[Note to readers: The city only broadcasted auto-generated captions to Zoom at this meeting, rather than stenographer captions. Please be advised that this transcript contains accuracy errors that significantly alter the meeting.] [City of Fremont] 19:01:31 Alberto, Roll call, please [City of Fremont] 19:01:32 Councilman reconstructs [City of Fremont] 19:01:35 Yeah. Councilmember shall present Councilmember Jones. [City of Fremont] 19:01:44 Counselor Cassin here accounts for someone present. [City of Fremont] 19:01:51 Vice, mayor, Kang is marked, absent, may or may here so thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:01:58 There are vacancies on our boards and commissions, and throughout the year we accept applications. [City of Fremont] 19:02:02 If you're interested in learning more about them, please go to our website. [City of Fremont] 19:02:05 2 W. Fremont Gov. Under the Commission's boards and committees, paged our website. [City of Fremont] 19:02:12 Or please feel free to contact the city clerk's office at 5, 1 0, 2, 8, 4, 4, 0, 6 0, members of the public wishing to participate in tonight's meeting may do so be a zoom by pressing the raise hand Icon or If by dialing in by pressing star [City of Fremont] 19:02:28 9 and we'll make announcement before each section of the agenda, if not noted on the zoom. [City of Fremont] 19:02:35 Screen Please kindly state your name, and if, speaking on behalf of an organization, see the name of the organization you're representing email, submit. [City of Fremont] 19:02:44 It's a city clerk's office, Ark compile, distributed, and the city council, and placed on the city agenda center on Fremont, Gov. [City of Fremont] 19:02:53 And are considered part of the public record. I would like to announce. [City of Fremont] 19:02:57 This meeting will go up until 1130 Pm. This needed will allow for 30 min of general public comments, and if their additional speakers for oral communications, after initial 30 min we'll take the additional speakers at the end of the meeting time remains, I will now turn the meeting over to our city [City of Fremont] 19:03:13 manager, karina shackle to make the announcements and introduce your staff. [City of Fremont] 19:03:17 At this time. Thank you, Madam Mayor. Let's see no announcements tonight, but I would like to introduce my colleague Rafael Alvarado City attorney, and we have clerking our meeting tonight. [City of Fremont] 19:03:30 Our assistant city clerk, Alberto Cantonia, and members of our it staff supporting the the Zoom meeting. [City of Fremont] 19:03:38 So. Thank you. Thank you. And I think I wanted to turn really quickly to our city attorney. [City of Fremont] 19:03:46 There might be a change on the agenda, because I think there was a correction that was needed [City of Fremont] 19:03:54 Correct. That Thank you, Mayor. I just wanted to note one clerical correction for this evenings. [City of Fremont] 19:04:01 public hearing Later this evening, the Council will be considering 2 ordinances related to the California Building code on the Staff report title. [City of Fremont] 19:04:12 it incorrectly lists that the Council will be adopting a resolution that is not happening this evening. [City of Fremont] 19:04:16 That will happen at the second reading, which takes place at the first meeting in November. [City of Fremont] 19:04:20 The recommendation is correct in the staff report, so if the Council is inclined to move the recommendation, it will be correct, as stated. [City of Fremont] 19:04:27 but there, even though there's a resolution in the packet you will not be adopting an ordinance this evening. [City of Fremont] 19:04:33 Thank you, Mayor. Thank you for the clarification on the agenda. [City of Fremont] 19:04:37 Next. On this agenda is the consent calendar, and there are items that we've pass with one council vote in the staff. [City of Fremont] 19:04:43 Recommendation will stand. Members of the public may comment on the consent calendar by raising their hand or practice clicking the raise hand icon, or if I call in by Dialing Star, 9 That's the city clerk have any members of the public who wish to remove an item, on the [City of Fremont] 19:05:00 Okay. Consent. Calendar. Oh, yes, we have 2 hands raised. [City of Fremont] 19:05:04 could we call the speakers? Please. [City of Fremont] 19:05:16 Nicki Irvine. Which item would you like to pull from the consent calendar [City of Fremont] 19:05:27 Item 2 c. [City of Fremont] 19:05:34 Alright, no other hands raised, Thank you. And at this time I will ask the cancel if there's any items they would like to pull. [City of Fremont] 19:05:43 But I think it may have already been pulled [City of Fremont] 19:05:49 Councilmember, saw, when I see your hand raised first got a mayor, I think, once he's already been pulled to see. [City of Fremont] 19:05:57 Yeah, and then item, one K. And one L: I'll be recusing. [City of Fremont] 19:06:03 it's outside the legal requirement of my property. [City of Fremont] 19:06:07 But just butness of caution. I have chosen to recuse on the larger warm springs. [City of Fremont] 19:06:12 Can community development area to prevent any perceived bias. [City of Fremont] 19:06:15 Thank you. Okay. So Item: 2 K and 2 L: You'd like to recuse yourself from [City of Fremont] 19:06:22 2. That's I'll move to approve Consent There's actually some other hand. Spray still. Council Member Cox, Did you have? [City of Fremont] 19:06:33 so we'll move move to approve. [City of Fremont] 19:06:35 With the exception of item C. And then the recurrent noted for Council Member saw one and motioned and seconded by Council Member Cox. [City of Fremont] 19:06:44 Please vote with your dice buttons. [City of Fremont] 19:06:57 Thank you. So the consent calendar passes unanimously with the exclusion of item 2 C and the recusal Right? Okay. [City of Fremont] 19:07:07 Council Member saw one off of 2 K. And 2. L. Thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:07:12 Next to evening, like to share a proclamation, and if we could bring up our through the mayor just a reminder that we'll when when we get to that, ordinance, item will have to read that into the record. [City of Fremont] 19:07:27 no, thank you for Item 2. C: Yes, I know. [City of Fremont] 19:07:31 That will be later. So I'd like to then share a ceremonial item this evening, and I believe we have Donna Roscoe, the zoom. [City of Fremont] 19:07:39 Or yes, we do Wonderful! If we could invite him to join us, and I'd like to share a proclamation on behalf. [City of Fremont] 19:07:46 Of Philipino heritage month. Good evening. So whereas on October eighteenth, 1587, more than a century before, before, the Mayflower crossed the Atlantic Ocean the first boozones Indios as Filipinos were known in those days, arrived in more [City of Fremont] 19:08:06 obey California. After sailing across the Pacific Ocean as sailors on the Spanish galleons, and whereas between 1,900, and 6 and 1,935 the first large wave of Filipino immigrants, the United States began as Filipinos were [City of Fremont] 19:08:22 reunited or recruited to work in the agriculture, industries, canneries, and on sugar, clean plantations; and whereas during World War Ii. [City of Fremont] 19:08:33 Approximately 200,000 Filipino soldiers, including thousands from California, fought under United States command to preserve the liberty of our country and win back the liberty of The Philippines, and whereas between 1,941 in 1,959 a second wave of Filipino [City of Fremont] 19:08:50 immigrants began as nurses, students, fiancee of World war, Ii. [City of Fremont] 19:08:56 Military personnel, veterans and many Filipinos who had served in the United States Navy, settled in the name towns, including Alameda County, where they flourish. [City of Fremont] 19:09:07 I created flourishing Filipino American communities, and whereas in 1,965, the third wave of Filipino immigration began after the enactment of the immigration nationality, abolished national origins as the basis, for immigration allowing for much needed Filipino medical professionals to [City of Fremont] 19:09:27 come to the United States; and whereas in 2,009 October was first recognized Philipino. [City of Fremont] 19:09:35 American History month in California. During this month, Fremont recognizes the lasting and significant contributions. Of Filipino Americans to our city and our nation. [City of Fremont] 19:09:46 Educators and artists, politicians and laborers, veterans and judges; and whereas every day Filipino Americans continue to enrich our cultural, economic, intellectual, social, spiritual and political, lives today the East Bay is a vibrant, center of the filipino community deeply [City of Fremont] 19:10:05 rooted with overse 16,000. In the city of Fremont. [City of Fremont] 19:10:09 Now, therefore, the city of council of the city of Fremont does recognize Philipino Heritage month, and so I'd like to have Donna Roscoe introduce himself and accept this phone [Don Orozco] 19:10:25 thank you so much for this opportunity, Mayor Lily. [Don Orozco] 19:10:30 I am honored to receive this in behalf of the following American Chamber of Commerce of Silicon Valley and the Coalition Philippino, American Chamber of Commerce. [Don Orozco] 19:10:42 That is all over the United States, and of course, moving forward as a I, as we have been looking forward 2, they have definitely this Philippine or organizations, is forward to work with this or free one in anything that with back to that community, so thank you so much and we're looking forward [Don Orozco] 19:11:07 to be inviting you as well. For some other Philipino events that we will launch particular in. [City of Fremont] 19:11:15 Thank you so much, Mabel. Hi. So thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:11:27 Next on our agenda is oral communications, and that's any person desiring to speak on a matter that's not agendas this evening and not scheduled may do so under oral communication section a public communications communications that were received via email or placed. [City of Fremont] 19:11:44 On file and consider part of the public record. So members of the public, wishing to speak, may do so by clicking on the raise hand. [City of Fremont] 19:11:51 Icon or by Dialing star 9 and again, if not noted on the zoom, please kindly introduce yourself, and state your name, and when speaking on behalf of an organization State the name of your organization, you, are representing do we have speakers this evening Yes, our first Speaker is Kate [City of Fremont] 19:12:09 mills, Okay, And can we do 2 min for each one? [City of Fremont] 19:12:15 Because I'm anticipating. We probably have a long list [Kate Mills] 19:12:19 I think you're going to be showing a screen. Good evening, Honorable Council members, city executives and fellow freemanions. [Kate Mills] 