[Note to readers: This transcript contains both stenographer-produced captions (in all caps) as well as machine-generated captions (which include lower-case letters). They cover the same content, and the stenographer captions are probably more accurate.] [Captioner] 19:02:46 WITH THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. CHARLES COULD YOU LEAD US IN THAT [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 19:02:47 yes, I will. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:02:48 Okay. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:02:48 We're continuing our virtual meeting format made necessary by Covid, and we'll start tonight with the pledge of allegiance. Charles. Could you lead us in that [Captioner] 19:02:51 ? >> Commissioner Liu: YES I WILL. I PLEDGE [Captioner] 19:02:54 ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AND TO THE [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 19:02:57 One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice. [Captioner] 19:02:57 REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION, UNDER [Captioner] 19:03:01 GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH [Captioner] 19:03:04 LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:03:05 Thank you. Commissioner Lou. So this is the point. The agenda where I would, and usually ask people in the council chambers to turn off, or their cell phones. [Captioner] 19:03:10 >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU [Captioner] 19:03:14 , COMMISSIONER LIU. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:03:15 but as you can see, we're in a different setting than the council chamber, so I'm going to let our planning commission Secretary Joel Poland, please explain Tonight's protocol introduce staff. [Captioner] 19:03:17 THIS IS THE TIME OF THE VIDEO THAT I [Captioner] 19:03:20 WOULD USUALLY ASK EVERYONE TO TURN OFF [Captioner] 19:03:24 OR SILENCE THEIR CELL PHONES BUT WE'RE NOT [Captioner] 19:03:28 IN THE MEETING ROOM. I'M GOING TO LED OUR SECRETARY [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:03:28 And take the roll. Call. Go ahead, Joel. [Captioner] 19:03:31 , JOEL PULLEN, INTRODUCE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:03:31 Thank you. Chair. Dalton. This meetings being conducted virtually during the pandemic emergency, as declared the live stream of the meeting may be viewed on comcast cable television Channel 27 and or online at the live webcast on the city's website details and how to participate can be [Captioner] 19:03:34 THE PROTOCOL. [Captioner] 19:03:37 GO AHEAD JOEL. >> Planner Pullen: THANK YOU [Captioner] 19:03:41 , CHAIR DAULTON. THE LIFE STREAM [Captioner] 19:03:45 OF THE MEETING MAY BE VIEWED ON COMCAST [Captioner] 19:03:49 CHANNEL 27 OR ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:03:49 found at fremont.gov. Under the planning commission link our public input protocol allows the public to be unmuted by the clerk to speak at this meeting during Zoom's using Zoom's race hand feature the recording clerk tonight will recognize speakers during oral [Captioner] 19:03:53 . DETAILS ON HOW TO PARTICIPATE CAN BE FOUND [Captioner] 19:03:56 AT FREMONT.GOV UNDER THE PLANNING COMMISSION LINK. [Captioner] 19:04:00 OUR PROTOCOL ALLOWS THE PUBLIC TO BE UNMUTED [Captioner] 19:04:03 TO SPEAK DURING ZOOM'S RAISED HAND [Captioner] 19:04:06 FEATURE. THE RECORDING CLERK TONIGHT WILL RECOGNIZE SPEAKERS [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:06 communication opportunities email comments submitted to the clerk have already been provided to the Commission prior to the hearing. [Captioner] 19:04:09 DURING ORAL COMMUNICATION OPPORTUNITIES, E-MAIL COMMENTS SUBMITTED [Captioner] 19:04:13 TO THE CLERK HAVE ALREADY BEEN PROVIDED TO THE COMMISSION PRIOR TO THE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:13 I'll start tonight with commission roll Call when you hear your name, please respond. [Captioner] 19:04:16 HEARING. I'LL START TONIGHT WITH COMMISSION ROLL CALL [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:18 Share Dalton, vice, chair, Rao is absent. [Captioner] 19:04:19 . WHEN YOU HEAR YOUR NAME PLEASE RESPOND. [Captioner] 19:04:22 CHAIR DAULTON. >> Commissioner Daulton: HERE [Captioner] 19:04:26 . >> Planner Pullen: VICE CHAIR RAO IS ABSENT [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:26 Commissioner, Ye Commissioner Stackler, Commissioner Lou Commissioner Zhang, and Commissioner Boss. [Captioner] 19:04:31 . COMMISSIONER YEE, HERE [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 19:04:33 yeah. [Captioner] 19:04:34 . COMMISSIONER STECKLER, [Captioner] 19:04:37 HERE. COMMISSIONER LIU, HERE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:38 Right. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:41 Great 6 present Commissioner Rowo absent all next introduced staff who are participating tonight. [Captioner] 19:04:41 , COMMISSIONER ZHANG, [Captioner] 19:04:45 HERE AND COMMISSIONER BASRAI. HERE. SIX PRESENT [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:48 My name again is Joe Poland. I'm the planning Commission secretary joining us from the city attorney's office. [Captioner] 19:04:49 , COMMISSIONER RAO ABSENT. I'LL INTRODUCE STAFF WHO [Captioner] 19:04:53 ARE PARTICIPATING TONIGHT. MY NAME IS JOEL PULLEN, I'M [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:55 His senior deputy city attorney, Hasather Lee tonight's recording Co. [Captioner] 19:04:56 THE PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY, JOINING US IS [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:04:58 Clerks are Maria Salinas and Trish Cordova. [Captioner] 19:04:59 SENIOR DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY HEATHER LEE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:05:02 The applicants for the public hearing items tonight are also on the call in order to facilitate presentation and feedback from the Commission for everyone in the call, Please generally mute your line when you're not speaking please announce your name and yours. [Captioner] 19:05:03 , RECORDING CLERKS ARE MARIA SALINAS [Captioner] 19:05:06 AND TRISH CORDOVA. THE APPLICANTS ARE ALSO ON [Captioner] 19:05:09 THE CALL IN ORDER TO FACILITATE PRESENTATION AND FEEDBACK [Captioner] 19:05:13 FOR THE COMMISSION. FOR EVERYONE ON THE CALL PLEASE GENERALLY MUTE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:05:15 when you speak for benefit of those on the phone who may not recognize your voice. [Captioner] 19:05:17 YOUR LINE WHEN YOU'RE NOT SPEAKING, ANNOUNCE WHEN YOU [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:05:19 All panelists unless you're on the Commission or the attorney of my or myself. [Captioner] 19:05:20 SPEAK FOR BENEFIT FOR THOSE ON THE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:05:23 Please turn off your audio and video until the Public hearings, active for your item, so we can spotlight the folks who are deliberating amongst the Commission commissioners please, ask, me, recognized by the chair prior to beginning speaking, when asking clarifying questions or deliberating but that's your Dalton i'll turn the meeting back to [Captioner] 19:05:24 PHONE WHO MIGHT NOT RECOGNIZE THE [Captioner] 19:05:27 VOICE, FOR THOSE OF YOU, TURN OFF [Captioner] 19:05:30 YOUR AUDIO AND VIDEO, [Captioner] 19:05:33 UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS ACTIVE, SO WE [Captioner] 19:05:37 CAN RECOGNIZE THOSE IN THE COMMISSION [Captioner] 19:05:40 . WHEN ASKING CLARIFYING QUESTIONS OR DELIBERATING, [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:05:42 Thank you, Joel. We have no minutes tonight, so we can move on to disclosures. [Captioner] 19:05:43 WITH THAT CHAIR DAULTON I'LL TURN THE MEETING BACK TO YOU [Captioner] 19:05:47 . >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU, JOEL, WE HAVE NO MINUTES TONIGHT SO WE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:05:48 I have walked both properties at Roberts Avenue and Ellsworth Street. [Captioner] 19:05:50 CAN MOVE ON TO DISCLOSURES. I [Captioner] 19:05:53 HAVE WALKED BOTH PROPERTIES [Captioner] 19:05:56 AT ROBERTS AVENUE AND ELLSWORTH [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:05:57 Commissioner E. Do you have any disclosures [Captioner] 19:06:00 STREET, COMMISSIONER YEE DO YOU HAVE [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:06:02 Yes, I went to both properties, and also visited the business for tonight. [Captioner] 19:06:03 ANY DISCLOSURES? >> Commissioner Yee: YES, I'VE WENT TO [Captioner] 19:06:06 BOTH PROPERTIES AND ALSO VISITED THE [Captioner] 19:06:09 BUSINESS FOR TONIGHT'S, SPOKE [Captioner] 19:06:13 WITH LOCALS AND ALL THE THREE LOCATIONS, AND [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:06:14 Thank you. Commissioner Steckler. [Captioner] 19:06:16 SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS AS WELL. >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK [Craig Steckler (Commissioner)] 19:06:17 yeah, I also walk the 2 locations on elsewhere From Robert I. [Captioner] 19:06:19 YOU. COMMISSIONER STECKLER. >> Commissioner Steckler: [Captioner] 19:06:22 YES, I ALSO WALKED THE TWO LOCATIONS ON [Craig Steckler (Commissioner)] 19:06:24 Drove by the business location in the shopping Mall. [Captioner] 19:06:25 ELLSWORTH AND ROBERTS. I DROVE BY [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 19:06:26 right. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:06:29 Thank you, Commissioner Zhang [Captioner] 19:06:29 THE BUSINESS LOCATION, [Captioner] 19:06:32 THAT'S IT. >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU [Captioner] 19:06:36 . COMMISSIONER ZHANG. >> Commissioner Zhang: I WALKED BOTH [Captioner] 19:06:39 PROPERTIES AND TALKED WITH THE BUSINESS OWNER NEXT [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:06:40 Thank you. Commissioner Lou [Captioner] 19:06:42 TO THE SQUARE. >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU. COMMISSIONER LIU [Captioner] 19:06:46 . >> Commissioner Liu: I VISITED ALL THREE SITES AND [Captioner] 19:06:49 WAS ABLE TO TALK TO SOME NEIGHBORS [Captioner] 19:06:52 OF THE TWO PROPERTIES TO BE DEVELOPED. I [Captioner] 19:06:55 ALSO SPOKE WITH A COUPLE OF NEIGHBORS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:06:58 And Commissioner Boss Ryan [Captioner] 19:07:00 OF THE MASSAGE PLACE. >> Commissioner Daulton: [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:07:01 I walked the Ellsworth and the Robert site. [Captioner] 19:07:04 AND COMMISSIONER BASRAI. >> Commissioner Basrai: I WALKED [Captioner] 19:07:07 THE ELLSWORTH AND THE ROBERTS SITE, I DID NOT [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:07:07 Alright. Thank you. So now let's go to oral communications. [Captioner] 19:07:10 GO TO THE BUSINESS. >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT. THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:07:13 SO NOW LET'S GO TO [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:07:14 I believe; and if anyone in the audience will like to speak about an item which is not on our scheduled agenda Now is the time. [Captioner] 19:07:16 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. I BELIEVE. [Captioner] 19:07:19 AND IF ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WILL LIKE TO [Captioner] 19:07:23 SPEAK ABOUT AN ITEM WHICH IS NOT ON OUR SCHEDULED AGENDA [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:07:23 Please use the raise hand feature in order to be recognized by Trish Cordova. [Captioner] 19:07:26 NOW IS THE TIME. PLEASE USE THE RAISE HAND [Captioner] 19:07:29 FEATURE IN ORDER TO BE RECOGNIZED BY TRISH [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:07:30 It's Chris. Do we have any speakers [Captioner] 19:07:32 CORDOVA. TRISH DO WE HAVE ANY SPEAKERS? >> Trish Cordova: I [Captioner] 19:07:35 DO NOT SEE ANY RAISED HANDS. WE DO [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:07:37 Very good. Then we can open the public hearing and move on to our regular agenda items. [Captioner] 19:07:38 NOT HAVE ANY SPEAKERS. >> Commissioner Daulton: VERY GOOD. THEN WE [Captioner] 19:07:41 CAN OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AND MOVE ON TO OUR REGULAR AGENDA [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:07:42 The first agenda item is Miltona. Town homes on Roberts Avenue. [Captioner] 19:07:44 ITEMS. THE FIRST AGENDA ITEM IS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:07:46 Joel, would you lead us through that that item. [Captioner] 19:07:48 , MILTONIA TOWN HOMES ON [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:07:49 Thanks. Chair. Yes, I'll start. I'll read the items titled, and so just to get started. Here. [Captioner] 19:07:51 ROBERTS AVENUE. JOEL WOULD YOU MOVE [Captioner] 19:07:54 US THROUGH THAT ITEM. >> Planner Pullen: THANKS, CHAIR [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:07:56 This is for Miltonia town homes. The address is 4, 1, 2, 2, 3. [Captioner] 19:07:57 . I'LL READ THE ITEM TITLED JUST TO GET [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:08:01 Roberts Avenue. This is to a project to consider a discretionary design. Review. [Captioner] 19:08:01 IT STARTED HERE. THIS IS FOR MILTONIA [Captioner] 19:08:04 TOWN HOMES, THE ADDRESS IS 41223 [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:08:06 Permit a vesting, tentative track map and a private street for development of 17 Town Home units in the Urban Chain community plan area and to consider a finding that no further environmental review is required percent to sequel California environmental quality act per infill development standards and also [Captioner] 19:08:08 ROBERTS AVENUE. THIS IS A PROJECT TO CONSIDER A DISCRETIONARY [Captioner] 19:08:20 DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 8300, AND A PRIVATE STREET FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 17 [Captioner] 19:08:22 TOWNHOME UNITS AT 41223 ROBERTS AVENUE IN THE IRVINGTON COMMUNITY PLAN AREA, AND TO [Captioner] 19:08:23 CONSIDER A FINDING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:08:24 because the project is consistent with the established general plan for the area. [Captioner] 19:08:27 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PER, WITHOUT LIMITATION, CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15332, IN-FILL [Captioner] 19:08:29 DEVELOPMENT, AND CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15183, AS THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE DENSITY [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:08:30 And tonight we have the planner for the project. Senior Planner, Mark Hungerford. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:08:36 But before he gets started I did want to note the existence of a notes and correction sheet, as you should have received today, and that was following some feedback from a from the bicycle advocacy group who I believe, is also likely on the call there was a clarification made to [Captioner] 19:08:36 ESTABLISHED BY THE GENERAL PLAN, AND TONIGHT WE HAVE THE PLANNER FOR THE PROJECT [Captioner] 19:08:39 , SENIOR PLANNER MARK HUNGER [Captioner] 19:08:45 FORD. NOTES AND CORRECTIONS SHEET THAT YOU SHOULD [Captioner] 19:08:48 HAVE RECEIVED TODAY, FOLLOWING SOME FEEDBACK [Captioner] 19:08:51 FROM THE BICYCLE ADVOCACY [Captioner] 19:08:54 GROUP WHO I BELIEVE IS ALSO LIKELY ON THE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:08:55 one of the sheets details to reflect the inverted you bicycle racks and Mark will have more on that. [Captioner] 19:08:57 CALM. THERE WAS A CLARIFICATION MADE TO ONE OF THE [Captioner] 19:09:01 SHEET'S DETAILS TO REFLECT THE INVERTED [Captioner] 19:09:04 Y BICYCLE RACKS AND MARK WILL HAVE MORE ON [Captioner] 19:09:07 THAT. SO WITH THAT I'LL TURN IT TO MARK FOR [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:09:07 thank you, Joel. Let me pull up my Powerpoint [Captioner] 19:09:10 HIS PRESENTATION. >> THANK YOU [Captioner] 19:09:13 JOEL, LET ME PULL UP MY POWERPOINT. [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:09:23 Right. Good evening, chair. Dalton and members of the Planning Commission Tonight I will be presenting to you the Miltonia Town Homes Project, and attached Town Home Development on a vacant Infill site within the Irvington community plan area required entitlements for the project consist of a discretionary designer view [Captioner] 19:09:28 GOOD EVENING, [Captioner] 19:09:32 CHAIR DAULTON AND [Captioner] 19:09:35 MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DEPARTMENT [Captioner] 19:09:39 . THIS IS A VACANT INFILL [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:09:40 permit, and a tentative track map that includes private streets, and a request for tree removal. [Captioner] 19:09:42 SITE, DISCRETIONARY [Captioner] 19:09:46 DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT AND A TENTATIVE [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:09:48 The project has been found to qualify as an infill project under sequel, and as a general plan, consistent project, it is subject to no further environmental review under section 1, 5, 1, 8, 3, [Captioner] 19:09:49 TRACT MAP THAT INCLUDES PRIVATE STREETS AND A REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL [Captioner] 19:09:52 . THE PROJECT HAS BEEN FOUND TO QUALIFY AS AN [Captioner] 19:09:55 INFILL PROJECT UNDER CEQA AND AS A GENERAL PLAN [Captioner] 19:09:59 CONSISTENT PROJECT IS SUBJECT TO NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL [Captioner] 19:10:02 REVIEW UNDER SECTION 15183. [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:02 The project. Site is a point 9 acre parcel on the west side of Roberts Avenue, about 500 feet south of the Roberts Avenue, Washington boulevard intersection as mentioned, the site is currently vacant It was last occupied by a single family home that was [Captioner] 19:10:05 THE PROJECT SITE IS A .9 ACRE [Captioner] 