [Captioner] 19:28:17 THAT'S SPENT ON PREPARING THE SURVEY [Captioner] 19:28:20 QUESTIONS, CONSIDER SPENDING AN EQUAL HOUR ON [John Hinds] 19:28:22 The value of the information we get from the survey depends really heavily on that. [Captioner] 19:28:23 STRATEGIZING HOW TO GET BROADER PARTICIPATION. [Captioner] 19:28:26 THE VALUE OF THE INFORMATION WE GET FROM [John Hinds] 19:28:27 Again. Thank you. For the good work. But but this is something to look for next time we do surveys. [Captioner] 19:28:30 THE SURVEY DEPENDS REALLY HEAVILY ON THAT. AGAIN THANK YOU FOR THE GOOD [Captioner] 19:28:33 WORK, BUT THIS IS SOMETHING TO LOOK FOR NEXT TIME WE DO SURVEYS. [City of Fremont] 19:28:34 Thank you. Richard is the next speaker [Captioner] 19:28:36 THANK YOU. >> Ms. Gauthier: THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:28:40 RICHARD IS THE NEXT SPEAKER. [richard] 19:28:44 thank you, Madame Marin. Members of the Council I'm one of the registered beekeepers in the city. [Captioner] 19:28:47 >> THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. [richard] 19:28:53 Fremont, and I want to encourage you to postpone any vote on revisions or update of this animal code until you've really had an opportunity to talk with Beekeepers represented by the Fremont beaks or the Alameda, county the association, which by large [Captioner] 19:28:54 I'M ONE OF THE REGISTERED BEE KEEPERS IN THE CITY OF [Captioner] 19:28:57 FREMONT, AND I WANT TO ENCOURAGE [Captioner] 19:29:01 YOU TO POSTPONE ANY VOTE ON REVISIONS OR UPDATE OF [Captioner] 19:29:04 THIS ANIMAL CODE UNTIL YOU'VE REALLY HAD [Captioner] 19:29:08 AN OPPORTUNITY TO TALK WITH BEE [Captioner] 19:29:11 KEEPERS REPRESENTED BY THE FREMONT [Captioner] 19:29:15 BEEKS OR THE ALAMEDA COUNTY BEE ASSOCIATION, WHICH BY [richard] 19:29:15 manage most of the developing problems that come up with bees in the urban and semi- urban environment. [Captioner] 19:29:18 AND LARGE MANAGE [Captioner] 19:29:22 MOST OF THE DEVELOPING PROBLEMS THAT COME UP WITH BEES IN [richard] 19:29:24 I think it's a longer discussion that should take place. [Captioner] 19:29:25 THE URBAN AND SEMI [Captioner] 19:29:27 URBAN ENVIRONMENT. I THINK IT'S A LONGER DISCUSSION THAT SHOULD TAKE PLACE. [richard] 19:29:27 I really support cancel woman Kassan, for bringing this up as something that needs more attention. [Captioner] 19:29:31 I REALLY SUPPORT [Captioner] 19:29:34 COUNCILMEMBER KASSAN FOR BRINGING THIS UP AS SOMETHING THAT [Captioner] 19:29:37 NEEDS MORE ATTENTION, SO ONCE AGAIN, I REALLY ENCOURAGE [Captioner] 19:29:40 YOU TO POSTPONE YOUR VOTE UNTIL YOU'VE DONE A TRUE REACHOUT TO [Captioner] 19:29:42 THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE THE MOST EXPERIENCE WITH BEES. [Captioner] 19:29:46 THANKS SO MUCH. [City of Fremont] 19:29:47 Next speaker is Cl. [Captioner] 19:29:51 >> NEXT SPEAKER IS CL. [CL] 19:29:54 Hi! Thank you, madam, May. So let me speak so. [CL] 19:29:56 This is not truly about the agriculture problem, but it's pretty related. [Captioner] 19:29:57 >> HI. THANK [Captioner] 19:30:00 YOU, MADAM MEI, TO LET ME SPEAK. THIS IS NOT TRULY ABOUT THE [CL] 19:30:02 This is the rising concern of the homelessness along the research avenue. [Captioner] 19:30:03 AGRICULTURE PROBLEM, BUT IT'S PRETTY RELATED. THIS [Captioner] 19:30:06 IS THE RISING CONCERN OF THE HOMELESSNESS ALONG THE [CL] 19:30:07 These people are criminal background, and they are illegal, Dumping these chemical machine ways to our community. [Captioner] 19:30:10 RESEARCH AVENUE. THESE PEOPLE ARE CRIMINAL BACKGROUND AND THEY ARE ILLEGAL [City of Fremont] 19:30:13 Bye, everyone bye apologies. This: Okay. [Captioner] 19:30:14 DUMPING THESE CHEMICAL MACHINE [CL] 19:30:15 And then they're causing trouble and killing the bees, killing the bees, you know. [Captioner] 19:30:17 WASTE TO OUR COMMUNITY AND THEN THEY ARE -- >> Mayor Mei: MY APOLOGIES. [CL] 19:30:20 So we need the immediate concern for all Council Members address all the homeless problem. [Captioner] 19:30:21 >> KILLING THE BEES, KILLING THE BEES, YOU KNOW? SO WE NEED [Captioner] 19:30:24 THE IMMEDIATE CONCERN FOR ALL THE COUNCILMEMBER TO ADDRESS [CL] 19:30:26 This will not only save the bees, okay, but all all the community members in Fremont as well as the bay area. [Captioner] 19:30:28 ALL THE HOMELESS PROBLEM. THIS WILL NOT ONLY SAVE THE [Captioner] 19:30:31 BEES, OKAY, BUT ALSO ALL THE [CL] 19:30:34 We gotta be progressive, we have to step up and change. [Captioner] 19:30:34 COMMUNITY MEMBERS. IN FREMONT AS WELL AS [Captioner] 19:30:37 THE BAY AREA, WE'VE GOT TO BE PROGRESSIVE, WE HAVE [CL] 19:30:38 Okay, Okay, make the city better with these people are terrorizing our community kids. [Captioner] 19:30:40 TO STEP UP AND CHANGE. OKAY, [Captioner] 19:30:43 MAKE THE CITY BETTER. THESE PEOPLE ARE TERRORIZING [City of Fremont] 19:30:44 Yes. [CL] 19:30:46 older people. They cannot walk outside because of the urine, and then it's causing a lot of e ecological problems. [City of Fremont] 19:30:47 Okay, So okay. [Captioner] 19:30:48 OUR COMMUNITY, [Captioner] 19:30:51 KIDS, OLDER PEOPLE, THEY CANNOT WALK OUTSIDE BECAUSE OF THE RAIN, AND THEN [CL] 19:30:53 So hopefully, you guys will concern about this rising problem in Fremont and the bay area. [City of Fremont] 19:30:54 Bye. [Captioner] 19:30:54 IT CAUSING A LOT OF ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS. SO [Captioner] 19:30:57 HOPEFULLY YOU GUYS WILL CONCERN ABOUT THIS [City of Fremont] 19:30:57 Yeah. [Captioner] 19:31:00 RISING PROBLEM IN FREMONT AND THE BAY AREA. [City of Fremont] 19:31:00 Thank you. Just to clarify the item, for this regarding the amendments of the animals. [Captioner] 19:31:03 THANK YOU. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. JUST TO [Captioner] 19:31:06 CLARIFY, THE ITEM FOR THIS IS REGARDING THE AMENDMENTS OF [City of Fremont] 19:31:07 Ordinance and animals being the ones specifically that we are trying to address, which are in this case This, these, the care of the bees, the surrounding circumstances of that the goats and the chickens so specifically pertaining to farm animals, and while there's, always impacts from humans [Captioner] 19:31:09 THE ANIMALS ORDINANCE, AND ANIMALS BEING [Captioner] 19:31:13 THE ONES SPECIFICALLY THAT WE ARE TRYING [Captioner] 19:31:16 TO ADDRESS, WHICH ARE IN THIS CASE THE [Captioner] 19:31:19 BEES, THE CARE OF THE BEES, THE SURROUNDING CIRCUMSTANCES OF THAT, THE [Captioner] 19:31:23 GOATS, AND THE CHICKENS. [Captioner] 19:31:26 SO SPECIFICALLY PERTAINING TO FARM [City of Fremont] 19:31:28 on our wildlife. This is not the area of the focus for this ordinance. [Captioner] 19:31:29 ANIMALS AND WHILE THERE'S ALWAYS IMPACTS FROM HUMANS ON [Captioner] 19:31:33 WILDLIFE, THIS IS NOT THE AREA OF THE FOCUS [City of Fremont] 19:31:33 That's being brought to us by Miss Miyad. Thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:31:36 Do we have any other speakers on this agenda? [Captioner] 19:31:37 FOR THIS ORDINANCE THAT'S BEING BROUGHT TO US BY MISS [Captioner] 19:31:39 MIOTT. THANK YOU. DO WE HAVE ANY OTHER SPEAKERS ON [City of Fremont] 19:31:39 Thank you. Phone: Number ending in 4, 8, 9, [Captioner] 19:31:43 THIS AGENDA ITEM? >> Ms. Gauthier: SEVERAL. PHONE NUMBER ENDING [Captioner] 19:31:46 IN 489. [City of Fremont] 19:31:49 Phone number ending in 4, 8, 9. Please Kindly unmute yourself. [City of Fremont] 19:31:54 Thank you. [Captioner] 19:31:55 PHONE NUMBER ENDING IN 489. >> Mayor Mei: PLEASE KINDLY UNMUTE [Captioner] 19:31:58 YOURSELF. THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:31:59 Should we go to the next speaker in case they can't [Captioner] 19:32:04 SHOULD WE MOVE TO THE NEXT SPEAKER? [City of Fremont] 19:32:04 Let's move on to the next speaker. Steve Scala. [City of Fremont] 19:32:07 Welcome Steve. [Captioner] 19:32:09 >> Ms. Gauthier: LET'S MOVE ON TO THE NEXT SPEAKER. STEVE [Steve Skala] 19:32:10 Thank you, Steve. Scholar resonant of Fremont, so I don't have a vested interest in the topic. [Captioner] 19:32:11 SKALA. >> Mayor Mei: WELCOME, STEVE. >> THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:32:16 STEVE SKALA, RESIDENT OF FREMONT. SO I DON'T HAVE A VESTED [Steve Skala] 19:32:17 But as I read through it, there are 2 things that really stuck out that I wanted to comment on, and that are the requirements that become effective restrictions, especially for chickens. [Captioner] 19:32:20 INTEREST IN THE TOPIC, BUT AS I READ THROUGH IT, THERE ARE TWO THINGS THAT [Captioner] 19:32:23 REALLY STUCK OUT THAT I WANTED TO COMMENT ON. AND [Captioner] 19:32:26 THAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS THAT BECOME EFFECTIVE [Steve Skala] 19:32:30 So number one is the lot requirement at 6,000 square feet. [Captioner] 19:32:31 RESTRICTIONS, ESPECIALLY FOR CHICKENS. SO [Captioner] 19:32:34 NUMBER ONE IS THE LOT REQUIREMENT [Steve Skala] 19:32:35 The that's bigger than my lot, and I have an older lot with the rather large backyard. [Captioner] 19:32:38 AT 6,000 SQUARE FEET. THAT'S BIGGER THAN [Captioner] 19:32:42 MY LOT, AND I HAVE AN OLDER LOT WITH A RATHER LARGE [Steve Skala] 19:32:43 I'll say if I can't have a chicken, or my neighbors can't, You're probably blocking off half of the residents of Fremont and the property line requirement. [Captioner] 19:32:46 BACKYARD. I'D SAY IF I CAN'T HAVE A CHICKEN OR MY [Captioner] 19:32:49 NEIGHBORS CAN'T, YOU'RE PROBABLY BLOCKING OFF HALF OF THE [Captioner] 19:32:52 RESIDENTS OF FREMONT. AND THE [Steve Skala] 19:32:54 I didn't see that in any other cities most other cities have 20 feet to adjacent dwelling. [Captioner] 19:32:56 PROPERTY LINE REQUIREMENT, I DIDN'T SEE THAT IN ANY OTHER CITIES. [Steve Skala] 19:32:59 That's a big difference from 10 feet to property line. [Captioner] 19:32:59 MOST OTHER CITIES HAVE 20 FEET TO [Captioner] 19:33:03 ADJACENT DWELLING. THAT'S A BIG DIFFERENCE [Steve Skala] 19:33:04 from my own experience I've had neighbors with dogs that have been trying to jump the fence couple of years ago. [Captioner] 19:33:06 FROM 10 FEET TO PROPERTY LINE. FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE, I'VE HAD [Captioner] 19:33:09 NEIGHBORS WITH DOGS THAT HAVE BEEN TRYING TO JUMP THE [Steve Skala] 19:33:11 again. I don't have goats or chickens, but I've been to Arden Wood. [Captioner] 19:33:14 FENCE A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO. AGAIN, I DON'T HAVE GOAT OR [Steve Skala] 19:33:15 I could say pretty safely, I would have been happier if they would have had a go to a chicken coming up to the fence. [Captioner] 19:33:18 CHICKENS BUT I'VE BEEN TO ARDENWOOD. I COULD SAY PRETTY SAFELY I [Steve Skala] 19:33:20 I just don't see a problem or a need for for that level of restriction. [Captioner] 19:33:21 WOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPIER IF THEY WOULD HAVE HAD A GOAT OR A [Captioner] 19:33:24 CHICKEN COMING UP TO THE FENCE. I JUST DON'T SEE A PROBLEM OR A NEED FOR THAT [Steve Skala] 19:33:25 If some kid wants to have a couple of chickens as a project for themselves, I seems like effectively telling them No, and I just think that's that's not the right decision I think you're overly restrictive, and and shall look especially at those 2 property line, limits, and and a [Captioner] 19:33:27 LEVEL [Captioner] 19:33:29 OF RESTRICTION. IF SOME KID WANTS TO HAVE A [Captioner] 19:33:33 COUPLE CHICKENS AS A PROJECT FOR [Captioner] 19:33:36 THEMSELVES, IT SEEMS LIKE WE'RE EFFECTIVELY TELLING THEM [Captioner] 19:33:38 NO, AND I THINK THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT DECISION. [Captioner] 19:33:42 I THINK YOU'RE OVERLY RESTRICTIVE, AND SHOULD [Captioner] 19:33:45 LOOK ESPECIALLY AT THOSE TWO PROPERTY [Steve Skala] 19:33:47 lot, size limits for for the small number, for the minimum, number of chickens. [Captioner] 19:33:51 LINE LIMITS AND LOT SIZE LIMITS FOR THE SMALL NUMBER FOR THE [Steve Skala] 19:33:52 Probably for goats, too, but I really don't see the need for chickens, so I hope you take a look at that. [Captioner] 19:33:54 MINIMUM NUMBER OF CHICKENS. PROBABLY FOR GOATS [Captioner] 19:33:57 TOO, BUT I REALLY DON'T SEE THE NEED FOR CHICKENS. [Captioner] 19:34:00 SO I HOPE YOU TAKE A LOOK AT THAT. THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:34:01 Okay, cool. We'll go back to this speaker, the caller with X, the last 3 digits, 4, 8, 9, [Captioner] 19:34:05 >> Ms. Gauthier: THANK YOU. WE'LL DID BACK TO THE [Captioner] 19:34:08 SPEAKER -- THE THE CALLER WITH THE LAST THREE DIGITS 489. [City of Fremont] 19:34:13 Caller with the last 3 digits, 4, 8, 9, please. [City of Fremont] 19:34:17 Unmute. [Captioner] 19:34:18 CALLER WITH THE LAST THREE [Captioner] 19:34:21 DIGITS 489. PLEASE