19:12:28 If I were to ask the virtual community how many know where Costco is I'll bet you 99% or more of the hands go up. [Kate Mills] 19:12:36 Perhaps not as many fill the screen. If I asked about the Olified Art Center. [Kate Mills] 19:12:42 Well, let's change that tonight. I'm representing the Olive Hyde Art Guild. [Kate Mills] 19:12:47 A nonprofit profit organization dedicated to bringing art to the city of Free month. [Kate Mills] 19:12:54 Why? Because our heels art elevates art balances are lives, We've partnered with the city of Fremont and many businesses to nonprofit profits for decades, supporting our exhibits programs and special events provide scholarships to aloney college and high school [Kate Mills] 19:13:15 students, all of hired art guilt supports multiple community art programs ranging from special needs, budding artists and established artists. [Kate Mills] 19:13:26 We have a fundraiser known as the Holiday for the Arts. [Kate Mills] 19:13:29 We use it to raise money to support these programs. Over 50 artists across all media. [Kate Mills] 19:13:36 We'll be showing and selling their creations during our 38 annual holiday for the arts. [Kate Mills] 19:13:42 It begins with a ticketed gala. On Friday evening, October twenty-first. [Kate Mills] 19:13:46 If you like, neck like networking with artists and artificianados, eating gourmet appetizers shopping for art, and listening to great music. [Kate Mills] 19:13:57 This is the event for you. But if you can't make the gala but have a person in your life, it has everything, and you can eat a special gift, a one of our kind gift well this is the show for you we'll see you on Saturday and Sunday. [Kate Mills] 19:14:12 At the art show and sale. There's no charge to attend. [Kate Mills] 19:14:16 Please go to www of hide art guild, dot org, to find out more about the olive hired guilds holiday for the arts. [City of Fremont] 19:14:30 Thank you. Next. Speaker, please Our next speaker is Keith Parker. [City of Fremont] 19:14:37 Welcome, Keith [Keith Parker] 19:14:42 thank you. I wanted to speak tonight on an issue which has been brought to my attention, and which I believe needs to be talked about in the public, made aware of the issue has to do with emergency medical services. [Keith Parker] 19:14:52 Now, we all know the city manages and funds. [Keith Parker] 19:14:53 Fire, please, and paramedic services. But ambulance services are handled by third-party contract agencies in those contracts are managed by Alameda. [Keith Parker] 19:15:02 County The problem is that these agencies are not able to meet the staff and requirements that needed to meet the needs of the people with framework. [Keith Parker] 19:15:10 Let me explain when emergency services are called a medical emergency fire and paramedic resources are dispatched, and upon arrival they provide whatever life saving care they can, and in theory ambulance tr arrives to transport the patient to the nearest hospital, for further treatment. [Keith Parker] 19:15:23 But what happens if the ambulance doesn't come And that's the question, because they're not coming. [Keith Parker] 19:15:29 They're not coming, because those third party agencies do not have the staffing necessary to meet the demand. [Keith Parker] 19:15:34 It has gotten so bad that one firefighter recently told me. [Keith Parker] 19:15:37 Not at a moment. Right here in Fremont, he was forced to call an Uber to transport the victim to Washington Hospital because no ambulance was coming. [Keith Parker] 19:15:48 Think about that for a He had to call it uber. [Keith Parker] 19:15:51 Imagine if it was you for your parents, your spouse for your child, that needed help, and the paramedics call, and how would you feel? [Keith Parker] 19:16:02 We need to solve this before it costs some of their life, because the way things stand, someone is gonna lose their life over this It's only a question of when not if and the solution as directly presented to me by Freeman Fire Chief, Jacobson is simple when the county contracts are up, should find [Keith Parker] 19:16:19 Ems services directly, and provide control and management to local city fire agencies. [Keith Parker] 19:16:23 Funding is provided by the county just as it is today, and management goes to individual city fire agencies. [Keith Parker] 19:16:29 That's all it now. Obviously, there's a long answer to how to solve the issue, But I encourage you to speak with Chief Jacobson and find out the details and how we can solve this incredibly dangerous issue. [Keith Parker] 19:16:40 Start conversations with accounting now before it's too late. [City of Fremont] 19:16:47 Thank you. Next. Speaker, please. Hmm, hmm! Next Speaker Kelly, Abra [kelly a] 19:16:53 yeah. The last speaker about the ambulances of the the County Board of Supervisors got the as mostly represents. Fremont. [kelly a] 19:17:02 His name is David Howard Supervisor David Halbert, and also a little piece of Fremont is Supervisor Richard Vaye, and they they they're very well aware of of the problems with the ambulances and they know this has been going on for a Long time and [kelly a] 19:17:20 you can see what, what how little they've done about it. [kelly a] 19:17:25 The city of Fremont adopted its latest budget a few months ago, which assumes that the Us. [kelly a] 19:17:29 Economy is going to continue to grow, and that it handed out hefty pay raises. [kelly a] 19:17:34 Assuming that the growth would be sustained, the city expects property taxes to grow 6 and a half percent a year over the next 3 years. [kelly a] 19:17:42 But now the Us. Cond is going downwards, and inflation is soaring. [kelly a] 19:17:47 So the city budgets in Trouble City continues to pour money into a restricted parking program permits near Mission Peak Mission. [kelly a] 19:17:56 San Jose. It's losing money on parking Enforcement there, losing money on the red light cameras at 10 intersections which cost half a 1 million dollars a year for the leases, The fines are $500 ticket and the benefits for public safety are negligible [kelly a] 19:18:12 so we're spending a a great deal more than San Jose, Dublin. [kelly a] 19:18:16 Pleasanton on police and fire services based. Spend about half their general fund budgets on on police and fire, with 3 months spending 76%. [kelly a] 19:18:27 So there's no money left over literally little for social services. [kelly a] 19:18:30 Parks, Recreation Street, maintenance, protect and preserve the city's fiscal health. [City of Fremont] 19:18:55 Thank you. Next. Speaker, please. Our next speaker is John Hines. [John Hinds] 19:19:04 Oh, for you! While we are some good news today that the police department had won a grant to step up and enforcement activities on dangerous behavior by drivers, congratulations on the Grant. [John Hinds] 19:19:16 That's great news. My expectation is that these measures will reduce accidents, injury, accidents, and serious injury. [John Hinds] 19:19:25 Accidents. I understand some people have had a different opinion before, and so the question is, as we go into a project like this, How could we tell how effective these steps are? [John Hinds] 19:19:36 It is a good type of thing. Through what measures we could use to to track success. [John Hinds] 19:19:43 we have in the past, I think, focus on serious injury. [John Hinds] 19:19:46 Accidents, because that's a more serious issue. [John Hinds] 19:19:50 But it's also a much smaller number, and although it's a nice problem to have small numbers of of serious injuries in terms of data, analysis it's better to have bigger numbers. [John Hinds] 19:20:02 So if we could track all accidents, all injury, accidents, and if we could look for a way to make some of those figures public like the identified, so we don't know who the parties, involved were what with location time severity you know in in those buckets that are used now [John Hinds] 19:20:21 for major injury, some injury, or or just property damage. [John Hinds] 19:20:26 There are people out here including me, who would love to help with the analysis and see what sorts of success we're having with the program. [John Hinds] 19:20:35 But going back to the top of the comment again. Congratulations! [City of Fremont] 19:20:43 Thank you. Next. Speaker, please. Our next speaker is Joseph [Jay O’Sea] 19:20:53 Hello! Council. I just want to caution against the caller, who said that we needed to look at the budget in a more fiscally responsible manner. [Jay O’Sea] 19:21:02 I believe he has not heard of modern monetary theory. [Jay O’Sea] 19:21:05 This is a new theory of economics. It essentially says that you can pray as much money as you like, and it will never be devalued, and everything will be You'd hope it in a way, and this is a economic policy that we designed here at a central planning with our partners at Davos the Davis school [Jay O’Sea] 19:21:23 of economic policy. So you can go ahead and keep spending. [Jay O’Sea] 19:21:28 Now there's all sorts of things we need to be spending on smart city growth. [Jay O’Sea] 19:21:33 We basically need to like create a board type society, where everyone's interconnected with each other. [Jay O’Sea] 19:21:38 And since we are in the bay area, I believe we can do this, and thanks to the modern monetary theory, we are able to just print as much money as we want and remake the entirety of society so don't worry if we're gonna be short on the finances as we're the [Jay O’Sea] 19:21:53 global economy seems to be approaching an epic cliff in the wake of the lockdown policies, etc., with the sticks, trillion dollars, or probably way, more Actually, I I'm I'm at central planning but the central banking is not really my department. [Jay O’Sea] 19:22:09 That we have printed, and we will ultimately lead to increasing inflation. [Jay O’Sea] 19:22:14 Everything is going to continue going up in costs. I know you've seen that, you know. I'm keeping an eye on the data here at Central We just need you to, kinda you know, put it in 6 gear and really drive this thing off the cliffs even more So than we already. [Jay O’Sea] 19:22:28 Have we need to just make quickly create great reset, new world order, scenario, and the That's why we need to spend all the money on the interconnected Borg: society that we are trying to set up and if first needs to be done here. [Jay O’Sea] 19:22:39 In the bay area, you know, so I'm kind of working with the cities locally to implement. That. [Jay O’Sea] 19:22:46 So. Thank you so much. Counselors for spending our money, and I hope that you continue to do so. [City of Fremont] 19:22:57 Thank you. Next. Speaker, please. Thank you. Well, I'd like to turn it back to the Council. [City of Fremont] 19:23:09 I know that we have an agenda item that was pulled just now. [City of Fremont] 19:23:11 Item 2 C. And if we could have consideration of that, I think there was a