19:10:08 PARCEL ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROBERTS AVENUE ABOUT [Captioner] 19:10:11 500 FEET YOU SOUTH OF THE [Captioner] 19:10:14 ROBERTS AVENUE, WASHINGTON BOULEVARD [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:17 demolished in 2,008, duplex and multifamily apartment uses about the site to the south, and multifamily residential uses are adjacent to the site to the east and west. [Captioner] 19:10:18 INTERSECTION, AS MENTIONED, THE SITE IS [Captioner] 19:10:21 VACANT, IT IS NEXT TO A SINGLE FAMILY HOME [Captioner] 19:10:24 THAT WAS [Captioner] 19:10:27 DEMOLISHED IN 2008. MULTIFAMILY USE [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:28 Across Roberts Avenue and a flood control channel resp. [Captioner] 19:10:30 S ARE ADJACENT TO SITE ACROSS THE EAST [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:33 The northern edge of the site borders the backside of a safeway store. [Captioner] 19:10:34 AND WEST ACROSS ROBERT AVENUE AND [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:37 The site has a general plan designation of medium density, residential, and a corresponding zoning designation of R. [Captioner] 19:10:37 OFLOOD CROANL PANEL RESPECTIVELY. THE [Captioner] 19:10:42 NORTHERN PART OF THE SIDE ABUTS A SAFEWAY STORE [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:44 3, 23, [Captioner] 19:10:46 . CORRESPONDING ZONING DESIGNATION OF R [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:47 The residential project is laid out in 5 buildings. [Captioner] 19:10:49 -323. THE RESIDENTIAL PROJECT IS LAID [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:51 The buildings contained between 2 and 6 units each, and all stands 3 stories tall. [Captioner] 19:10:52 OUT IN FIVE BUILDINGS. THE [Captioner] 19:10:56 BUILDINGS CONTAIN BETWEEN TWO AND SIX UNITS EACH [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:10:57 Private street segments coming off a single Roberts Avenue curb cut would provide access to this site. All project. [Captioner] 19:10:59 AND ALL STANDS THREE STORIES TALL. PRIVATE [Captioner] 19:11:02 STREET SEGMENTS COMING OFF OF A SINGLE [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:11:04 Units would feature rear loaded to car garages, the units and sales would range in size from about from about 1,300 square feet to 1,600 square feet, and include 2 to 3 bedrooms and 2 and a half bathrooms each except for the projects 2 accessible units which feature an additional [Captioner] 19:11:06 ROBERTS AVENUE CURB CUT WOULD PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE SITE [Captioner] 19:11:09 . ALL WOULD FEATURE REAR LOADED TWO CAR GARAGES. [Captioner] 19:11:12 THE UNITS THEMSELVES WOULD RANGE IN SIZE FROM ABOUT 13 [Captioner] 19:11:15 00 SQUARE FEET TO 1600 SQUARE FEET. AND INCLUDE [Captioner] 19:11:18 TWO TO THREE BEDROOMS AND TWO AND A HALF BATHROOMS [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:11:22 bathroom on the ground floor, Guest parking is comprised of 9 open parking spaces distributed throughout the site in 6 short term bicycle parking spaces are provided in the project centralized common open space area 2 private protected trees would be removed from the site and 59 new trees [Captioner] 19:11:22 EACH EXCEPT FOR THE PROJECT'S TWO ACCESSIBLE UNITS WHICH [Captioner] 19:11:25 FEATURE AN ADDITIONAL BATHROOM ON THE GROUND FLOOR. [Captioner] 19:11:28 GUEST PARKING THE COMPRISED OF NINE [Captioner] 19:11:31 OPEN PARKING SPACES DISTRIBUTE ID THROUGHOUT THE SITE AND [Captioner] 19:11:34 SIX SHORT TERM BICYCLE PARKING SPACE [Captioner] 19:11:38 S ARE PROVIDED IN THE COMMON OPEN SPACE AREA. TWO [Captioner] 19:11:41 PRIVATE PROTECTED TREES WOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND 59 [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:11:42 would be planted to enhance the project's appearance and buffer the project from adjacent developments. [Captioner] 19:11:44 NEW TREES WOULD BE PLANTED TO ENHANCE THE PROJECT'S [Captioner] 19:11:47 APPEARANCE AND BUFFER THE PROJECT FROM ADJACENT DEVELOPMENTS [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:11:47 Offsite existing utilities along the frontage would be moved underground and the sidewalk and parkway areas would be restored in planet to city standards. [Captioner] 19:11:50 . OFFSITE, EXISTING UTILITIES ALONG [Captioner] 19:11:54 THE FRONTAGE WOULD BE MOVED UNDERGROUND AND A SIDEWALK AND PARKWAY [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:11:57 The project has undergone numerous rounds of Staff Level Review to arrive at a layout and design that complies with all zoning code and objective design. [Captioner] 19:11:57 AREAS WOULD BE RESTORED AND PLANTED TO CITY STANDARDS [Captioner] 19:12:00 . THE PROJECT HAS UNDERGONE NUMEROUS ROUNDS [Captioner] 19:12:03 OF STAFF LEVEL REVIEW TO ARRIVE WITH A [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:12:05 Guideline Requirements [Captioner] 19:12:07 LAYOUT AND DESIGN THAT COMPLIES WITH ALL DESIGN [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:12:09 Project buildings, feature, traditional designs that incorporate ample administration and projections plane breaks and roof line variation to break up perceive massing designs are consistent with zoning code standards, for building height, and open space provisions as well as objective [Captioner] 19:12:10 GUIDELINE REQUIREMENTS. [Captioner] 19:12:13 PROJECT BUILDINGS FEATURE TRADITIONAL DESIGNS [Captioner] 19:12:17 THAT ENCORP RATE AMP [Captioner] 19:12:21 AMPLE FENESTRATION. DESIGNS ARE CONSISTENT [Captioner] 19:12:24 WITH ZONING CODE STANDARDS FOR BUILDING HEIGHT AND OPEN SPACE PROVISION [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:12:25 standards of the multifamily design guidelines. [Captioner] 19:12:28 S AS WELL AS A PROJECTED STANDARDS OF THE MULTISYSTEM [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:12:28 The top image is of building one which is located along the Roberts Avenue frontage. [Captioner] 19:12:31 DESIGN GUIDELINES. THE TOP IMAGE IS OF BUILDING 1 [Captioner] 19:12:34 WHICH IS LOCATED ALONG THE ROBERTS [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:12:34 Beyond the projects front some front setback landscape, buffer. [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:12:38 This is a project's loan, 3 unit building. The bottom image is of buildings, 2 and 4, which are the projects, 2 2 unit buildings. [Captioner] 19:12:38 AVENUE FRONTAGE BEYOND THE FRONT LANDSCAPE BUFFER. THIS IS [Captioner] 19:12:41 THE PROJECT'S LONE THREE UNIT BUILDING [Captioner] 19:12:44 . THE BOTTOM IMAGE IS OF BUILDINGS 2 AND [Captioner] 19:12:48 4 WHICH ARE THE PROJECT'S TWO, TWO- [Captioner] 19:12:51 UNIT BUILDINGS. [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:12:51 This slot. This slide shows building 3, and on the top and building 5 on the bottom building through, contains 4 units and building 5, which is located at the rear. [Captioner] 19:12:55 THIS SLIDE SHOWS BUILDING 3, AND ON THE TOP AND [Captioner] 19:12:58 BUILDING 5 ON THE BOTTOM. BUILDING [Captioner] 19:13:02 3 CONTAINS FOUR UNITS AND BUILDING 5 WHICH [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:02 Of the property features, 6 units [Captioner] 19:13:05 IS LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY [Captioner] 19:13:08 FEATURES SIX UNITS. [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:09 Staff's recommendation is to approve the requested project Entitlements based upon findings and subject to conditions found in Exhibit B. [Captioner] 19:13:12 STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION IS TO APPROVE THE REQUESTED [Captioner] 19:13:15 PROJECT ENTITLEMENTS BASED UPON FINDINGS AND SUBJECT TO [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:16 The project will improve a long-standing, vacant site with an orderly, well-designed, and laid out project that's within the adopted general plan and zoning code density range approved for the site and it will provide additional housing opportunities within the Irvington community in a [Captioner] 19:13:19 CONDITIONS FOUND IN EXHIBIT B. THE PROJECT WILL IMPROVE [Captioner] 19:13:22 A LONG STANDING VACANT SITE WITH AN ORDERLY WITH [Captioner] 19:13:25 WELL DESIGNED AND LAID OUT PROJECT WHICH [Captioner] 19:13:29 IS WITHIN THE DENSITY RANGE APPROVED FOR SITE AND IT WILL [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:30 manner consistent with the adopted standards and objective guidelines subsequent to posting the agenda for tonight's hearing Staff did receive 2 pieces of written correspondence related to This project one was from bike Fremont and the other. [Captioner] 19:13:32 PROVIDE ADDITIONAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN THE IRVINGTON COMMUNITY IN A MANNER [Captioner] 19:13:35 CONSISTENT WITH THE ADOPTED STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVE GUIDELINES. [Captioner] 19:13:40 SUBSEQUENT TO POSTING OF THE AGENDA FOR TONIGHT'S HEARING STAFF DID [Captioner] 19:13:43 RECEIVE TWO PIECES OF WRITTEN [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:46 Was from Yimb Law. Copies of both of those pieces. [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:49 Of correspondence were provided to you in advance of tonight's hearing. [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:54 Additionally, as Joel mentioned, Staff has prepared a notes in correction sheet for this item. [Captioner] 19:13:55 CORRESPONDENCE, BOTH WERE PROVIDED [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:13:59 This was to correct the graphical inconsistency within the plan set specifically the short term bicycle parking apparatus shown in detail d on sheet. [Captioner] 19:13:59 AS PART OF TONIGHT'S HEARING. STAFF HAS PROVIDED A NOTES [Captioner] 19:14:02 AND CORRECTION SHEET FOR THIS ITEM. THIS WAS TO CORRECT THE GRAPHICAL [Captioner] 19:14:06 INCONSISTENCY WITHIN THE PLAN SET. SPECIFICALLY THE SHORT [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:14:09 L 4 of exhibit A was different than the apparatus that was shown on the exhibit site plan. [Captioner] 19:14:09 TERM BICYCLE PARKING APPARATUS SHOWN ON DETAIL [Captioner] 19:14:13 D OFTEN SHEET L-4 OF EXHIBIT A WAS [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:14:16 Sheets. The applicant is provided an updated sheet L. [Captioner] 19:14:16 DIFFERENT THAN THE APPARATUS THAT WAS SHOWN ON THE EXHIBIT [Captioner] 19:14:19 SITE PLAN SHEETS. THE APPLICANT HAS PROVIDED AN UPDATED [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:14:20 4 showing a bicycle, parking apparatus and inverted erect design that's consistent with the site plan. [Captioner] 19:14:22 SHEET L-4 SHOWING A BICYCLE PARKING APPARATUS [Captioner] 19:14:25 AND INVERTED U RACK DESIGN THAT IS CONSISTENT [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:14:26 Sheets and provides the code required 6 short term bicycle parking spaces, a condition of approval has been added, or, excuse me, has been proposed to be added to the project requiring the inverted erect design, instead of what was originally shown in detail, d which is a wheel [Captioner] 19:14:29 WITH THE SITE PLAN SHEETS AND PROVIDES THE CODE- [Captioner] 19:14:32 CODE-REQUIRED SIX SHORT TERM BICYCLE PARKING SPACES. [Captioner] 19:14:35 A CONDITION OF APPROVAL HAS BEEN ADDED [Captioner] 19:14:38 OR EXCUSE ME HAS BEEN PROPOSED TO BE ADDED TO THE PROJECT [Captioner] 19:14:41 REQUIRING THE INVERTED U RACK DESIGN INSTEAD OF [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:14:43 rack, dial design. [Captioner] 19:14:44 WHAT WAS ORIGINALLY SHOWN IN DETAIL [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:14:47 That concludes, that's presentation. I'm available to answer any questions. [Captioner] 19:14:48 D WHICH IS A WHEEL RACK [Captioner] 19:14:51 DESIGN. THAT CONCLUDES THE PRESENTATION [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:14:51 Thank you. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:14:51 Thank you. Do we have any clarifying questions of staff on this presentation from the Commissioners [Captioner] 19:14:54 , I'M AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:14:57 >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU. DO WE HAVE ANY CLARIFYING QUESTIONS OF STAFF [Captioner] 19:15:00 ON THIS PRESENTATION FROM THE COMMISSIONERS? [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:15:01 Any questions, seeing none, I would I would ask Mark if you could address the wheelchair issue that was brought in the correspondence by the bicycle by Andreas [Captioner] 19:15:04 ANY QUESTIONS? [Captioner] 19:15:08 SEEING NONE, I WOULD -- I WOULD [Captioner] 19:15:12 ASK MARK, IF YOU COULD ADDRESS THE WHEELCHAIR [Captioner] 19:15:15 ISSUE THAT WAS BROUGHT [Captioner] 19:15:19 IN THE CORRESPONDENCE BY THE BICYCLE [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:15:19 Sure. So the the piece of correspondence provided to the city by bike Fremont, in addition to calling out a preferred bicycle design for the short short term racks in the common open space they did seek to have raised crosswalks across private street segments within the [Captioner] 19:15:22 BY ANDREAS. [Captioner] 19:15:25 >> SURE. THE PIECE OF CORRESPONDENCE PROVIDED [Captioner] 19:15:29 TO THE CITY BY BIKE FREMONT IN ADDITION TO CALLING [Captioner] 19:15:32 OUT A PREFERRED DESIGN FOR SHORT TERM RACKS AND THE COMMON OPEN [Captioner] 19:15:35 SPACE THEY DID SEEK TO HAVE RAISED CROSSWALKS [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:15:37 development that would be in line with sidewalk elevations. [Captioner] 19:15:39 ACROSS PRIVATE STREET SEGMENTS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT THAT [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:15:41 I spoke to the engineering reviewer on the project, as well as the the building Nonstructural Reviewer on the project, to understand if what was designed was what met accessibility, design requirements, and they said that What was provided does meet the the accessibility requirements so not having a raise not [Captioner] 19:15:42 WOULD BE IN LINE WITH SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS. I SPOKE [Captioner] 19:15:45 TO THE ENGINEERING REVIEWER ON THE PROJECT AS WELL AS [Captioner] 19:15:50 THE BUILDING NONSTRUCTURAL REVIEWER [Captioner] 19:15:53 ON THE PROJECT TO UNDERSTAND IF WHAT WAS DESIGNED [Captioner] 19:15:57 WAS -- WHAT MET ACCESSIBILITY DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND THEY SAID [Captioner] 19:16:00 THAT WHAT WAS PROVIDED DOES MEET [Captioner] 19:16:03 THE ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. SO [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:16:04 having a raise crosswalk across these private 3 segments, and and also concerns, were raised potentially about emergency vehicle access, and whether or not the fire department and also Republic services. [Captioner] 19:16:07 NOT HAVING A RAISED CROSSWALK ACROSS THESE [Captioner] 19:16:10 PRIVATE STREET SEGMENTS. AND ALSO, [Captioner] 19:16:14 CONCERNS WERE RAISED POTENTIALLY ABOUT [Captioner] 19:16:18 EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND WHETHER OR NOT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:16:21 So the the waste collection vehicles, would be able to, or would sign off on a raised crosswalk at those locations because it could hinder or slow down access to, you know, to perform their services, so what was designed is is consistent with code and the idea [Captioner] 19:16:23 ALSO REPUBLIC SERVICES, SO THE WASTE COLLECTION VEHICLES, WOULD [Captioner] 19:16:26 BE ABLE TO OR WOULD SIGN OFF ON A RAISED [Captioner] 19:16:29 CROSSWALK AT THOSE LOCATIONS BECAUSE IT COULD HINDER OR [Captioner] 19:16:32 SLOW DOWN ACCESS TO, YOU KNOW, [Captioner] 19:16:36 FOR THEM TO PERFORM THEIR SERVICES. SO WHAT WAS DESIGNED IS [Captioner] 19:16:39 CONSISTENT WITH CODE. AND THE [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:16:39 of having a raise crosswalk at those locations may not be compliant with city regulations. [Captioner] 19:16:42 IDEA OF HAVING A RAISED CROSSWALK AT THOSE LOCATIONS [Captioner] 19:16:45 MAY NOT BE COMPLIANT WITH CITY [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:16:47 Alright. Thank you. If there are no other questions from the Commissioners on this item any No. [Captioner] 19:16:49 REGULATIONS. >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT [Captioner] 19:16:52 , THANK YOU. IF THERE ARE NO OTHER QUESTIONS FROM THE COMMISSIONER [Captioner] 19:16:55 S, ON THIS ITEM, ANY [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:16:55 Then do we have a applicant presentation on the site [Captioner] 19:16:58 -- NO. THEN DO WE HAVE AN APPLICANT [Captioner] 19:17:01 PRESENTATION ON THIS ITEM? [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:17:03 We have an applicant here [Captioner] 19:17:06 DO WE HAVE AN APPLICANT HERE? [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:17:08 But mark what's the name of the applicant? [Captioner] 19:17:12 >> Planner Pullen: MARK, WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE APPLICANT? [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:17:14 I saw him in attendees. Is there? I I think, J. [Captioner] 19:17:15 >> IT IS STEVE SARAI. >> Planner Pullen: I [Trish Cordova] 19:17:18 yes, Oh, sorry I do see it. Yes, excuse me, Icm is an attendee, so I'm gonna go ahead and promoted to panelists who can speak. [Captioner] 19:17:19 SAW HIM IN ATTENDEES. I THINK JAY [Captioner] 19:17:23 -- >> Trish Cordova: SORRY I JUST SEE HIM, [Captioner] 19:17:26 YES EXCUSE ME I SEE HIM AS AN ATTENDEE. [Trish Cordova] 19:17:28 I do see his hand raised. Is that Okay, Okay, thanks. Let me. [Captioner] 19:17:29 I'M GOING TO GO AHEAD AND PROMOTE HIM TO PANEL [Captioner] 19:17:32 IST SO HE CAN SPEAK. [Captioner] 19:17:35 IS THAT -- >> I JUST PROMOTED HIM [Steve Saray] 19:17:37 Okay, Great: Thank you so much. Alright. Thank you