UNMUTE. [City of Fremont] 19:34:24 Okay, we'll go on to Marie, Marie H. [Captioner] 19:34:29 WE'LL GO ON TO MARIE. MARIE H. [Marie H] 19:34:30 thank you. This is Marie Hughes, longtime resident of Fremont, and someone who wants to own chickens. [Captioner] 19:34:35 >> THIS IS MARIE HUGHES, LONG TIME RESIDENT OF [Marie H] 19:34:39 Unfortunately, my lot right now is too small. So I'm a little jealous of those who can do it. [Captioner] 19:34:40 FREMONT, AND SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO OWN CHICKENS, [Marie H] 19:34:44 I read through the entire staff report, and I have 2 comments. [Captioner] 19:34:44 UNFORTUNATELY MY LOT RIGHT NOW IS TOO SMALL, SO I'M A LITTLE JEALOUS [Captioner] 19:34:46 OF THOSE WHO CAN DO IT. I READ THROUGH THE ENTIRE STAFF [Marie H] 19:34:47 First of all, I applaud changing the leash limit to 6 feet from 12, and also I noticed in the staff report, I can continuous reference to the fact that there aren't livestock that's in Fremont, and I feel like this is kind of a chicken and egg. [Captioner] 19:34:49 REPORT AND I HAVE TWO COMMENTS. FIRST OF ALL, I [Captioner] 19:34:53 APPLAUD CHANGING THE LEASH LIMIT TO 6 FEET [Captioner] 19:34:56 FROM 12, AND ALSO I NOTICED IN THE [Captioner] 19:35:00 STAFF REPORT A CONTINUOUS REFERENCE TO THE [Captioner] 19:35:03 FACT THAT THERE AREN'T [Captioner] 19:35:07 LIVESTOCK VETS IN FREMONT, AND I FEEL LIKE THIS IS KIND OF A [Marie H] 19:35:08 sort of situation, Where? Well, nobody in Fremont has livestock, so so, if you pass this, these suggestions, and allow people to have goats and chickens, I do believe that we will attract at least one bet who can handle them and so I I urge the council members not to let that [Captioner] 19:35:10 CHICKEN AND AN EGG SORT OF SITUATION WHERE NOBODY [Captioner] 19:35:13 IN FREMONT HAS LIVESTOCK, SO IF YOU [Captioner] 19:35:17 PASS THESE SUGGESTIONS AND ALLOW PEOPLE TO [Captioner] 19:35:20 HAVE GOATS AND CHICKENS, I DO BELIEVE THAT WE [Captioner] 19:35:24 WILL ATTRACT AT LEAST ONE VET WHO CAN HANDLE THEM. [Captioner] 19:35:30 SO I URGE THE COUNCILMEMBERS NOT TO LET THAT DISCOURAGE THEM FROM [Captioner] 19:35:34 APPROVING THE SUGGESTIONS. THANK [City of Fremont] 19:35:36 Thank you. With that, so we'll try the caller again for it. [Captioner] 19:35:41 YOU. >> Ms. Gauthier: WE'LL TRY THE CALLER [City of Fremont] 19:35:41 9 [Captioner] 19:35:44 AGAIN, 489. [] 19:35:48 let's Hello! My name is Ola Marty. [] 19:35:50 I am a resident of Fremont, and an attorney. [Captioner] 19:35:51 >> HELLO, MY NAME IS [] 19:35:53 Thank you for the updates to the animal ordinance, and giving me an opportunity to see, I did email my full comments to the City Council, given the limited time for public point 0 3 5 goats held on residential property should not be used for food whether dairy or meat no one should [Captioner] 19:35:55 ELEHAN MARTYR, I'M A RESIDENT OF FREMONT AND AN ATTORNEY. [Captioner] 19:35:58 THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATES TO THE ANIMAL ORDINANCE AND GIVING ME AN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK. [Captioner] 19:36:02 I DID EMAIL MY FULL COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL GIVEN [Captioner] 19:36:05 THE LIMITED TIME FOR PUBLIC COMMENT. MY FIRST [Captioner] 19:36:08 CONCERN IS [Captioner] 19:36:12 SECTION 6.40.035. GOATS HELD ON RESIDENTIAL [Captioner] 19:36:15 PROPERTY SHOULD NOT BE USED [] 19:36:16 be slaughtering goats, that they keep on their residential property, and, secondly, goat milk comes from a lactating mother goat who has had so goats on residential property should not be used for their dairy I mean what happens to the baby how do they be [Captioner] 19:36:19 FOR FOOD, DAIRY OR MEAT. NOBODY SHOULD BE [Captioner] 19:36:25 SLAUGHTERING -- AND GOAT MILK COMES FROM A LACTATING MOTHER GOAT WHO HAS [Captioner] 19:36:28 HAD A BABY, SO GOAT ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SHOULD NOT [Captioner] 19:36:31 BE USED FOR THEIR DAIRY. I MEAN, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE [] 19:36:31 pregnant. [Captioner] 19:36:33 BABY, HOW DO THEY BECOME PREGNANT. [] 19:36:35 Right. I also recommend language on the use of Chicken; food. Again, no one should be slaughtering chicken from a residential property, and I think we should put guard rails as far as eggs produced by hence being used for personal consumption and not a commercial purposes second section 6 point [Captioner] 19:36:37 SUBSECTION D PROVIDES THAT MALES NEED TO BE N [Captioner] 19:36:40 BE NEUTERED. [Captioner] 19:36:43 ALSO CHICKENS FOR FOOD, AGAIN NO ONE SHOULD BE SLAUGHTERING [Captioner] 19:36:46 CHICKENS ON A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND I THINK WE SHOULD PUT [Captioner] 19:36:50 GUARDRAILS AS FAR AS EGGS PRODUCED BY HENS BEING USED FOR [] 19:36:52 1 0, point 0, 7 0, one shelter and shelter maintenance, meet some clarification A shelter provides to an animal, whereas an enclosure is a spacey animal is confined to and it may not necessarily have shelters so I think this section needs to be divided between [Captioner] 19:36:53 PERSONAL CONSUMPTION AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. [Captioner] 19:36:57 SECOND, SECTION ON [Captioner] 19:36:59 SHELTER AND SHELTER MAINTENANCE NEEDS SOME CLARIFICATION. [Captioner] 19:37:03 A SHELTER PROVIDES COVER TO AN ANIMAL, WHEREAS AN [Captioner] 19:37:05 ENCLOSURE IS A SPACE THE ANIMAL IS CONFINED TO. [Captioner] 19:37:08 AND IT MAY NOT NECESSARILY HAVE SHELTER. SO I THINK THE SECTION [] 19:37:09 what are shelter? Requirements versus what our enclosure requirements. [Captioner] 19:37:11 NEEDS TO BE DIVIDED BETWEEN WHAT ARE [] 19:37:14 I'm a currently blended, and it could be clear. [Captioner] 19:37:14 SHELTER REQUIREMENTS VERSUS WHAT ARE [Captioner] 19:37:17 ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. IT CURRENTLY BLENDS THEM AND IT COULD BE [] 19:37:18 I agree with the shelter requirements, but there needs to be more clarity as to the closure requirements. [Captioner] 19:37:20 CLEARER. I AGREE WITH THE SHELTER REQUIREMENTS BUT THERE NEEDS TO [] 19:37:23 For example, an enclosure should be large enough to allow an animal to sit, stand, turn, and also exercise normal behaviors. [Captioner] 19:37:23 BE MORE CLARITY AS TO THE ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. [Captioner] 19:37:26 FOR EXAMPLE, AN ENCLOSURE SHOULD BE LARGE ENOUGH TO [Captioner] 19:37:30 ALLOW AN ANIMAL TO SIT, STAND, TURN AND [Captioner] 19:37:33 ALSO EXERCISE NORMAL BEHAVIORS. I ALSO THINK THERE NEEDS TO [] 19:37:33 I also think there needs to be more clarity as to how this Shan relates to that enclosure. [Captioner] 19:37:36 BE MORE CLARITY AS TO HOW THIS SECTION RELATES [Captioner] 19:37:39 TO THE ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR CHICKENS AND [Captioner] 19:37:43 GOATS IN THOSE OTHER SECTIONS. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO MY COMMENTS. [City of Fremont] 19:37:44 The next speaker is Diane [Captioner] 19:37:48 >> Ms. Gauthier: THE NEXT SPEAKER IS DIANNE. [Diane] 19:37:52 Hello! Can you hear me? Thank you very much. This is Diane Shaw with Alona Humane Society, and some of the speakers have already brought up some of our concerns But I did want to bring up. [City of Fremont] 19:37:54 Yes. [Captioner] 19:37:56 >> HELLO, CAN YOU HEAR ME? >> Mayor Mei: YES. >> THANK [Captioner] 19:37:59 YOU VERY MUCH. THIS IS [Captioner] 19:38:02 DIANE SHAW WITH OHLONE HUMANE SOCIETY. [Diane] 19:38:04 2 things that I haven't heard about haven't heard yet. [Captioner] 19:38:05 SOME OF THE SPEAKERS HAVE ALREADY BROUGHT UP SOME OF OUR CONCERNS BUT I DID WANT [Diane] 19:38:08 What is around the staying in the shelter for 3 calendar days change from 4 business days. One of the things currently with our current shelter manager. [Captioner] 19:38:08 TO BRING UP TWO THINGS THAT I HADN'T HEARD ABOUT. [Captioner] 19:38:11 HAVEN'T HEARD YET. ONE IS [Captioner] 19:38:15 AROUND THE STAYING IN THE SHELTER FOR THREE CALENDAR DAYS CHANGED [Captioner] 19:38:18 FROM FOUR BUSINESS DAYS. ONE OF THE THINGS CURRENTLY [Diane] 19:38:19 I don't think that's any concern. I wouldn't be concerned about that. [Captioner] 19:38:20 WITH OUR CURRENT SHELTER MANAGER, I DON'T THINK THAT'S ANY CONCERN, [Diane] 19:38:22 As a policy, however, in the future, if we were to have somebody else, I am concerned, if somebody else is in there that we change that because that's 3 calendar days is a very short time, and there are some people that don't always look to fostering and other organizations. [Captioner] 19:38:23 I WOULDN'T BE CONCERNED ABOUT THAT AS [Captioner] 19:38:26 A POLICY, HOWEVER, IN THE FUTURE, IF WE WERE TO HAVE SOMEBODY [Captioner] 19:38:29 ELSE, I AM CONCERNED IF SOMEBODY ELSE IS IN THERE [Captioner] 19:38:33 THAT WE CHANGE THAT BECAUSE THAT'S -- THREE CALENDAR [Captioner] 19:38:36 DAYS IS A VERY SHORT TIME, AND THERE ARE SOME [Diane] 19:38:40 To find a place for these animals, or which isn't like. [Captioner] 19:38:40 PEOPLE THAT DON'T ALWAYS LOOK TO [Captioner] 19:38:44 FOSTERING IN OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO FIND A PLACE FOR THESE ANIMALS, [Diane] 19:38:44 I say isn't true, for our current manager, but in the future I'm concerned about putting that in writing. [Captioner] 19:38:47 WHICH ISN'T -- LIKE I SAY, ISN'T TRUE FOR OUR CURRENT MANAGER, BUT IN [Diane] 19:38:49 I think that seems like a very short timeframe Secondly, is some of the things the requirements you're putting on animal services and what they're going to have to do to go And inspect these places seems like a lot of them and a lot of work and i'm, concerned. [Captioner] 19:38:50 THE FUTURE, I'M CONCERNED ABOUT PUTTING THAT IN WRITING, I THINK THAT SEEMS [Captioner] 19:38:53 LIKE A VERY SHORT TIME FRAME. SECONDLY IS, [Captioner] 19:38:57 SOME OF THE THINGS -- THE REQUIREMENTS YOU'RE [Captioner] 19:39:00 PUTTING ON ANIMAL SERVICES AND WHAT THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE TO DO AND GO [Captioner] 19:39:04 AND INSPECT THESE PLACES SEEMS LIKE A LOT [Diane] 19:39:07 That we already have too much work for the animal services. People. [Captioner] 19:39:07 OF LABOR AND A LOT [Diane] 19:39:09 We have, and that you will need more staff. Thus the high costs, and so I'm hoping that that can be looked at. [Captioner] 19:39:11 OF WORK ABANDONS I'M CONCERNED THAT WE ALREADY HAVE TOO MUCH WORK FOR THE [Captioner] 19:39:14 ANIMAL SERVICES WE HAVE AND YOU WILL NEED MORE STAFF, THUS THE [Captioner] 19:39:17 HIGH COST, SO I'M HOPING THAT THAT CAN BE LOOKED [Diane] 19:39:18 and then I think, as people have spoke, I think there's just a little bit more work that needs to be done on this. [Captioner] 19:39:20 AT. AND THEN I THINK AS PEOPLE [Captioner] 19:39:23 HAVE SPOKE, I THINK THERE'S JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE WORK THAT NEEDS [Diane] 19:39:24 But I think you guys have done a great job, and I I appreciate that you're looking at this and moving forward with it. [Captioner] 19:39:26 TO BE DONE ON THIS, BUT I THINK YOU GUYS HAVE DONE [Captioner] 19:39:30 A GREAT JOB. APPRECIATE YOU LOOKING AT THIS AND [Captioner] 19:39:33 MOVING FORWARD WITH IT. THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:39:34 That was last speaker. Thank you so much, and at this time I'll close the public comment and I'll bring it back to our council for their discussions. [Captioner] 19:39:40 >> Ms. Gauthier: THAT WAS THE LAST SPEAKER. [Captioner] 19:39:43 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU, AT THIS TIME I'LL CLOSE THE PUBLIC COMMENT AND BRING IT BACK TO [City of Fremont] 19:39:45 And I see Councilmember Cox. Yes. [Captioner] 19:39:46 OUR COMMENT FOR THEIR DISCUSSIONS. AND I SEE COUNCILMEMBER [Captioner] 19:39:50 COX. [City of Fremont] 19:39:52 Thank you. I really appreciate the staff working on this new amendments to our animal ordinance. [Captioner] 19:39:58 >> Councilmember Cox: THANK YOU. I REALLY APPRECIATE THE STAFF WORKING ON THIS NEW [City of Fremont] 19:40:00 I wanted to find out a little bit more on the animal services that are dedicated for supporting this effort. [Captioner] 19:40:01 AMENDMENTS TO OUR ANIMAL ORDINANCE. I WANTED [Captioner] 19:40:04 TO FIND OUT A LITTLE BIT MORE ON THE ANIMAL [Captioner] 19:40:09 SERVICES THAT ARE DEDICATED FOR [Captioner] 19:40:12 SUPPORTING THIS EFFORT. HOW [City of Fremont] 19:40:12 how many people actually work in supporting this on a full time basis. [Captioner] 19:40:15 MANY PEOPLE ACTUALLY WORK IN SUPPORTING THIS ON A FULL TIME [Captioner] 19:40:18 BASIS? [Kelly Miott] 19:40:21 are you asking about how many staff we had working on this [City of Fremont] 19:40:26 No, no, no! How many staff are supporting