speaker on that. [City of Fremont] 19:23:20 Yes, we had Nicki Irvine. Welcome, Nicki. [City of Fremont] 19:23:25 I think you wanted to pull this agenda item. I forget that on that. [City of Fremont] 19:23:31 Thank you. [Nickie Irvine] 19:23:32 yes, thank you. My name is Nicki Irvin. [Nickie Irvine] 19:23:35 I'm the coordinator of the B legal project we've been working on changing beekeeping regulations in the bay area since 2,013, with significant success. [Nickie Irvine] 19:23:43 We worked closely with code enforcement throughout California to develop regulations that work well locally that are more responsive to neighbor complaints than the current proposal and that allow beekeepers to care properly for their hives and improve local genetics for survival and [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:00 gentleness. We tried to work with Fremont to propose a new regulatory framework for your animal code that will reduce time and money for staff be responsive to neighbors. [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:10 Educate the community and improve the environment. Given the importance, Pollinators, like bees, communication has been more difficult with Covid, so that might explain why we haven't had the conversations needed to understand our proposal and move forward productively in September 2021 we shared a [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:30 detailed 13 page memo, providing a well-do documented proposal. [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:34 More recently we shared a shorter three-page demo that summarizes major points. [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:40 But given the questions. Last month, I don't. I don't think many read it. [Nickie Irvine] 19:24:44 We ask that you vote against the proposed animal code on the table tonight in order to allow time for substantive feedback from the community, including many free month residents who understand the importance of bees as well as the sizable well organized local beekeepers, provide many important and free [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:05 services which you may not be aware of. Chief Washington and his staff have indicated their willingness to work with us. [Nickie Irvine] 19:25:12 On this we are happy to end some questions you may have, and look forward to improving the current regulations. [City of Fremont] 19:25:24 Thank you. And I'd like to say Let's see. [City of Fremont] 19:25:28 I have Council Member saw one, and I'll go through the list right. Mayor. [City of Fremont] 19:25:32 We do have 2 additional here from the additional speaker side [City of Fremont] 19:25:39 Jay. [City of Fremont] 19:25:46 Jsa. Please Unmute [City of Fremont] 19:25:53 Like [City of Fremont] 19:25:56 Okay, thank you. Guys. Her next speaker is Steve Scholar. [kelly a] 19:26:03 Thank you. About a week or so ago. There's a somebody took a picture of 2 chickens in in in in in Backyard and Fremont I didn't. [kelly a] 19:26:13 Say It was their backyard, and talked about how beautiful the feathers were And when I see that picture, of course, in this animal ordinance came right up right jumped into my my mind and I said did. [kelly a] 19:26:28 These people who have these chickens back there? Do they know about our animal ordinance? [kelly a] 19:26:32 Did they pay the $60 a year? $100 a year to get a permit for their for these 2 chickens? [kelly a] 19:26:41 and did they have the animal officer of the government go out there to inspect their backyard to protect the welfare of Those animals? [kelly a] 19:26:49 You know we have all kinds of of of rules here, and we got, you know, inspection requirements that probably drive up the cost sky high and make it so expensive. [kelly a] 19:27:01 That it costs, you know, $100 a year to get a permit to have some chickens and and that's probably why these laws are so strict. [kelly a] 19:27:09 That that's probably why that they're they're not being followed. [kelly a] 19:27:13 I bet you that that that was an illegal chicken backyard in in the newspaper. [kelly a] 19:27:20 The The The animals are pretty, but they're probably illegal, and we need to think about these laws and see if they're really too strict. [steve skala] 19:27:38 yes, thank you, Steve. Scholar resident of Fremont. [steve skala] 19:27:43 I don't think this ordinance is really fully baked. [steve skala] 19:27:48 It has a couple of issues, some of that, some of them you've heard. [steve skala] 19:27:52 Last week I spoke, or last time I spoke about lock requirements at 6,000 square feet. [steve skala] 19:28:00 It seems arbitrary. I looked at some of the lot distributions most lots and free month vary between like 5,800 square feet to 65 square feet, and you put this criteria pretty much right in the middle of the distribution Those who have some engineering, background no that means it's effectively [steve skala] 19:28:19 arbitrary, and if you look at some neighborhoods, some of the neighborhoods that I think we're a little bit older, maybe set up his starter homes. [steve skala] 19:28:29 Have lap sizes of about 5,800 square feet. [steve skala] 19:28:32 I'll say those houses are really no different from someone who's got a little bit bigger lot size, but you know, according to this ordinance, they're they're not allowed to have chickens or or other other animals, I really think you should look, at where that number came [steve skala] 19:28:52 from you also appear to be saying that you can no longer have any dog off leash anywhere. [steve skala] 19:29:01 If I get a leather £15 dog, and then if I want to take it over in the Irvington field to play, catch. [steve skala] 19:29:08 I will ignore this law, and I think most other dog owners will. [steve skala] 19:29:13 That's also a pure recreation issue. Was this issue of Go ahead handling dogs brought to the recreation committee or Commission, because it really should have it, has lot of implications for them that and the other reasons that others have mentioned I really don't think you've really gone [City of Fremont] 19:29:41 One additional speaker, Iris [Iris] 19:29:46 hi good evening, good evening, honorable Count. City Council members. [Iris] 19:29:52 My name is. I respond. I am speaking on behalf of the residents in the Metro Crossing community during the last 2 months. [Iris] 19:29:59 We have seen an increasing crime risk in our communities, which [City of Fremont] 19:30:03 Alright. This this or this discussion topic is regarding the animal ordinance. [City of Fremont] 19:30:10 Is that what you're wanting to speak on [Iris] 19:30:16 No, sorry, Mayor, we're we're want to kind of express some safety concerns from our neighborhood. [City of Fremont] 19:30:21 We had oral communications just previously, and we had opened the comment and yeah, did not raise your hand at that time. [City of Fremont] 19:30:29 So right now, we're working on the consent calendar item that specifically focuses on the animal ordinance [City of Fremont] 19:30:39 Okay, Thank you. So I guess is that the last the animal in ordinance will go back to Councilmember. Saw one. [City of Fremont] 19:30:45 We do have one more. So 2 more, Spencer [Spencer] 19:30:54 Hi! Can you hear me? Okay, Great: thanks. Hi. I'm Spencer Hadley. [City of Fremont] 19:30:55 Yes. [Spencer] 19:30:59 I live pretty close to Freeman, Bart. [Spencer] 19:31:02 Central Fremont and I agree with the other people who think that this ordinance needs more attention and consideration. [Spencer] 19:31:12 But the aspect of it that I want to draw attention to is the part where coups and pens need to be a certain number of feed away from property pretty line that it seems arbitrary to me. [Spencer] 19:31:25 There are provisions, and here, to to make sure that the animals are well taken care of, and with the pens and don't smell bad, is there meeting to be cleaned out regularly and if they don't smell bad and we don't have roosters, then the animals. [Spencer] 19:31:41 Aren't making too much, no way, so as long as there's no neighbor complaints, I don't think there's any reason to have troops, and pens be a certain number away from a product. [Spencer] 19:31:51 What do you want at our house? We happen to have a property line shared with Alameda County Water district, and we have a pen That's right up against that property. [Spencer] 19:32:00 Line, so there's no residents living again. It's that property line. [Spencer] 19:32:05 So they'll advise that we would need to move our pen to be farther away from that property. [Spencer] 19:32:12 But as the coordinates, and right now we are, would be illegal, and it takes a lot of effort. [Spencer] 19:32:24 Move it around. It's very well built, so that's another aspect of this. [Spencer] 19:32:26 But I'd like to see, look at and change. That's a dog, and run up to a fence shared with a neighbor. [City of Fremont] 19:32:53 Our next speaker is Chris [chris] 19:32:57 Hi! Once again Something concerns me here at the Council. [chris] 19:33:04 I'm all for an ordered city council meeting. But whatever the people want to spend their 2 min talking about, they're able to spend their 2 min talking about that and for the city council to keep interrupting people when they're off topic, is gonna just cause more people to start talking off topic [chris] 19:33:30 because I like that. You want to keep It's an accounts meeting, but unfortunately, most the public doesn't know that the first few minutes or the only time they have to bring items up, and I unless you guys wanna move that to the middle of the meeting, you're gonna can you have people that happen to show [chris] 19:33:49 up late and want to speak on a topic, and you're gonna tell them they're on off topic and then interrupt them. [chris] 19:33:55 And they're gonna back, down. And then you're you get what you want, which is an ordinary city council meeting. [chris] 19:34:02 But you're suppressing the First amendment rights of the people that you manage, and I hope that, as the last person said, with things near property lines would be less specific. [City of Fremont] 19:34:14 Sir yep. [chris] 19:34:17 With your actual ordinances, and instead of just using discretion, everyone uses discretion. [chris] 19:34:25 Everything's illegal and free month. We just don't enforce loss. [City of Fremont] 19:34:31 I just wanted to clarify I think, is that the last speaker? [City of Fremont] 19:34:35 There are 2 2 additional hands. Right? And so I don't want anyone to miss their opportunity. [City of Fremont] 19:34:46 If there are any additional hands that would like to be raised [City of Fremont] 19:34:54 We have 2 hands raised. Brian Lee. [Brian Lee] 19:34:59 yeah, I just wanted to comment on the section of this organization which appears to reduce the number of days that an animal is held before they can possibly be. [Brian