so much. [Captioner] 19:17:39 . >> Trish Cordova: THANK YOU, MARIA. STEVE YOU CAN [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:17:40 if you have 10 min to give it, use [Captioner] 19:17:42 GO AHEAD AND SPEAK. >> GREAT THANK YOU SO MUCH [Steve Saray] 19:17:43 Had a little technical problem. I apologize, but thank you so much for helping. [Captioner] 19:17:44 . >> Commissioner Daulton: YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES. [Captioner] 19:17:47 >> THANK YOU SO MUCH, I HAD A LITTLE TECHNICAL PROBLEM [Steve Saray] 19:17:48 Okay, good evening. Commissioners and City staff. My name is Steve Surrey, but the development team, Miltonio, before you this evening we're presenting our project located at 41, 2, 2, 3, Roberts Avenue the side consists of one acre with the proposed [Captioner] 19:17:51 , I APOLOGIZE, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING. GOOD EVENING COMMISSIONERS [Captioner] 19:17:55 AND CITY STAFF. MY NAME IS [Captioner] 19:17:58 STEVE SARAY WITH THE DEVELOPMENT [Captioner] 19:18:02 TEAM MILTONIA. BEFORE YOU THIS EVENING WE'RE [Captioner] 19:18:05 PRESENTING OUR PROJECT LOCATED AT 41223 [Steve Saray] 19:18:08 17 unit, town home for over 3 years our development team and consultants along with the city, planning have worked tirelessly to achieve this wonderfully design, an exceptionally well planned community I wanted to comment on planner mark who's been really diligent helpful in the past year [Captioner] 19:18:09 ROBERTS AVENUE. THE SITE CONSISTS OF ONE [Captioner] 19:18:12 ACRE WITH A PROPOSED 17 UNIT TOWN HOME. [Captioner] 19:18:15 FOR OVER THREE YEARS OUR DEVELOPMENT TEAM AND CONSULTANTS [Captioner] 19:18:18 ALONG WITH THE CITY PLANNING HAVE WORKED TIRELESSLY [Captioner] 19:18:21 TO ACHIEVE THIS WONDERFULLY DESIGNED AND EXCEPTION [Captioner] 19:18:25 ALLY WELL PLANNED COMMUNITY. I WANTED TO COMMENT [Captioner] 19:18:29 ON PLANNER MARK WHO'S BEEN REALLY DILIGENT [Steve Saray] 19:18:31 plus, to walk us through and and bring us to this level Meltonia Ames, to serve as a model of sustainable and appropriately scale development, and to create an active and vibrant residential community our project is designed with a culmination of careful analysis and our desire to create [Captioner] 19:18:32 , HELPFUL IN THE PAST YEAR-PLUS, TO [Captioner] 19:18:35 WALK US THROUGH AND BRING US TO THIS LEVEL. [Captioner] 19:18:40 MILTONIA AIMS TO SERVE AS A MODEL OF [Captioner] 19:18:44 SUSTAINABLE AND APPROPRIATELY SCALED DEVELOPMENT, AND [Captioner] 19:18:47 TO CREATE AN ACTIVE AND [Captioner] 19:18:50 VIBRANT RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY. OUR PROJECT IS DESIGNED [Captioner] 19:18:53 WITH A CULMINATION OF CAREFUL [Steve Saray] 19:18:55 a distinctive environment that will be compatible in harmony. [Captioner] 19:18:56 ANALYSIS AND OUR DESIRE TO CREATE A DISTINCT [Captioner] 19:18:59 IVE ENVIRONMENT THAT WILL BE COMPATIBLE [Steve Saray] 19:19:00 And sensitive to the surrounding uses. This combination, along with valuable feedback from the planning department, as utilized the following excessional design elements maximize open space breakup of units into smaller buildings to reduce building mass creating a central comment open space for everyone while also [Captioner] 19:19:03 IN HARMONY AND SENSITIVE TO THE SURROUNDING USES. [Captioner] 19:19:07 THIS COMBINATION, ALONG WITH VALUABLE FEEDBACK [Captioner] 19:19:11 FROM THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, HAS UTILIZED THE [Captioner] 19:19:14 FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN ELEMENTS. [Captioner] 19:19:18 MAXIMIZED OPEN SPACE, BREAK [Captioner] 19:19:21 UP OF THE UNITS INTO SMALLER BUILDINGS TO [Captioner] 19:19:24 REDUCE BUILDING MASS, CREATING A CENTRAL [Captioner] 19:19:27 COMMON OPEN SPACE, FOR EVERYONE WHILE [Steve Saray] 19:19:27 providing individual private patios, extensive landscaping along Roberts Avenue to improve Streetscape Use of decorative Premium Pavers for driveways to achieve sustainable Design carefully configured Homes with Landscape Buffers to protect the Privacy of [Captioner] 19:19:31 ALSO PROVIDING INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE PATIOS [Captioner] 19:19:34 . [Captioner] 19:19:41 EXTENSIVE LANDSCAPING [Captioner] 19:19:44 ALONG ROBERTS AVENUE TO USE [Captioner] 19:19:47 DECORATIVE PERMEABLE PAVERS [Captioner] 19:19:51 TO PROUD SUSTAINABLE DESIGNS, CAREFULLY [Steve Saray] 19:19:54 surrounding neighbors, traditional architecture to blend cemetery into the existing neighborhood, and finally to create a true sense of community living. [Captioner] 19:19:55 PROTECTED HOMES WITH LANDSCAPE BUFFERS TO PROTECT THE [Captioner] 19:19:58 PRIVACY OF SURROUNDING NEIGHBORS. TRADITIONAL ARCHITECT [Captioner] 19:20:02 ARCHITECTURE TO BLEND SEAMLESS [Captioner] 19:20:05 LY INTO THE EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD AND FINALLY [Steve Saray] 19:20:06 The project is designed to promote a pedestrian friendly environment along the front. [Captioner] 19:20:08 TO CREATE A TRUE SENSE OF COMMUNITY LIVING. THE [Captioner] 19:20:11 PROJECT IS DESIGNED TO PROMOTE A PEDESTRIAN-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT [Steve Saray] 19:20:13 We offer curb, appeal by orienting the home, by orienting the fund doors towards Roberts Avenue at the rear. [Captioner] 19:20:15 . ALONG THE FRONT, WE OFFER CURB APPEAL [Captioner] 19:20:19 BY ORIENTING THE HOME, BY ORIENTING [Captioner] 19:20:22 THE FRONT DOORS TOWARDS ROBERTS AVENUE. AT THE [Steve Saray] 19:20:23 We respect the natural sitting by orienting the private patterns towards Laguna Creek with a walking path. [Captioner] 19:20:25 REAR, WE RESPECT THE NATURAL SETTING [Captioner] 19:20:28 BY ORIENTING THE PRIVATE PATIOS [Steve Saray] 19:20:30 The residents have plenty of opportunities to appreciate nature. [Captioner] 19:20:33 TOWARDS LAGUNA CREEK WITH A WALKING [Captioner] 19:20:36 PATH. THE RESIDENTS HAVE PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITIES TO [Steve Saray] 19:20:36 The proposed homes are 3 stories, with an average appropriate size of 1,300 square feet to 1,600 square feet. [Captioner] 19:20:40 APPRECIATE NATURE. THE PROPOSED HOMES ARE THREE STORIES WITH AN AVERAGE [Captioner] 19:20:44 APPROXIMATE SIZE OF 1300 SQUARE FEET TO 16 [Steve Saray] 19:20:44 They offer 3 bedroom, 2 a half path, with 2 car garage that Mark spoke of earlier. [Captioner] 19:20:47 00 SQUARE FEET. THEY OFFER TWO BEDROOM TWO [Captioner] 19:20:50 AND A HALF BATH WITH TWO CAR GARAGE, THAT MARK SPOKE OF EARLIER [Steve Saray] 19:20:51 We hope that our proposed exceptionally designed community meets your approval, and finally wanted to thank you for your time and consideration. [Captioner] 19:20:54 . WE HOPE THAT OUR [Captioner] 19:20:57 PROPOSED EXCEPTIONALLY DESIGNED COMMUNITY MEETS YOUR [Captioner] 19:21:00 APPROVAL. AND FINALLY, WANTED [Steve Saray] 19:21:02 I will be more than happy to address any questions you may have. [Captioner] 19:21:03 TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION. I [Captioner] 19:21:06 WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:21:08 Thank you. Mr. Surrey. Commissioners. Do we have any questions for the applicant [Captioner] 19:21:13 THANK YOU. >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU MR. SARAY [Captioner] 19:21:16 . COMMISSIONERS DO WE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR THE APPLICANT [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:21:16 I see No. Hands so. In which case I would like to invite public comment on this item [Captioner] 19:21:20 ? I SEE NO HANDS. [Captioner] 19:21:24 SO IN WHICH CASE, I WOULD LIKE TO INVITE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THIS ITEM [Captioner] 19:21:27 . TRISH [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:21:27 Trish. We have any speakers for public comment on this item [Captioner] 19:21:30 DO WE HAVE ANY SPEAKERS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON THIS ITEM [Trish Cordova] 19:21:30 yes, we do Have a speaker I'll go ahead and introduce the speaker. [Captioner] 19:21:33 ? >> Trish Cordova: YES, WE DO HAVE A SPEAKER, [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:21:34 Thank you. [Trish Cordova] 19:21:36 Andres, go ahead and speak. We're giving you permission. [Captioner] 19:21:37 I'LL GO AHEAD AND INTRODUCE THE SPEAKER. >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU [Captioner] 19:21:40 . >> Trish Cordova: ANDREAS GO [Captioner] 19:21:43 AHEAD AND SPEAK. WE'RE GIVING YOU PERMISSION. YOU CAN GO AHEAD [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:21:46 Good evening. I'mres Kavanaugh with Bike Fremont. [Captioner] 19:21:46 AND SPEAK NOW, THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:21:50 >> GOOD EVENING, ANDREAS [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:21:50 Thanks for letting me speak. Just a couple of comments. [Captioner] 19:21:53 KAVADAVNY WITH [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:21:54 I appreciate the clarification on the bike parking. [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:21:57 I do want to point out that we have objective standards for bike parking. [Captioner] 19:21:57 WEEK FREMONT, JUST A CUSTOM OF [Captioner] 19:21:59 COMMENTS. I APPRECIATE THE COMMENTS ON THE BIKE PARKING. [Captioner] 19:22:02 I DO WANT TO POINT OUT THAT WE HAVE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS FOR [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:22:03 there, well hidden in the bike. Master plan. Serve the Fremont municipal code, but they do exist, and the only way you can tell from an application whether you're meeting those requirements, is if they are properly indicated on the plans because the requirements basically boil down to having [Captioner] 19:22:06 BIKE PARKING, THEY ARE WELL [Captioner] 19:22:09 HIDDEN IN THE BIKE [Captioner] 19:22:12 MASTER PLAN INSTEAD OF THE FREMONT MUNICIPAL CODE BUT THEY [Captioner] 19:22:16 DO EXIST. AND THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN TELL BY AN [Captioner] 19:22:19 APPLICATION WHETHER YOU'RE MEETING THOSE REQUIREMENTS IS IF THEY ARE PROPERLY [Captioner] 19:22:22 INDICATED ON THE PLANS. BECAUSE THE REQUIREMENTS BASICALLY BOIL DOWN [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:22:23 sufficient access space around each parking space and I've yet to see a plan set that actually calls out those dimensions. [Captioner] 19:22:25 TO HAVING SUFFICIENT ACCESS SPACE AROUND EACH PARK [Captioner] 19:22:28 ING SPACE. AND I HAVE YET TO SEE [Captioner] 19:22:32 A PLAN SET THAT ACTUALLY CALLS OUT [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:22:33 I have to go in every time and measure it myself, to find out if a proposal is, in fact, compliant with the guidelines in our plans. [Captioner] 19:22:35 THOSE DIMENSIONS. I HAVE TO GO IN EVERY TIME AND MEASURE [Captioner] 19:22:39 IT MYSELF TO FIND OUT IF A PROPOSAL [Captioner] 19:22:42 IS IN FACT COMPLIANT WITH THE [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:22:42 So I'd I'd like to request that, you know, we update our instructions to applicants to make sure that those dimensional callouts are provided for all bike parking spaces, to make life easier for staff than people like myself that. [Captioner] 19:22:45 GUIDELINES IN OUR PLANS. SO I'D LIKE TO REQUEST [Captioner] 19:22:48 THAT, YOU KNOW, WE UPDATE OUR INSTRUCTIONS TO [Captioner] 19:22:51 APPLICANTS TO MAKE SURE THAT THOSE DIMENSIONAL CALL- [Captioner] 19:22:54 OUTS ARE PROVIDED FOR ALL BIKE PARKING SPACES TO MAKE [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:22:57 Have a vested interest, in making sure these applications are done right with regard to the wheelchair raised crossing, and I understand that the current design needs all applicable codes I just wanted to point out. [Captioner] 19:22:58 LIFE EASIER FOR STAFF AND PEOPLE LIKE MYSELF THAT HAVE [Captioner] 19:23:01 A VESTED INTEREST IN MAKING SURE THESE APPLICATIONS ARE DONE [Captioner] 19:23:04 RIGHT. WITH REGARD TO THE [Captioner] 19:23:07 WHEELCHAIR RAISED CROSSING, AND I UNDERSTAND [Captioner] 19:23:10 THAT THE CURRENT DESIGN MEETS [Captioner] 19:23:14 ALL APPLICABLE CODES. I JUST WANTED TO POINT OUT THAT [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:23:15 That this is supposedly a pedestrian friendly development in a tod. [Captioner] 19:23:19 THIS IS SUPPOSED [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:23:19 And yes, there are a lot of really nice pedestrian, friendly features in here. [Captioner] 19:23:22 LY A PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY DEVELOPMENT IN A TOD [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:23:24 But at this particular location we default it to giving priority to cars. [Captioner] 19:23:25 AND YES THERE ARE A LOT [Captioner] 19:23:28 OF PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY FEATURES IN HERE BUT IN THIS PARTICULAR [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:23:29 We made it a street design that says, cars go straight and go flat. [Captioner] 19:23:32 LOCATION WE DEFAULTED TO GIVING PRIORITY TO CARS. [Captioner] 19:23:35 WE MADE IT A STREET DESIGN THAT SAYS CARS GO STRAIGHT [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:23:36 Not no inconvenience. Wheelchair uses take a detour, Wheelchair users have to make a turn. [Captioner] 19:23:38 , GO FLAT, NOT -- NO IN [Captioner] 19:23:41 CONVENIENCE, WHEELCHAIR USERS TAKE A DETOUR [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:23:42 They have to change elevation. They have to control across those bumpy, you know, top cones. [Captioner] 19:23:45 . WHEELCHAIR USERS HAVE TO MAKE A [Captioner] 19:23:48 TUSH, THEY HAVE TO CHANGE -- TURN [Andreas Kadavanich] 19:23:51 So yeah, we're we're it's it's the default for most developments in Fremont. [Captioner] 19:23:51 , THEY HAVE TO MAKE A CHANGE IN VACATION, [Captioner] 19:23:55 THEY HAVE TO CHANGE OVER THOSE BUMPY [Captioner] 19:23:58 CONES. YES IT IS THE DEFAULT FOR MOST DEVELOPMENTS [Captioner] 19:24:01 IN FREMONT. AND I JUST HOPE THAT WE CAN RAISE THE [Captioner] 19:24:04 BAR AND IF THERE ARE CONCERNS ABOUT EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND [Captioner] 19:24:07 SERVICE VEHICLE ACCESS, LET'S CLEAR THOSE UP. [Captioner] 19:24:10 SO THAT THE NEXT APPLICANT, IF THEY WANT TO [Captioner] 19:24:13 , CAN ACTUALLY MAKE SOMETHING BETTER. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:24:15 Thank you, Andres. If there are no other speakers, I'll give the applicant, you know, a few minutes to reply to the public speakers. [Captioner] 19:24:16 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. >> Commissioner Daulton: [Captioner] 19:24:20 THANK YOU, ANDREAS. IF THERE ARE NO OTHER [Captioner] 19:24:23 SPEAKERS, I'LL GIVE THE APPLICANT A [Captioner] 19:24:26 FEW MINUTES TO [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:24:28 If they choose to. Steve [Captioner] 19:24:29 REPLY TO THE PUBLIC SPEAKERS [Trish Cordova] 19:24:32 Chairman Dalton, and we do not have any speakers, so I I want to confirm. [Captioner] 19:24:33 , IF THEY CHOOSE TO. >> Trish Cordova: CHAIRPERSON [Captioner] 19:24:36 DAULTON, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY SPEAKERS SO I WANTED TO CONFIRM [Trish Cordova] 19:24:37 We do not have any speakers. I Oh, I've been from the public. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:24:38 But we had one right. So [Captioner] 19:24:39 WE DO NOT HAVE ANY SPEAKERS [Captioner] 19:24:41 . >> Commissioner Daulton: WE HAD ONE RIGHT? [Captioner] 19:24:44 >> Trish Cordova: OH I MEANT FROM THE PUBLIC, I DON'T SEE ANY RAISED [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:24:44 Okay. In which case, Steve, you have 5 min to say anything else you would like to say on there [Captioner] 19:24:48 HANDS. >> Commissioner Daulton: OKAY. IN WHICH CASE [Captioner] 19:24:51 STEVE YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES TO SAY ANYTHING ELSE YOU [Steve Saray] 19:24:52 sure the appreciate that. So of course, we will meet the design guidelines for the bike. [Captioner] 19:24:54 WOULD LIKE TO SAY. >> SURE. APPRECIATE [Captioner] 19:24:58 THAT, COMMISSIONER SO OF COURSE WE WILL [Captioner] 19:25:01 MEET THE DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE BIKE, [Captioner] 19:25:04 I APPRECIATE THE CITY PLANNING'S COMMENTS AND NOTES [Captioner] 19:25:08 . AND WE'VE REALLY WORKED A LONG WAYS WITH [Captioner] 19:25:11 THE CITY TO BRING THIS PROJECT BEFORE YOU [Captioner] 19:25:14 . AND WE WILL MAKE SURE [Captioner] 19:25:17 THAT ALL ITEMS IN REGARDS TO THE [Captioner] 19:25:21 BIKE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:25:21 Alright. Thank you very much, sir. In In that case, I'm gonna close the public hearing now, and bring this back to the Commission. [Captioner] 19:25:26 >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, SIR. THE [Captioner] 19:25:32 IN THAT CASE I'M GOING TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:25:32 I like to ask the Commissioners if they have any other questions for staff on this item, any hands [Captioner] 19:25:36 HEARING NOW AND BRING THIS BACK TO THE COMMISSION. I'D LIKE TO ASK [Captioner] 19:25:39 THE COMMISSIONERS IF THEY HAVE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS FOR STAFF ON THIS [Captioner] 19:25:42 ITEM. ANY HANDS? [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:25:42 Nothing. Well, I have a question. Oh, sorry, Commissioner Zhang [Captioner] 19:25:47 NOTHING? WELL, I HAVE A QUESTION. OH -- [Captioner] 19:25:50 SORRY. COMMISSIONER ZHANG [Captioner] 19:25:54 . >> Commissioner Zhang: I JUST WANT TO KNOW IS [Captioner] 19:25:57 THERE SOLAR PANEL REQUIRED LATER [Captioner] 19:26:01 THAN 2022, IF I RECALL CORRECTLY. I'M [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:26:03 yeah, So under the present building code rooftop solar upon build out is not required unless the title 24 energy Report. [Captioner] 19:26:04 NOT SEEING ANY SPECIFICATIONS OF SOLAR [Captioner] 19:26:07 CONNECTORS. >> YES, SO UNDER IF PRESENT [Captioner] 19:26:10 BUILDING CODE ROOFTOP SOLAR UPON BUILD [Captioner] 19:26:13 OUT IS NOT REQUIRED UNLESS THE TITLE 24 ENERGY [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:26:13 That's performed at the building plan check level identifies that as necessary for energy needs The rooftop would have to be solar ready from a structural standpoint that may change, though with the new code cycle that goes into effect. [Captioner] 19:26:16 REPORT THAT'S PERFORMED AT THE BUILDING PLAN CHECK [Captioner] 19:26:19 LEVEL IDENTIFIES THAT AS NECESSARY FOR ENERGY NEEDS. [Captioner] 19:26:22 THE ROOFTOP WOULD HAVE TO BE SOLAR-READY FROM A [Captioner] 19:26:26 STRUCTURAL STANDPOINT. THAT MAY CHANGE, THOUGH, WITH THE NEW [Captioner] 19:26:29 CODE CYCLE THAT GOES INTO EFFECT THE FIRST OF THE YEAR [Captioner] 19:26:32 . [Captioner] 19:26:36 >> Commissioner Zhang: ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU. >> Commissioner Daulton: YES, [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:26:37 yeah, so, mark So on. On page 4 of the staff report. [Captioner] 19:26:40 SO MARK, SO ON PAGE 4 [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:26:40 You're talking about. General plan, conformance there, and you cite land use policy to point 1.7, 2, 1.7. [Captioner] 19:26:43 OF THE STAFF REPORT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT GENERAL [Captioner] 19:26:47 PLAN CONFORMS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:26:49 regarding the transit oriented city. Can Can you tell me what's the time that it takes to walk from this development to the bar station? [Captioner] 19:26:50 CONFORMANCE THERE, YOU SITE 2 [Captioner] 19:26:53 .1.7 REGARDING THE TRANSIT ORIENTED [Captioner] 19:26:57 CITY. CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT'S THE TIME THAT [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:27:00 So the that policy was put in for projects. General plan compliance, because it's it's close to the planned and funded future Irvington Bard Station. [Captioner] 19:27:00 IT TAKES TO WALK FROM THIS DEVELOPMENT TO THE BART STATION [Captioner] 19:27:03 . >> SO THAT POLICY WAS PUT IN [Captioner] 19:27:07 FOR PROJECTS GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE BECAUSE IT'S [Captioner] 19:27:10 CLOSE TO THE PLANNED AND FUNDED FUTURE [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:27:11 It is a roughly about a 1,000 foot walk along city sidewalks to to the proposed station location. And so that's why that that policy was added as as a project conformance feature [Captioner] 19:27:14 IRVINGTON BART STATION. IT IS A [Captioner] 19:27:17 ROUGHLY ABOUT A THOUSAND [Captioner] 19:27:20 FOOT WALK ALONG CITY SIDEWALKS TO THE PROPOSED STATION LOCATION [Captioner] 19:27:24 LOCATION. AND SO THAT'S WHY THAT POLICY WAS ADD [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:27:26 Okay, So can you tell me how double parking these townhouses that close to the their most robust transit options we have in the city of free month in any way reduces dependence on single passenger automobiles [Captioner] 19:27:27 ED, AS A PROJECT CONFORMANCE FEATURE [Captioner] 19:27:32 . >> Commissioner Daulton: OKAY SO CAN YOU TELL ME HOW DOUBLE PARKING [Captioner] 19:27:35 THESE TOWN HOUSES THAT CLOSE TO THE -- THEIR MOST [Captioner] 19:27:39 ROBUST TRANSIT OPTIONS WE HAVE IN THE CITY OF FREMONT IN [Captioner] 19:27:42 ANY WAY REDUCES DEPENDENCE ON [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:27:44 So this particular site, it is not subject to twod requirements, or the twod overlay zone requirements, because it is not designated as urban, residential [Captioner] 19:27:46 SINGLE PASSENGERS AUTOMOBILES? >> SO THIS [Captioner] 19:27:49 PARTICULAR SITE IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO TOD REQUIREMENTS OR [Captioner] 19:27:52 THE TOD OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS BECAUSE IT IS NOT DESIGNATE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:27:54 It doesn't answer my question. [Captioner] 19:27:55 ED AS URBAN RESIDENTIAL. >> Commissioner Daulton: THAT [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:27:56 Yeah. Can you repeat your question again [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:27:59 How it is double parking. These These townhouses reduced dependence on single passenger automobiles, as cited in land, use policy 207, that you used to justify the general and conformance so this development [Captioner] 19:27:59 DOESN'T ANSWER ANY QUESTION. >> CAN YOU REPEAT [Captioner] 19:28:02 YOUR QUESTION AGAIN? >> Commissioner Daulton: HOW DOES DOUBLE PARKING [Captioner] 19:28:06 THESE TOWN HOUSES REDUCE [Captioner] 19:28:09 DEPENDENCE ON SINGLE PASSENGERS AUTOMOBILES [Captioner] 19:28:13 AS CITED IN LAND USE POLICY 217 [Mark Hungerford (Senior Planner)] 19:28:15 I I think that's more location based. So there, this site is within proximity of multimodal transit options, and though 2 car garages are being proposed, they there, are other options for mobility that may not be afforded in other areas and so that's why that that policy was [Captioner] 19:28:16 THAT YOU USE TO GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE OF [Captioner] 19:28:19 THIS DEVELOPMENT? >> I THINK THAT'S MORE LOCATION BASED [Captioner] 19:28:22 . SO THIS SITE IS [Captioner] 19:28:26 WITHIN PROXIMITY OF MULTIMODAL TRANSIT OPTION [Captioner] 19:28:29 S AND [Captioner] 19:28:32 TWO OPTIONS ARE PROPOSED, THERE ARE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:28:33 Okay, All right, let's see. So is anyone else. [Captioner] 19:28:36 OTHER POLICIES, THAT'S WHY THAT POLICY WAS ADD [Captioner] 19:28:38 ED. >> Commissioner Daulton: OKAY, ALL RIGHT. [Captioner] 19:28:41 LET'S SEE, SO DOES ANYONE ELSE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:28:41 Have questions of staff on this item. I take it not so. [Captioner] 19:28:44 HAVE QUESTIONS OF STAFF ON THIS ITEM? I TAKE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:28:46 In that case I will entertain a motion. On this I have a motion [Captioner] 19:28:47 IT NOT. SO IN THAT CASE I WILL ENTERTAIN A MOTION [Captioner] 19:28:50 ON THIS. DO I HAVE A [Captioner] 19:28:54 MOTION? [Craig Steckler (Commissioner)] 19:28:56 I move staff recommendation [Captioner] 19:28:59 >> Commissioner Steckler: I MOVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:29:00 Can I get a second [Captioner] 19:29:04 >> Commissioner Daulton: CAN I GET A SECOND [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:29:06 Alright, Trisha, I have a motion by Commissioner Stackler, and a second by Commissioner Zhang. [Captioner] 19:29:07 ? >> Commissioner Yee: SECOND, THIRD. >> Commissioner Daulton: [Captioner] 19:29:10 RIGHT, TRISH, I HAVE A MOTION [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:29:13 Joel, would you like to call the vote [Captioner] 19:29:15 BY COMMISSIONER STECKLER AND A SECOND [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:29:17 Yes, chair. So when I call your name on a vote for staff recommendation for the Miltonia project, please State your vote your Dalton Vice Chair Row is absent commissioner. [Captioner] 19:29:18 BY COMMISSIONER ZHANG. JOEL WOULD YOU LIKE TO CALL THE VOTE [Captioner] 19:29:21 ? >> Planner Pullen: YES CHAIR. WHEN I CALL YOUR NAME ON A VOTE FOR [Captioner] 19:29:24 STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR THE MILTONIA PROJECT PLEASE [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 19:29:24 Okay? Oh, awesome. [Captioner] 19:29:27 STATE YOUR VOTE. CHAIR DAULTON. NO. [Captioner] 19:29:30 VICE CHAIR RAO IS ABSENT. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:29:31 Ye [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:29:34 Commissioner Stackler [Captioner] 19:29:35 COMMISSIONER YEE, AYE [Captioner] 19:29:37 . COMMISSIONER STECKLER. NO. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:29:38 Commissioner, Lou [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:29:42 Commissioner Zane and Commissioner Boss. Right [Captioner] 19:29:43 COMMISSIONER LIU, AYE [Captioner] 19:29:46 . COMMISSIONER ZHANG, AYE. AND [Captioner] 19:29:49 COMMISSIONER BASRAI. AYE. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:29:49 So the vote is recorded, I believe, is 4, 2 for in favor, 2 against the project has been approved. [Captioner] 19:29:52 SO THE VOTE AS RECORDED I BELIEVE [Captioner] 19:29:55 IS 4-2, 4 IN FAVOR, TWO [Captioner] 19:29:59 AGAINST, THE [Captioner] 19:30:02 PROJECT HAS BEEN APPROVED. THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S ACTION ON THIS ITEM [Captioner] 19:30:05 WILL BE FINAL UNLESS APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:30:07 Alright, thank you, Joel; and we return to our agenda for a second item [Captioner] 19:30:08 WITHIN TEN CALENDAR DAYS. CHAIR BACK TO YOU [Captioner] 19:30:11 . >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU JOEL [Captioner] 19:30:14 . AND WE RETURN TO OUR AGENDA FOR A SECOND ITEM [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:30:16 Oh, you are most welcome. Good evening. This next item is Ellsworth's mixed use. [Captioner] 19:30:17 . >> THANK YOU COMMISSIONERS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. [Captioner] 19:30:19 >> Commissioner Daulton: YOU'RE MOST WELCOME. [Captioner] 19:30:22 GOOD EVENING. THIS NEXT ITEM IS ELLSWORTH [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:30:24 Joel, could you lead us through that [Captioner] 19:30:26 'S MIXED USE. JOEL COULD YOU LEAD US THERE THROUGH THAT. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:30:28 Yes, sir. So the Ellsworth mixed Use Project is a site at 4, 3, 4, 0. One. [Captioner] 19:30:30 >> Planner Pullen: YES CHAIR. THE ELLSWORTH MIXED [Captioner] 19:30:33 USE PROJECT IS A SITE AT 43 [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:30:34 Great this is to consider a discretionary design. Review a private street, and a tentative track, or a mixed use development with approximately 4,581 square feet of commercial space and 12 units consisting of 6 duet units, in 3 buildings, and 6 [Captioner] 19:30:36 401 ELLSWORTH STREET. THIS IS TO CONSIDER A [Captioner] 19:30:46 DISCRETIONARY DESIGN REVIEW, PRIVATE STREET, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 8596 FOR A MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT WITH [Captioner] 19:30:48 APPROXIMATELY 4,581 SQUARE FEET OF COMMERCIAL SPACE AND 12 RESIDENTIAL UNITS CONSISTING OF SIX [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:30:52 detached town homes at 4, 3, 4, 0, one Ellsworth Street, in the San Jose Community plan area, and in the San Jose Historical Overlay district and Consider findings that the project is exempt from further environmental review under sequa Per the Infield development [Captioner] 19:30:54 DUET UNITS IN THREE BUILDINGS AND SIX DETACHED TOWNHOMES AT 43401 ELLSWORTH [Captioner] 19:30:59 STREET IN THE MISSION SAN JOSE COMMUNITY PLAN AREA AND THE [Captioner] 19:31:02 MISSION SAN JOSE HISTORICAL OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND TO CONSIDER A FINDING THAT NO [Captioner] 19:31:09 -- THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT UNDER FURTHER [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:31:10 guidelines and also consistency with the general plan of the city. [Captioner] 19:31:13 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW THROUGH CEQA THROUGH [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:31:13 The project planner, James Willis is here tonight with the presentation, and again following the planner presentation. [Captioner] 19:31:16 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AND ALSO CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY [Captioner] 19:31:19 . THE PROJECT PLANNER [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:31:23 The app has 10 min, followed by a 5 min. Up to 5 min rebuttal after the public. [Captioner] 19:31:25 IS HERE, AND FOLLOWING THE PLANNER PRESENTATION THE [Captioner] 19:31:28 APPLICANT HAS TEN MINUTES UP TO A FIVE MINUTE REBUTTAL AFTER [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:31:31 All right. Well, are you gonna give a staff presentation? [Captioner] 19:31:32 THE PUBLIC GETS A CHANCE TO SPEAK. BACK TO YOU CHAIR [Captioner] 19:31:35 . >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT. ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:31:36 I'm not clear on that [Captioner] 19:31:38 A STAFF PRESENTATION? I'M NOT CLEAR ON THAT. >> Planner Pullen: [Captioner] 19:31:41 SORRY YES, JAMES HAS A PRESENTATION. >> Commissioner Daulton: OKAY [Captioner] 19:31:45 , JAMES, PLEASE. >> GOOD EVENING, COMMISSIONERS. [Captioner] 19:32:06 PROJECT BEFORE THE COMMISSION THIS EVENING [] 19:32:09 And growth [Captioner] 19:32:10 IS THE ELLSWORTH MIXED USE PROJECT [Captioner] 19:32:13 LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF ELLSWORTH STREET AND GROVE WAY [Captioner] 19:32:16 IN THE MISSION SAN JOSE COMMUNITY PLAN AREA. [Captioner] 19:32:21 THAT PROJECT WOULD REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS FROM THE CITY. [] 19:32:21 Yeah. [Captioner] 19:32:24 A DISCRETIONARY DESIGN REVIEW, TENTATIVE TRACT [] 19:32:24 Project, with [Captioner] 19:32:27 MAP AND A PRIVATE STREET. PROJECT WAS SUBMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS [] 19:32:27 Feel as requires local. [Captioner] 19:32:30 MUCH CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL [] 19:32:32 Flies with the design, stand [Captioner] 19:32:34 SB 330 WHICH REQUIRES LOCAL JURISDICTIONS [Captioner] 19:32:37 TO APPROVE A HOUSING DEVELOPMENT, FROM [] 19:32:37 Report. Okay, yeah. [Captioner] 19:32:41 OBJECTIVE DESIGN STANDARDS. AS DISCUSSED IN THE STAFF REPORT [Captioner] 19:32:44 THE PROJECT DOES CONFORM WITH APPLICABLE DESIGN [Captioner] 19:32:47 STANDARDS. PROJECT SITE IS A PAIR OF LOTS LOCATED AT [Captioner] 19:32:50 THE CORNER OF ELLSWORTH STREET AND GROVE WAY. [] 19:32:51 Yeah. General: Plan. [Captioner] 19:32:56 THE PROPERTY IS DESIGNATED TOWN CENTER COMMERCIAL IN THE [] 19:32:56 Yeah. [] 19:32:58 And the hill. Combining this [Captioner] 19:32:59 GENERAL PLAN, AND THE ZONING IS TOWN CENTER PEDESTRIAN WITH A HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT AND [Captioner] 19:33:02 IS WITHIN THE HILLSIDE COMBINING DISTRICT [Captioner] 19:33:06 . THE APPLICANT PREVIOUSLY PROPOSED A [Captioner] 19:33:09 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO CONVERT THE SITE ENTIRELY TO RESIDENTIAL BUT [Captioner] 19:33:12 THAT PROPOSAL DID NOT MAKE IT THROUGH GENERAL PLAN SCREENING REQUEST [Captioner] 19:33:15 PROCESS AND WAS NEVER SUBMITTED FOR A FORMAL ENTITLEMENT [Captioner] 19:33:18 REVIEW. [Captioner] 19:33:21 SITE 60SS OF A TOTAL OF 1.12 [] 19:33:23 Square feet [Captioner] 19:33:24 ACRES OR 48,750 SQUARE [Captioner] 19:33:27 FEET IN AREA. THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MIXED [Captioner] 19:33:31 USE DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 45 [Captioner] 19:33:34 81 SQUARE FEET OF COMMERCIAL SPACE, AT THE CORNER [] 19:33:36 12, most [Captioner] 19:33:38 OF ELLSWORTH AND GROVE. AND 12 [Captioner] 19:33:41 MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS. MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT IS [] 19:33:43 Yeah. [Captioner] 19:33:44 A PERMITTED USE IN THE TCP [Captioner] 19:33:47 ZONING DISTRICT. PROJECT WAS PRESENTED TO THE [Captioner] 19:33:50 HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD AT THEIR SEPTEMBER 1st, 20 [] 19:33:51 Sorry, voted [Captioner] 19:33:54 22 HEARING, WHERE THE BOARD VOTED 4-1 [Captioner] 19:33:58 TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION [Captioner] 19:34:02 . WHILE THE SITE IS [] 19:34:04 This [Captioner] 19:34:05 CURRENTLY VACANT IT IS THE FORMER LOCATION OF THE IDES [Captioner] 19:34:08 MEETING HALL A BUILDING VERY IMPORTANT [Captioner] 19:34:12 TO THE EARLY PORTUGUESE COMMUNITY IN MISSION SAN JOSE. [Captioner] 19:34:15 THE HALL AND OTHER STRUCTURES RELATED TO THE ID [Captioner] 19:34:18 ES INCLUDING A CHAPEL WERE CONSTRUCTED IN THE LATE [] 19:34:20 They were in very poor community. By the nineteenth [Captioner] 19:34:21 1800S. BUT THEY WERE IN VERY [Captioner] 19:34:25 POOR CONDITION BY THE 1960s. SITE WAS ADDED [Captioner] 19:34:28 TO THE FREMONT HISTORIC REGISTER IN MAY 1964 [] 19:34:30 After [Captioner] 19:34:32 . BUT THE BUILDINGS WERE [Captioner] 19:34:35 DEMOLISHED SHORTLY THEREAFTER. SITE REMAINS ON THE [] 19:34:35 Yeah. [Captioner] 19:34:38 LOCALITY HISTORIC REGISTER. THE APPLICANT HAD A CULTURAL [Captioner] 19:34:41 RESOURCES ASSESSMENT PERFORMED IN JULY 2022, AS THERE ARE [Captioner] 19:34:44 NO REMAINS OF THE HISTORIC BUILDINGS AT THE [] 19:34:46 And interpret. [Captioner] 19:34:47 SITE, THE RECOMMENDATION IS TO PROVIDE AN [Captioner] 19:34:51 INTERPRETIVE HISTORICAL DISPLAY, ACCESSIBLE [Captioner] 19:34:54 TO THE PUBLIC AT THE PROJECT SITE. CONDITION OF [] 19:34:54 Acquired this to be [Captioner] 19:34:57 APPROVAL WOULD REQUIRE THIS DISPLAY TO BE DESIGNED TO THE [Captioner] 19:35:00 SATISFACTION OF THE HARB SECRETARY AND BE IN PLACE [] 19:35:00 Prior to [Captioner] 19:35:04 PRIOR TO FINAL OCCUPANCY OF THE DEVELOPMENT. [] 19:35:08 Staff to revise the to better fit with the around. [Captioner] 19:35:09 OVER THE COURSE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECTS, THE APPLICANT WORKED [Captioner] 19:35:13 WITH STAFF TO [] 19:35:14 For example. [Captioner] 19:35:17 REVISE THE SITE TO BETTER FIT THE CHARACTER [] 19:35:18 Back along, else. [Captioner] 19:35:20 . FOR EXAMPLE, THE ORIGINAL PROPOSAL WOULD HAVE THE [Captioner] 19:35:23 DETACHED TOWN HOMES SET BACK ALONG ELLSWORTH [] 19:35:23 sidewalk. Nature of this [Captioner] 19:35:27 STREET. THIS CHANGED TO THE GET [Captioner] 19:35:30 CONCEPT, WHICH BETTER FIT THE NATURE [] 19:35:30 At large open patio [Captioner] 19:35:33 OF THIS PART OF ELLSWORTH STREET [] 19:35:34 Better active read audio year round. [Captioner] 19:35:37 . THE ORIGINAL SITE HAD [Captioner] 19:35:40 OPEN PATIOS, THIS WAS CHANGED [Captioner] 19:35:43 TO COVERED PATIOS TO MAKE THE PATIOS USEFUL ALL [] 19:35:46 Growth, way. [Captioner] 19:35:47 YEAR ROUND. ROW OF PARKING ADJACENT TO [Captioner] 19:35:50 THE SINGLE TOWN HOME FACE BEING GROVE WAY WHICH REDUCED THE NUMBER [] 19:35:50 Parking space, and therefore hardscape [Captioner] 19:35:53 OF GUEST PARKING SPACES AND THEREFORE HARD SCAPE [Captioner] 19:35:56 BETWEEN THE DETACHED TOWN HOMES. FINAL [] 19:35:56 Finally, the application driveways find the entry. [Captioner] 19:35:59 LY, THE APPLICANT ADDED DECORATIVE PAVEMENT [Captioner] 19:36:02 AT THE VEHICLE DRIVEWAYS TO VISUALLY DEFINE THE ENTRANCE [Captioner] 19:36:05 S TO THE DEVELOPMENT. [Captioner] 19:36:09 AS FREEIVELS MENTIONED, THE PROJECT -- [] 19:36:09 4,000, [Captioner] 19:36:12 PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED, THE PROJECT IS A MIXED USE [] 19:36:14 12, most [Captioner] 19:36:16 DEVELOPMENT CONTAINING COMMERCIAL SPACE AND 12 [] 19:36:16 Catch. [Captioner] 19:36:19 MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN DETACHED AND [Captioner] 19:36:22 ATTACHED TOWN HOME CONFIGURATIONS. [Captioner] 19:36:25 THE [] 19:36:27 He touched him. [Captioner] 19:36:29 TOWN HOME BUILDINGS EACH CONTAIN TWO UNITS. DETACHED [] 19:36:30 Street. [Captioner] 19:36:33 TOWN HOMES WOULD BE LOCATED ALONG THE PRIVATE STREET EXCEPT FOR [Captioner] 19:36:36 LOT 1. FIVE TOWN HOMES ALONG THE PRIVATE STREET [] 19:36:38 no 2, [Captioner] 19:36:39 WOULD BE MADE UP OF THREE [Captioner] 19:36:43 DIFFERENT MODELS, NO TWO OF THE SAME MODEL WOULD BE ADJACENT. [] 19:36:43 would be different. Yeah, yeah. [Captioner] 19:36:46 DETACHED TOWN HOME ON LOT 1 WOULD BE DIFFERENT IN THAT IT [Captioner] 19:36:49 WOULD BE NARROWER AND HAVE A SINGLE CAR GARAGE SIMILAR [] 19:36:49 Found on growth [Captioner] 19:36:52 TO THE OLDER HOMES FOUND ON GROVE AND AROUND THE [Captioner] 19:36:55 CORNER ON BRYANT STREET. [Captioner] 19:36:59 THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING WOULD FEATURE A SIMPLE, [] 19:36:59 Right glass store, line. [Captioner] 19:37:02 LOW RECTILINEAR DESIGN WITH [Captioner] 19:37:05 GLASS STORE FRONTS INCLUDING A LINE [] 19:37:07 With on each of [Captioner] 19:37:09 OF MUTTEN WINDOWS [Captioner] 19:37:12 ALONG THE STORE FRONT. [Captioner] 19:37:15 AWNINGS SUPPORTED BY SCOPES [] 19:37:15 Provide for year-round use of the [Captioner] 19:37:19 AND ACTIVATE THE STREETSCAPE AND [] 19:37:19 There are multiple entrances to allow for [Captioner] 19:37:23 PROVIDE YEAR ROUND USE OF THE [Captioner] 19:37:26 PATIOS. BUILT IN FLEXIBILITY FOR THE [] 19:37:29 zoning and the Mission [Captioner] 19:37:30 FUTURE TENANTS. COMMERCIAL [Captioner] 19:37:33 ZONING, TCP ZONING AND THE [] 19:37:35 Dwell homes. [Captioner] 19:37:36 MISSION SAN JOSE DESIGN GUIDELINES. THE GET [Captioner] 19:37:40 DUET HOMES WOULD [Captioner] 19:37:43 FEATURE HORIZONTAL WINDOW SIDINGS [] 19:37:46 Right invited via 2, [Captioner] 19:37:47 VEE SAYSED ENTRY WITH A PRIVATE PATIO [Captioner] 19:37:50 . PARKING WOULD BE PROVIDE HE VIA A TWO CAR [] 19:37:52 Along the private [Captioner] 19:37:54 ATTACHED GARAGE ACCESSED FROM THE REAR OF THE BUILDING ALONG THE PRIVATE [Captioner] 19:37:57 STREET. [] 19:37:57 Yeah Board record [Captioner] 19:38:00 THIS -- THE HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW [Captioner] 19:38:03 BOARD RECOMMENDED USING WOOD FRAME WINDOWS ON ALL THE [Captioner] 19:38:06 RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. WHILE THIS IS NOT AN OBJECTIVE STASHED [] 19:38:06 And B, 3, 3, the applicant [Captioner] 19:38:10 AND CANNOT BE REQUIRED UNDER SB 330 THE [Captioner] 19:38:13 APPLICANT HAS VOLUNTARILY OFFERED TO [] 19:38:14 And doorframes [Captioner] 19:38:16 USE DURABLE WOOD APPEARANCE MATERIALS ON THE WINDOW [Captioner] 19:38:19 AND DOOR FRAMES OF THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. [] 19:38:19 Touch town, Street. [Captioner] 19:38:23 THE DETACHED TOWN HOMES ALONG THE PRIVATE STREET WOULD FEATURE [Captioner] 19:38:26 VARIOUS ARCHITECTURAL STYLES IN KEEPING WITH THE ECLECTIC [] 19:38:26 The neighborhood. They would teach writing covered portions. [Captioner] 19:38:30 NATURE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THEY WOULD FEATURE WOOD SIDING [Captioner] 19:38:33 , COVERED PORCHES, AND ATTACHED TWO CAR [Captioner] 19:38:36 GARAGES, ACCESSED FROM THE PRIVATE STREET. [] 19:38:39 Would. [Captioner] 19:38:41 THE DETACHED TOWN HOMES FRONTING GROVE WAY WOULD BE NARROW [] 19:38:44 Character of the older homes on Yeah. [Captioner] 19:38:45 ER THAN THE OTHER DETACHED UNITS, TO BETTER FIT [Captioner] 19:38:48 IN WITH THE CHARACTER ON THE OLDER HOMES ON GROVE AND [Captioner] 19:38:52 BRYANT STREET. THIS UNIT WOULD HAVE AN ATTACHED [Captioner] 19:38:55 SINGLE CAR GARAGE WITH ADDITIONAL UNCOVERED PARKING FOR RESIDENTS [Captioner] 19:38:58 AND GUESTS WITHIN THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA ON THE [Captioner] 19:39:01 PRIVATE STREET. THE DESIGN WOULD HAVE A COVERED [] 19:39:01 Porch, and [Captioner] 19:39:05 PORCH AND PITCHED ROOFS. THIS [Captioner] 19:39:08 TOWN HOME WOULD ALSO FEATURE WOOD SIDING. THIS [] 19:39:09 Side, property, line. Yeah, Yeah, formed the applicable standards. [Captioner] 19:39:11 HOME WOULD BE SET BACK TEN FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE [Captioner] 19:39:15 LINE. ALL THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS WOULD CONFORM [] 19:39:16 Can zoning [Captioner] 19:39:18 TO THE APPLICABLE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS CONTAINED IN THE R- [Captioner] 19:39:22 3 ZONING, MISSION SAN JOSE DESIGN GUIDELINES, AND [] 19:39:22 And the multi [Captioner] 19:39:25 THE MULTIFAMILY DESIGN GUIDELINE. [] 19:39:26 Yeah, and find the club for [Captioner] 19:39:30 STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT [Captioner] 19:39:33 FROM CEQA FOR THE REASONS ENUMERATED [Captioner] 19:39:36 IN THE STAFF REPORT AND APPROVE THE PROJECT AS SHOWN [Captioner] 19:39:39 IN EXHIBIT A AND SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL [Captioner] 19:39:44 . THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:40:02 I'M SORRY CHAIR, I BELIEVE YOU'RE MUTED. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:40:02 Thank you. Do we have any clarifying questions on this item from commission [Captioner] 19:40:06 >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU. DO WE HAVE ANY CLARIFYING QUESTIONS [Captioner] 19:40:09 ON THIS ITEM FROM COMMISSION? [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:40:13 can you tell me for the lock number one? Where is the the parking in trans? [Captioner] 19:40:15 COMMISSIONER ZHANG. [Captioner] 19:40:18 >> Commissioner Zhang: CAN YOU TELL ME FOR THE LOT NUMBER 1 [Captioner] 19:40:21 , WHERE IS THE [Captioner] 19:40:24 PARKING ENTRANCE? [Captioner] 19:40:27 IT'S NOT VERY CLEAR TO ME. >> THE [Captioner] 19:40:30 GARAGE? [Captioner] 19:40:33 >> Commissioner Zhang: YES. >> OKAY, ONE MOMENT, PLEASE. [] 19:41:01 so [] 19:41:05 One right here. Driveway right here, right [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:41:07 right. [Captioner] 19:41:14 >> SO THIS IS LOT ONE RIGHT HERE, DRIVEWAY IS RIGHT [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:41:14 Oh, oh, I see! It's a single garage Correct! [Captioner] 19:41:18 HERE, THERE'S THE CURB CUT AND THERE IS THE GARAGE [] 19:41:21 Has actually yes. [Captioner] 19:41:22 . >> Commissioner Zhang: OH I SEE, IT IS A SINGLE GARAGE [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:41:24 Right. [Captioner] 19:41:25 CORRECT? >> IT'S A SINGLE CAR GARAGE AND HAS ACCESS [Captioner] 19:41:28 TO A PARKING SPACE FOR GUESTS IN THIS PARKING FIELD [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:41:28 Okay, So there's a driveway is on from the street. [Captioner] 19:41:32 RIGHT HERE. >> Commissioner Zhang: OKAY, SO THERE IS A DRIVEWAY [Captioner] 19:41:35 IS FROM THE STREET, NOT A PRIVATE ONE. [Captioner] 19:41:39 >> CR [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:41:41 Commissioner E. [Captioner] 19:41:42 CORRECT. IT COMES OFF OF [Captioner] 19:41:46 GROVE AVENUE. >> Commissioner Zhang: THANK YOU [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:41:46 Well, he kind of then. You've already answered my question about that single car garage. [Captioner] 19:41:47 . >> Commissioner Daulton: COMMISSIONER YEE. [Captioner] 19:41:51 >> Commissioner Yee: WELL, YOU HAVE ALREADY ANNALSED THAT QUESTION [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:41:51 I was wondering if it was a tandem or not. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:41:52 But Yeah, it looks like it's a just what made for one car [Captioner] 19:41:55 MY QUESTION ABOUT THAT SINGLE CAR GARAGE [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:41:57 Yeah, and then I also was one of the I had one of the questions earlier related to. [Captioner] 19:41:58 . LOOKS LIKE A TANDEM BUT LOOKS [Captioner] 19:42:01 LIKE IT'S MADE FOR ONE CAR. >> THAT IS CORRECT. >> Commissioner Yee: AND [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:42:03 You know the the issue with looking at that grass fire that was out there when I was, you know, walking around that property, and saw that that happened back in August. [Captioner] 19:42:04 THEN I WAS ALSO -- I HAD ONE OF THE QUESTIONS EARLIER RELATED TO [Captioner] 19:42:07 THE ISSUE WITH LOOKING AT THAT GRASS FIRE [Captioner] 19:42:10 THAT WAS OUT THERE WHEN I WAS WALKING [Captioner] 19:42:13 AROUND THAT PROPERTY. AND SAW THAT THAT HAPPENED BACK [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:42:14 30. First, Has there been any other fires on that site previous to the one on August 30? [Captioner] 19:42:17 IN AUGUST 31st, HAS THERE BEEN ANY OTHER [Captioner] 19:42:20 FIRES ON THAT SITE PREVIOUS TO THE ONE ON AUGUST [] 19:42:24 the fire department only fire that they may [Captioner] 19:42:24 31st? >> I -- WHEN YOU ASK THAT [Captioner] 19:42:27 QUESTION I CHECKED WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. THAT WAS [Captioner] 19:42:30 THE ONLY FIRE THAT THEY MENTIONED TO ME. [] 19:42:32 The turned over to keep, so there isn't much in the way of fuel [Captioner] 19:42:33 IT'S REGULARLY DISKED, THE SOIL IS [Captioner] 19:42:36 TURNED OVER TO KEEP THE GRASS LOW. SO THERE [Captioner] 19:42:39 ISN'T MUCH IN THE WAY OF FUELS ON THE SITE TO BURN. SO IF [Captioner] 19:42:42 THERE WERE OTHER PREVIOUS FIRES, THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 19:42:43 First. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:42:45 Commissioner Boss. Right [Captioner] 19:42:46 PRETTY EVIDENT. >> Commissioner Yee: OKAY, ALL RIGHT, THANK [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:42:48 so my question is so. All of the units of single parking structures. [Captioner] 19:42:48 YOU. >> Commissioner Daulton: COMMISSIONER BASRAI. [Captioner] 19:42:52 >> Commissioner Basrai: SO MY QUESTION IS, SO ALL OF THE UNITS [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:42:55 There's not anything with dual parking [Captioner] 19:42:55 HAVE SINGLE PARKING STRUCTURES, THERE'S NOT [Captioner] 19:42:58 ANYTHING WITH DUAL PARKING? >> [Captioner] 19:43:02 NO. ONLY LOT 1 HAS A SINGLE CAR GARAGE. [Captioner] 19:43:05 THE LEST OF THE RESIDENTIAL UNITS HAVE ATTACHED [Captioner] 19:43:08 -- THE REST OF THE RESIDENTIAL UNITS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:43:09 Make sure. Zhang [Captioner] 19:43:11 HAVE ATTACHED TWO-CAR GARAGES. [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:43:11 how is this properly separate from the the neighbor, like when Fan Tong and this couple of neighbors on the the west side of the property? [Captioner] 19:43:15 >> Commissioner Basrai: OKAY THANK YOU. [Captioner] 19:43:18 >> Commissioner Daulton: COMMISSIONER ZHANG. >> Commissioner Zhang: [Captioner] 19:43:21 HOW DOES THIS PROPERTY SEPARATE FROM THE NEIGHBOR [Captioner] 19:43:24 LIKE WAN FAN TON, THERE ARE A [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:43:25 I guess are. There just [Captioner] 19:43:27 COUPLE OF NEIGHBORS ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE PARK I GUESS. ARE [] 19:43:27 yeah. [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:43:30 Like 6 feet expenses. Regular right? I see. The thing is, I, when I walked aside there, there's a construction like just almost aligned the probably lie. [Captioner] 19:43:30 THERE JUST -- >> THEY WILL HAVE WOOD FENCES. [Captioner] 19:43:34 >> LIKE SIX FEET WOOD FENCES? REGULAR [Captioner] 19:43:37 -- >> NORMAL RESIDENTIAL FENCE, YES [Captioner] 19:43:40 YES. >> Commissioner Zhang: I SEE. THE THING IS, WHEN I WALKED THE [Captioner] 19:43:44 SITE, THERE IS A CONSTRUCTION THAT'S [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:43:45 I'm Is there any to cut issues with that or [Captioner] 19:43:47 ALMOST ALIGNED THE PROPERTY LINE. IS [Captioner] 19:43:50 THERE ANY [Captioner] 19:43:54 LIKE ISSUE WITH THAT? [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:43:56 Like [Captioner] 19:43:57 OR -- [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:44:01 Yeah, I So yeah, while I work down the side, and the first property belongs to run Trenton and one fan tongue. [] 19:44:02 Where, where. [Captioner] 19:44:02 LIKE. >> CLARIFY YOUR [Captioner] 19:44:05 QUESTION? WHERE, CONSTRUCTION [Captioner] 19:44:09 -- >> Commissioner Zhang: WHEN I WALKED ON THE SITE, [Captioner] 19:44:12 THE FIRST PROPERTY BELONGS [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:44:15 I see there's a construction that's I think, the base of Yes, yes, happening right now, under the the bank, over the construction is just right along the property line. [Captioner] 19:44:16 TO YUA [Captioner] 19:44:19 N TRANTON AND Y [Captioner] 19:44:22 AN TRAN FON [Captioner] 19:44:26 . THERE IS CONSTRUCTION THE BASE IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW AND THE [Captioner] 19:44:29 BACK OF THE CONSTRUCTION IS JUST RIGHT ALONG THE PROPERTY LINE [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:44:29 Yes, almost no space to build them offense. I. Is this. [Captioner] 19:44:32 . IT'S ALMOST NO SPACE [Captioner] 19:44:35 TO BUILD A FENCE. [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:44:37 Something should be worried about like [Captioner] 19:44:38 IS THIS SOMETHING TO BE WORRIED ABOUT [] 19:44:40 There, referring to from harp for a [Captioner] 19:44:41 , LIKE -- [Captioner] 19:44:45 >> THERE -- SO THE PROPERTY YOU'RE REFERRING TO RECEIVED [Captioner] 19:44:48 APPROVAL FROM HARB FOR A [] 19:44:50 It's part of the [Captioner] 19:44:51 SECOND HOME TO BE BUILT ON [] 19:44:53 Homes, on yeah. [Captioner] 19:44:54 THE PROPERTY, THE BRYANT STREET NEIGHBORHOOD [Captioner] 19:44:57 CONSERVATION DISTRICT WHICH DOES ALLOW TWO HOMES ON SOME OF THE [Captioner] 19:45:01 LOTS. THAT HAS RECEIVED ENTITLEMENTS BUT [] 19:45:01 Other [Captioner] 19:45:04 IT HASN'T RECEIVED BUILDING PERMITS. THEY MAY BE [] 19:45:04 Do know that there's building permit at home, but I don't [Captioner] 19:45:07 DOING OTHER CONSTRUCTION THAT I HAVEN'T SEEN BUT I DO KNOW THEY ARE STILL [Captioner] 19:45:10 WORKING THROUGH THEIR BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE SECOND HOME. BUT [Captioner] 19:45:14 I DON'T KNOW OF ANYTHING THEY -- THEY COULD BE DOING [] 19:45:14 Utility work. I know it's a and your old home, doing some trenching or work going on there but affect anything, because it would be the same as if your neighbor [Captioner] 19:45:17 SOME UTILITY WORK. I KNOW IT'S A 1 [Captioner] 19:45:20 10-YEAR-OLD HOME. SO THEY MIGHT BE DOING SOME [Captioner] 19:45:23 TRENCHING OR SOMETHING. I'M NOT FAMILIAR WITH ANY WORK GOING ON THERE. [Captioner] 19:45:26 BUT IT WON'T AFFECT ANYTHING BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO CROSS [Captioner] 19:45:29 THE PROPERTY LINE. IT WOULD BE THE SAME IF YOUR NEIGHBOR [Captioner] 19:45:33 WAS DOING CONSTRUCTION ON THEIR HOUSE, THEY OBVIOUSLY [] 19:45:34 But yeah. [Captioner] 19:45:37 CAN'T CROSS PROPERTY LINES, THE [] 19:45:38 The the new home and the seen home on [Captioner] 19:45:41 FENCE CAN BE BUILT ON THE PROPERTY LINES. SO THERE WILL BE A [Captioner] 19:45:44 PRETTY DECENT GAP BETWEEN THE NEW HOME AND THE [Captioner] 19:45:47 EXISTING HOME ON THE ADJACENT PROPERTY AND THIS, THIS [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 19:45:49 okay, I'm pretty sure the the the basis, foundation is ready. [Captioner] 19:45:51 PROPERTY. [Captioner] 19:45:54 >> Commissioner Zhang: OKAY, I'M PRETTY SURE THE BASE FOUNDATION [Captioner] 19:45:57 IS ALREADY THERE. I'M -- BUT ANY [] 19:45:58 I would have to check [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:45:58 Hello! [Captioner] 19:46:00 HOW. >> I WOULD HAVE TO CHECK [Captioner] 19:46:03 THE PERMIT RECORDS TO SEE. >> Commissioner Daulton: [Captioner] 19:46:06 ALL RIGHT, COMMISSIONER BASRAI. DO YOU HAVE ANOTHER QUESTION [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:07 I I kind of wanna echo Commissioner Zang's point. [Captioner] 19:46:11 ? >> Commissioner Basrai: I KIND OF WANT TO [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:12 I drove by today yesterday and there's like a foundation being built like a building foundation being built there. [Captioner] 19:46:14 ECHO COMMISSIONER ZHANG'S POINT. I DROVE BY IT YESTERDAY. [Captioner] 19:46:17 AND THERE'S LIKE A FOUNDATION BEING BUILT, LIKE [Captioner] 19:46:21 A BUILDING FOUNDATION BEING BUILT THERE. AND THAT [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:21 And that was my biggest concern. It looks like another property is going up separate to the house, and the unit that's there. [Captioner] 19:46:24 WAS MY BIGGEST CONCERN. IT LOOKS LIKE ANOTHER PROPERTY IS [Captioner] 19:46:27 GOING UP. SEPARATE TO THE [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:28 It looks very much like a foundation that's going on. [Captioner] 19:46:30 HOUSE, THE UNIT THAT'S THERE. IT LOOKS VERY [Captioner] 19:46:33 MUCH LIKE A FOUNDATION THAT'S GOING UP [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:34 So just [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:37 It's it's completely at the rear of the lot, but it's next to the existing property. [Captioner] 19:46:37 . SO -- >> SO AT THE REAR OF [Captioner] 19:46:40 THE LOT OF THE ADJACENT NEIGHBOR? [Captioner] 19:46:43 >> Commissioner Basrai: IT'S COMPLETELY AT THE REAR OF THE LOT BUT [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:44 So if you go there, you've got the empty lot, and there's no clear designation of where the lot ends. [Captioner] 19:46:47 IT'S NEXT TO THE EXISTING PROPERTY. SO IF YOU GO THERE, YOU'VE GOT [Captioner] 19:46:50 THE EMPTY LOT AND THERE'S NO CLEAR DESIGNATION OF [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:46:51 But you see, like Commissioner Zhang said, a foundation going up like it doesn't look like and that, and you know an edu or an adjacent piece of property. [Captioner] 19:46:53 WHERE THE LOT ENDS. BUT YOU SEE [Captioner] 19:46:57 LIKE COMMISSIONER ZHANG SAID, A FOUNDATION GOING UP. LIKE IT DOESN'T LOOK [Captioner] 19:47:02 LIKE AN ADU [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:47:04 It looks like a brand new unit going next to that. So that's kind of my concern right now. [Captioner] 19:47:06 OR AN ADJACENT PIECE OF PROPERTY. IT LOOKS LIKE A BRAND-NEW [Captioner] 19:47:10 UNIT GOING NEXT TO THAT. SO THAT'S KIND OF [] 19:47:12 There. [Captioner] 19:47:13 MY CONCERN RIGHT NOW. IT'S LIKE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT'S [Captioner] 19:47:16 GOING ON. >> THERE IS -- SORRY. [] 19:47:18 on that problem. [Captioner] 19:47:20 THERE WILL BE A NEW HOME ON THAT PROPERTY. IT'S AT THE [] 19:47:22 Story home It's not [Captioner] 19:47:23 REAR OF THE SITE. IT IS A NEW TWO-STORY HOME. [Captioner] 19:47:26 IT'S NOT AN ADU. THIS IS A NEIGHBORHOOD -- [Captioner] 19:47:29 THE ADJACENT HOME IS FARTHER OF A NEIGHBORHOOD THAT DOES ALLOW [] 19:47:30 Homes plans for that front of me right now that I [Captioner] 19:47:33 TWO SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. UNFORTUNATELY [Captioner] 19:47:36 , I DON'T HAVE THE PLANS FOR THAT IN FRONT OF ME RIGHT [Captioner] 19:47:39 NOW BUT I COULD CHECK, IF YOU GIVE ME -- [] 19:47:41 But to my knowledge they are still [Captioner] 19:47:42 I COULD CHECK AND COME BACK TO YOU WITH THE PERMIT RECORDS TO SEE [Captioner] 19:47:45 IF THEY RECEIVED ANY APPROVALS FOR CONSTRUCTION. TO [Captioner] 19:47:49 MY KNOWLEDGE BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF MY PROJECTS AS WELL, THEY ARE STILL [] 19:47:49 Yeah. [Captioner] 19:47:52 WORKING THROUGH THEIR BUILDING PERMITS. SO IF THEY [Captioner] 19:47:55 ARE DOING CONSTRUCTION AND IF THEY DO HAVE A PERMIT THAT COULD BE [Captioner] 19:47:58 TROUBLESOME BUT IT DOES NOT AFFECT THIS PROJECT THAT'S [Captioner] 19:48:01 BEFORE US TONIGHT IN ANY WAY. IT IS A SEPARATE LEGAL LOT [Captioner] 19:48:04 AND IT WILL BE SEPARATE. THEY CANNOT CROSS PROPERTY [Captioner] 19:48:07 LINES. AND ANY FENCE THAT'S BEING BUILT WILL [Captioner] 19:48:10 BE BUILT ON THE PROPERTY LINE. SO THERE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:48:12 if I can just add to that if you don't mind that house, there is a portion of that a lot that extends toward this property, and a lot of times these vacant lots it's a little unclear over the years you know where that, line might be might not be well delineated but [Captioner] 19:48:14 SHOULD NOT BE A CONFLICT [Captioner] 19:48:17 . >> Planner Pullen: IF I CAN JUST ADD TO THAT, [Captioner] 19:48:20 IF YOU DON'T MIND. THAT HOUSE, THERE IS A PORTION OF THAT LOT [Captioner] 19:48:23 THAT EXTENDS TOWARDS THIS PROPERTY. AND A LOT OF [Captioner] 19:48:26 TIMES THESE VACANT LOTS IT'S A LITTLE UN [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:48:29 I would say it, it would be extremely unlikely that there would be any kind of a bust in their property line that would lead to a conflict between these 2 owners. [Captioner] 19:48:30 CLEAR OVER THE YEARS WHERE THAT LINE MIGHT BE, MIGHT NOT BE [Captioner] 19:48:34 WELL DELINEATED. BUT I WOULD SAY IT WOULD BE [Captioner] 19:48:37 EXTREMELY UNLIKELY THAT THERE WOULD BE ANY KIND OF [Captioner] 19:48:40 A BUST IN THEIR PROPERTY LINE THAT WOULD LEAD TO A CONFLICT [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:48:40 This this property, as well well surveyed in preparation for this to development and that would be known to both parties. [Captioner] 19:48:44 BETWEEN THESE TWO PROPERTY OWNERS. THIS PROPERTY IS [Captioner] 19:48:47 WELL SURVEYED IN PREPARATION FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT AND [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 19:48:48 so it's likely that say, you know a standard, you know, 4 foot or something like that that's allowed, or 5 foot. [Captioner] 19:48:50 THAT WOULD BE KNOWN TO BOTH PARTIES. SO IT'S LIKELY THAT'S [Captioner] 19:48:53 A, YOU KNOW, STANDARD, YOU KNOW, FOUR FOOT OR [Captioner] 19:48:56 SOMETHING LIKE THAT THAT'S ALLOWED. OR A FIVE FOOT SOMETIMES [Captioner] 19:48:59 SEPARATION ON THAT BACK SIDE. [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 19:49:00 thank you. Clarification. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:49:03 any further questions. If you, if you do find the the building plans for that, I would certainly be interested in seeing those as well. [Captioner] 19:49:04 >> Commissioner Basrai: THANK YOU FOR THE CLARIFICATION. >> Commissioner Zhang: [Captioner] 19:49:07 THANK YOU. >> Commissioner Daulton: ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS [Captioner] 19:49:10 ? IF YOU DO FIND THE [Captioner] 19:49:13 BUILDING PLANS FOR THAT, I WOULD CERTAINLY BE INTERESTED IN SEEING THOSE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:49:15 I I had the exact same thought when I saw what appeared to be a concrete foundation, poured behind the house. [Captioner] 19:49:16 AS WELL. I HAD THE EXACT SAME THOUGHT WHEN I [Captioner] 19:49:20 SAW WHAT APPEARED TO BE A CONCRETE [Captioner] 19:49:23 FOUNDATION POURED BEHIND THE HOUSE BEHIND [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:49:23 Behind this project. Okay, in in that case, no. For the questions, do we have an applicant here [Captioner] 19:49:26 THIS PROJECT. OKAY. [Captioner] 19:49:29 IN THAT CASE, NO FURTHER QUESTIONS, DO WE HAVE AN APPLICANT HERE [Captioner] 19:49:33 ? >> YES, WE TO [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 19:49:35 this is your time. You have 10 min [Captioner] 19:49:36 . >> Commissioner Daulton: THIS IS YOUR TIME [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:49:37 Oops! Alright! Let me get my screen sharing [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:49:37 yes, we do. [Captioner] 19:49:39 . YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES. >> OOPS, ALL RIGHT. [Captioner] 19:49:42 LET ME GET MY [Captioner] 19:49:45 SCREEN SHARING. [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:49:58 Hey? Thank you, James, for your thorough and informative presentation. [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:50:03 I also want to thank City Staff for their help. Over the past 2 plus years on this project is Jane mentioned. [Captioner] 19:50:07 THANK YOU JAMES FOR YOUR THOROUGH AND [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:50:09 This project complies with all the various city codes and regulations and although compliance is necessary and this project does comply, our desire is to bring forth a project up that also excels in design, and is the proper context and scale for the existing neighborhood what we're presenting to you [Captioner] 19:50:10 FOIFN PRESENTATION. I WANT TO THANK STAFF FOR THEIR TWO [Captioner] 19:50:13 AND A HALF YEARS HELP ON THIS PROJECT. [Captioner] 19:50:17 THIS PROJECT COMPLIES WITH ALL CODES, AND [Captioner] 19:50:20 ALTHOUGH COMPLIANCE IS NECESSARY AND THIS PROJECT DOES [Captioner] 19:50:23 COMPLY OUR DESIRE IS TO BRING FORTH A PROJECT THAT [Captioner] 19:50:26 ALSO EXCELS IN DESIGN AND IS THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:50:28 tonight is the result of over 2 years of collaboration between ropes and homes. [Captioner] 19:50:29 PROPER CONTEXT AND SCALE FOR THE EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD. WHAT WE ARE [Captioner] 19:50:32 PRESENTING TO YOU TONIGHT IS THE RESULT OF OVER TWO YEARS [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:50:34 The city and the neighborhood. The not only complies, but is also meticulously designed to be an attractive addition to the neighborhood. [Captioner] 19:50:36 OF COLLABORATION BETWEEN ROBSON HOMES, THE [Captioner] 19:50:39 CITY AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD THAT NOT ONLY COMPLIES BUT [Captioner] 19:50:42 IS ALSO METICULOUS [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:50:44 The site consists of 2 parcels located in the Mission San Jose district at the corner of Ellsworth and Bro. [Captioner] 19:50:46 LY DESIGNED TO BE AN ADDITION TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:50:48 The site's approximately 1 point, one acre in size, proximate to the site, is an eclectic mix of commercial, residential, and and residential uses, and of Various designs and vintages along with some vacant, and underutilized parcels, the site has been vacant since 19 [Captioner] 19:50:49 SITE CONSISTS OF [Captioner] 19:50:53 TWO SITES, APPROXIMATELY 1. [Captioner] 19:50:56 1 ACRE IN SIZE. [Captioner] 19:51:00 [Captioner] 19:51:05 PROXIMATE TO THE SITE, VACANT AND [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:51:07 64. Here's what we see today, and what we've seen from almost 60 years. [Captioner] 19:51:09 UNDERUTILIZED PARCELS. THIS SITE HAS BEEN [Captioner] 19:51:12 VACANT SINCE 1964. HERE IS WHAT WE SEE TODAY AND WHAT WE HAVE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:51:13 The current general plan. Designation is Commercial Town Center, with the zoning designation of Town Center pedestrian, the goal of the town centers to preserve the historic nature. [Captioner] 19:51:15 SEEN FOR ALMOST 60 YEARS. THE CURRENT GENERAL PLAN [Captioner] 19:51:18 DESIGNATION IS COMMERCIAL TOWN CENTER WITH A ZONING DESIGNATION OF [Captioner] 19:51:21 TOWN CENTER PEDESTRIAN. THE GOAL OF THE TOWN CENTER [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:51:23 Of Fremont's original towns by the development of commercial residential, and mixed-use developments that help to enhance the area's character. [Captioner] 19:51:24 IS TO PRESERVE THE HISTORIC NATURE [Captioner] 19:51:28 OF FREMONT'S ORIGINAL [Captioner] 19:51:31 TOWNS BY COMMERCIAL AND MIXED USE DEVELOPMENTS THAT HELP [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:51:32 Prior to 1964. This site was the location of the Social Hall for the Irmanndande do Devito is spirit of Santos The Ids. [Captioner] 19:51:34 TO ENHANCE THE AREA'S CHARACTER. PRIOR TO [Captioner] 19:51:38 19 ACCIDENT OCCUR THIS SITE WAS THE LOCATION OF THE SOCIAL HARD FOR [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:51:41 A Portuguese paternal organization, The Social Hall was demolished in 1,964. [Captioner] 19:51:42 THE IDES A PORTUGUESE [Captioner] 19:51:46 FRATERNAL [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:51:48 The historic context spans from 1892 to 1964, in 1892. [Captioner] 19:51:50 ASSOCIATION. THE SITE WAS DEMOLISHED IN 1964. THE [Captioner] 19:51:54 HISTORIC CONTEXT SPANS FROM 1892 TO 1964 [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:51:55 The Ids first purchased the portion of them, currently land and used it to host the annual Holy Ghost festival for the Portuguese community over the next 50 years ids erupted erected various buildings and structures. [Captioner] 19:51:57 . IN 1892 THE IDES FIRST PURCHASED [Captioner] 19:52:00 A PORTION OF THE CURRENT LAND AND USED IT TO HOST [Captioner] 19:52:04 THE ANNUAL HOLY GHOST FESTIVAL FOR [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:52:08 To serve the community, including the social Hall. It's seen this 1,938 aerial photo, in addition to the social hall and chapel The site also contained a dance pavilion and bandstand, This picture shows the chapel, next to the 2 story Portuguese hall [Captioner] 19:52:08 THE PORCH GEESE FACILITY. OVER THE LAST [Captioner] 19:52:11 50 YEARS THE IDES ERECTED VARIOUS [Captioner] 19:52:14 STRUCTURES TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY INCLUDING THE [Captioner] 19:52:17 SOCIAL HALL. THE 1938 AERIAL [Captioner] 19:52:21 PHOTO, IN ADDITION TO THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:52:25 around the year, 1910 by 1959, the building was condemned in 1,962. [Captioner] 19:52:25 HALL THE AREA CONTAINED A BANDSTAND [Captioner] 19:52:28 . TWO STORY PORTUGUESE [Captioner] 19:52:31 HALL AROUND THE YEAR 1910. BY 1959 THE BUILDING [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:52:32 The structure was vandalized in 1,964. [Captioner] 19:52:34 WAS CONDEMNED. IN 1962 THE STRUCTURE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:52:34 The structures were demolished, and around this time the site was listed on framework to start registry, because the site is on Fremont's historic registry, a cultural a historic cultural resource assessment was commissioned to determine the site could potentially provide historic [Captioner] 19:52:38 WAS VANDALIZED, AND IN 1964 THE [Captioner] 19:52:41 STRUCTURE WAS DEMOLISHED. AROUND THIS TIME THE SITE WAS LIST [Captioner] 19:52:44 ED ON FREMONT'S HISTORIC REGISTRY. [Captioner] 19:52:47 BECAUSE THE SITE IS ON FREMONT'S HISTORIC REGISTRY [Captioner] 19:52:51 A HISTORIC CULTURAL [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:52:52 data on the Portuguese hall in April of 22. [Captioner] 19:52:56 DATA ON THE PORTUGUESE HALL. IN APRIL OF 20 [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:52:58 The historic consultant and archaeologists conducted sub-surface testing at the site to determine if the site could provide historic data. [Captioner] 19:52:59 22, THE HISTORIC CONSULTANT AND [Captioner] 19:53:02 ARCHAEOLOGIST CONDUCTED SUBSURFACE TESTING AT THE SITE TO [Captioner] 19:53:05 DETERMINE IF THE SITE COULD PROVIDE HISTORIC DATA. [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:53:05 Although historic period materials were found, historic, consultant and archaeologists concluded the items found are not associated with the Ids Social Hall, but rather associated with the former residents that was on a parcel that was sold to the ids therefore, the [Captioner] 19:53:08 ALTHOUGH HISTORIC PERIOD MATERIALS WERE FOUND [Captioner] 19:53:12 , THE HISTORIC CONSULTANT AND ARCHAEOLOGIST [Captioner] 19:53:15 CONCLUDED THE ITEMS FOUND ARE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE [Captioner] 19:53:19 IDES SOCIAL HALL BUT RATHER ASSOCIATED WITH THE FORMER [Captioner] 19:53:22 RESIDENTS THAT WAS ON A PARCEL THAT WAS CONSOLIDATE TO THE IDE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:53:23 archaeologists determined that the site itself does not qualify as a potential archaeological resource. [Captioner] 19:53:25 S. THEREFORE THE ARCHAEOLOGIST [Captioner] 19:53:29 DETERMINED THAT THE SITE ITSELF DOES NOT QUALIFY AS A POTENTIAL [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:53:29 Instead, an interpretive display will be installed on the property to signify the history of the site [Captioner] 19:53:32 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE. INSTEAD AN [Captioner] 19:53:36 INTERPRETIVE DISPLAY WILL BE INSTALLED [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:53:37 In addition to the historical considerations, Site plan was designed in conformance with the various city codes and regulations. [Captioner] 19:53:40 TO DISPLAY THE [Captioner] 19:53:43 HISTORIC SITE. THE SITE PLAN WAS DESIGNED IN CORMS [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:53:44 The cycle plan conforms with the general plans. [Captioner] 19:53:46 WITH THE VARIOUS SITE PLANS AND REGULATIONS. THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:53:46 Town center designation, including the design elements found in the community community, character, place, type, manual, the city's zoning ordinance for Town center pedestrian district using a horizontal excuse project the multifamily design guidelines for the detailed row homes and the Mission San [Captioner] 19:53:50 SITE FORM CONFORMS WITH THE GENERAL PLAN DETERMINATION [Captioner] 19:53:53 INCLUDING THE DESIGN ELEMENTS FOUND IN THE COMMUNITY [Captioner] 19:53:56 CHARACTER PLACE TYPE MANUAL. THE CITY'S [Captioner] 19:54:00 ZONING ORDINANCE FOR TOWN CENTER PEDESTRIAN DISTRICT USING A [Captioner] 19:54:03 HORIZONTAL MIXED USE PROJECT THE MULTIFAMILY DESIGN GUIDELINES [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:54:04 Jose Design Guidelines for preserving the community Character of Mission San Jose District [Captioner] 19:54:06 FOR DETAXED ROW HOMES AND THE MISSION SAN JOSE DESIGN GUIDELINES [Captioner] 19:54:10 FOR PRESERVING THE COMMUNITY CHARACTER OF THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:54:12 In order to conform with the various standards. The site plan uses 3 different building types. [Captioner] 19:54:13 MISSION SAN JOSE DISTRICT. IN ORDER [Captioner] 19:54:17 TO CONFORM WITH THE VARIOUS STANDARDS THE SITE PLAN USES [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:54:17 There's a single 4,581 square foot commercial building at the corner of Ellsworth and Grove seen in blue 3 residential, Do we do duet buildings containing 6 residential units, shown in red and 6 detached town homes, seen here in my brown and light [Captioner] 19:54:20 THREE DIFFERENT BUILDING TYPES. THERE IS A [Captioner] 19:54:23 SINGLE 