the animal services to be able to carry out this ordinances [Captioner] 19:40:26 >> ARE YOU ASKING ABOUT HOW MANY STAFF WE HAVE WORKING ON THIS? [Captioner] 19:40:31 >> Councilmember Cox: NO, NO, NO, HOW MANY STAFF ARE SUPPORTING THE ANIMAL [Captioner] 19:40:34 SERVICES TO BE ABLE TO CARRY OUT THESE ORDINANCES? [Kelly Miott] 19:40:34 So we have 4 full time animal services, officers, currently a budgeted with one of those positions only one of those positions currently fill, and then any animal services supervisor to full time administrators and myself [Captioner] 19:40:37 >> SO WE HAVE FOUR FULL TIME ANIMAL SERVICES [Captioner] 19:40:41 OFFICERS CURRENTLY BUDGETED. WITH ONE OF THOSE -- ONLY ONE [Captioner] 19:40:45 OF THOSE POSITIONS CURRENTLY FILLED, AND THEN ANIMAL [Captioner] 19:40:49 SERVICES SUPERVISOR, TWO FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATORS AND MYSELF. [City of Fremont] 19:40:50 Okay, we are in them. We are in the process of filling the vacancies that Kelly just mentioned. [Kelly Miott] 19:40:52 For full time, stop [Captioner] 19:40:55 >> Councilmember Cox: OKAY. >> FOR FULL TIME [Captioner] 19:40:57 STAFF. >> City Mgr. Shackelford: WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF FILLING THE [City of Fremont] 19:40:58 Okay, that are advertised. Yes, Okay, great. I I appreciate that on that update, I think it's really important. [Captioner] 19:41:01 VACANCIES THAT KELLY JUST MENTIONED. >> Councilmember Cox: [Captioner] 19:41:04 OKAY, THEY'RE ADVERTISED, YES. >> THEY'RE [Captioner] 19:41:06 ACTUALLY IN BACKGROUND. >> Councilmember Cox: GREAT. [Captioner] 19:41:09 I APPRECIATE THAT, ON THAT UPDATE. I THINK IT'S [City of Fremont] 19:41:10 another advantage of having goats also, as we've seen, it is health out in the wildfire prevention, as they do a sustainable way of making sure that a lot of the items that are weeds and things growing near our different roadways are keeping it safe for us and [Captioner] 19:41:14 REALLY IMPORTANT, ANOTHER ADVANTAGE OF HAVING [Captioner] 19:41:17 GOATS ALSO AS WE'VE SEEN IT IS HELPING OUT IN THE [Captioner] 19:41:21 WILDFIRE PREVENTION AS THEY DO A [Captioner] 19:41:24 [Captioner] 19:41:27 SUSTAINABLE WAY OF MAKING SURE A LOT OF THE ITEMS THAT ARE WEEDS [Captioner] 19:41:30 AND THINGS GROWING NEAR OUR DIFFERENT ROADWAYS ARE KEEPING IT SAFE [City of Fremont] 19:41:32 So I really appreciate some of the focus there on helping out in in terms of the goats, but also allowing it to be as as pets that people can maintain Another part that I thought was really interesting was the amount of there's, a scarcity happening right now with [Captioner] 19:41:34 FOR US, AND SO I REALLY APPRECIATE SOME OF [Captioner] 19:41:37 THE FOCUS THERE ON HELPING OUT IN TERMS [Captioner] 19:41:40 OF THE GOATS BUT ALSO ALLOWING [Captioner] 19:41:45 TO BE -- AS PETS THAT PEOPLE CAN [Captioner] 19:41:50 MAINTAIN. ANOTHER PART I THOUGHT WAS REALLY INTERESTING WAS THE [Captioner] 19:41:54 AMOUNT OF -- THERE'S A SCARCITY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW WITH [City of Fremont] 19:41:54 veterinarian services that there's a lot of different orders throughout the counties. [Captioner] 19:41:58 VETERINARIAN SERVICES THAT THERE'S A LOT OF DIFFERENT ORDERS THROUGHOUT [City of Fremont] 19:42:00 as I look to being able to maintain the support of keeping the animals healthy, and maintaining all of the as it's called out in the anti rabi shots that are needed even for the dogs, for the updates as some of the new California health and safety codes, but just kind [Captioner] 19:42:01 THE COUNTIES. AS I LOOK TO BEING ABLE [Captioner] 19:42:04 TO MAINTAIN THE SUPPORT OF KEEPING THE [Captioner] 19:42:08 ANIMALS HEALTHY AND MAINTAINING [Captioner] 19:42:11 ALL OF THE -- AS IT'S CALLED OUT IN [Captioner] 19:42:15 THE ANTIRABIES SHOTS THAT ARE NEEDED EVEN FOR THE DOGS FOR [Captioner] 19:42:18 THE UPDATE OF SOME OF THE NEW CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND [City of Fremont] 19:42:20 of watching that as that progresses, to make sure that we're looking outward to be able to support that. [Captioner] 19:42:21 SAFETY CODES, BUT JUST KIND OF WATCHING THAT [Captioner] 19:42:25 AS THAT PROGRESSES TO MAKE SURE THAT WE'RE LOOKING OUTWARD TO [City of Fremont] 19:42:28 but I really appreciate a lot of the hard work that's been put into work with the animals work with. [Captioner] 19:42:29 BE ABLE TO [Captioner] 19:42:32 SUPPORT THAT, BUT I REALLY APPRECIATE A LOT OF THE HARD WORK THAT'S [Captioner] 19:42:35 BEEN PUT INTO [City of Fremont] 19:42:36 in our community. So some families can be able to appreciate having pets and also supporting healthy moving, as we maintain assistance with animals and in humankind, and being kind to each other, another part that I wanted to raise the question on the animal ordinances is that I I wanted [Captioner] 19:42:40 WORK WITH -- IN OUR COMMUNITY, SO SOME FAMILIES CAN BE [Captioner] 19:42:44 ABLE TO APPRECIATE HAVING PETS AND ALSO [Captioner] 19:42:48 SUPPORTING HEALTHY LIVING [Captioner] 19:42:51 AS WE MAINTAIN EXISTENCE WITH ANIMALS [Captioner] 19:42:54 AND HUMANKIND AND BEING KIND TO EACH OTHER. ANOTHER [Captioner] 19:42:58 PART THAT I WANTED TO RAISE [City of Fremont] 19:43:01 to find out. I saw quite a few public communications regarding the Alameda beekeepers. [Captioner] 19:43:04 THE QUESTION ON THE ANIMAL ORDINANCE [Captioner] 19:43:07 IS, I WANTED TO FIND OUT, I SAW QUITE A FEW [City of Fremont] 19:43:09 Were there any members at that meeting? Was it able to identify that? [Captioner] 19:43:10 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON THE ALAMEDA BEE KEEPERS. [Captioner] 19:43:13 WERE THERE ANY MEMBERS AT THAT MEETING, WAS IT ABLE [City of Fremont] 19:43:13 Because I saw quite a few written communications, as well as public comments, and being able to understand I didn't really quite grasp all of the the the alignment there with the beekeepers but looking for us to continue this, is a living document this ordinance [Captioner] 19:43:16 TO IDENTIFY THAT BECAUSE I SAW QUITE [Captioner] 19:43:20 A FEW WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS AS WELL AS PUBLIC [Captioner] 19:43:24 COMMENTS, AND BEING ABLE [Captioner] 19:43:27 TO UNDERSTAND -- I DIDN'T REALLY QUITE GRASP ALL [Captioner] 19:43:31 OF THE ALIGNMENT THERE WITH THE BEE [Captioner] 19:43:35 KEEPERS, BUT LOOKING FOR US [City of Fremont] 19:43:36 and as things come up that will you work together to see how there could be some other things updated as needed. [Captioner] 19:43:40 TO CONTINUE, THIS IS A LIVING DOCUMENT, THIS ORDINANCE, [Captioner] 19:43:42 AND AS THINGS [City of Fremont] 19:43:44 So I appreciate. I know this is a a lot of work that's been put into this document, and I appreciate everyone's effort for the city staff to be able to carry that out. [Captioner] 19:43:46 COME UP THAT WE'LL WORK TOGETHER TO SEE HOW THERE COULD BE SOME OTHER THINGS [Captioner] 19:43:48 UPDATED AS NEEDED. SO I APPRECIATE -- I KNOW A LOT [Captioner] 19:43:51 OF WORK HAS BEEN PUT INTO THIS DOCUMENT, AND I [Captioner] 19:43:55 APPRECIATE EVERYONE'S EFFORT FOR THE CITY STAFF TO [City of Fremont] 19:43:55 So I look forward to moving forward with this senses [Captioner] 19:43:58 BE ABLE TO CARRY THAT OUT. SO I LOOK [Captioner] 19:44:01 FORWARD TO MOVING FORWARD WITH [Captioner] 19:44:04 THESE ORDINANCES. [City of Fremont] 19:44:04 Thank you. Next is Council Member Shell [City of Fremont] 19:44:09 Thank you, Mana Mayor. As a scientist, I always will come data, and I always will welcome any survey down by the city. Staff. [Captioner] 19:44:10 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. NEXT IS COUNCILMEMBER SHAO. >> Councilmember Shao: THANK [Captioner] 19:44:13 YOU, MADAME MAYOR. [Captioner] 19:44:17 AS A SCIENTIST, I ALWAYS WELCOME [Captioner] 19:44:20 DATA, AND HENCE I ALWAYS WELCOME ANY SURVEY DONE [Captioner] 19:44:23 BY THE CITY STAFF. [City of Fremont] 19:44:23 Indeed, the sample is arguably small, but it certainly reflects solid things, and I also does some useful information from the data. [Captioner] 19:44:27 INDEED THE SAMPLE IS ARGUABLY SMALL, BUT IT [Captioner] 19:44:30 CERTAINLY REFLECTS CERTAIN THINGS [City of Fremont] 19:44:32 For example, regarding the different kinds of animals, especially for the chicken, that I'll focus on most people who are concerned about chickens are the afraid of the smell and the noise. [Captioner] 19:44:33 AND I ALSO FOUND SOME USEFUL INFORMATION FROM THE DATA. [Captioner] 19:44:36 FOR EXAMPLE, [Captioner] 19:44:39 REGARDING THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF ANIMALS, ESPECIALLY FOR THE [Captioner] 19:44:43 CHICKEN THAT I WILL FOCUS ON, MOST PEOPLE [Captioner] 19:44:45 WHO ARE CONCERNED ABOUT [Captioner] 19:44:49 CHICKENS ARE AFRAID OF THE SMELL AND THE [City of Fremont] 19:44:51 And that suddenly brings up the issue of the balance of certain people's rights versus other people's rights, doing the pandemic. [Captioner] 19:44:58 NOISE. THAT CERTAINLY BRINGS UP THE ISSUE OF THE BALANCE OF CERTAIN [Captioner] 19:45:01 PEOPLE'S RIGHTS VERSUS OTHER PEOPLE'S RIGHTS. DURING THE [City of Fremont] 19:45:02 I got a multiple complaints from my constituents regarding certain people raising chickens in the backyard, you know, understandably during the pandemic if you can be self-sufficient by raising chickens, and then and then have eggs, and suddenly that's, good [Captioner] 19:45:06 PANDEMIC, I GOT MULTIPLE COMPLAINTS [Captioner] 19:45:09 FROM MY CONSTITUENTS REGARDING CERTAIN PEOPLE [Captioner] 19:45:13 RAISING CHICKENS IN THE BACKYARD. [Captioner] 19:45:16 UNDERSTANDABLY DURING THE PANDEMIC, IF YOU CAN BE SELF-SUFFICIENT BY [Captioner] 19:45:20 RAISING CHICKENS AND THEN HAVE EGGS AND CERTAINLY [City of Fremont] 19:45:20 thing. But, on the other hand, where the shelter would be placed is a big issue. [Captioner] 19:45:23 THAT'S A GOOD THING, BUT ON THE OTHER [Captioner] 19:45:27 HAND, WHERE THE SHELTER WOULD BE [City of Fremont] 19:45:28 So, therefore I welcome the new code where there is a certain requirement regarding the shelter away from the property line. [Captioner] 19:45:30 PLACED IS A BIG ISSUE. SO, THEREFORE, [Captioner] 19:45:33 I WELCOME THE NEW [Captioner] 19:45:36 CODE WHERE THERE'S A CERTAIN REQUIREMENT [City of Fremont] 19:45:39 English, complaints. I received, indeed, one in one neighbor just put the shelter right on the fence, even though it's a completely compliant to the code at that time. [Captioner] 19:45:40 REGARDING THE SHELTER AWAY FROM THE [Captioner] 19:45:43 PROPERTY LINE, AND WHILE THE COMPLAINTS I RECEIVED, [Captioner] 19:45:46 INDEED ONE NEIGHBOR JUST PUT THE [Captioner] 19:45:51 SHELTER RIGHT ON THE FENCE. [Captioner] 19:45:54 AND EVEN THOUGH IT'S COMPLETELY COMPLIANT [City of Fremont] 19:45:55 And then there's nothing the city coding enforcement could do opting inspection, but certainly it calls the new nuisance to the neighbors. [Captioner] 19:45:58 TO THE CODE AT THAT TIME AND THEN THERE'S NOTHING IN [Captioner] 19:46:01 THE CITY CODE ENFORCEMENT COULD DO [Captioner] 19:46:04 AFTER INSPECTION, BUT CERTAINLY IT [City of Fremont] 19:46:06 So. I believe this version already is concerned about that. [Captioner] 19:46:08 CAUSES NUISANCE TO THE NEIGHBORS. SO I [Captioner] 19:46:11 BELIEVE THIS VERSION ALREADY [City of Fremont] 19:46:11 And make the necessary mitigating approaches. But even with this current one I still encourage the neighbors when they're exercising their rights. [Captioner] 19:46:14 IS CONCERNED ABOUT [Captioner] 19:46:18 THAT AND MAKE THE NECESSARY MITIGATING [Captioner] 19:46:22 APPROACHES, BUT EVEN WITH THIS CURRENT ONE, I STILL ENCOURAGE THE [Captioner] 19:46:26 NEIGHBORS, WHEN THEY ARE EXERCISING THEIR RIGHTS, THEY HAD [City of Fremont] 19:46:26 They have to be considerate of their the neighbors, just like, you know, you have the right to keep a dog, for example. [Captioner] 19:46:30 TO BE CONTRACT OF THEIR NEIGHBORS [Captioner] 19:46:34 JUST LIKE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KEEP A DOG, FOR EXAMPLE, [City of Fremont] 19:46:34 But if the dog keeps barking and night, and then cannot really allow the neighbors to sleep, that that becomes a an issue that so, and it cannot be solved. [Captioner] 19:46:37 BUT IF THE DOG KEEPS BARKING AT NIGHT [Captioner] 19:46:40 AND THEN CANNOT REALLY [Captioner] 19:46:43 ALLOW THE NEIGHBORS TO SLEEP, THAT [Captioner] 19:46:47 BECOMES AN ISSUE, THAT CERTAINLY [City of Fremont] 19:46:48 You know, with legal approaches, but certainly I still think neighbors should work together, especially in the compassionate city of Fremont. [Captioner] 19:46:51 CANNOT BE SOLVED, YOU KNOW, WITH LEGAL APPROACHES BUT [Captioner] 19:46:55 CERTAINLY I STILL THINK NEIGHBORS [Captioner] 19:46:58 SHOULD WORK TOGETHER, [City of Fremont] 19:47:01 We have to really love each other, help each other. [Captioner] 19:47:02 ESPECIALLY IN THE COMPASSIONATE CITY OF FREMONT, WE HAVE TO [City of Fremont] 19:47:06 so when you exercise your right to keep all the animals, including the chickens, you have to be considerate of the needs of your neighbors, and try to take every mitigating approach to reduce noise and smell was again in the case of keeping chickens thank you very much [Captioner] 19:47:09 REALLY LOVE EACH OTHER, HELP EACH OTHER, SO WHEN YOU EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT [Captioner] 19:47:12 TO KEEP ALL THE ANIMALS INCLUDING THE CHICKENS, YOU HAVE [Captioner] 19:47:15 TO BE CONTRACT OF THE NEEDS OF YOUR [Captioner] 19:47:18 NEIGHBORS AND TRY TO TAKE EVERY MITIGATING APPROACH [Captioner] 19:47:22 TO REDUCE NOISE AND SMELL, ONCE [Captioner] 19:47:25 AGAIN, IN THE CASE OF KEEPING CHICKENS. THANK YOU VERY [City of Fremont] 19:47:28 Thank you. Next we have Councilmember, Caston. Thank you. [Captioner] 19:47:31 MUCH. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. NEXT WE HAVE COUNCILMEMBER [Captioner] 19:47:34 KASSAN. >> Councilmember Kassan: THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:47:34 I really appreciate the work that was done on this. [Captioner] 19:47:38 I REALLY APPRECIATE THE WORK THAT WAS DONE ON THIS. [City of Fremont] 19:47:39 I just have a few comments. So one I do want to say there was a someone who spoke from the public said: We have no livestock in Fremont, and that is not the case. [Captioner] 19:47:42 I JUST HAVE A FEW COMMENTS. SO ONE, I DO WANT [Captioner] 19:47:45 TO SAY THERE WAS SOMEONE WHO SPOKE FROM THE PUBLIC SAID WE [Captioner] 19:47:47 HAVE NO LIVESTOCK IN FREMONT, AND THAT IS NOT THE CASE. [City of Fremont] 19:47:48 We do have quite a bit of livestock in Fremont This ordinance is about livestock on in residentially zoned areas, so it's not such an new thing to have livestock in fremont it's just that we're making hopefully making it a little easier [Captioner] 19:47:51 WE DO HAVE QUITE A BIT OF LIVESTOCK IN FREMONT. THIS [Captioner] 19:47:54 ORDINANCE IS ABOUT LIVESTOCK IN [Captioner] 19:47:58 RESIDENTIALLY ZONED AREAS, SO IT'S NOT [Captioner] 19:48:01 SUCH A NEW THING TO HAVE LIVESTOCK IN FREMONT, IT'S JUST [City of Fremont] 19:48:03 for people on residentially zoned properly to have livestock regarding the community outreach process. [Captioner] 19:48:05 THAT WE'RE HOPEFULLY MAKING IT A LITTLE EASIER FOR PEOPLE [Captioner] 19:48:07 ON RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTY TO HAVE LIVESTOCK. [City of Fremont] 19:48:11 I do have some real concerns about that. First of all, the link to the page about this was broken at some point. [Captioner] 19:48:12 REGARDING THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROCESS, I DO HAVE SOME [Captioner] 19:48:15 REAL CONCERNS ABOUT [Captioner] 19:48:21 THAT. FIRST OF ALL THE LINK TO THE PAGE ABOUT THIS WAS BROKEN AT [City of Fremont] 19:48:21 I got the link to the page, and then a few days later, it was no longer working. [Captioner] 19:48:24 SOME POINT. I GOT THE LINK TO THE PAGE AND THEN A FEW [Captioner] 19:48:27 DAYS LATER, IT WAS NO LONGER WORKING. [City of Fremont] 19:48:27 Also, I'm I'm really surprised that, given how many people in Fremont are really interested in seeing more urban agriculture happening, You know people who are enthusiastic for bees and and chickens etc. [Captioner] 19:48:32 ALSO I'M REALLY SURPRISED THAT GIVEN HOW MANY PEOPLE IN [Captioner] 19:48:35 FREMONT ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN SEEING [Captioner] 19:48:39 MORE URBAN AGRICULTURE HAPPENING, PEOPLE WHO [City of Fremont] 19:48:40 The it doesn't seem like there was much communication with those stakeholders during this 14 month, or fifteen-month process of drafting the the ordinance. [Captioner] 19:48:42 ARE ENTHUSIASTS FOR BEES AND CHICKENS [Captioner] 19:48:45 AND ET CETERA, IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE THERE WAS MUCH COMMUNICATION [Captioner] 19:48:48 WITH THOSE STAKEHOLDERS DURING THIS [Captioner] 19:48:52 14-MONTH OR 15-MONTH PROCESS OF [City of Fremont] 19:48:52 I did heal here from quite a few constituents, that they were not all invited to participate in that conversation, and the fact that there was just one community meeting right before it came to council it that really is surprising to me I would think that if we wanted to make sure it was drafted in a way that [Captioner] 19:48:57 DRAFTING THE ORDINANCE. I DID HEAR FROM QUITE A [Captioner] 19:48:59 FEW CONSTITUENTS THAT THEY WERE NOT AT ALL INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN [Captioner] 19:49:06 THAT CONVERSATION AND THE FACT THAT THERE WAS JUST ONE COMMUNITY MEETING BEFORE IT [City of Fremont] 19:49:09 really was meeting what the community wanted, obviously balancing interests, that we would have had several communicate like community meetings leading up to the ordinance, all being drafted. [Captioner] 19:49:10 BECAME TO COUNCIL, THAT REALLY WAS SURPRISING TO ME. I WOULD THINK THAT IF [Captioner] 19:49:13 WE WANTED TO MAKE SURE THAT IT WAS DRAFTED IN A WAY THAT WAS REALLY MEETING [Captioner] 19:49:16 WHAT THE COMMUNITY WANTED, OBVIOUSLY BALANCING ALL [Captioner] 19:49:19 INTERESTS, THAT WE WOULD HAVE HAD SEVERAL COMMUNITY MEETINGS [Captioner] 19:49:23 LEADING UP TO THE ORDINANCE BEING [City of Fremont] 19:49:23 So that when it was drafted it really reflected what the community wanted, and my understanding, as far as I know, there were no community meetings over the last 14 months. [Captioner] 19:49:26 DRAFTED SO THAT WHEN IT WAS DRAFTED, IT REALLY [Captioner] 19:49:29 REFLECTED WHAT THE COMMUNITY WANTED. MY UNDERSTANDING, AS FAR AS I [Captioner] 19:49:32 KNOW, THERE WERE NO COMMUNITY MEETINGS OVER THE LAST 14 MONTHS. [City of Fremont] 19:49:33 also I feel like there are a lot of things in the ordinance that are unclear and and really rely on the fact that we do currently have amazing staff in our animal services. Program. [Captioner] 19:49:36 ALSO I FEEL LIKE THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS IN THE ORDINANCE THAT ARE [Captioner] 19:49:41 UNCLEAR, AND REALLY RELY ON THE [Captioner] 19:49:45 FACT THAT WE DO CURRENTLY HAVE AMAZING STAFF. [City of Fremont] 19:49:47 I mean, I am so impressed with Kelly, and you know everyone who's working in that department. [Captioner] 19:49:51 IN OUR ANIMAL SERVICES PROGRAM. I MEAN, I AM SO IMPRESSED [Captioner] 19:49:54 WITH KELLY AND EVERYONE WHO'S WORKING [City of Fremont] 19:49:56 However, you know this ordinance. We don't amend ordinances very often, and this ordinance has to be effective, for maybe decades to come, and we we may not always have some amazing. [Captioner] 19:50:00 IN THAT DEPARTMENT. HOWEVER, WE DON'T AMEND ORDINANCES [Captioner] 19:50:03 VERY OFTEN. [Captioner] 19:50:07 AND THIS ORDINANCE HAS TO BE EFFECTIVE FOR MAYBE DECADES TO COME, AND WE [City of Fremont] 19:50:09 Like Kelly running our that department to Diane's Point. [Captioner] 19:50:10 MAY NOT ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE AMAZING LIKE KELLY RUNNING [Captioner] 19:50:14 THAT DEPARTMENT TO [City of Fremont] 19:50:15 the 3 days before an animal can be disposed of in one way or another. [Captioner] 19:50:18 DIANE'S POINT, THE THREE DAYS BEFORE [Captioner] 19:50:21 AN ANIMAL CAN BE DISPOSED OF IN ONE [City of Fremont] 19:50:21 Right now we know that there would be so much of an effort to get those animals out to Foster. [Captioner] 19:50:25 WAY OR ANOTHER. RIGHT NOW WE KNOW THERE WOULD BE SO MUCH OF AN EFFORT TO [City of Fremont] 19:50:26 But we don't know what could be happening in the future, so I do have a concern about the the switch to the 3 days, and there's a lot of other things that I'm concerned about. [Captioner] 19:50:28 GET THOSE ANIMALS OUT TO FOSTER, BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT COULD BE [Captioner] 19:50:31 HAPPENING IN THE FUTURE, SO I DO HAVE A CONCERN ABOUT [Captioner] 19:50:36 THE SWITCH TO THE THREE DAYS. [City of Fremont] 19:50:37 In the ordinance. I do wanna make sure that people who already have these animals can be grandfathered in. [Captioner] 19:50:39 AND THERE'S A LOT OF OTHER THINGS THAT I'M CONCERNED ABOUT IN THE [Captioner] 19:50:44 ORDINANCE. I DO WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE WHO ALREADY HAVE THESE [City of Fremont] 19:50:46 I understand. That I know the goats situation is kind of unique, but my understanding is that there is a goat structure in Fremont that would have to be torn down if this if the ordinance went into effect. [Captioner] 19:50:48 ANIMALS CAN BE GRANDFATHERED [Captioner] 19:50:51 IN. I KNOW THE GOAT SITUATION IS KIND [Captioner] 19:50:55 OF UNIQUE, BUT MY UNDERSTANDING IS THAT THERE IS A GOAT STRUCTURE [Captioner] 19:50:58 IN FREMONT THAT WOULD HAVE TO BE TORN DOWN [Captioner] 19:51:00 IF THIS -- IF THE ORDINANCE WENT INTO EFFECT THE WAY IT IS NOW [City of Fremont] 19:51:00 The way. It is now, and it's not bothering anyone, and it's a very beautiful structure that nobody you know, is is very, that is very friendly to the goat. [Captioner] 19:51:04 AND IT'S NOT BOTHERING ANYONE, AND IT'S A [Captioner] 19:51:07 VERY BEAUTIFUL STRUCTURE THAT NOBODY, YOU KNOW, IS [City of Fremont] 19:51:09 So I would hate to see that happening. So we we do need to see some grandfathering in. [Captioner] 19:51:11 VERY -- IS VERY FRIENDLY TO THE GOATS SO I WOULD HATE TO [Captioner] 19:51:14 SEE THAT HAPPENING, SO WE DO NEED TO SEE SOME GRANDFATHERING [City of Fremont] 19:51:14 I agree that that it should be distance from dwelling, not from property line. [Captioner] 19:51:18 IN. I AGREE THAT IT SHOULD BE DISTANCED FROM [City of Fremont] 19:51:19 I think the the regulations regarding lot size and property line are too restrictive, and it's also kind of funny, because property side lot size is kind of Oh, it's not a great proxy for how much actual space there is in to keep these animals. [Captioner] 19:51:21 DWELLING, NOT FROM PROPERTY LINE. I THINK THE REGULATIONS [Captioner] 19:51:24 REGARDING LOT SIZE AND PROPERTY LINE ARE TOO [Captioner] 19:51:30 RESTRICTIVE, AND IT'S ALSO KIND OF FUNNY BECAUSE PROPERTY -- LOT [Captioner] 19:51:35 SIZE IS KIND OF -- IT'S NOT A GREAT [Captioner] 19:51:38 PROXY FOR HOW MUCH ACTUAL SPACE THERE IS TO KEEP [City of Fremont] 19:51:38 You might have a very small house, or a very large house, with an adu. [Captioner] 19:51:41 THESE ANIMALS. YOU MIGHT HAVE A VERY SMALL HOUSE OR A VERY LARGE HOUSE [City of Fremont] 19:51:43 I know it's hard to base it on. How much open space there is, but lot size is maybe not the best proxy, for where it makes sense to have these animals, and I know many many people who keep chickens on much smaller lot sizes with no problem whatsoever the approach on the bees I think [Captioner] 19:51:45 WITH AN ADU. I KNOW IT'S [Captioner] 19:51:49 HARD TO BASE IT ON HOW MUCH OPEN SPACE THERE IS BUT LOT SIZE [Captioner] 19:51:52 IS MAYBE NOT THE BEST PROXY FOR WHERE IT MAKES SENSE TO HAVE THESE [Captioner] 19:51:55 ANIMALS. AND I KNOW MANY, MANY PEOPLE WHO KEEP CHICKENS [Captioner] 19:51:58 ON MUCH SMALLER LOT SIZES WITH NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER. [City of Fremont] 19:51:59 isn't, isn't the right approach. There's many, many cities that are using the nuisance-based approach, and there's many activist groups we heard from one representative of one of those groups that has a great track record of making sure bees are don't become, a nuisance and [Captioner] 19:52:01 THE APPROACH ON THE BEE, I THINK, ISN'T THE RIGHT APPROACH. [Captioner] 19:52:05 THERE'S MANY, MANY CITIES THAT ARE USING THE [Captioner] 19:52:08 NUISANCE-BASED APPROACH AND THERE'S MANY ACTIVIST [Captioner] 19:52:11 GROUPS THAT WE HEARD FROM ONE REPRESENTATIVE OF ONE OF THOSE GROUPS THAT [Captioner] 19:52:15 HAS A GREAT TRACK RECORD OF MAKING SURE BEES DON'T BECOME [City of Fremont] 19:52:15 address problems that come up. I think the fees are also quite high. [Captioner] 19:52:18 A NUISANCE AND ADDRESS PROBLEMS THAT [Captioner] 19:52:20 COME UP. I THINK THE FEES ARE ALSO QUITE HIGH. [City of Fremont] 19:52:21 So these are just some of my concerns, so I would really like to see us. [Captioner] 19:52:24 SO THESE ARE JUST SOME OF MY CONCERNS. SO I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO [City of Fremont] 19:52:25 not not adopt this tonight and ask Staff to go back and have some some more meetings with our stakeholders in free month as well as people outside of Fremont. [Captioner] 19:52:30 SEE