Lee] 19:35:10 Euthanized to only 3. I That's very confusing to me. [Brian Lee] 19:35:15 Why You would do that. That seems like a very short period, and I would I would ask the Council to not decrease that, but to actually increase it. [Brian Lee] 19:35:24 And and I agree overall with what everyone else has been saying is, it seems like this still needs a lot of work before it's past. [City of Fremont] 19:35:36 final hand, raises Catherine [Katherine, FFE] 19:35:43 Hi! Thank you. I'm gonna make this really quick I'm not gonna rehash everything. [Katherine, FFE] 19:35:49 Everybody has already said so far. I really am in agreement that it sounds like this really needs to be revisited, and certain things re addressed, because it sounds like some things have not been considered, and I would really like this: to be held off for a vote until that can be taken care of so I [Katherine, FFE] 19:36:15 am very concerned about that as an animal lover, so I really wanna make sure that this is right for everybody, and as far as talking off topic. [Katherine, FFE] 19:36:27 I I agree with the way city Council is handling this. [Katherine, FFE] 19:36:29 I don't like the idea of people being able to go off topic on a certain subject matter, because then it just lets anybody jump in for any reason, and these meetings can get very confusing and very long So thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:36:53 Thank you. And at this time I'll try to. I close the pub comment on that item. Item. [City of Fremont] 19:36:58 2 C. And I'll turn it back to the Council for the conversation and discussion. [City of Fremont] 19:37:02 I see First on the list is Council Member Saw one. Thank you, madam. [City of Fremont] 19:37:06 Chair. I appreciate it. Everyone's comments, you know. [City of Fremont] 19:37:10 This was the start off with a good purpose to, you know. [City of Fremont] 19:37:13 Allow goats in somebody's private residence, and and you know this is something. [City of Fremont] 19:37:19 Nobody's happy now, you you know, but at least we're helping those goats and to try to do some good. [City of Fremont] 19:37:26 Ultimately, I think there will never be an ordinance that everyone will be happy with But I had a couple of questions, so the one that kind of jumped out was the 3 day time timeline and so the way it's written it's written that this three-day period will allow animals [City of Fremont] 19:37:41 to be adopted, transferred, or foster to out sooner, and so some of the community members were concerned that this will result in increased euthanasia and so I was wondering how can we address the community's concerns relating to that and I know that we have on line today with [City of Fremont] 19:37:58 us. Kelly Maya, who is our speaker, It'll help us crack this and I don't know we can pull correct. [Kelly Miott] 19:38:07 I'm here. Thank you for the Question Council Member. The shelter time, provision change is not intended to Nora. [City of Fremont] 19:38:08 Okay. [Kelly Miott] 19:38:16 It will direct, nor will it directly impact us in Asia for impounded animals. [Kelly Miott] 19:38:20 The changes in 10 to move animals through the shelter system. [Kelly Miott] 19:38:25 Faster. So the animals that really need to be at the shelter can get the best care possible, changing the minimum in pound time will allow animals to be adopted, transferred or fostered out sooner. [Kelly Miott] 19:38:34 The animal shelter is very proud of its successful track record, and returning lost animals to their owners. [Kelly Miott] 19:38:41 According to the 2019 data from sheltered animals count the nation's most widely used database for shelter statistics, 26% of the dogs who enter the shelter system. [Kelly Miott] 19:38:51 The United States, or return to their owner Dogs that are found in Fremont have been returned at a rate of 65% 82%, and 75% resp. [City of Fremont] 19:39:07 Thank you. I I respect your job. I'm sure it's a very difficult job working in the shelter. [City of Fremont] 19:39:12 So for our city attorney. I was looking at the ordinance. [City of Fremont] 19:39:16 It mentioned disposition. What is it? What exactly does that allow [City of Fremont] 19:39:23 Frankly, that's an operational question that I think Kelly could probably respond to as well. [City of Fremont] 19:39:27 Thank you. [Kelly Miott] 19:39:30 can you read for me exactly what you're Referencing Council Member [City of Fremont] 19:39:35 Oh, yes, in the ordinance, let me find it here. [City of Fremont] 19:39:42 yeah, section 6 30 60 disposition of impounded animals at subsection. [City of Fremont] 19:39:48 A. It says the city may decide disposition of an impounded animal that is not retrieved by its owner within 3 and 4 is stricken days, not including the day of impoundment [Kelly Miott] 19:40:02 Oh, so that that just means that we will be able to determine the next steps for that animal, whether we need to transfer it to a adoption partner, who maybe have some more specialty veterinary staff that can address the needs of the animal whether we can put it, up for a adoption so some animals are [Kelly Miott] 19:40:19 deemed available for adoption, because they're pretty much cookie kind of ready to go, and some annals we might determine, needs some more work on behavior or medical and so, we will wait a little while to either reevaluate or see how the animals doing behaviorally in the [Kelly Miott] 19:40:36 shelter, or medically, we'll start shopping around to veterinarians to try to get some good rates or get some availability to get some of that care of the animal might need to become available for adoption. [Kelly Miott] 19:40:47 We typically only use the nice animals that are showing dogs that are showing dangerous dog behavior. [City of Fremont] 19:40:56 Thank you. Is there some published criteria or some guidelines? [City of Fremont] 19:41:00 You have to follow when deciding euthanasia [Kelly Miott] 19:41:04 Yes, so every city can determine their what their criteria are based on their city standards. [Kelly Miott] 19:41:11 So so the community based on the community standards of what is healthy, treatable, or unhealthy and untreatable. [Kelly Miott] 19:41:19 So, for example, right now, we have 2 typically or 2 that would be to find untreatable. [Kelly Miott] 19:41:27 But we are using all, all the resources we have available to provide extra care for them through our donation account. [Kelly Miott] 19:41:35 So, just because we determine on impound that this is an unhealthy or untreatable animal by community standards, we will still go to great links to try to get them the care that they need so one of the dogs is actually under the care of uc Davis right now we have a [Kelly Miott] 19:41:51 world, renowned veterinarian, treating him for a blockage between his kidney and his bladder, and so he may need a You would probably know better than me but there's some sort of blockage in as your order and there we're. [Kelly Miott] 19:42:06 Trying to figure out what the next steps are. If you need surgery, he is under the care of some amazing veterinarians. [Kelly Miott] 19:42:13 There. I will also let you know that I wanted that we have not euthanized. [Kelly Miott] 19:42:19 I'm trying to pull up my stats. Here, give me 1 s. [Kelly Miott] 19:42:24 I have it printed here somewhere in the last year. [Kelly Miott] 19:42:29 The city is euthanized. $27 that came in from Fremont, and over the last 2 years a total of 53 dogs had been used in ice. [Kelly Miott] 19:42:38 The Vast majority of the youth and nice dogs were using nice for dangerous behavior. [Kelly Miott] 19:42:42 So severe illness or severe injury pets are not using as a result of lack of space in our facility, and the code division is not expected to impact you in Asia rates or circumstances [City of Fremont] 19:42:57 Thank you. So I I guess so. The part where it says adopted, transferred, or fostered. [City of Fremont] 19:43:05 I'm okay with moving it to 3 day timeline. [City of Fremont] 19:43:09 But as for a euthanasia, can we specifically input that this does not affect you? [City of Fremont] 19:43:15 Euthanasia's, or doesn't accelerate the timeline for euthanasia that decisions made independent of based on an expert evaluation based on published criteria can we [Kelly Miott] 19:43:24 Correct, we can actually euthanize for an animal. That's your needle. [Kelly Miott] 19:43:29 They're immediately suffering, regardless of the whole period and same with an animal that may have displayed dangerous dog behavior. [City of Fremont] 19:43:32 Okay. [Kelly Miott] 19:43:38 The owner surrenders it to the shelter, and they agree that this is a dangerous dog. [City of Fremont] 19:43:45 Okay, so is there a way to incorporate that Mr. [City of Fremont] 19:43:47 Attorney on not limiting the euthanasia timeline, or it it could be possible to craft language if that would be the direction of the council. [City of Fremont] 19:44:01 we are adopting tonight. So if there's gonna be substantive changes this evening, certainly wouldn't be adopting. [City of Fremont] 19:44:10 We direct staff to bring it back, and it might require reintroduction, depending on the number of changes that are proposed. [City of Fremont] 19:44:18 thank you. And then second on the beekeeping, I I read Miss Irvine's letter. [City of Fremont] 19:44:25 I I I She made some good points, so I was thinking that perhaps we could send that back for a further discussion with the expert beekeepers, and seeing how we can work it out, how do we balance the community needs as well as you know, the beekeeping experts. [City of Fremont] 19:44:39 Out there. So, and some of the others, you know, as far as the 6,000 square foot lot and chickens, you know. [City of Fremont] 19:44:50 I I think we gotta draw the line somewhere. So if Staff wants to look at that, see if there's some leeway, and as far as leash laws, I believe that we already have leash guidelines is that correct Kelly as far as all dogs must be on a leash [Kelly Miott] 19:45:05 Yes, we do already have those laws in existence, and, in fact, the the change to our code was just to bring us an alignment with the one that already existed for the for recreation [City of Fremont] 19:45:16 Oh, okay. Okay. And I think these issues don't come up unless somebody bites somebody, or there's some liability issues I I think most of the time these people don't get into that Well, good. [City of Fremont] 19:45:28 So those were some of the comments I had, and some of the feedback, and maybe might be time to send it back for some rework with, but based on direction [City of Fremont] 19:45:42 Are you finished with your revisions? Okay, great, I think. [City of Fremont] 19:45:45 Next. On this I have Council Member Cox [City of Fremont] 19:45:54 Can you hear me? Okay, Thank you very much, Madam Mayor. [City of Fremont] 19:46:01 