US NOT ADOPT THIS TONIGHT AND ASK STAFF TO GO BACK AND [Captioner] 19:52:34 HAVE SOME MORE MEETINGS WITH OUR STAKEHOLDERS IN [City of Fremont] 19:52:36 Who have a lot of experience with these kinds of issues. [Captioner] 19:52:38 FREMONT AS WELL AS PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF FREMONT WHO HAVE A LOT OF EXPERIENCE WITH [City of Fremont] 19:52:39 Thank you. Thank you. Next is Vice Mayor Kang. [Captioner] 19:52:41 THESE KINDS OF ISSUES. THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:52:44 Thank you, Madam Mayor, so I I do want to support urban farming. [Captioner] 19:52:45 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. NEXT IS VICE MAYOR KENG. >> Vice Mayor Keng: THANK [Captioner] 19:52:48 YOU, MADAME MAYOR. SO I DO WANT TO [City of Fremont] 19:52:50 at the same time we need some balance in the residential area. [City of Fremont] 19:52:53 So it's a it's good that we're updating our animal ordinance, and I appreciate the staff. [Captioner] 19:52:54 SUPPORT OUR FARMING, AT THE SAME TIME WE NEED BALANCE IN THE RESIDENTIAL [Captioner] 19:52:58 AREA SO IT'S GOOD THAT WE'RE UPDATING OUR ANIMAL [City of Fremont] 19:53:00 The survey, of what other cities are doing, And I have, I, you know, have also had some feedback from the community, some community community members that had neighbors that have been raising a number of chickens and in some cases cause you know a lot of nuisance when the chicken [Captioner] 19:53:01 ORDINANCE, AND I APPRECIATE THE STAFF DOING [Captioner] 19:53:05 THE SURVEY OF WHAT OTHER CITIES ARE [Captioner] 19:53:08 DOING. AND I HAVE ALSO HAD SOME FEEDBACK FROM [Captioner] 19:53:12 THE COMMUNITY, SOME COMMUNITY MEMBERS THAT HAD [Captioner] 19:53:15 NEIGHBORS THAT HAVE BEEN RAISING A NUMBER OF [City of Fremont] 19:53:19 coop is actually closer to the to the neighbors home instead of the owners of the chickens. [Captioner] 19:53:20 CHICKENS AND IN SOME CASES CAUSE A LOT OF NUISANCE WHEN THE CHICKEN COOP IS [Captioner] 19:53:23 ACTUALLY CLOSER TO THE [City of Fremont] 19:53:25 So I think, having the proposed ordinance, having the appropriate, and, you know, clarification of chicken ownership would help. [Captioner] 19:53:27 NEIGHBORS' HOME INSTEAD OF THE OWNERS OF THE CHICKENS. SO I THINK HAVING [Captioner] 19:53:30 THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE HAVING THE [Captioner] 19:53:34 APPROPRIATE CLARIFICATION OF CHICKEN OWNERSHIP WOULD [City of Fremont] 19:53:35 May good Pr. Good practice of good neighbors. Oh, so I I do want to sure that, you know, while we have a shorter leash requirement I would recommend for you know for Fremont to have more dog parks or or dola some of the neighboring cities. [Captioner] 19:53:38 HELP MAKE GOOD PRACTICES OF THE [Captioner] 19:53:44 NEIGHBORS. ALSO I DO WANT TO SHARE THAT WHILE WE [Captioner] 19:53:47 HAVE A [Captioner] 19:53:51 SHORTER LEASH REQUIREMENT, I WOULD RECOMMEND FOR FREMONT TO [Captioner] 19:53:54 HAVE MORE DOG [City of Fremont] 19:53:54 In the bay area also having these dog off leash areas where it would require less land, as more people are have dongs over the last couple of years over the pandemic in regards to one of the callers concerned. [Captioner] 19:53:57 PARKS OR SOME OF THE NEIGHBORS CITIES IN THE BAY AREA ALSO [Captioner] 19:54:01 HAVING THESE DOG OFF LEASH AREAS [Captioner] 19:54:04 WHERE IT WOULD REQUIRE LESS LAND AS MORE [Captioner] 19:54:08 PEOPLE ARE -- HAVE DOGS OVER THE LAST COUPLE YEARS, OVER [Captioner] 19:54:11 THE PANDEMIC. IN [City of Fremont] 19:54:15 About. You know whether goats and chicken could be consume, you know, could be slaughter on site. [Captioner] 19:54:18 REGARDS TO ONE OF THE CALLERS CONCERNED ABOUT WHETHER THE GOATS [Captioner] 19:54:21 AND CHICKEN COULD BE CONSUMED, YOU [City of Fremont] 19:54:24 I think we didn't really adjust. Well, I think we did say that it could only be consumed by the owners, so I I do also want to share about the you know, changing the 4 to 3 days when it's kept at our animal shelters and whether you know when we move [Captioner] 19:54:25 KNOW, COULD BE SLAUGHTERED ON [Captioner] 19:54:28 SITE, I THINK WE DIDN'T REALLY ADDRESS -- WELL, I THINK WE DID SAY [Captioner] 19:54:31 THAT IT COULD ONLY BE CONSUMED BY THE [Captioner] 19:54:35 OWNERS. SO I DO [Captioner] 19:54:38 ALSO WANT TO SHARE ABOUT [Captioner] 19:54:43 CHANGING THE FOUR TO THREE DAYS WHEN IT'S KEPT AT OUR [City of Fremont] 19:54:45 the practice to 3 days. If we are able to make sure that the animals have. [Captioner] 19:54:46 ANIMAL SHELTERS AND WHETHER, WHEN WE MOVE THE PRACTICE TO THREE DAYS, [Captioner] 19:54:50 IF WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE [City of Fremont] 19:54:51 You know we have good efforts to finding homes for the for the animals. [Captioner] 19:54:53 SURE THAT THE ANIMALS HAVE -- WE HAVE GOOD EFFORTS [Captioner] 19:54:57 TO FINDING HOMES FOR THE ANIMALS. [City of Fremont] 19:54:57 last question is whether current owners in this case, like current chicken owners, would need to comply to the updated ordinance. [Captioner] 19:55:00 LAST QUESTION IS WHETHER [Captioner] 19:55:03 CURRENT [Captioner] 19:55:07 OWNERS IN THIS CASE, LIKE CURRENT CHICKEN OWNERS WOULD NEED [City of Fremont] 19:55:09 Thank you. [Captioner] 19:55:10 TO COMPLY TO THE UPDATED ORDINANCE. THANK [City of Fremont] 19:55:12 Thank you would stop. Be able to answer any of those questions or comments. [Captioner] 19:55:13 YOU. [Captioner] 19:55:18 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. WOULD STAFF BE ABLE TO ANSWER ANY OF THOSE QUESTIONS OR [City of Fremont] 19:55:18 Kelly. [Captioner] 19:55:21 COMMENTS? KELLY? [Kelly Miott] 19:55:22 or chicken owner, compliance, or or current owners, we could definitely put in some provisions for grandfathering and current owners [Captioner] 19:55:27 >> FOR CHICKEN OWNER COMPLIANCE, [Captioner] 19:55:30 OUR CURRENT OWNERS, WE COULD DEFINITELY PUT IN SOME PROVISIONS [Captioner] 19:55:34 FOR GRANDFATHERING IN CURRENT OWNERS. [Kelly Miott] 19:55:36 Was there another question [City of Fremont] 19:55:37 actually I I meant, you know, if the I I'm leaning towards, you know, having the current owners having to comply. [Captioner] 19:55:39 WAS THERE ANOTHER [Captioner] 19:55:42 QUESTION? >> Vice Mayor Keng: ACTUALLY I MEANT -- I'M LEANING TOWARDS [Captioner] 19:55:46 HAVING THE CURRENT OWNERS HAVING [Kelly Miott] 19:55:47 Okay. [Captioner] 19:55:48 TO -- >> Mayor Mei: COMPLY, IT SOUNDS LIKE. [City of Fremont] 19:55:48 yeah, especially if they're the chicken coop is like, maybe closer to the neighbors home. [Captioner] 19:55:50 >> Vice Mayor Keng: COMPLY, YEAH. ESPECIALLY IF THE CHICKEN COOP [City of Fremont] 19:55:52 Then their home. So you know, but I think we can have some flexibilities, but it kind of needs to be a case by case. [Captioner] 19:55:54 IS LIKE MAYBE CLOSER TO THE [Captioner] 19:55:57 NEIGHBORS' HOME THAN THEIR HOME. SO I THINK WE CAN HAVE SOME [City of Fremont] 19:56:00 If there's really complaints. Yeah. [Captioner] 19:56:01 FLEXIBILITIES, BUT IT KIND OF NEEDS TO BE CASE BY CASE. [Kelly Miott] 19:56:01 Absolutely absolutely sorry. I was just referencing whether or not they could own it, but in terms of where the coup would be, I would definitely like to have some ability to enforce, that so that the people that don't want to have chickens or animals up against their fence line could. [Captioner] 19:56:04 IF THERE'S REALLY COMPLAINTS, YEAH. >> ABSOLUTELY. [Captioner] 19:56:07 SORRY. I WAS JUST REFERENCING WHETHER OR NOT THEY COULD OWN IT, BUT IN [Captioner] 19:56:10 TERMS OF WHERE THE COUP WOULD BE, I WOULD DEFINITELY LIKE TO [Captioner] 19:56:14 HAVE SOME ABILITY TO ENFORCE THAT SO THAT THE [Captioner] 19:56:17 PEOPLE THAT DON'T WANT TO HAVE CHICKENS OR [Captioner] 19:56:21 ANIMALS UP AGAINST THEIR FENCE LINE COULD ALSO LIVE WELL IN OUR CITY. [City of Fremont] 19:56:21 Great. Thank you so much. Yeah. Thank you. Councilmember Cox. [Captioner] 19:56:25 >> Vice Mayor Keng: GREAT. THANK YOU SO MUCH. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 19:56:26 Did you have comments? Because I see we have some couple more from the Council or it's happened before. [Captioner] 19:56:29 COUNCILMEMBER COX, DID YOU HAVE COMMENTS? BECAUSE I SEE WE STILL HAVE [Captioner] 19:56:31 A COUPLE MORE FROM THE COUNCIL. OR IS THAT FROM BEFORE? [City of Fremont] 19:56:33 Okay, Thank you. Councilmember Saw one [Captioner] 19:56:35 >> Councilmember Cox: THAT'S FROM BEFORE. >> Mayor Mei: OKAY, THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:56:38 COUNCILMEMBER SALWAN. [City of Fremont] 19:56:38 Yeah, wanted to see [City of Fremont] 19:56:44 Okay, here we are just wanted to see Staff's perspective on. [Captioner] 19:56:45 >> Councilmember Salwan: THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR. I JUST WANTED TO SEE -- [Captioner] 19:56:48 OKAY. HERE WE ARE. JUST [City of Fremont] 19:56:49 There was a mention of no chickens. If the lot was less than 6,000 square feet. [Captioner] 19:56:51 WANTED TO SEE STAFF'S PERSPECTIVE ON -- THERE WAS A MENTION [Captioner] 19:56:54 OF NO CHICKENS IF THE LOT WAS LESS [City of Fremont] 19:56:56 Is Is there some leeway there? What's the thinking as far as Why, chickens are not allowed? [Captioner] 19:56:57 THAN 6,000 SQUARE FEET. IS [Captioner] 19:57:01 THERE SOME LEEWAY THERE? WHAT'S THE THINKING AS FAR [City of Fremont] 19:57:01 If the lot is less than 6,000 [Captioner] 19:57:03 AS WHY CHICKENS ARE NOT ALLOWED IF THE LOT IS LESS THAN 6,000? [Kelly Miott] 19:57:06 the that first for starters. We put the square footage in, because it's the best metric the city has to define the lot space, and it's also been the historical standard. [Captioner] 19:57:11 >> THAT FIRST -- FOR STARTERS, WE PUT THE SQUARE [Captioner] 19:57:15 FOOTAGE IN BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST METRIC THE CITY HAS [Captioner] 19:57:18 TO DEFINE THE LOT SPACE. [Captioner] 19:57:21 AND IT ALSO BEEN THE HISTORICAL STANDARD THE CITY HAS USED FOR ANIMAL [City of Fremont] 19:57:23 Okay. And then there was mention about some discrepancy between the Alameda County beekeepers and what we're proposing. [Captioner] 19:57:24 ORDINANCES. >> Councilmember Salwan: OKAY. [Captioner] 19:57:29 AND THEN THERE WAS MENTION ABOUT SOME DISCREPANCY BETWEEN [Captioner] 19:57:32 THE ALAMEDA COUNTY BEE KEEPERS AND [City of Fremont] 19:57:33 I couldn't really figure out the difference. What? [Captioner] 19:57:35 WHAT WE'RE PROPOSING. I CAN [City of Fremont] 19:57:36 What are they looking for, and what how is that different? [Captioner] 19:57:39 CAN'T REALLY FIGURE OUT THE DIFFERENCE. WHAT ARE THEY [City of Fremont] 19:57:39 What we have now [Kelly Miott] 19:57:40 in general, the the main concern and I hope I'm not misrepresenting them is that they want our be high enforcement to be more new sense based and less per requiring permits and having lot sizes [Captioner] 19:57:41 LOOKING FOR AND HOW IS THAT DIFFERENT FROM WHAT WE HAVE NOW? [Captioner] 19:57:44 >> IN GENERAL, THE MAIN CONCERN, AND I HOPE [Captioner] 19:57:48 I'M NOT MISREPRESENTING THEM, IS THAT THEY WANT OUR [Captioner] 19:57:51 BEEHIVE ENFORCEMENT TO BE MORE NUISANCE-BASED [Captioner] 19:57:54 AND LESS REQUIRING PERMITS. AND HAVING LOT [Captioner] 19:57:57 SIZES. >> Councilmember Salwan:NUISANC [City of Fremont] 19:57:57 nuisance based meaning what complaint driven? [Kelly Miott] 19:58:00 Yes. [Captioner] 19:58:01 E-BASED MEANING WHAT, COMPLAINT-DRIVEN OR -- >> YES. [City of Fremont] 19:58:01 Or okay, So you can do what you want. If there's a complaint, then enforcement comes. [Captioner] 19:58:05 >> Councilmember Salwan: OKAY. SO YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT, IF THERE'S A [City of Fremont] 19:58:06 Is that what in kind of a simple version, what they're looking they're trying to stay. [Captioner] 19:58:08 COMPLAINT, THEN ENFORCEMENT COMES. IS THAT [Captioner] 19:58:11 WHAT -- IN KIND OF A SIMPLE VERSION WHAT THEY'RE TRYING [City of Fremont] 19:58:11 Okay, Okay, Okay, Thank you. And I think we must have had the at least 3 or 4 of us that got contacted by the same person about that. [Captioner] 19:58:14 TO STATE? >> YES, YES. >> Councilmember Salwan: OKAY. [Captioner] 19:58:17 THANK YOU. AND I THINK WE MUST HAVE HAD THE -- [Captioner] 19:58:20 AT LEAST THREE OR FOUR OF US THAT GOT CONTACTED BY THE [City of Fremont] 19:58:21 Chicken cube being right next to his house, and it was very far from the current residents. [Captioner] 19:58:23 SAME PERSON ABOUT THE CHICKEN COOP BEING RIGHT NEXT TO HIS [Captioner] 19:58:27 HOUSE, AND IT WAS VERY FAR FROM [City of Fremont] 19:58:27 The residents house, but it's very close to the the neighbors, so I can see how if there's lots of chickens that the odor can be be a concern Good! [Captioner] 19:58:30 THE CURRENT -- THE [Captioner] 19:58:33 RESIDENT'S HOUSE BUT IS VERY CLOSE TO THE NEIGHBOR'S, SO I CAN SEE [Captioner] 19:58:36 HOW IF THERE'S LOTS OF CHICKENS, THE ODOR CAN [City of Fremont] 19:58:38 Well, this is not a perfect document. And you know, I think Council Member Cox mentioned, This is a living document. [Captioner] 19:58:39 BE A CONCERN. OKAY. WELL, THIS IS [Captioner] 19:58:42 NOT A PERFECT DOCUMENT. I THINK COUNCILMEMBER COX [City of Fremont] 19:58:44 It's a work in progress. And so I think there are some good changes here that I can get behind, and we can always revisit anything that needs to be expanded upon in the future. [Captioner] 19:58:45 MENTIONED, THIS IS A LIVING DOCUMENT, IT'S A WORK IN PROGRESS. [Captioner] 19:58:49 AND SO I THINK THERE ARE SOME GOOD CHANGES HERE THAT I CAN [Captioner] 19:58:52 GET BEHIND. AND WE CAN ALWAYS REVISIT [City of Fremont] 19:58:54 I do want to thank Staff for your diligent work and getting community feedback. [Captioner] 19:58:55 ANYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE EXPANDED UPON IN THE FUTURE. I DO WANT [Captioner] 19:58:58 TO THANK STAFF FOR YOUR DILIGENT WORK, AND [City of Fremont] 19:58:59 I think this is a good process, and I think Staff has done their level best to. [Captioner] 19:59:01 GETTING COMMUNITY FEEDBACK. I THINK THIS IS A GOOD PROCESS [Captioner] 19:59:04 AND I THINK STAFF HAS DONE THEIR LEVEL BEST [City of Fremont] 19:59:04 I guess this far. Thank you [City of Fremont] 19:59:07 Thank you. I I wanted to add some comments to him, or some quick questions, just because these days there's so many also challenges with allergies, and I know that there are people who are also allergic, to bees themselves. [Captioner] 19:59:08 TO GET US THIS FAR. THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:59:11 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. I WANTED TO ADD SOME [Captioner] 19:59:14 COMMENTS TOO OR SOME QUICK QUESTIONS. JUST BECAUSE THESE DAYS, THERE'S [Captioner] 19:59:18 SO MANY ALSO CHALLENGES WITH ALLERGY, AND I KNOW THAT THERE ARE [Captioner] 19:59:22 PEOPLE WHO ARE ALSO ALLERGIC TO BEES THEMSELVES, [City of Fremont] 19:59:22 And so I was wondering was that something that was also looked at in terms of I know that the beekeepers will be keeping the bees, but in just in terms of any other was there any comments on that area [Captioner] 19:59:25 AND SO I WAS WONDERING, WAS THAT SOMETHING THAT WAS ALSO [Captioner] 19:59:28 LOOKED AT IN TERMS OF -- I KNOW THAT THE BEE KEEPERS [Captioner] 19:59:31 WILL BE KEEPING THE BEES BUT JUST IN TERMS [Captioner] 19:59:34 OF -- WAS THERE ANY COMMENTS ON THAT AREA? [Kelly Miott] 19:59:34 there was not public feedback on that. But I will let you know that some cities do require people who are interested in having beehives to get approval from their neighbors, and confirm whether or not their neighbors have the allergies but this was not something that was brought up. [Captioner] 19:59:38 >> THERE WAS NOT PUBLIC FEEDBACK ON THAT, BUT I WILL LET YOU KNOW [Captioner] 19:59:41 THAT SOME CITIES DO REQUIRE [Captioner] 19:59:45 PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN HAVING BEE HIVES TO GET [Captioner] 19:59:48 APPROVAL FROM THEIR NEIGHBORS AND CONFIRM WHETHER OR NOT THEIR [Captioner] 19:59:52 NEIGHBORS HAVE BEE ALLERGIES, BUT THIS WAS NOT SOMETHING THAT WAS BROUGHT [Captioner] 19:59:55 UP DURING OUR ENGAGEMENT. >> Mayor Mei: [City of Fremont] 19:59:55 I was just curious, because I know that having been involved previously with education schools, like because of the peanut allergies, and things, and the fact that you're trying to respect everyone's needs and concerns and health, that you know when it comes to that there's sometimes like literally I guess [Captioner] 19:59:59 I WAS JUST CURIOUS BECAUSE I KNOW THAT HAVING BEEN INVOLVED PREVIOUSLY [Captioner] 20:00:02 WITH EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS, BECAUSE OF THE PEANUT ALLERGIES AND THINGS [Captioner] 20:00:06 AND THE FACT THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO RESPECT EVERYONE'S [Captioner] 20:00:09 NEEDS AND CONCERNS AND HEALTH, THAT, YOU KNOW, WHEN IT COMES TO THAT, [City of Fremont] 20:00:10 peanut free tables that they have in the cafeteria or peanut butter, free areas. [Captioner] 20:00:12 THERE'S SOMETIMES LIKE LITERALLY, I GUESS, PEANUT-FREE [Captioner] 20:00:15 TABLES THAT THEY HAVE IN THE CAFETERIA OR [City of Fremont] 20:00:15 So that's why I just wondering about that question about the Allergies, because some people it could be very Ted deadly and toxic too. [Captioner] 20:00:18 PEANUT BUTTER-FREE AREAS, SO THAT'S WHY I WAS [Captioner] 20:00:22 WONDERING ABOUT THAT QUESTION ABOUT THE [City of Fremont] 20:00:22 So that's why I just wanted to be of that process. [Captioner] 20:00:25 ALLERGIES, BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE IT COULD BE VERY DEADLY AND [City of Fremont] 20:00:26 I will say that I have to differ a little bit to one of my council members, because he spends a lot of time with some of these animals, so I don't think these are his specific ones. [Captioner] 20:00:29 TOXIC TO SO I WANTED TO BE THOUGHTFUL ABOUT THAT [Captioner] 20:00:32 PROCESS. I WILL SAY I HAVE TO DEFER ONE OF MY [Captioner] 20:00:35 COUNCILMEMBERS BECAUSE HE SPENDS A LOT OF TIME WITH THESE ANIMALS BUT I [City of Fremont] 20:00:35 That he it treats. And I think that there is up opportunities Certainly we don't have of the that same type of veterinary program locally, at least not for farm animals. [Captioner] 20:00:37 DON'T THINK THESE ARE HIS SPECIFIC ONES THAT HE TREATS. [Captioner] 20:00:40 AND I THINK THAT THERE IS OPPORTUNITY CERTAINLY, WE [Captioner] 20:00:44 DON'T HAVE THAT SAME TYPE OF VETERINARY PROGRAM LOCALLY, [City of Fremont] 20:00:45 But I would encourage us to continue to work with the different organizations that have spoken this evening. [Captioner] 20:00:47 AT LEAST, NOT FOR FARM ANIMALS. BUT I WOULD ENCOURAGE [Captioner] 20:00:50 US TO CONTINUE TO WORK WITH THE DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS THAT [City of Fremont] 20:00:50 I know that some of them have spoken in the past in particular, during our Earth day partnerships with Washington Hospital we've had certain representations, and certainly with different organizations Here, in Alameda county we're fortunate to have that partnership and so i'd like to continue [Captioner] 20:00:53 HAVE SPOKEN THIS EVENING. I KNOW THAT SOME OF THEM HAVE SPOKEN IN THE [Captioner] 20:00:56 PAST, IN PARTICULAR, DURING OUR EARTH DAY PARTNERSHIPS [Captioner] 20:01:00 WITH WASHINGTON HOSPITAL, WE'VE HAD CERTAIN REPRESENTATIONS AND [Captioner] 20:01:04 CERTAINLY WITH DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS HERE IN ALAMEDA [Captioner] 20:01:06 COUNTY, WE'RE FORTUNATE TO HAVE THAT PARTNERSHIP, SO I'D LIKE TO [City of Fremont] 20:01:06 that type of support and working to drive these ordinances, I would concur with Councilmember, Salin and Council Member Cox, that this is a living document, and hopefully something that I I would like to see That's not something that We'd have to wait decades to be able to [Captioner] 20:01:10 CONTINUE THAT TYPE [Captioner] 20:01:14 OF SUPPORT IN WORKING TO DRIVE THESE ORDINANCES. [Captioner] 20:01:18 I WOULD CONCUR WITH COUNCILMEMBER SALWAN AND COUNCILMEMBER COX THAT THIS IS A [Captioner] 20:01:21 LIVING DOCUMENT AND HOPEFULLY SOMETHING THAT I WOULD LIKE TO [City of Fremont] 20:01:23 evaluate That something that we should be able to evaluate as needed. [Captioner] 20:01:24 SEE, IT'S NOT SOMETHING THAT WE'D HAVE TO WAIT DECADES TO BE ABLE [City of Fremont] 20:01:26 But I think also at the same time, and and respect. I think that there was some questions from the public, and I know Council Member Cassin had put this agenda item out for referral. [Captioner] 20:01:28 TO EVALUATE, WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO RE-EVALUATE AS NEEDED, BUT [Captioner] 20:01:31 I THINK ALSO AT THE SAME TIME, IN RESPECT, I THINK THAT THERE WAS SOME QUESTIONS FROM [Captioner] 20:01:34 THE PUBLIC, AND I KNOW COUNCILMEMBER KASSAN HAD PUT [City of Fremont] 20:01:36 Which is why that we've also wanted to move forward with this. [Captioner] 20:01:37 THIS AGENDA ITEM OUT FOR REFERRAL, WHICH IS WHY THAT [City of Fremont] 20:01:39 And so I'd like to get any other additional feedback from Alright Account members. [Captioner] 20:01:41 WE'VE ALSO WANTED TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THIS. AND SO I'D LIKE TO [Captioner] 20:01:44 GET ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL FEEDBACK FROM OUR OTHER [City of Fremont] 20:01:44 Councilmember cast that is your button pushed again. [Captioner] 20:01:47 COUNCILMEMBERS. COUNCILMEMBER KASSAN, IS YOUR BUTTON [City of Fremont] 20:01:47 Yeah, no one else had any comments I would wanted to make a motion second I didn't make it yet. [Captioner] 20:01:50 PUSHED AGAIN? >> Councilmember Kassan: YEAH, IF NO ONE ELSE HAD [Captioner] 20:01:53 ANY COMMENTS, I WANTED TO MAKE A MOTION. [City of Fremont] 20:01:57 Just say you might want to hear the motion. Just yeah. So did anyone have colleagues? [Captioner] 20:02:00 >> Councilmember Cox: SECOND. >> I DIDN'T MAKE IT YET. >> [Captioner] 20:02:03 YOU MIGHT WANT TO HEAR THE MOTION. [City of Fremont] 20:02:05 No? Okay, I wanted to make So Council Member Cox has a comment to, and if it's oh, no, that's it's off. [Captioner] 20:02:06 >> Councilmember Kassan: SO DID ANYONE HAVE COMMENTS? NO? [Captioner] 20:02:09 OKAY. I WANTED TO MAKE -- OH. >> Mayor Mei: COUNCILMEMBER COX [Captioner] 20:02:12 HAS A COMMENT TOO. >> Councilmember Cox: OH, NO, IT'S [City of Fremont] 20:02:12 It should be off. Sorry? Sorry, thank you. Go ahead, please, Councillor Marcasm. [Captioner] 20:02:13 OFF. IT SHOULD BE OFF. >> Mayor Mei: SORRY. [Captioner] 20:02:16 THANK YOU. GO AHEAD, PLEASE, COUNCILMEMBER [City of Fremont] 20:02:16 Yeah, I'd like to make a motion that we ask stuff that we don't adopt this today and that we asked death to do some more community outreach and come back with a revised version based on community outreach We have a motion to We have a second councilmember kang are you pushing the [Captioner] 20:02:20 KASSAN. >> Councilmember Kassan: I'D LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE [Captioner] 20:02:24 ASK STAFF THAT WE DON'T ADOPT THIS TODAY AND THAT WE ASK STAFF TO DO [Captioner] 20:02:27 SOME MORE COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND COME BACK WITH A [Captioner] 20:02:30 REVISED VERSION BASED ON COMMUNITY OUTREACH. [Captioner] 20:02:34 >> Mayor Mei: WE HAVE A MOTION. DO WE HAVE A SECOND? [City of Fremont] 20:02:38 button. Are you trying to second to ask for further outreach? [Captioner] 20:02:39 COUNCILMEMBER KENG, WERE YOU PUSHING THE BUTTON, WERE YOU TRYING [City of Fremont] 20:02:40 Yes, okay. So we have a motion and a second, and if you would like to please ask for a vote [Captioner] 20:02:42 TO SECOND OR ASK FOR FURTHER OUTREACH? >> Vice Mayor Keng: YES, SECOND, [Captioner] 20:02:45 YES. >> Mayor Mei: SO WE HAVE A MOTION AND A SECOND. [City of Fremont] 20:02:49 Oh, wait! Excuse me! Can we clarify the motion again? [Captioner] 20:02:50 AND IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLEASE ASK FOR A VOTE? [Captioner] 20:02:53 OH, WAIT. EXCUSE ME? >> Councilmember Salwan: CAN WE [City of Fremont] 20:02:53 Exactly what kind of outreach are we looking for? That would be nice to know because we do want to have a reasonable timeframe. [Captioner] 20:02:57 CLARIFY THE MOTION AGAIN, EXACTLY WHAT KIND OF OUTREACH ARE WE LOOKING [City of Fremont] 20:02:59 2, yeah, So there hasn't really been much outreach. [Captioner] 20:03:00 FOR? >> Mayor Mei: THAT WOULD BE NICE TO KNOW, BECAUSE WE DO WANT TO [Captioner] 20:03:03 HAVE A REASONABLE TIME FRAME TOO. >> Councilmember Kassan: [City of Fremont] 20:03:05 If you were at the community meeting and anyone who gave comments. [Captioner] 20:03:06 SO THERE HASN'T REALLY BEEN MUCH OUTREACH IF YOU WERE AT [City of Fremont] 20:03:08 They were told to just put their comments in the survey. And the survey. [Captioner] 20:03:10 THE COMMUNITY MEETING, AND ANYONE WHO GAVE [Captioner] 20:03:13 COMMENTS, THEY WERE TOLD TO JUST PUT THEIR COMMENTS IN THE SURVEY AND [City of Fremont] 20:03:13 You know, we just got the results. So I I would like to see some community meetings done where there's a meaningful opportunity for stakeholders on this issue to give feedback that could actually influence the how the ordinance is drafted instead of just saying Well, here's the ordinance if you [Captioner] 20:03:15 THE SURVEY, YOU KNOW, WE JUST GOT THE RESULTS. [Captioner] 20:03:18 SO I WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOME COMMUNITY MEETINGS [Captioner] 20:03:21 DONE WHERE THERE'S A MEANINGFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR STAKEHOLDERS ON [Captioner] 20:03:25 THIS ISSUE TO GIVE FEEDBACK THAT COULD [Captioner] 20:03:29 ACTUALLY INFLUENCE HOW THE ORDINANCE IS DRAFTED INSTEAD OF JUST [City of Fremont] 20:03:30 have comments on it. Please submit that I I see also Councilmember Jones. [Captioner] 20:03:32 SAYING, WELL, HERE'S THE ORDINANCE IF YOU HAVE COMMENTS ON IT, PLEASE [Captioner] 20:03:35 SUBMIT THEM. >> Mayor Mei: I SEE ALSO [City of Fremont] 20:03:35 Did you I'll also press the button. Yeah, just a quick question. [Captioner] 20:03:38 COUNCILMEMBER JONES, DID YOU ALSO PRESS THE BUTTON TOO? >> Councilmember Jones: [City of Fremont] 20:03:38 And maybe Kelly knows. Maybe she doesn't. How many people were we talking about that actually own goats, chicken, or bees? [Captioner] 20:03:41 JUST A QUICK QUESTION, AND MAYBE KELLY KNOWS, MAYBE SHE DOESN'T. [Captioner] 20:03:45 HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THAT ACTUALLY OWN GOATS, [City of Fremont] 20:03:45 I think she mentioned that presentation. But, Kelly, would you like to [Captioner] 20:03:48 CHICKENS OR BEES? >> Mayor Mei: I THINK SHE MENTIONED THAT IN THE [Kelly Miott] 20:03:50 yes, so since to the year 2,000, the city has issued 5 permits for goat ownership to 4 unique residents. For beehives, we have 5 current beehive permits since the year. [Captioner] 20:03:51 PRESENTATION, BUT KELLY, WOULD YOU LIKE TO -- >> YES. [Captioner] 20:03:55 SO SINCE THE YEAR 2000, THE CITY HAS [Captioner] 20:03:59 ISSUED FIVE PERMITS FOR GOAT OWNERSHIP [Captioner] 20:04:03 TO FOUR UNIQUE RESIDENTS. FOR BEE HIVES, WE [Kelly Miott] 20:04:05 2,000 The city has issued 29 permanent for beehive ownership to 27 unique residents. [Captioner] 20:04:06 HAVE FIVE CURRENT BEEHIVE PERMITS. SINCE THE YEAR 2000, THE CITY [Captioner] 20:04:10 HAS ISSUED 29 PERMITS FOR BEEHIVE [Captioner] 20:04:13 OWNERSHIP TO 27 UNIQUE RESIDENTS. WE [Captioner] 20:04:16 HAVE CURRENTLY FOUR CHICKEN PERMITS, AND SINCE THE [Captioner] 20:04:20 YEAR 2000, THE CITY HAS ISSUED 46 PERMITS [Captioner] 20:04:24 FOR CHICKEN OWNERSHIP TO 40 UNIQUE [Captioner] 20:04:27 RESIDENTS. [City of Fremont] 20:04:27 Okay. So essentially, we have right around 40 to 43, something like that. [Captioner] 20:04:31 >> Councilmember Jones: SO ESSENTIALLY WE HAVE RIGHT [Captioner] 20:04:34 AROUND 40 TO 43, SOMETHING LIKE THAT, TOTAL [City of Fremont] 20:04:34 Total households? Is that correct? 41, 41 little faster on the map? [Captioner] 20:04:38 HOUSEHOLDS, IS THAT CORRECT? >> Councilmember Cox: [Captioner] 20:04:42 41. >> Councilmember Jones: [City of Fremont] 20:04:42 Well, they could be duplicates. I know some of the ones that spoke in the past at both animals, multiple animals, so it doesn't mean they're totally so much my point being the outreach the community meeting that we had had I believe Kelly said 53. [Captioner] 20:04:45 41? A LITTLE FASTER ON THE MAP. >> Mayor Mei: THEY [Captioner] 20:04:48 COULD BE DUPLICATES. I KNOW PEOPLE THAT [Captioner] 20:04:52 SPOKE IN THE PAST HAD BOTH ANIMALS, MULTIPLE [Captioner] 20:04:54 ANIMALS. >> Councilmember Jones: THE COMMUNITY MEETING WE HAD, I [City of Fremont] 20:04:55 Attendees, and if we have 41, interested by parties or affected parties, I I do think that's probably you know, the the only outreach you're gonna get. [Captioner] 20:04:58 BELIEVE KELLY SAID 53 ATTENDEES, AND IF WE [Captioner] 20:05:02 HAVE 41 INTERESTED PARTIES OR AFFECTED PARTY, [Captioner] 20:05:05 I DO THINK THAT'S PROBABLY, YOU [Captioner] 20:05:07 KNOW, THE ONLY OUTREACH YOU'RE GOING TO GET. [City of Fremont] 20:05:07 I mean, if if people don't have these types of situations, then they are probably not going to attend that meeting, because it doesn't really affect them. [Captioner] 20:05:10 I MEAN, IF PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THESE TYPES OF [Captioner] 20:05:13 SITUATIONS, THEN THEY ARE PROBABLY NOT GOING TO ATTEND THAT MEETING BECAUSE [City of Fremont] 20:05:14 So it does seem like there was some outreach to get that done. [Captioner] 20:05:16 IT DOESN'T REALLY AFFECT THEM. SO IT DOES SEEM LIKE THERE WAS [City of Fremont] 20:05:18 That's my only comment [Captioner] 20:05:19 SOME OUTREACH TO GET THAT DONE. THAT'S MY ONLY [City of Fremont] 20:05:21 Thank you. I think we have a motion a second. I see some other hands, because somebody had asked clarification. [Captioner] 20:05:25 COMMENT. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. I THINK WE HAVE A MOTION AND A [City of Fremont] 20:05:27 I don't know. My only other question would be to Staff in terms of if we were to do more outreach. [Captioner] 20:05:29 SECOND. I SEE SOME OTHER HANDS BECAUSE SOMEBODY HAD ASKED FOR [Captioner] 20:05:31 CLARIFICATION. MY ONLY OTHER QUESTION WOULD BE TO STAFF IN TERMS OF IF WE WERE [City of Fremont] 20:05:32 What's the bandwidth? I mean? That was the question that came up originally is even with the ordinance, How much staff support do we need? [Captioner] 20:05:35 TO DO MORE OUTREACH, WHAT'S THE BANDWIDTH? THAT WAS THE QUESTION THAT [Captioner] 20:05:38 CAME UP ORIGINALLY, IS EVEN WITH THE ORDINANCE, HOW MUCH STAFF [City of Fremont] 20:05:38 And if we were gonna do additional meetings, this is something, and I would defer to the city manager or to Kelly on that comment [Captioner] 20:05:41 SUPPORT DO WE NEED, AND IF WE WERE GOING TO DO ADDITIONAL [Captioner] 20:05:45 MEETINGS, IS THIS SOMETHING -- AND I WOULD DEFER TO THE CITY MANAGER OR TO KELLY ON [Captioner] 20:05:48 THAT COMMENT. [City of Fremont] 20:05:51 Hey, Kelly, go ahead and offer your response. [Captioner] 20:05:55 >> City Mgr. Shackelford: KELLY, GO AHEAD AND OFFER YOUR RESPONSE. [Kelly Miott] 20:05:55 I'm sorry I didn't hear you [City of Fremont] 20:05:56 Oh, I was asking so my biggest concern here. Besides, the a question about additional outreach is, what type of capacity would that take for our staff to be able to go out for additional outreach [Captioner] 20:05:58 >> I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T HEAR YOU. >> Mayor Mei: OH. I WAS [Captioner] 20:06:01 ASKING, SO MY BIGGEST CONCERN HERE [Captioner] 20:06:05 BESIDES THE QUESTION ADDITIONAL OUTREACH IS WHAT TYPE OF CAPACITY WOULD THAT [Captioner] 20:06:08 TAKE FOR OUR STAFF TO BE ABLE TO GO OUT FOR ADDITIONAL [Kelly Miott] 20:06:09 I'm willing to take direction from Council if you would like me to provide more outreach. [Captioner] 20:06:11 OUTREACH? >> I'M WILLING TO TAKE DIRECTION [Captioner] 20:06:14 FROM COUNCIL. IF YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO PROVIDE MORE OUTREACH. [Captioner] 20:06:19 OUR STAFFING IS A CHALLENGE RIGHT NOW. BUT [Captioner] 20:06:22 I'M WILLING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET THIS TO THE POINT WHERE IT [Captioner] 20:06:26 IS A GOOD ORDINANCE FOR OUR COMMUNITY. [City of Fremont] 20:06:26 And so I guess I would ask, is that one more community meeting, 5 more community meetings? [Captioner] 20:06:29 >> City Mgr. Shackelford: SO I GUESS I WOULD ASK, IS [Captioner] 20:06:32 THAT ONE MORE COMMUNITY MEETING, FIVE MORE COMMUNITY [City of Fremont] 20:06:34 What what would be satisfactory? [Captioner] 20:06:38 MEETINGS? WHAT WOULD BE SATISFACTORY? [Captioner] 20:06:43 >> Councilmember Kassan: I DON'T THINK IT ABOUT A NUMBER. I THINK THE [City of Fremont] 20:06:44 I don't think it's about a number. [City of Fremont] 20:06:44 I think the situation the current situation is there doesn't seem to have been outreach in drafting the ordinance to the stakeholders, and I want to differ with Councilmember Jones that only 40 people are affected because this ordinance First, of all it affects everyone who [Captioner] 20:06:47 CURRENT SITUATION IS THERE DOESN'T SEEM TO HAVE BEEN [Captioner] 20:06:50 OUTREACH IN DRAFTING THE ORDINANCE TO THE [Captioner] 20:06:53 STAKEHOLDERS, AND I WANT TO DEFER WITH COUNCILMEMBER JONES [Captioner] 20:06:57 DIFFER WITH COUNCILMEMBER JONES THAT ONLY 40 PEOPLE [City of Fremont] 20:06:57 cares about animals, especially when we're talking about the disposition period of 3 days versus 4 business days. [Captioner] 20:07:00 ARE AFFECTED BECAUSE FIRST OF ALL, IT AFFECTS EVERYONE WHO CARES ABOUT [Captioner] 20:07:03 ANIMALS, ESPECIALLY WHEN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE DISPOSITION PERIOD OF THREE DAYS [City of Fremont] 20:07:04 Also there are many, many people who would like to have chickens or other animals, but cannot, currently because of our current ordinance. [Captioner] 20:07:06 VERSUS FOUR BUSINESS DAYS. ALSO THERE ARE MANY, MANY PEOPLE [Captioner] 20:07:09 WHO WOULD LIKE TO HAVE CHICKENS OR OTHER ANIMALS BUT CANNOT [City of Fremont] 20:07:11 So I think, saying it only affects 40 people is a bit synchronous, but I think the idea is that when you draft an ordinance like this, and I don't agree it's a living document. [Captioner] 20:07:12 CURRENTLY BECAUSE OF OUR CURRENT ORDINANCE. SO I THINK SAYING [Captioner] 20:07:15 IT ONLY AFFECTS 40 PEOPLE IS A [Captioner] 20:07:18 BIT DISINGENUOUS, BUT I THINK THE IDEA IS THAT WHEN YOU DRAFT AN [City of Fremont] 20:07:20 Because realistically, we don't. A mend ordinances very often, and when you draft an ordinance like this I think it's important that it be drafted after the community feedback is made. [Captioner] 20:07:21 ORDINANCE LIKE THIS -- AND I DON'T AGREE IT A LIVING DOCUMENT, [Captioner] 20:07:24 BECAUSE REALISTICALLY, WE DON'T AMEND ORDINANCES VERY OFTEN. [Captioner] 20:07:28 AND WHEN YOU DRAFT AN ORDINANCE LIKE THIS, I THINK [Captioner] 20:07:31 IT'S IMPORTANT THAT IT BE [City of Fremont] 20:07:33 Not that community feedback is gathered after the ordinance is drafted, and if you look at the feedback that came out of that meeting, it was most almost all negative. [Captioner] 20:07:35 DRAFTED AFTER THE COMMUNITY FEEDBACK IS MADE, NOT THAT COMMUNITY [Captioner] 20:07:38 FEEDBACK IS GATHERED AFTER THE ORDINANCE IS DRAFTED. [Captioner] 20:07:41 AND IF YOU LOOK AT THE FEEDBACK THAT CAME OUT OF THAT MEETING, IT [City of Fremont] 20:07:43 So even if you do take that meeting as a valid way of gathering community input it was almost all negative. [Captioner] 20:07:44 WAS ALMOST ALL NEGATIVE. SO EVEN IF YOU DO [Captioner] 20:07:47 TAKE THAT MEETING AS [Captioner] 20:07:50 A VALID [City of Fremont] 20:07:51 So I just think we need to go back to the drawing board and base, the the drafting of the ordinance on what our community stakeholders say, and I'm very very happy to help with that process. [Captioner] 20:07:54 WAY OF GATHERING COMMUNITY INPUT, IT WAS ALMOST ALL NEGATIVE. [Captioner] 20:07:57 SO I JUST THINK WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD AND BASE THE [Captioner] 20:08:01 DRAFTING OF THE ORDINANCE ON WHAT OUR COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS SAY. [City of Fremont] 20:08:02 I know many of the community stakeholders that I know would be very happy to participate in help in that process. [Captioner] 20:08:04 AND I'M VERY, VERY HAPPY TO HELP WITH THAT PROCESS. I [Captioner] 20:08:07 KNOW MANY OF THE COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS THAT I KNOW WOULD BE VERY HAPPY [City of Fremont] 20:08:09 This [Captioner] 20:08:11 TO PARTICIPATE AND HELP IN THAT PROCESS. [City of Fremont] 20:08:11 I see Councilmember shell, and also. Councilmember saw one headquarters. [Captioner] 20:08:15 >> Mayor Mei: I SEE COUNCILMEMBER SHAO AND ALSO COUNCILMEMBER [City of Fremont] 20:08:16 Comments into this. All up, but I think we have a mayor. I just want to make a kind of motion, and I understand the rule is that if I get a second mode a second for the counter, motion then the kind of motion gets voted on first, substitute [Captioner] 20:08:19 SALWAN HAD COMMENTS TO THIS FOLLOW-UP. BUT I [Captioner] 20:08:21 THINK WE HAVE A MOTION. >> Councilmember Shao: THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR. [Captioner] 20:08:25 I JUST WANT TO MAKE A COUNTER MOTION, AND I UNDERSTAND THE RULE [Captioner] 20:08:28 IS IF I GET A SECOND FOR THE COUNTER [Captioner] 20:08:31 MOTION, THEN THE COUNTER MOTION GETS VOTED ON FIRST. [City of Fremont] 20:08:33 motion motion. Can I get clarification from our city attorney? [Captioner] 20:08:37 >> Mayor Mei: SUBSTITUTE MOTION. CAN I GET CLARIFICATION FROM OUR CITY ATTORNEY? [Captioner] 20:08:41 >> Cty. Attny. Alvarado: I'LL HAVE TO LOOK UP THE HANDBOOK. GIVE ME A MOMENT. [City of Fremont] 20:09:20 emotion to substitute takes precedent over the existing motion. [Captioner] 