I would like to add on to what Council members someone has indicated, and just some putting some thoughts out there on some options, and additionally to the actions that can be taken. [City of Fremont] 19:46:12 It's important that I know. Thank you. To all the wonderful people that have called me, and have put another pair of eyes, and lens and insight on being a animal lover myself, and want to make sure. [City of Fremont] 19:46:33 That we're we're bringing brief on the ordinance, But I would like to add and expand upon some sort of due process, because with that some sort of process of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of taking certain actions, I think that we're missing the point, of showing due diligence [City of Fremont] 19:46:54 because from the feature when you read it, it looks like if the animals are not picked up, taking care of in 3 days, and if the owners happen to be on a wonderful European or on vacation, somewhere, and they don't get back in those 3 days it seems like just taking it at face value i'm sure that's not what [City of Fremont] 19:47:14 we mean I think it's just kind of adding a little bit more information to make sure that we're doing our due diligence as a city as people that live in the city that we We want to support our friends friends any type of friends that our part of living together on this earth [City of Fremont] 19:47:34 and and I I think it's really important that we add in that there is some additional steps that are taken, whether it's calling, whether it's you know, looking at the different options that was mentioned earlier with Council members saw one but also adding in that even if we advertise, other [City of Fremont] 19:47:59 agencies that do animal services they do call. They do advertise on social media that we have a lost dog or a lost goat, or a particular animal and they post it with the picture, and to get the word out and sometimes they have 7 days that you are allotted social meeting, for someone to respond back to claim. [Kelly Miott] 19:48:04 Yeah. [City of Fremont] 19:48:23 that it's their their animal, and they're the owner of it. [City of Fremont] 19:48:30 Of this precious animal, but also look, to see how we can kind of tighten up the wording, but allow some steps that can be done as due process, and allowing the Kelly working with our city attorney to be able to craft up the the wording to kind of show some steps there because [City of Fremont] 19:48:52 I think it just needs to add a little bit more definition in that part, so that we know we're doing a couple different steps, and we're transparent And our steps. [City of Fremont] 19:49:02 So saying, we're going to do step 1, 2, 3, 4, yeah, and all else. Then we do step 5. [City of Fremont] 19:49:07 We're also advertising. We have a timeline. [City of Fremont] 19:49:10 Everybody kind of understands that. So I think that would help, and and also to be able to prevent premature youth. [City of Fremont] 19:49:18 Asia, and in this process I think some of the things that were mentioned earlier with the dream up police putting out the Q. A. [City of Fremont] 19:49:27 That's on our website. I think also taking some of that wording or some things to kind of put it into some wordings of ordinance that would be very helpful And I agree I saw some of the public comments on bees I think that we should probably take a look at that and consider a [City of Fremont] 19:49:44 couple of the items that were mentioned to partner and just sound. [City of Fremont] 19:49:48 About one more time with. I'm not a B expert, but we got people out there that are and want to make sure we're doing our due diligence on that part to add in some other steps that would help resolve, some of the areas that are of concern with their constituents [City of Fremont] 19:50:04 with the beekeepers, and as far as the other ones on the distance and things I I'm not an expert on that part, but I'm sure it's within the codes of the public health that you can only have. [City of Fremont] 19:50:15 Animals close to homes, and those kind of things that have been passed, and due diligence from our department to keep things safe and healthy for public health. [City of Fremont] 19:50:26 So those are my 3 areas to talk about. But thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:50:31 Everyone, and I'm sure that will come up with a wonderful solution. [City of Fremont] 19:50:36 That will be a a win win for everyone. So thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:50:41 Thank you. Next, I have Council Member Kassen [City of Fremont] 19:50:46 Thank you. I'm happy to hear there is some seems to be some growing a consensus that there does need to be some additional consideration. [City of Fremont] 19:50:56 I think my biggest concern about this order is that it took 14 months to draft, and there was no public outreach at all. [City of Fremont] 19:51:04 During that time period the only public outreach that happened was once. [City of Fremont] 19:51:09 It was already drafted, and we have so many people in the city that do feel strongly about many, many of these issues. [City of Fremont] 19:51:15 I mean ironically, the the goat enclosure that started this whole thing would be illegal under this ordinance. [City of Fremont] 19:51:24 So I just really really hope we can go back and talk to the people who are the stakeholders in this issue, and also you know, I do just so want to acknowledge the excellence of our staff that work, with animals but also we're not talking about our current practices we're talking [City of Fremont] 19:51:42 about an ordinance, and the ordinance needs to be a good ordinance, regardless of the level of professionalism of our staff. [City of Fremont] 19:51:50 We can't be guaranteed that we'll always have the best staff, and the word disposition in my understanding doesn't include Ethernetia Councilmember Salon mentioned something about adopted transferred or fostered. [City of Fremont] 19:52:01 But I didn't see that anywhere in the ordinance. [City of Fremont] 19:52:04 I don't know if I missed it, but I don't believe it's the word disposition that's used, and that certainly could include euthanasia even if the current practice is not to do ethernetia I do have a question and that is that we are the [City of Fremont] 19:52:18 tri-city animal shelter, and we haven't had much discussion at all. We've not. We've had no discussion on how this ordinance affects The other 2 cities that we serve. [City of Fremont] 19:52:27 So I was wondering if I could get some clarification on that [Kelly Miott] 19:52:33 Thank you for your question. Council Member, the Ordinance amendments only affect them if they choose to adopt them as their wherein it's for their cities. [Kelly Miott] 19:52:45 We only do animal control for Fremont [City of Fremont] 19:52:50 Oh, so we don't. I thought we contracted with the 2 other cities, and [Kelly Miott] 19:52:54 We contract with Newark and Union City to shelter their animals, but not to do their animal control [City of Fremont] 19:53:00 Okay, so none of the the provisions of this ordinance would affect anyone outside of Fremont. [Kelly Miott] 19:53:05 Correct at this time, unless they choose to take these on as their own. [City of Fremont] 19:53:10 Okay, Great: Thank you. [City of Fremont] 19:53:15 Next is Council Member Jones. Thank you, Madam Mayor. Kelly. [City of Fremont] 19:53:20 Just a couple of quick questions. It The changes in this ordinance, from my understanding, we're brought about to kind of bring us in line with other agencies throughout the bay area. [Kelly Miott] 19:53:29 yes, some of them we were working on already, and then we put them in with the gopees and chickens to, because they were already in in the process. [City of Fremont] 19:53:41 Is that correct [Kelly Miott] 19:53:41 So. Yes, I'm sorry. And it was. It was for alignment of California law. [City of Fremont] 19:53:41 Okay. [Kelly Miott] 19:53:46 one of them, The leash was to bring us an alignment with the parks and recreation code. [Kelly Miott] 19:53:50 the whole period was to give us the ability to move the animals through to positive outcomes. [Kelly Miott] 19:53:57 Sooner into reduced. In my number of days the animals were in the care at the shelter [City of Fremont] 19:54:04 Okay, So that's where I think a lot of people got hung up was, you know, it went from 4 days to 3, and all of a sudden it's like, Oh, they're gonna be putting animals down after 3 days, right? [City of Fremont] 19:54:14 Just to clarify This gives you the opportunity to foster rescue. [City of Fremont] 19:54:19 You know what other disposition other than euthanasia that you can do to get this animal taken care of and out of the shelter, and 2 good hands. [City of Fremont] 19:54:28 Is that correct [Kelly Miott] 19:54:29 Correct, and the live release rate for animals Entering the shelter from Fremont in the past 3 years is 97% for dogs and 98% for cats. [Kelly Miott] 19:54:40 So. I know I mentioned earlier euthanasia numbers that by percentage we are not using very many animals at all. [Kelly Miott] 19:54:47 Currently, nor do many soters in California use the Nice right now for time and space. [Kelly Miott] 19:54:54 Of course, as we're coming out of the pandemic we're entering huge challenges, But right now we have plenty of space in the shelter. [City of Fremont] 19:55:08 Okay, would you agree, then, that maybe on the the provision regarding the 3 days, just to add a sentence as Council members now on, suggested saying, You know this is not meaning that we're going to take an animal after 3 days and euthanize it this means that it gives us the opportunity to move [City of Fremont] 19:55:23 that animal through the system faster, and get them to a better disposition, because I know over the years the shelter has actually euthanized very, very few animals, and, as you mentioned before, it has to be an animal that is you know, has a bit behavior. Issue. [City of Fremont] 19:55:42 There are danger. To their own or their danger to the public. [City of Fremont] 19:55:45 Those kinds of things, you know. Maybe they've already bitten somebody and they are just not for lack of a better term, redeemable. [City of Fremont] 19:55:53 So you know those instances. I know over the years have been very, very small. [City of Fremont] 19:55:59 So a a Again, I think the confusion came with, you know, just the 4 days versus the 3 days and people are thinking, Oh, you're shortening that up you're gonna be putting them down all these kinds of things. [City of Fremont] 19:56:08 So maybe a scouts were Council Member Salon suggested. [City of Fremont] 19:56:11 We could add just a sentence in there to say, This does not include, You know, this type of disposition. [City of Fremont] 19:56:19 the other thing that I kind of agree with is is, you know, maybe