20:09:23 A MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE TAKES PRECEDENT OVER THE EXISTING MOTION. [City of Fremont] 20:09:24 Thank you. Well, it needs a second, first, 2, So there's a proposal from. [Captioner] 20:09:28 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. WELL, IT NEEDS A SECOND FIRST, [City of Fremont] 20:09:29 I'm sorry. What is the motion? What is the motion? [Captioner] 20:09:31 TOO, SO THERE'S A PROPOSAL FROM -- >> Ms. Gauthier: I'M SORRY, WHAT [City of Fremont] 20:09:32 The motion is to, except [Captioner] 20:09:35 IS THE MOTION? >> Councilmember Shao: THE MOTION IS TO ACCEPT [City of Fremont] 20:09:36 And then you second. So we have a motion a second on the substitute, and for the clarification of our city attorney, the substitute motion takes precedence. [Captioner] 20:09:39 THE STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION [Captioner] 20:09:42 AND ADOPT THE NEW ONE. [Captioner] 20:09:46 >> Councilmember Cox: SECOND. GLMPLEGHT WE HAVE A MOTION AND SECOND ON THE SUBSTITUTE AND FOR [City of Fremont] 20:09:48 So at this time I'd like to ask for a vote on the substitute motion which is to accept the staff recommendation. [Captioner] 20:09:49 THE CLARIFICATION OF OUR CITY ATTORNEY, THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION TAKES PRECEDENCE. [Captioner] 20:09:52 SO AT THIS TIME, I'D LIKE TO ASK FOR A [Captioner] 20:09:56 VOTE ON THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION. WHICH IS TO ACCEPT [Captioner] 20:09:57 THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 20:09:57 Thank you. [City of Fremont] 20:10:06 And the substitute motion stands, and with 6 eyes, and one may [Captioner] 20:10:11 AND THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION STANDS, [Captioner] 20:10:14 AND -- WITH SIX AYES AND ONE NAY. [City of Fremont] 20:10:16 So the motion passes. Adoption of this ordinance [Captioner] 20:10:19 SO THE MOTION PASSES. FOR THE ADOPTION OF [Captioner] 20:10:22 THIS ORDINANCE. [City of Fremont] 20:10:22 Through the mayor, for the record. May I read the title into the record Yes, please. [Captioner] 20:10:27 >> Cty. Attny. Alvarado: THROUGH THE MAYOR FOR THE RECORD MAY I READ THE TITLE INTO THE RECORD? [City of Fremont] 20:10:27 I was gonna ask that [Captioner] 20:10:30 >> Mayor Mei: YES, PLEASE. I WAS GOING TO ASK THAT. [City of Fremont] 20:10:32 This is an ordinance of the city of Fremont, and mending Fremont Municipal code sections 6 10 dash o 306 10 dash, o fouro, 6 10, o 7 o 6 20, dash, oh, no 6 30 dash, oh, 4 oh, 6 30 dash, oh, 6 [Captioner] 20:10:36 >> Cty. Attny. Alvarado: THIS IS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FREMONT [Captioner] 20:10:39 AMENDING FREMONT MUNICIPAL CODE [Captioner] 20:10:43 SECTIONS [Captioner] 20:10:47 610-030, 610.040, [Captioner] 20:10:50 610-070, [City of Fremont] 20:10:53 oh! [Captioner] 20:10:54 620-010, [City of Fremont] 20:10:56 6 40 dash o 3, oh, 6, 44, and 650 over 4, and adding sections 61136, 40, o 2 5, and 6 40 O 3, 5, Thank you, mayor Thank you. [Captioner] 20:10:58 630-040, 630-060. [Captioner] 20:11:04 640-030, 640-040 AND ADDING [Captioner] 20:11:09 SECTIONS 610, 130, 640025 [City of Fremont] 20:11:11 I do want to make a comment, though, in addition to this passing, because I know that some of the speakers had made comments, and I would say that if possible, I'd also like to see from Kelly, if it'd be possible, for us to perhaps get some feedback next year in terms, of [Captioner] 20:11:12 AND 640035. THANK YOU, MAYOR. [Captioner] 20:11:15 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. I DO WANT TO MAKE A COMMENT, THOUGH, IN ADDITION [Captioner] 20:11:18 TO THIS PASSING, BECAUSE I KNOW SOME OF THE SPEAKERS HAD MADE [Captioner] 20:11:21 COMMENTS AND I WOULD SAY THAT IF [Captioner] 20:11:24 POSSIBLE, I'D ALSO LIKE TO SEE FROM KELLY IF IT WOULD BE [Captioner] 20:11:27 POSSIBLE FOR US TO PERHAPS GET SOME FEEDBACK NEXT YEAR IN TERMS [City of Fremont] 20:11:27 an update, and how things are going with this process. And if that's something that's reasonable in our timeframe, because I do think that whenever we make changes toordinates it's important, for us to be able to look at that and we know we have our council, retreat and as I mentioned, every year. [Captioner] 20:11:31 OF AN UPDATE AND HOW THINGS ARE GOING WITH [Captioner] 20:11:33 THIS PROCESS AND IF THAT'S SOMETHING THAT'S REASONABLE IN OUR TIME FRAME. [Captioner] 20:11:37 BECAUSE I DO THINK THAT WHENEVER WE MAKE CHANGES TO ORDINANCES, [Captioner] 20:11:40 IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US TO BE ABLE TO LOOK AT THAT, AND WE KNOW WE HAVE OUR COUNCIL [City of Fremont] 20:11:40 we also have the Earth Day Festival, which is with Washington Hospital in April, which I think is a good time, right prior to that, perhaps to get a real quick update That's not an unreasonable request I think that's a fair request in 6 months. [Captioner] 20:11:44 RETREAT AND AS I MENTIONED EVERY YEAR, WE ALSO HAVE THE EARTH [Captioner] 20:11:47 DAY FESTIVAL WHICH IS IN WASHINGTON HOSPITAL IN APRIL, WHICH I [Captioner] 20:11:50 THINK IS A GOOD TIME, PRIOR TO THAT, PERHAPS, TO GET A [Captioner] 20:11:52 REAL QUICK UPDATE. >> ABSOLUTELY. [Captioner] 20:11:55 >> City Mgr. Shackelford: THAT'S NOT AN UNREASONABLE REQUEST AT ALL. [City of Fremont] 20:11:55 So. Thank you. [Captioner] 20:11:57 >> Mayor Mei: I THINK THAT'S A FAIR REQUEST IN SIX MONTHS. SO THANK YOU. [City of Fremont] 20:12:00 And at this time there are no council referrals. I'd like to have any oral reports out from meetings from the Council [Captioner] 20:12:04 AND AT THIS TIME, THERE ARE NO COUNCIL REFERRALS. I'D [Captioner] 20:12:07 LIKE TO HAVE ANY ORAL REPORT OUT FROM MEETINGS FROM THE COUNCIL. [City of Fremont] 20:12:10 Okay, it's Ernie reports out from many meetings, No meetings have taken place when I for the committee. [Captioner] 20:12:14 OKAY. IS THERE ANY REPORT OUT [Captioner] 20:12:17 FROM ANY MEETINGS? >> Councilmember Cox: NO [Captioner] 20:12:20 MEETINGS HAVE TAKEN PLACE FROM THE [City of Fremont] 20:12:21 So one starting tomorrow. So: okay, great. I wanted to say congratulations to Council Member saw one. [Captioner] 20:12:24 COMMITTEES, SO HOPEFULLY WE'LL HAVE ONE STARTING TOMORROW. [Captioner] 20:12:28 >> Mayor Mei: GREAT. I WANTED TO SAY CONGRATULATIONS [City of Fremont] 20:12:30 He is representing us on the League of California Cities, and is on Executive Court. [Captioner] 20:12:31 TO COUNCILMEMBER SALWAN. HE IS REPRESENTING US ON THE LEGAL OF [City of Fremont] 20:12:33 I think you were just promoted. Can you comment on that real quick? [Captioner] 20:12:34 CALIFORNIA CITIES AND IS ON THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. I THINK YOU WERE [Captioner] 20:12:37 JUST PROMOTED. CAN YOU COMMENT ON THAT REAL QUICK? [City of Fremont] 20:12:39 Yes, I was. Re reappointed or re-elected. [Captioner] 20:12:42 >> Councilmember Salwan: SO I WAS REAPPOINTED OR [City of Fremont] 20:12:42 I don't know how you say it, but at large. [City of Fremont] 20:12:43 Director, So it's exciting, and we are voting on replacing our State representative as he's moving on to a higher office Thank you. [Captioner] 20:12:45 RE-ELECTED, I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU SAY IT, BUT -- AT LARGE [Captioner] 20:12:48 DIRECTOR, SO IT EXCITING. AND WE ARE VOTING [Captioner] 20:12:51 ON REPLACING OUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE, [Captioner] 20:12:53 AS HE'S MOVING ON TO A HIGHER OFFICE. [City of Fremont] 20:12:54 And then Council Member Shell, You have an update. [Captioner] 20:12:58 >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU. AND THEN COUNCILMEMBER SHAO, YOU HAVE [City of Fremont] 20:12:59 Thank you, Madam Mayor. I just want to report that the a housing authority of Kantia Vitamin just so had the monthly meeting last week, and the surprisingly in a good way that the Federal Government actually added more vouchers to the County of [Captioner] 20:13:02 AN UPDATE? [Captioner] 20:13:05 >> Councilmember Shao: THANK YOU, MADAME MAYOR. [Captioner] 20:13:09 JUST WANTED TO REPORT THAT HOUSING AUTHORITY OF COUNTY OF ALAMEDA [Captioner] 20:13:12 JUST HAD THEIR MONTHLY MEETING LAST [Captioner] 20:13:15 WEEK, AND SURPRISINGLY IN A GOOD WAY THAT THE [Captioner] 20:13:19 FEDERAL GOFLT ACTUALLY ADDED MORE [City of Fremont] 20:13:21 Alamita. So the question is how to allocate those additional vouchers fairly. [Captioner] 20:13:23 GOVERNMENT ACTUALLY ADDED MORE VOUCHERS [Captioner] 20:13:26 TO THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, SO THE QUESTION IS HOW TO ALLOCATE [Captioner] 20:13:30 THOSE ADDITIONAL VOUCHERS FAIRLY AMONG ALL THE [City of Fremont] 20:13:30 all the cities. I did my best to represent free month, pointing out that our homeless population in increased dramatically over the last 3 years, and we certainly need our fair share of the resources to tackle the homelessness thank you I appreciate that update I Think that [Captioner] 20:13:33 CITIES. I DID MY BEST TO [Captioner] 20:13:38 REPRESENT FREMONT, POINTING OUT THAT OUR HOMELESS HOP [Captioner] 20:13:42 POPULATION INCREASED DRAMATICALLY OVER THE [Captioner] 20:13:45 LAST THREE YEARS, AND WE CERTAINLY NEED [Captioner] 20:13:51 OUR -- THE RESOURCES TO TACKLE [City of Fremont] 20:13:51 that's very important. I wanted to give a quick update, too, because I also serve on the Us. [Captioner] 20:13:53 HOMELESSNESS. >> Mayor Mei: THANK YOU, I APPRECIATE THAT UPDATE. [Captioner] 20:13:57 I THINK THAT'S VERY IMPORTANT. I WANTED TO GIVE A QUICK UPDATE TOO [City of Fremont] 20:13:57 Conference of Mayors, their advisory board, and for some time now I'm really proud of the fact that we've partnered with so many of the diversity, equity inclusion alliances that exist there is a black mayor's conference as well as There's a Latino [Captioner] 20:14:01 BECAUSE I SERVE ON THE U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS, ON THEIR ADVISORY [Captioner] 20:14:04 BOARD. FOR SOME TIME NOW, I'M REALLY PROUD OF THE [Captioner] 20:14:07 FACT THAT WE'VE PARTNERED WITH SO MANY OF [Captioner] 20:14:10 THE DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION [City of Fremont] 20:14:11 alliance, and I wanted to share that. This is something that I raised to the board, and I truly appreciate The Executive Board had agreed this weekend and so we have now currently and formed an Asian American Pacific islander alliance for the first time in their City's history so [Captioner] 20:14:13 ALLIANCES THAT EXIST. THERE'S A BLACK [Captioner] 20:14:16 MAYORS' CONFERENCE AS WELL AS A LATINO ALLIANCE. [Captioner] 20:14:20 I WANTED TO SHARE THAT, THIS IS SOMETHING I RAISED TO THE BOARD AND I [Captioner] 20:14:23 TRULY APPRECIATE THE EXECUTIVE BOARD HAD AGREED THIS WEEKEND, SO [Captioner] 20:14:26 WE HAVE NOW CREATED AND FORMED AN ASIAN [City of Fremont] 20:14:29 I'm very grateful for the unanimous support for that effort, and it's something that I look forward to us. [Captioner] 20:14:30 AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER ALLIANCE FOR THE FIRST [Captioner] 20:14:34 TIME IN OUR CITY'S HISTORY, SO I'M GRATEFUL FOR THE [City of Fremont] 20:14:36 Be able to partner and collaboration with our fellow other alliances, which I think it's really important, and appreciate that ability to serve and represent. Our community. [Captioner] 20:14:37 UNANIMOUS SUPPORT FOR THAT EFFORT, AND IT'S SOMETHING THAT I LOOK FORWARD TO US BEING [Captioner] 20:14:40 ABLE TO PARTNER IN COLLABORATION WITH [Captioner] 20:14:43 OUR FELLOW OTHER ALLIANCES, WHICH I THINK [Captioner] 20:14:46 IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT AND APPRECIATE [Captioner] 20:14:47 THAT ABILITY TO SERVE AND REPRESENT OUR COMMUNITIES. [City of Fremont] 20:14:47 Yes, So with that, I think, include closing their know other things at this time other than to be well to be healthy, to be kind to all your neighbors, whether two-legged 4 linked furry or otherwise I think that that's one of the things, we've learned today, And so [Captioner] 20:14:52 SO WITH THAT, I THINK IN CLOSING, THERE ARE [Captioner] 20:14:55 NO OTHER THINGS AT THIS TIME OTHER THAN [Captioner] 20:15:00 TO BE WELL, TO BE HEALTHY, TO BE KIND TO ALL YOUR [Captioner] 20:15:03 NEIGHBORS, WHETHER TWO-LEGGED, FOUR-LEGGED, FURRY OR [Captioner] 20:15:05 OTHERWISE. I THINK THAT'S ONE OF THE THINGS WE'VE LEARNED TODAY. [City of Fremont] 20:15:05 hopefully It's something that we can move forward, and to be able to be well and be healthy and be kind. [Captioner] 20:15:08 SO HOPEFULLY SOMETHING THAT WE CAN MOVE FORWARD AND TO BE ABLE [Captioner] 20:15:11 TO BE WELL AND BE HEALTHY AND BE KIND. THANK YOU SO MUCH.