there should be some more outreach done on bees. [City of Fremont] 19:56:27 I'm not a B expert I know it' be a keeper Right? Yeah, he's the expert. [City of Fremont] 19:56:32 'm gonna let him, you know. Kind of guide. [City of Fremont] 19:56:35 The the conversation that hopefully is coming forward with the beekeepers in this organization throughout the bay area, and with our animal shelter. [City of Fremont] 19:56:48 So I'm actually okay, with kind of moving all of the ordinance forward, with the exception of the portion about the bees, until there can be some some other outreach done. [City of Fremont] 19:56:58 And conversations with the group that is willing to go out and kind of. [City of Fremont] 19:57:04 Take this on and take a lot of the load off of our staff, so if I were to make a motion that would be yeah, the motion. [City of Fremont] 19:57:11 I would put forward to move everything. Forward with the exception of the bees, have that go back for community. [City of Fremont] 19:57:17 Input and for conversations with with the animal control manager. [City of Fremont] 19:57:20 Thank you. Thank you. And we have Council Member shall thank you, man. [City of Fremont] 19:57:27 I I just want to second that motion. Okay, why was just gonna add one other comment, and I appreciate the comments and clarification from all my council members. [City of Fremont] 19:57:38 And I think that yeah, we also wanted to go. And I know this is not a public service announcement. [City of Fremont] 19:57:42 But this is why it's important. We do ask that people, if they have pets to please get their pets chipped so we can be able to scan, and find them and connect them to their owners. [City of Fremont] 19:57:53 If they are picked up, or again escape from there. Homes and the microchip scanner is always something that I believe our staff and Kelly, if you want to clarify, I believe that's something we check for always and we also call other agencies. [City of Fremont] 19:58:09 If there's a tag from another jurisdiction, and they also email. [City of Fremont] 19:58:13 And I know that I also wanted to commend staff. I'm pretty sure that I've been on the website many times in the past, and we currently do notify if we found certain animals in certain areas. [City of Fremont] 19:58:23 So we'll say it was found in this neighborhood on this day. [City of Fremont] 19:58:26 Please contact us and I know many people in our community members who are also animal lovers, and I know many of us have rescue pets. [City of Fremont] 19:58:36 I have also utilized that to be able to share with other community members, and we've had a pretty successful response rate, And I really want to thank all those who care so much in the community of sharing But Kelly, could you Confirm some of those with me and I think it's posted on our [City of Fremont] 19:58:50 social media and our website [Kelly Miott] 19:58:51 yes, thank you for asking. The officers. Do carry Microsoft scanners in their trucks, so they will scan the animals in the community before even bringing them, into the shelter so they will return them to their owner from the field without the animal human or i'm, mostly talking about [Kelly Miott] 19:59:07 dogs coming into the shelter. We also scan them from microchip immediately on impound, and we have all sorts of maps and diagrams on how to accurately scan them because microchips, will travel through their body over time and then the other point I wanna make is that all [Kelly Miott] 19:59:25 animals, leaving our shelter by law, have to be microchips, so no animal entering our shelter will leave without a microchip. [Kelly Miott] 19:59:35 That is California law. So if an animal is a repeat offender, we will chip. [Kelly Miott] 19:59:39 We will know next time it comes in who it is, and where it comes from. [Kelly Miott] 19:59:43 So then there are low cost clinics that we have in the city where people can get microchips for their pets. [Kelly Miott] 19:59:53 So we are trying, and a microchip is the size of a grain of rice. [Kelly Miott] 19:59:56 So if I'm on my soapbox talking about them for some micro shipping, it is super important. [Kelly Miott] 20:00:03 The next thing that is important is wearing a tag, because sometimes it's hard for people who find dogs on the street to get their dog skin for a microchip. [Kelly Miott] 20:00:13 So if your dog's also wearing a tag with a phone number, both things are super are recommended, and are super for helping us. [City of Fremont] 20:00:23 Thank you for that clarification. Appreciate that. I also see again our Council members. [City of Fremont] 20:00:31 Did you have something to add to the motion? Second Councilmember, Cassin? [City of Fremont] 20:00:34 I'd like to make a substitute motion that we don't adopt any of the ordinance tonight, and we send it back for more community input because I feel like there's community. [City of Fremont] 20:00:47 Concerns about many, many different parts of the ordinance. [City of Fremont] 20:00:50 Thank you. We have a motion. Do we have a second on the substitute motion [City of Fremont] 20:01:01 Seeing none, we go back to the original motion, and I see Councilmember Cox, did you have another thing to add? [City of Fremont] 20:01:08 Or [City of Fremont] 20:01:10 I I did wanna add. One other thing was that, taking a little bit closer, look at some of the other ordinances that are rounded. [City of Fremont] 20:01:21 Other counties, such as county of Santa Clara. [City of Fremont] 20:01:26 Animal services. They do have a holding period of 10 days for animals, and just kind of taking a look. [City of Fremont] 20:01:32 Those that are impounded before any other actions happening. [City of Fremont] 20:01:37 that maybe we could kind of build some other good practices and and following in some steps and wording that could be very helpful in terms of forming some sort of next steps. [City of Fremont] 20:01:52 I know that there could be a couple of different categories, but sometimes, if you make it too simple, we just gotta make sure that we're covering, but not limited to some of the actions. [City of Fremont] 20:02:04 Just so we're covering all the different that has been. [City of Fremont] 20:02:08 But just kind of in the lines of just adding some area that if it doesn't cover those categories that we still have another option before any further action of utilizing prematurely could occur. [City of Fremont] 20:02:24 Okay, Councilmember Jones, do you have a clarifying [City of Fremont] 20:02:28 I think, Yeah, clarifying question for Kelly regarding the the change from 3 days to 10. [City of Fremont] 20:02:35 Would that limit your ability to move the animal through the system, to rescue or foster, or one of the other dispositions [City of Fremont] 20:02:44 Okay, thank you. So my motion stands. I would move that we adopt the ordinance with the exception of the beekeeping ordinance, with a sentence to be determined by our city attorney, that or by you and kelly or somebody to clarify that that 3 day. [City of Fremont] 20:03:01 period is not a used in Asia period, and to stress that it is. [City of Fremont] 20:03:06 You know the ability to move that animal through the shelter to a better disposition. [City of Fremont] 20:03:12 See if if I make Councilmember Jones, I want to address up procedural concern, because it kind of it does affect the way that cities adopt ordinances with. [City of Fremont] 20:03:22 Let's start with the bees. With respect to the bees. [City of Fremont] 20:03:25 Section [City of Fremont] 20:03:29 Opposed revisions to section 6, 4, 0 dot 4. Oh, I think we can include that as part of your motion, because it's simply striking proposed language, and we default to existing law. [City of Fremont] 20:03:40 No concern there, I think if you yeah, if we were to, let's say, direct staff to make legislative changes, it would need to come back to the Council and final form before adoption so as a compromise what the Council could do is simply leave the default language that is [City of Fremont] 20:03:59 in section, 6.3 0 point 0, 6. Oh, meaning you just leave it. [City of Fremont] 20:04:06 As for business days, and you can revisit it down. [City of Fremont] 20:04:09 The line would basically just maintain status quo So essentially for both those sections, we'd strike the proposed changes you'd adopt the rest of the ordinance and on the days, we wouldn't have to create a new definition and bring it back You could adopt it that way this [City of Fremont] 20:04:22 evening, if that's acceptable to you as part of your motion, we could move forward that way. [City of Fremont] 20:04:27 The other. Alternative is word gonna have to come back. No, I'm completely agreeable with that. [City of Fremont] 20:04:34 So Thank you for that suggestion. Councilmember shall Do you accept them? [City of Fremont] 20:04:41 That so we have a motion a second, and if I think it was clear, count legal counsel, or attorney, and just clarified that, And so again, could you just restate that simply absolutely, absolutely mayor so as part of the motion the Council will be adopting the ordinance. [City of Fremont] 20:05:00 As proposed, except for proposed changes to 6.3 3 0, point 0, 6 0, and section 6 point, 4 0 point. [City of Fremont] 20:05:13 Oh, 4! Oh, those sections will not be moved forward and existing municipal code language will remain so. [City of Fremont] 20:05:22 The rest of the ordinance. We'll move forward. [City of Fremont] 20:05:25 Except for those 2 specific sections, we have a motion. And second, I'd like to call the vote. [City of Fremont] 20:05:31 Thank you. Can I request or ask, maybe ask a question? [City of Fremont] 20:05:40 Does this mean that we're gonna try to come back with a new B ordinance, or we're just gonna leave it as is until forever, you know, until someone decides to bring it up again My recollection is that the Council, has already directed city staff to review the matter within, a 6 month, period I think [City of Fremont] 20:06:00 is what I recall. I heard, and I've also heard from the council and interest in city staff performing additional outreach So I'll I'll I defer of course, to the city manager on those matters. [City of Fremont] 20:06:10 But I do recall that, being part of the conversation that was part of the original emotion that we made last week, that we've come back in 6 months. [City of Fremont] 20:06:19 Yeah, It wasn't actually part of the official motion. [City of Fremont] 20:06:22 but you know yeah, Staff is agreeable to that. [City of Fremont] 20:06:25 So there would be a new proposed B ordinance coming back in 6 months. [City of Fremont] 20:06:31 Correct. [City of Fremont] 20:06:35 So again I call the vote. So if you could press Devin comment, I think Miss I was at Irvine. [City of Fremont] 20:06:45 She had mentioned that the State law already has regulations for be keeping. [City of Fremont] 20:06:49 So we were adding extra layers of bureaucracy so she said we could simply default to the state requirements, and that would I think they were okay. [City of Fremont] 20:06:57 With that I understand. I think that would be a substantive change, because right now what we have is existing And so what we're saying is that we're keeping the existing verbiage, till we had outreach So I don't think that's should be of any. [City of Fremont] 20:07:11 Upset, because that's exactly what we've already had in place. [City of Fremont] 20:07:15 And with a time commitment to come back with in 6 months. [City of Fremont] 20:07:18 That gives significant time for outreach and for consulting with. [City of Fremont] 20:07:22 Okay, experts in this area, so that would get Kelly an opportunity to meet with Nicki Irvine in that group and determine is it necessary or do we just develop to state law? [City of Fremont] 20:07:35 Yes, okay, And just to be clear from A, And I'm legal perspective, We would be defaulting to existing local law. [City of Fremont] 20:07:45 any changes to local law that would incorporate State law would require us to adopt it by reference or to include it in our local provision. [City of Fremont] 20:07:53 So all this does is maintain status quo until we're able to come back with new proposals as to be keeping [City of Fremont] 20:08:01 So I had a motion to second, and I'd like to call. [City of Fremont] 20:08:04 We had clarification, so I'd like to call the vote. [City of Fremont] 20:08:05 Please votes using your button at the dice place [City of Fremont] 20:08:13 City clerk? Do we We still need a vote from council undercocks. [City of Fremont] 20:08:19 Can you repeat the whole thing now, cause I wanna make sure I'm clear. Getting a little confusing and convoluted [City of Fremont] 20:08:28 Certainly. Council. Member Cox. Yeah. Proposal as moved By Councilmember Jones and seconded by Council Member Chou, is to move forward on adoption of the Ordinance except as 2, section 6, point 3 0 point Oh, 6 O which concerns the number of days that we hold animals and 6 point [City of Fremont] 20:08:52 4 0 point, Oh, 4. Oh, regarding beekeeping! [City of Fremont] 20:08:57 So the rest of the ordinance, except for those 2 sections, will be adopted this evening. [City of Fremont] 20:09:07 Assuming the Council majority boats. Yes, of course, by renewing the votes the vote still is not displaying, or Counselor Cox. [City of Fremont] 20:09:27 okay. [City of Fremont] 20:09:28 Okay. So the motion passes with one, an A, the Council Majority and Council Member cast in voting name and Council Member King being absent. [City of Fremont] 20:09:41 So the motion passes. Thank you [City of Fremont] 20:09:48 Next on the agenda this evening is item 5 A, which is the introduction of the 2,022 building and fire coats with, local. [City of Fremont] 20:10:00 And this is the first reading, and we have our building. Official Gary West who is the Fire Marshall and Jay Sardinski, and the Jake, a building official. [City of Fremont] 20:10:11 Get Gary West Fire Marshall J. Sch Wardensky and Community Development Deputy Director Wayne Morse forgot to read the title, but for the or title for the Ordinance Thank you. [City of Fremont] 20:10:29 From the previous item. Thank you. Just reading the title. 1 s problem, especially important. [City of Fremont] 20:10:34 Given the changes. Yes. [City of Fremont] 20:10:53 Okay. So the ordinance is titled. An ordinance of the city of Fremont, amending free municipal code sections. [City of Fremont] 20:11:02 6, dot dot dot threeo 6, dot 10, dot, o 4, oh, 6, dot, oh, no 6, dot, 30 dot, o 4, oh. [City of Fremont] 20:11:21 6 dot 30. Excuse me 6 dot 40, dot o 3 o 6, 40. Excuse me, that's it for the forties so, and 6 dot, org and adding sections 6 dot 10, dot, 1, 3, oh, 6. Dot 40 dot o 2 5 and 6.40 dot o 3 5 thank you mayor [City of Fremont] 20:11:48 Thank you for that. Clarify. And, as I said next, is our introduction of the 2022 building and fire codes, with local amendments. [City of Fremont] 20:11:58 And this is our first reading, and we have no presentation. [City of Fremont] 20:12:02 But we have the opportunity for questions. And first, I'd like to see if there's any questions from the council members on these changes. [City of Fremont] 20:12:13 Council. Member Jones is your hand from before or now. Yes, please. [City of Fremont] 20:12:18 If you could go first. Thank you, Madam Mayor. So, just to clarify this ordinance is strictly bringing us up to current California codes and to make sure that we're in alignment with their everything else that's going on throughout the state and if that's the [City of Fremont] 20:12:34 case, I'm sure somebody else can do it, but ready to go forward with that. [City of Fremont] 20:12:40 Thank you. Sure. Next, I have also. Council Members saw one [City of Fremont] 20:12:48 Thank you, Madam Mayor. So besides the State adoption, which I think is pretty routine. Just wonder if Staff just quickly highlight the local changes that are being made with this changes [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:06 sure we Gary, Would you like to go with the building code, or would you like me to go with the fire code [City of Fremont] 20:13:15 Hey? If you could start first with the fire code. Thank you. [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:19 Alright. Thank you, Mayor. Thanks for the question. Councilman saw one. [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:24 The fire code changes, essentially move forward, our fire alarm requirements our sprinkler requirements on new and existing concerns production. [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:34 they do require speculative warehouses to be sprinkled at a higher density, so that we have more opportunity to put different businesses in there. [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:41 We've changed some of the definitions regarding semiconductor and high, or I'll say, advanced manufacturing facilities. [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:49 And then we've also expanded the hazardous materials, provisions. [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:54 Pardon me to apply to more chemicals at smaller thresholds. [Jay Swardenski] 20:13:59 all of those changes are have been in place for, are the last 3 or 4 code cycles, So there really are no substantive changes to our local ordinances, and then obviously we've brought ourselves into alignment with the current California fire code changes. [Gary West] 20:14:16 Thank you. You know, with the building codes we obviously they have a new updates every 3 years that are adopted by the building standards. [Gary West] 20:14:24 Commission and for us to come into compliance with a lot of the new regulations and the new things we're experiencing. [Gary West] 20:14:30 Like 80, use the requirements for So it's reports on foundations. [Gary West] 20:14:36 Some of those things. We've relaxed a little bit for additions, and adu construction for affordable housing, and many of our fire separations. [Gary West] 20:14:46 We've maintained to for public protection between units and and different occupancy. [Gary West] 20:14:55 the sustainable buildings. Ordinance with our efficiencies. [Gary West] 20:15:01 There are going to be coming back at a later date with their recommendations for energy efficiencies. [Gary West] 20:15:08 they'd they'd made some advancements with the current energy code and green building code for energy conservations. [Gary West] 20:15:16 So those are going to be looked at by oh, different entities at, get involved with that, and and have public comment to to see if we want to make those more restrictive. [Gary West] 20:15:27 Or try and find a 100% electrification or additional energy efficiencies for our regions. [Gary West] 20:15:34 Most of our modifications have to do with climatic, geographical, or if you're close to a fault near a landslide, usually geographical issues, it might pose potential problems. [Gary West] 20:15:47 With a type of construction for public safety. When did you hit anything you wanted to add [Wayne Morris] 20:15:59 Thanks, Gary. No! I don't. There's nothing for me to add. [Wayne Morris] 20:16:02 I guess just that we, There's nothing really new that we're bringing. [Wayne Morris] 20:16:05 We're bringing the same changes forward that we've brought in other years. [City of Fremont] 20:16:11 Thank you so much. I really appreciate that high level coverage. [City of Fremont] 20:16:13 Thank you. I support this [City of Fremont] 20:16:18 Thank you. And at this time I if there's no other clarifying questions from the Council, I'd like to open it up for public hearing and Are there any speakers on this? [City of Fremont] 20:16:28 Item, Yes, we have one hand raised. Kelly, Abrew. Thank you. [City of Fremont] 20:16:32 Welcome, Kelly. [kelly a] 20:16:35 yeah, this people look at this stuff, and it looks like a lot of technical Mumbo Jumbo. [kelly a] 20:16:41 But it's very important when when the land use authority doesn't follow all these codes and rules, you can get some ridiculous outrageous and dangerous results. [kelly a] 20:16:56 For example, right on the Zoom border just outside the city, and which would be in the county of Alameda, unincorporated. [kelly a] 20:17:06 There's a giant assembly building with chandeliers, and it's you know, designed for parties. [kelly a] 20:17:13 Obviously no, no sprinklers, because they called it a barn. [kelly a] 20:17:17 So if you get government officials that turned to blind eye and stick their heads in the stand, you can get a dangerous construction. [kelly a] 20:17:32 New construction of large buildings, well over 6,000 square feet, with design for large assembly. [kelly a] 20:17:40 Groups of of people to go out there and then guess which fire agency is gonna be going up there to put out the fires. [kelly a] 20:17:50 you the there there ain't no Alan Mik County Fire Department Station up there, and so there's probably gonna be some involvement from other departments, and it's not going to be theirs So yeah this. [] 20:18:06 Is very, very important. We, we the the the city is has a huge response for human life and safety, and and like and protecting people from bad things and let's hope that the city can do it container of that responsibility, because the county is not taking care of theirs. [City of Fremont] 20:18:37 Next speaker is Katherine [Katherine, FFE] 20:18:42 I I I apologize. If I missed this, but I I don't think I heard any buddy say anything about earthquake standards, and I think one of my concerns was when we're by. [Katherine, FFE] 20:18:56 building, this multi-family housing. [Katherine, FFE] 20:19:02 if current standards are being kept. My biggest concern is, I know that buildings built above garages, or really not very safe, so I just wanted to make sure that that was being taken into consideration. [Katherine, FFE] 20:19:15 With these new builds, and how I think I've heard in the news recently that there's been some pretty soon earthquakes locally, and I apparently have been unaware of some smaller fault. Lines. [Katherine, FFE] 20:19:36 I guess called slip lines, or something like that. They're not. [Katherine, FFE] 20:19:40 They don't react the same way as like the samples. [Katherine, FFE] 20:19:45 sorry. San Andreas, in the Hayward fault line Instead, They're affected, I think, by tectonic plates, so I don't know. [City of Fremont] 20:20:05 That was our last speaker. Thank you, Councilmember. [City of Fremont] 20:20:12 from before that I see here present. Okay, thank you. [City of Fremont] 20:20:16 We have a motion in a second, and I think there was a clarification on this agenda. [City of Fremont] 20:20:21 Item again from the city attorney. I don't know if you want to restate that When we started at the beginning of the meeting. [City of Fremont] 20:20:26 Yes, thank you, Mayor. This evening the staff report title includes that language suggesting that the Council will be adopting an ordinance this evening. [City of Fremont] 20:20:36 That title is incorrect. What's proposed this evening is introduction of 2 ordinances, which I will read into the record when the Council is ready, The resolution that is attached to tonight staff report will we'll come back to the Council at the November first [City of Fremont] 20:20:50 City Council meeting, when it considers adoption of these ordinances. [City of Fremont] 20:20:52 Thank you. [City of Fremont] 20:20:55 Thank you. So we have a motion in a second, and I'd like to ask if we could have people. [City of Fremont] 20:21:03 But do you have something [City of Fremont] 20:21:09 Okay, it doesn't show your buttons being pushed for my here is her hand raised. [City of Fremont] 20:21:18 Okay, I don't see it under my next speaker. [City of Fremont] 20:21:21 That's why [City of Fremont] 20:21:24 Okay, Council Member Cox, Did you have a clarifying question? [City of Fremont] 20:21:33 I think your mic might be off. Sorry [City of Fremont] 20:21:41 I understand that the new codes would be taken effect in January. [City of Fremont] 20:21:47 So? How? How does it work? And speaking with the fire, Marshal and or the code enforcement? [City of Fremont] 20:21:57 if you have a package that's being reviewed right now. [City of Fremont] 20:22:03 If any changes occurred in the middle of the approval, would the package that you're reviewing? [City of Fremont] 20:22:10 Would it have to be included if it's not approved by December thirty-first, 22. [City of Fremont] 20:22:16 I just wanted to kinda understand that piece of it as we roll out these new changes [Jay Swardenski] 20:22:23 sure you so, for for most projects, the date on which you submit, your original setup plans establishes the code version. [Jay Swardenski] 20:22:34 That your plans will be reviewed under, even if you make changes going into the next code cycle and February of 23, we would still be looking at, something, you know, was in this year's code If you'd already submitted for a building permit or a fire [Jay Swardenski] 20:22:49 permit. [City of Fremont] 20:22:50 So it's the original date of, I guess submission at that time [Jay Swardenski] 20:22:54 Right. We We run into this, you know, Gary, our building officials, probably more familiar with this this time of year. [Jay Swardenski] 20:23:01 Lot of folks are scrambling to get them their plans, and so they don't waste the money they've spent on designing them to this code cycle. [Jay Swardenski] 20:23:09 So they don't have to redo it in the next code. [Gary West] 20:23:13 that's correct, Jay. What happens is that anything is submitted to our office prior to January. [Gary West] 20:23:19 First stays within that code. So December sometimes is a very busy time for us. [Gary West] 20:23:24 when we have a code adoption coming up, a lot of people are trying to get their projects in that locks them into that code cycle, and the project continues under that code cycle for its to for its of the for the extent until it's constructed and they receive [Gary West] 20:23:39 a final. If they do come back in for modifications. [Gary West] 20:23:43 Later, after that permit has been final, and the building's been occupied. [Gary West] 20:23:47 Then they will comply with whatever the current code is. At the time of submittal and and and to respond to the earlier speaker. [City of Fremont] 20:23:52 Okay, that's great. [Gary West] 20:23:57 We do look at the all fault, Kurt. Default trace maps that identify the fault lines in our region. [Gary West] 20:24:04 And that's a lot of our plan. Review to to check and see how close you are. [Gary West] 20:24:09 If it's a slide if it's just expansive soil, and the type of construction that they need to do in those areas there's a lot of protection and precautions that are taken especially with I think the speakers indicated residences, over to rogers. [Gary West] 20:24:26 we have a soft story ordinance. It takes care a lot of the projects that were built in the Fifties majority of that's all been taken care of but when they do their design those are the things we are looking. [City of Fremont] 20:24:37 Thank you so much. I appreciate that [Gary West] 20:24:40 For [City of Fremont] 20:24:45 So we have a motion in a second, and could we have a roll call, I'm now roll call, but vote on your dice, Button, thank you. [City of Fremont] 20:24:57 Okay, and the motion passes unanimously for the first reading, and well, for this ordinances, Do you want to read the ordinances, please? [City of Fremont] 20:25:07 Thank you. Mayor. This evening the council introduced 2 ordinances. [City of Fremont] 20:25:12 I'll begin with the first, which is an ordinance of the City council of the city of Fremont, adopting by reference with amendments the 2022 California Fire code and repealing and replacing Fremont municipal code title 15 buildings and [City of Fremont] 20:25:26 construction, division, one Premont building codestep. [City of Fremont] 20:25:31 Remote building standards. Code Chapter 15 point, 3 5. Fremont fire code. [City of Fremont] 20:25:34 Yeah, the second ordinance is titled. An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Fremont, adopting by reference with amendments one the caliph that's 2,022 California titled 24 codes, which is the building mechanical plumbing electrical [City of Fremont] 20:25:50 existing building, historic building, energy, residential building and green building standards number 2, the 2,021 International Pool and Spa code and number 3, the 2021 international property maintenance code and repealing and replacing Fremont municipal code, title 15 building and [City of Fremont] 20:26:10 construction division, one free month, buildings, standards, code. [City of Fremont] 20:26:13 Thank you, Mayor. Thank you. And next on this agenda item this evening is the oral ports on meetings. [City of Fremont] 20:26:22 This is the time for the account to share about any port on committees that they have attended on behalf of the city, representing the city for the committee's assignments. [City of Fremont] 20:26:32 They have. [City of Fremont] 20:26:37 Okay, I don't see any. I just wanted to first real quickly. [City of Fremont] 20:26:42 Just think! All the community members, and also our police chief for their participation in the Town Hall that we had last week. [City of Fremont] 20:26:51 I also wanted to mention that Alameda County Transportation Commission. [City of Fremont] 20:26:55 We had an update on some of the projects that are being proved by the measures that we're looking at in terms of funding for next projects. [City of Fremont] 20:27:03 But I also wanted to make sure. People knew that the the Ctc. [City of Fremont] 20:27:08 Also adopted equity lens to look at the projects for diversity, equity, inclusion. [City of Fremont] 20:27:15 I also wanted to thank East Bay community energy. They're participating in the anniversary of the Calca twentieth anniversary and working with other organizations in terms of looking at again, the projects. [City of Fremont] 20:27:29 And i'd like to recommend people who are interested in understanding some of the projects that are out there pertain to asthma and out some of the other studies that are being done for the community members to participate in that and I wanted to thank our Human relations Commission our police and fire and public safety [City of Fremont] 20:27:50 for the disability, resource festival. We really appreciate the effort, and the this is our first annual one that we and I would love to see more in the future, as it was important for the community family members. [City of Fremont] 20:28:01 To have a chance to meet with first responders, and I just wanted to also thank any of the manufacturers who are participating this week. [City of Fremont] 20:28:10 I had a chance to go see Barren go Ingleheim for Bi. [City of Fremont] 20:28:14 And this is manufacturing week, and I want to thank our economic development Department for that effort. [City of Fremont] 20:28:21 We talk about jobs and the connection in terms of getting building our workforce. [City of Fremont] 20:28:26 And so it's critical for us to have that. And then or tomorrow. [City of Fremont] 20:28:30 I wanted to encourage my council members. If you have the time as part of Alameda County Transportation Commission, and as well as with the partnership with fremont unified school, district, I think it may have been highlighted last night that we have international walk enroll to school, day so If [City of Fremont] 20:28:47 you have a chance to I think that it'd be great if you could participate. [City of Fremont] 20:28:53 Is that this tomorrow or is that next next week? Sorry, sorry. [City of Fremont] 20:28:57 Next Wednesday. But if you this gives us even more time to prepare for that, and so, if you haven't participated in that it's been a great way, we have 28 schools participating this year, and I'm very proud, and I'm very excited to see that as an [City of Fremont] 20:29:11 option. It's a great way for all of our Council members in their district or at large to go out and see that So I apologize again That's October twelfth. [City of Fremont] 20:29:21 I wasn't able to join you last night, but I look forward to this annual event, so I think with that I'd like to go close the meeting and say thank you for all, and my appreciation for our staff and I also. [City of Fremont] 20:29:33 Want to thank Kelly Mia and all the speakers. To see think who shared their feedback other than that. [City of Fremont] 20:29:39 Be well, be safe, be healthy, be kind, Thank you.