4581 FOOT COMMERCIAL BUILDING [Captioner] 19:54:27 AT THE CORNER OF ELLSWORTH AND GROVE [Captioner] 19:54:30 SHOWN IN BLUE, THREE RESIDENTIAL UNITS SHOWN [Captioner] 19:54:33 IN RED AND SIX DETACHED TOWN HOMES [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:54:35 Green, the commercial building in the duets create a street wall among the Ellsworth frontage and the street walls. [Captioner] 19:54:36 SEEN HERE IN LIGHT BROWN AND LIGHT GREEN. THE [Captioner] 19:54:40 COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND THE DUETS CREATE A STREET WALL ALONG [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:54:42 An important element for a town center. It creates a pedestrian, friendly, commercial streetscape. [Captioner] 19:54:43 THE ELLSWORTH FRONTAGE AND THE STREET WALL IS [Captioner] 19:54:46 AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT FOR A TOWN CENTER. IT CREATES [Captioner] 19:54:49 A PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY COMMERCIAL STREETSCAPE. THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:54:49 The commercial building is located behind a 15 foot monolithic sidewalk, and the duets are pressed up against the front property line and space with minimal side yard setbacks The Ellsworth Frontage complies with the town center design requirements of the general plan and the [Captioner] 19:54:52 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS LOCATED BEHIND A 17 FOOT [Captioner] 19:54:56 MODEL SIDEWALK AND THE [Captioner] 19:54:59 DUET [Captioner] 19:55:02 S ARE PRESSED WITH MINIMAL SETBACKS [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:55:06 zoning regulations for a horizontal mixed use project and a horizontal mixed use. [Captioner] 19:55:07 . CONFORMS WITH THE TOWN CENTER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF THE GENERAL PLAN AND [Captioner] 19:55:10 THE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR HORIZONTAL MIXED USE PROJECT [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:55:12 Project is the most appropriate mixed use. Application for this location compared to the traditional vertical mixed use project, because the horizontal mixed use design is more sensitive to the scale of the neighborhood of its existing there are 5 detached row homes in light brown which [Captioner] 19:55:13 AND A HORIZONTAL MIXED USE PROJECT [Captioner] 19:55:16 IS THE MOST APPROPRIATE MIXED USE APPLICATION [Captioner] 19:55:19 FOR THIS [Captioner] 19:55:23 LOCATION COMPARED TO THE TRADITIONAL MIXED [Captioner] 19:55:26 USE PROJECT BECAUSE THE HORIZONTAL MIXED USE [Captioner] 19:55:29 PROJECT IS MORE IN DESIGN [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:55:30 are accessed off the internal private stream. These detached row homes provide a suitable transition from the Ellsworth Street Wall to the existing residential at The West property line by providing a two-story design with 15 foot backyards and 10 foot separations between the row [Captioner] 19:55:33 WITH THE DESIGN EXISTING. THERE ARE FIVE [Captioner] 19:55:36 HOMES ACCESSED OFF THE INTERNAL STREET, THESE DETACHED [Captioner] 19:55:40 ROW HOMES PRESENT A SUITABLE TRANSITION FROM THE [Captioner] 19:55:43 ELLSWORTH HALL, BY PROVIDING A [Captioner] 19:55:46 TWO STORY DESIGN WITH 15 FOOT BACKYARDS AND TEN FOOT SEPARATION [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:55:47 homes. A single row on Fronts Grove, which is in light green, and his access off of Grove Avenue. [Captioner] 19:55:49 S BETWEEN THE ROW HOMES. A SINGLE [Captioner] 19:55:53 ROW HOME FRONTS GROVE WHICH IS IN LIGHT GREEN, AND [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:55:56 The single row Ho remains by itself, in order to properly relate to the home adjacent, which also fronts growth [Captioner] 19:55:56 IS ACCESSED OFF OF GROVE AVENUE. [Captioner] 19:55:59 THE SINGLE ROW HOME REMAINS BY ITSELF [Captioner] 19:56:02 IN ORDER TO PROPERLY RELATE TO THE HOME ADJACENT WHICH [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:56:05 The result of this thoughtful design is a handsome streetscape. [Captioner] 19:56:06 ALSO FRONTS GROVE. THE RESULT OF [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:56:09 With the appropriate scaling to the neighborhood that surrounds it. [Captioner] 19:56:09 THIS THOUGHTFUL DESIGN IS A HANDSOME STREETSCAPE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:56:12 This is a conceptual view of the project is seen from the corner of Ellsworth and Grove Avenue, with a mix of commercial and residential usage, of variety, of setbacks and building types, and the diversity of architecture proposed project fits the existing scale of the [Captioner] 19:56:13 WITH THE APPROPRIATE SCALING TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD THAT SURROUNDS IT [Captioner] 19:56:16 . THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL VIEW OF THE PROJECT AS [Captioner] 19:56:19 SEEN FROM THE CORNER OF ELLIS AND [Captioner] 19:56:23 GROVE AVENUE WITH A MIX OF COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USAGE A [Captioner] 19:56:26 VARIETY OF SETBACKS AND BUILDING TYPES [Captioner] 19:56:29 AND A DIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE, THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:56:31 neighborhood, and is compatible with the architectural style found within the mission. [Captioner] 19:56:32 PROPOSED PROJECT FITS THE EXISTING SCALE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:56:35 San Jose historic district. The focal point for this new block is the commercial building at the corner of Ellsworth and growth which will serve the community and activate the surrounding neighborhood [Captioner] 19:56:36 AND IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE EARNLG [Captioner] 19:56:39 STYLES FOUND WITHIN THE MISSION SAN JOSE HISTORIC DISTRICT. THE [Captioner] 19:56:42 FOCAL POINT FOR THIS NEW BLOCK IS THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT THE [Captioner] 19:56:46 CORNER OF ELLSWORTH AND GROVE WHICH [Captioner] 19:56:50 WILL SERVE THE COMMUNITY AND ACTIVATE THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD. [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:56:50 The commercial building itself was designed with the Mission San Jose district in mind, inspiration for the design of the building was found both locally from the buildings currently seen in the Miss mission District and from other historic districts of the same era the architectural style is best described as American West or [Captioner] 19:56:53 THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING ITSELF WAS DESIGNED WITH THE [Captioner] 19:56:57 MISSION SAN JOSE DISTRICT IN MIND. INSPIRATION FOR THE DESIGN [Captioner] 19:57:00 OF THE BUILDING WAS FOUND BOTH LOCALLY [Captioner] 19:57:03 FROM THE BUILDINGS CURRENTLY SEEN IN THE MISSION DISTRICT AND [Captioner] 19:57:07 FROM OTHER HISTORIC DISTRICTS OF THE SAME ERA [Captioner] 19:57:10 , THE ARCHITECTURAL STYLE IS BEST DESCRIBED AS [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:57:11 American period, gold, rush design elements, include horizontal woodsiding flat roofs and a parapet on the main frontage. [Captioner] 19:57:13 AMERICAN WEST OR AMERICAN PERIOD GOLD RUSH [Captioner] 19:57:16 . DESIGN ELEMENTS [Captioner] 19:57:19 INCLUDE HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING, FLAT ROOFS, [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:57:21 The building provides 4,581 square feet of commercial space, and includes 2 covered courtyards. [Captioner] 19:57:22 AND A PARAPET ON THE MAIN FRONTAGE [Captioner] 19:57:26 . THE BUILDING PROVIDES 4581 SQUARE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:57:29 The building interfaces with Elsworth, via 15 foot wide sidewalk with in great street trees, which provide a very walkable Commercial frontage. [Captioner] 19:57:30 FEET OF COMMERCIAL SPACE AND INCLUDES TWO COVERED COURTYARDS. [Captioner] 19:57:33 THE BUILDING INTERFACES WITH ELLIS VIA A 15 [Captioner] 19:57:36 FOOT WIDE SIDEWALK WITH IN GRADE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:57:39 The commercial building is parked 5 per 1,000, with 13 onsite spaces, and 11 offsite spaces. [Captioner] 19:57:40 STREET TREES WHICH PROVIDE A VERY WALKABLE COMMERCIAL [Captioner] 19:57:43 FRONTAGE. THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING IS PARKED [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:57:46 The ample parking provides maximum flexibility for attracting commercial tennis [Captioner] 19:57:46 FIVE PER THOUSAND WITH 13 ONSITE SPACES AND [Captioner] 19:57:50 11 OFFSITE SPACES. THE AMPLE PARKING [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:57:54 South of the commercial building along Ellsworth are the duet homes which complete the Ellsworth Street frontage for the general plan masking is more uniform and close to the front property line as part of the urban form of a town center each unit has a front [Captioner] 19:57:55 PROVIDES MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY FOR [Captioner] 19:57:59 ATTRACTING [Captioner] 19:58:02 COMMERCIAL TENANTS. DUET HOMES COMPLETE ELLSWORTH STREET [Captioner] 19:58:05 FRONTAGE. FOR THE EXPWREP THE MASSING IS [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:58:08 courtyard ranging from 158 square feet, 280 square feet, which adds to the building articulation. [Captioner] 19:58:09 MORE UNIFORM FOR THE [Captioner] 19:58:12 URBAN FORM OF A TOWN CENTER, RANGING FROM [Captioner] 19:58:15 158 SQUARE FEET TO 180 SQUARE FEET WHICH [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:58:16 Along the street wall frontage. The front doors are access, from Ellsworth, while the garages are rear loaded to improve the front streetscape by eliminating street facing garage doors, driveways and curb cuts the roof lines are a mix of traditional [Captioner] 19:58:19 ADDS TO THE BUILDING ARTICULATION ALONG THE STREET WALL FRONTAGE [Captioner] 19:58:22 . THE FRONT DOORS ARE ACCESSED FROM ELLSWORTH WHILE THE [Captioner] 19:58:25 GARAGES ARE REAR LOADED TO IMPROVE THE FRONT STREETSCAPE [Captioner] 19:58:28 BY ELIMINATING STREET FACING GARAGE DOORS, [Captioner] 19:58:31 DRIVEWAYS AND CURB CUTS. THE ROOF LINES ARE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:58:33 traditional hip and gable roofs, which are representative of this surrounding neighborhood. [Captioner] 19:58:35 A MIX OF TRADITIONAL, TRADITIONAL HIP [Captioner] 19:58:38 AND GABLE ROOFS, WHICH ARE REPRESENTATIVE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:58:39 The residences are designed with large garages, and have added storage, added storage festival to accommodate bike, storage, and other personal effects. [Captioner] 19:58:41 OF THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD. THE RESIDENCES ARE DESIGNED [Captioner] 19:58:45 WITH LARGE GARAGES AND HAVE ADDED [Captioner] 19:58:49 STORAGE VESTIBULE TO ACCOMMODATE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:58:50 These units comply with all the applicable height and setback requirements fronting the interior private street are 5, 2 story detached row homes. [Captioner] 19:58:52 BIKE STORAGE OF AND OTHER PERSONAL EFFECTS. THESE UNITS [Captioner] 19:58:55 COMPLY WITH ALL THE APPLICABLE HEIGHT AND SET BACK REQUIREMENTS [Captioner] 19:58:58 . FRONTING THE INTERIOR PRIVATE STREET ARE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:59:01 These front loaded row homes have 15 foot rear yards to main, separate, to maintain separation with the existing. [Captioner] 19:59:02 FIVE, TWO STORY, DETACHED ROW HOMES. [Captioner] 19:59:05 THESE FRONT-LOADED ROW HOMES HAVE [Captioner] 19:59:08 15 FOOT REAR YARDS TO MAINTAIN SEPARATION [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:59:10 We are guard neighbors. There's also a generous side to side, spacing of 10 feet on the first floor and 15 feet on the second. [Captioner] 19:59:11 WITH THE EXISTING REAR YARD NEIGHBORS. [Captioner] 19:59:14 THERE IS ALSO A GENEROUS SIDE TO SIDE SPACING OF [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:59:17 Floor, The row homes are at compliance with the multi-family design guidelines. [Captioner] 19:59:18 TEN FEET ON THE FIRST FLOOR AND 15 FEET ON THE SECOND [Captioner] 19:59:21 FLOOR. THE ROW HOMES ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:59:22 The garages are also designed to provide bike storage, and each of these detached row homes has at least 680 square feet of private open space. [Captioner] 19:59:24 MULTIFAMILY DESIGN GUIDELINES. THE GARAGES ARE ALSO [Captioner] 19:59:27 DESIGNED TO PROVIDE BIKE STORAGE. AND EACH OF [Captioner] 19:59:30 THESE DETACHED ROW HOMES HAS AT LEAST 6 [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:59:32 The architecture is farmhouse cottage, with wood, gables, and traditional building. [Captioner] 19:59:33 80 SQUARE FEET OF PRIVATE OPEN SPACE. THE [Captioner] 19:59:37 ARCHITECTURE IS FARM HOUSE COTTAGE WITH [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:59:38 The crews. The single detach row home that fronts grove which is on the bottom right, is 28 feet wide, with a single car Raj, which is much narrower than the other detached row homes the width is in line with the existing. [Captioner] 19:59:40 WOOD GABLES AND TRADITIONAL BUILDING MATERIALS. [Captioner] 19:59:43 THE SINGLE DETACHED ROW HOME THAT FRONTS GROVE WHICH IS ON [Captioner] 19:59:47 THE BOTTOM RIGHT IS 28 FEET WIDE WITH A SINGLE- [Captioner] 19:59:50 CAR GARAGE WHICH IS MUCH NARROWER THAN THE OTHER DETACHED [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 19:59:52 Home that is adjacent to it. The lot has 223 square feet of open private open space, for the owner [Captioner] 19:59:53 ROW HOMES. THE WIDTH IS IN LINE WITH THE EXISTING [Captioner] 19:59:56 HOME THAT IS ADJACENT TO IT. THE LOT HAS 2 [Captioner] 20:00:00 23 SQUARE FEET OF OPEN, [Captioner] 20:00:03 PRIVATE OPEN SPACE, FOR THE OWNER [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:00:05 Thank you very much for your time and consideration for this project. [Captioner] 20:00:07 . THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:00:09 Despite the various overlaying regulations to which the project needs to comply, this project utilizes superior site planning and thoughtful design to create a respectful mixed use neighborhood suitable for the historic mission San Jose neighborhood where it's located and the project architect is available to [Captioner] 20:00:10 FOR THIS PROJECT. DESPITE THE VARIOUS OVER [Captioner] 20:00:14 LAYING REGULATIONS, TO WHICH THE PROJECT NEEDS TO COMPLY [Captioner] 20:00:17 , THIS PROJECT UTILIZES SUPERIOR [Captioner] 20:00:20 SITE PLANNING AND THOUGHTFUL DESIGN TO CREATE A RESPECT [Captioner] 20:00:23 FUL MIXED USE NEIGHBORHOOD SUITABLE FOR THE [Captioner] 20:00:27 HISTORIC MISSION SAN JOSE NEIGHBORHOOD WHERE IT'S LOCATED. [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:00:29 answer more detailed, signed questions. Thank you [Captioner] 20:00:32 AND THE PROJECT ARCHITECT IS AVAILABLE TO [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:00:33 Thank you. Do we have any questions for the applicant from the Commission [Captioner] 20:00:34 ANSWER MORE DETAILED DESIGN QUESTIONS. THANK YOU. [Captioner] 20:00:37 >> Commissioner Daulton: THANK YOU. DO WE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR THE APPLICANT [Captioner] 20:00:41 FROM THE COMMISSION? [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:00:43 yeah, it's regarding the commercial space Can that commercial space be subdivided? [Captioner] 20:00:47 BEN YEE, PLEASE. >> Commissioner Yee: YES REGARDING [Captioner] 20:00:50 THE COMMERCIAL SPACE CAN THAT COMMERCIAL SPACE BE SUBDIVIDED SO [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 20:00:51 okay. [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:00:52 Yes, it is designed to be subdivided at this point in time. [Captioner] 20:00:53 IT'S NOT LIKE ONE BUSINESS [Captioner] 20:00:56 TAKING ALL 4500 SQUARE FEET? >> YES, IT IS DESIGNED TO BE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:00:57 You know that you have to kind of go to the market and see who the tenants are, but it is designed to to take multiple tenants [Captioner] 20:00:59 SUBDIVIDED. AT THIS POINT IN TIME, YOU KNOW, [Captioner] 20:01:03 YOU HAVE TO KIND OF GO TO THE MARKET AND SEE WHO THE TENANTS ARE [Captioner] 20:01:06 BUT IT IS DESIGNED TO TAKE MULTIPLE [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:01:07 alright. Thank you. [Captioner] 20:01:09 TENANTS. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:01:09 any other questions for the applicant. Commissioner Lou [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 20:01:11 Yes, yes, this is a question before the applicant. And why do you call the detached town homes row homes, and not and town homes, and not single family homes? [Captioner] 20:01:15 >> Commissioner Yee: THANK YOU. >> Commissioner Daulton: ANY OTHER QUESTIONS FOR THE APPLICANT [Captioner] 20:01:18 ? COMMISSIONER LIU. >> Commissioner Liu: YES, THIS IS A [Captioner] 20:01:21 QUESTION FOR THE APPLICANT. WHY DO YOU CALL THE DETACHED [Captioner] 20:01:24 TOWN HOMES ROW HOMES AND TOWN HOMES AND NOT SINGLE FAMILY [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:01:26 There, It's part of the both my family design guidelines, and it's those are off of Private street. [Captioner] 20:01:28 HOMES? [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:01:33 They are more uniform in their look, and there's actually there's no if you If you look, there's there's no on the site. [Captioner] 20:01:34 >> THERE -- IT'S PART OF THE MULTIFAMILY DESIGN GUIDELINES [Captioner] 20:01:37 . THOSE ARE OFF OF PRIVATE STREET, THEY'RE MORE UNIFORM IN [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:01:40 Plan. There's no driveway apron, so it's it's a row but they're detached [Captioner] 20:01:41 THEIR LOOK AND ACTUALLY IF YOU LOOK ON THE SITE [Captioner] 20:01:44 PLAN THERE IS NO DRIVEWAY APRON. SO IT IS A ROW HOME [Captioner] 20:01:47 . BUT THEY'RE DETACHED. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:01:50 I, and the the I have a question, the single, this, the the one single unit, is that that has the front door entrance facing the street. [Captioner] 20:01:51 >> Commissioner Liu: OKAY. >> Commissioner Daulton: AND I HAVE [Captioner] 20:01:54 A QUESTION. THE SINGLE -- [Captioner] 20:01:58 THE ONE SINGLE UNIT, IS THAT -- THAT [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:02:00 Correct that one does [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:02:00 Is that correct? And that's the only one that does [Captioner] 20:02:01 HAS THE FRONT DOOR ENTRANCE FACING THE [Captioner] 20:02:04 STREET, THAT IS CORRECT? >> YES, THAT ONE DOES [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:02:05 No. The well of the of the detached row home. [Captioner] 20:02:07 . >> Commissioner Daulton: AND THAT'S THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES? [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:02:09 That's the only one that does the duets along. [Captioner] 20:02:10 >> NO. WELL OF THE DETACHED ROW HOME, THAT'S [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:02:11 Ellsworth are also the front door. Entries are off of Ellsworth; the other houses face the interior street. [Captioner] 20:02:13 THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES. THE DUETS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:02:15 Okay. [Captioner] 20:02:16 ALONG ELLSWORTH, ARE ALSO, THE FRONT [Captioner] 20:02:20 DOOR ENTRIES ARE OFF OF ELLSWORTH. [Captioner] 20:02:23 >> THE FRONT DOOR ENTRIES FACE THE OTHER STREET [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:02:26 They all face the street. Is that reason [Captioner] 20:02:27 . FRONT DOOR FACE THE STREET. [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:02:29 Okay, right? Well, the the ones on the interior street face, the interior street [Captioner] 20:02:30 >> Commissioner Daulton: THEY ALL FACE THE STREET IS THAT WHAT -- [Captioner] 20:02:33 >> WELL, THE ONES ON THE INTERIOR STREET [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:02:35 Oh, okay, I That's what I'm asking. How many of them face the exterior streets [Captioner] 20:02:37 FACE THE INTERIOR STREET. >> Commissioner Daulton: OKAY. [Captioner] 20:02:40 THAT'S WHAT I'M ASKING. HOW MANY OF THEM FACE [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:02:42 The the 6, the 3 duet buildings, with 6 units face. [Captioner] 20:02:43 THE EXTERIOR STREETS? >> THE SIX, [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:02:46 Ellsworth, and then the one unit on Grove base is growth [Captioner] 20:02:47 THE THREE DUET BUILDINGS WITH SIX UNITS FACE [Captioner] 20:02:50 ELLSWORTH AND THEN THE ONE UNIT ON [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:02:51 Okay, thank you, Trish. Do we have any public comments on this item? [Captioner] 20:02:53 GROVE FACES GROVE. >> Commissioner Daulton: OKAY [Captioner] 20:02:56 . THANK YOU. TRISH [Captioner] 20:02:59 DO WE HAVE ANY PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THIS ITEM [Trish Cordova] 20:03:03 Chairperson. Dalton. I'm taking a look, and I do not see any raised hands. [Captioner] 20:03:03 ? >> Trish Cordova: [Captioner] 20:03:06 CHAIRPERSON DAULTON I'M TAKING A LOOK AND I DO NOT SEE ANY RAISED [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:03:09 Alright. In that case I would let the applicant, if they choose to sum up for the Commission if you'd like, you don't have to. [Captioner] 20:03:10 HANDS. WE DON'T HAVE ANY SPEAKERS TONIGHT. [Captioner] 20:03:14 >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT. IN THAT CASE, I WOULD LET [Captioner] 20:03:18 THE APPLICANT, IF THEY CHOOSE TO SUM UP FOR [Captioner] 20:03:21 THE COMMISSION. IF YOU WOULD [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:03:22 But if you'd like to, you can [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:03:23 to build it. I I I can clarify the questions about the neighbors that Joel was talking about. [Captioner] 20:03:24 LIKE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUT IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO YOU CAN [Captioner] 20:03:29 . >> I CAN [Captioner] 20:03:32 CLARIFY THE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE NEIGHBORS [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:03:35 So they are on a lot that is extra deep and there's gonna be 2 houses on that lot. [Captioner] 20:03:36 THAT JOEL WAS TALKING ABOUT. SO THEY ARE ON A LOT [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:03:39 There's a house on the front near grove, and then they're building a second unit behind it, and that's there's actually a detached garage, and a house and and you're seeing work on that foundation back there but it is not on the property. [Captioner] 20:03:40 THAT IS EXTRA-DEEP AND THERE'S GOING TO BE TWO HOUSES ON THAT LOT [Captioner] 20:03:43 . THERE'S A HOUSE ON THE FRONT NEAR [Captioner] 20:03:46 GROVE, AND THEN THEY'RE BUILDING A SECOND [Captioner] 20:03:50 UNIT BEHIND IT. AND THAT'S -- THERE'S ACTUALLY A [Captioner] 20:03:53 DETACHED GARAGE AND A HOUSE. AND YOU'RE SEEING WORK ON [Terry Wang (Ellsworth Mixed Use)] 20:03:55 The property line runs between. You know it. It It's hard to tell, because it's it's it looks like a knockout, but the property line is is straight along the rest. [Captioner] 20:03:56 THAT FOUNDATION BACK THERE. BUT IT IS NOT ON THE PROPERTY. THE [Captioner] 20:03:59 PROPERTY LINE RUNS [Captioner] 20:04:04 BETWEEN, YOU KNOW, IT -- IT'S HARD TO TELL BECAUSE [Captioner] 20:04:07 IT LOOKS LIKE A NOTCH-OUT BUT THE PROPERTY LINE IS STRAIGHT [Captioner] 20:04:10 ALONG THE REST OF THE PROPERTIES THAT BACK UP ALONG THERE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:11 Okay, thank you for your comments at this time. [Captioner] 20:04:14 . >> Commissioner Daulton: OKAY [Captioner] 20:04:17 . THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS. AT THIS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:19 Then I will be closing the public hearing and returning to the Commission for any further questions of staff. [Captioner] 20:04:20 TIME, THEN, I WILL BE CLOSING THE PUBLIC HEARING [Captioner] 20:04:24 AND RETURNING TO THE COMMISSION FOR ANY FURTHER [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:26 Do we have any further questions and staff on this item [Captioner] 20:04:27 QUESTIONS OF STAFF. DO WE HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS OF STAFF [Captioner] 20:04:30 ON THIS ITEM? [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:31 Seeing no hands. I'm gonna ask for a motion [Captioner] 20:04:34 SEEING NO HANDS, I'M GOING TO ASK FOR A MOTION. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:36 Do I have a motion on this item [Captioner] 20:04:39 DO I HAVE A MOTION ON THIS ITEM? [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:43 Can we get a second [Captioner] 20:04:43 >> Commissioner Yee: I MAKE A MOTION TO ACCEPT STAFF RECOMMENDATION. >> Commissioner Daulton: [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 20:04:44 a second. [Captioner] 20:04:46 CAN I GET A SECOND [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:47 so. I have a motion by Commissioner E. And a second by Commissioner Zhang. [Captioner] 20:04:50 ? >> Commissioner Liu: I SECOND. >> Commissioner Daulton: I HAVE A [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:52 Joel, you roll, call this vote. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:04:54 yeah. [Captioner] 20:04:54 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER YEE AND A SECOND [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 20:04:54 Okay. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:04:56 Oh, I'm sorry, sorry. [Captioner] 20:04:58 BY COMMISSIONER ZHANG. JOEL IF YOU ROLL CALL THIS VOTE [Captioner] 20:05:02 . DHL IT IS A SECOND FROM COMMISSIONER LIU. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:05:03 So apologize motion by Commissioner Yi and second by Commissioner Lou Alright, just clarify. [Captioner] 20:05:08 >> Commissioner Daulton: COMMISSIONER LIU SORRY. >> Planner Pullen: APOLOGIZE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:05:11 And then on the motion for staff recommendation, When I call your name please take your vote. Share. [Captioner] 20:05:12 , MOTION BY COMMISSIONER YEE AND SECOND BY COMMISSIONER LIU. [Captioner] 20:05:15 CLARIFY. AND THEN ON THE MOTION FOR STAFF RECOMMENDATION WHEN I CALL YOUR [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:05:17 Dalton. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:05:17 No. [Captioner] 20:05:18 NAME PLEASE STATE YOUR VOTE, CHAIR DAULTON. NO [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:05:19 Vice. Chair route is absent. Commissioner, ye Commissioners, Techler [Captioner] 20:05:23 . VICE CHAIR RAO [Captioner] 20:05:26 IS ABSENT. COMMISSIONER YEE, AYE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:05:28 Yep. [Captioner] 20:05:30 . COMMISSIONER STECKLER. AYE. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:05:30 Commissioner, Lou [Captioner] 20:05:34 COMMISSIONER LIU, AYE. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:05:34 Commissioner Zhang, and Commissioner Bus Brack. Right? [Captioner] 20:05:38 COMMISSIONER ZHANG, AYE. AND [Captioner] 20:05:41 COMMISSIONER BASRAI, AYE. ALL RIGHT, THE [Captioner] 20:05:44 VOTE IS 5-1 WITH 1 ABSENCE. [Captioner] 20:05:49 THIS PROJECT IS FINAL AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION LEVEL [Captioner] 20:05:52 , UNLESS APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITHIN TEN CALENDAR DAYS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:05:54 Alright. Thank you. We are gonna go now to our third item on the agenda, which is the natural wellness center massage cup. [Captioner] 20:05:55 DAYS. CHAIR, BACK TO YOU. >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT, [Captioner] 20:05:58 THANK YOU. WE ARE GOING TO GO NOW TO OUR THIRD ITEM [Captioner] 20:06:02 ON THE AGENDA WHICH IS THE NATURAL WELLNESS CENTER [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:06:03 Joel, could you lead us through that item [Captioner] 20:06:05 , MASSAGE C.U.P. [Captioner] 20:06:07 JOEL COULD YOU LEAD US THROUGH THAT ITEM. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:06:09 Yes, I'm going to pull up my document. There we go. [Captioner] 20:06:12 >> Planner Pullen: YES. I'M GOING TO PULL UP MY [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:06:14 So item 3 tonight is the natural wellness center massage. Additional use. [Captioner] 20:06:15 DOCUMENT. THERE WE GO. SO ITEM 3 TONIGHT IS THE NATURAL [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:06:18 Permit. This is at 4, 6, 2, 9, 2 warm springs. [Captioner] 20:06:19 WELLNESS CENTER MASSAGE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:06:22 Boulevard suite, 6 38. [Captioner] 20:06:22 . THIS IS AT 462 [Captioner] 20:06:25 92 WARM SPRINGS BOULEVARD, SUITE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:06:25 The project is to consider a conditional use, Permit to allow massage services at the address noted in the Warm Springs Community plan area, and to consider a categorical exemption from secret for the guideline for existing facilities as the building is already present on the site and this is [Captioner] 20:06:28 638. THE PROJECT IS TO CONSIDER A [Captioner] 20:06:32 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW MASSAGE SERVICES TRUSTEE SWEENEY AT THE [Captioner] 20:06:35 ADDRESS NOTED IN THE WARM SPRINGS COMMUNITY [Captioner] 20:06:38 PLAN AREA AND TO CONSIDER A [Captioner] 20:06:41 CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM CEQA GUIDELINE FOR EXISTING [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:06:43 a use and range that's provided for in the zoning. [Captioner] 20:06:45 FACILITIES AS THE BUILDING IS ALREADY PRESENT ON THE SITE AND THIS IS [Captioner] 20:06:48 A USE WITHIN THE RANGE THAT IS PROVIDED FOR IN THE ZONING. SO [Captioner] 20:06:51 TONIGHT YOUR PLANNER FOR THIS ITEM IS HERE, MARK [Captioner] 20:06:54 CLEVELAND, AND HE DOESN'T HAVE A [Captioner] 20:06:58 PREPARED PRESENTATION. BUT IS AVAILABLE FOR QUESTIONS. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:07:01 Alright, Then stack! I guess I will ask the Commission if they have any questions of the applicant or staff on this item. Commissioner E. [Captioner] 20:07:05 >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT. THEN STAFF -- I GUESS [Captioner] 20:07:08 I WILL ASK THE COMMISSION IF THEY HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OF THE [Captioner] 20:07:12 APPLICANT. OR STAFF ON THIS ITEM. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:07:14 Please. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:07:15 yeah, So Mark, you know, I had a chance to speak with the applicants. [Captioner] 20:07:17 COMMISSIONER YEE, PLEASE. >> Commissioner Yee: YES, MARK, YOU KNOW [Captioner] 20:07:20 I HAD A CHANCE TO SPEAK WITH THE APPLICANT [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:07:21 They are going to lower the height of the ceiling. [Captioner] 20:07:23 . THEY ARE GOING TO LOWER THE HEIGHT [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:07:24 Is that a requirement [Marc Cleveland (Planner II)] 20:07:27 there's no such requirement that I am aware of. [Captioner] 20:07:27 OF THE CEILING. IS THAT A REQUIREMENT [Marc Cleveland (Planner II)] 20:07:30 I would have to double check with building, but I I don't. [Captioner] 20:07:30 ? >> THERE'S NO SUCH REQUIREMENT, BUT I [Captioner] 20:07:34 AM AWARE OF -- WOULD I HAVE TO DOUBLE CHECK WITH BUILDING BUT [Marc Cleveland (Planner II)] 20:07:35 It's not anywhere in Chapter 5.6, 5, which dictates, you know the massage establishment. [Captioner] 20:07:37 I DON'T -- IT'S NOT ANYWHERE IN CHAPTER 5 [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:07:38 Okay, Yeah, they were just sharing that with me, And you know, they they definitely have pretty high ceilings in there. [Captioner] 20:07:40 .65 WHICH DICTATES THE MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT [Captioner] 20:07:44 . >> Commissioner Yee: YES, THEY WERE JUST SHARING THAT WITH ME. [Captioner] 20:07:47 AND THEY DEFINITELY HAVE PRETTY HIGH CEILINGS IN THERE. BUT [Captioner] 20:07:50 I GUESS IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER TO ME EITHER. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:07:51 Any further questions on this item. Tristram, do We have any. [Captioner] 20:07:54 >> Commissioner Daulton: ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS ON THIS ITEM [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:07:57 Exc excuse me, any public comments on the sign [Captioner] 20:07:58 ? TRISH DO WE HAVE ANY, EXCUSE ME [Captioner] 20:08:02 ANY PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THIS ITEM? >> Trish Cordova: CHAIRPERSON [Captioner] 20:08:05 DAULTON I DO NOT SEE ANY HANDS SO WE DON'T HAVE ANY SPEAKERS FROM [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:08:06 chair; Dalton, point of point of order. The applicant should be given the opportunity to present if they would. [Captioner] 20:08:08 THE PUBLIC ON THIS ITEM. >> Planner Pullen: CHAIR DAULTON, POINT OF ORDER [Captioner] 20:08:11 . THE APPLICANT SHOULD BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:08:12 Oh, okay, I didn't know there was an African then. [Captioner] 20:08:15 PRESENT IF THEY WOULD SO [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:08:16 Okay, please. Go ahead. 10 min. [Captioner] 20:08:18 WISH. >> Commissioner Daulton: I DON'T KNOW IF THERE WAS AN [Captioner] 20:08:21 APPLICANT. PLEASE GO AHEAD, TEN MINUTES. [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:08:21 Hello! Just as regard. Can you hear me? This is regarding the natural wellness center. [Captioner] 20:08:25 >> HELLO. THIS [Captioner] 20:08:28 IS REGARD -- CAN YOU HEAR ME? >> Commissioner Daulton: YES, WE [Captioner] 20:08:31 CAN HEAR YOU. >> THIS IS REGARDING THE [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:08:31 This wellness center or premises. We're not just only doing Massachusetts accessory use. [Captioner] 20:08:34 NATURAL WELLNESS CENTER. THIS WELLNESS CENTER [Captioner] 20:08:38 OR PREMISES, WE'RE NOT JUST ONLY DOING MASSAGE [Craig Steckler (Commissioner)] 20:08:40 so [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:08:40 We are mainly also doing facial purification and anti-aging waxing bandicure. [Captioner] 20:08:43 . THIS IS AN ACCESSORY USE. WE ARE [Captioner] 20:08:46 MAINLY ALSO DOING FACIAL, FEWER FICTION [Captioner] 20:08:50 , ANTI-AGING, WAXING [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:08:51 Paddy, Care Reflex, allergy. Some mustage Will hotstone therapy, oil and cupping most of the the parents should be using skin care products, and using facial and wraps and waxing for for the clients, this established has from the board of [Captioner] 20:08:53 , MAN [Captioner] 20:08:56 MAN CURE [Captioner] 20:08:59 I CURE, PEDICURE [Captioner] 20:09:03 , THERAPY OIL AND CUPPING. MOST [Craig Steckler (Commissioner)] 20:09:08 Okay, perfect. Yeah. [Captioner] 20:09:08 OF THE PRODUCTS THAT WE'RE USING [Captioner] 20:09:11 ARE SKIN CARE PRODUCTS AND USING FAIRNL AND WRAPS AND [Captioner] 20:09:14 WAXINGS FOR THE CLIENTS. [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:09:18 bargaining and cosmetology, statistian license for skin care and facial. [Captioner] 20:09:19 THIS ESTABLISH HAS FROM THE BOARD OF BARBER [Captioner] 20:09:22 ING AND COSMETOLOGY, [Captioner] 20:09:25 IES THEY [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:09:25 It also has California massage therapies, council I'm a sauce therapist license. [Craig Steckler (Commissioner)] 20:09:26 Okay. [Captioner] 20:09:29 , ESTHET [Captioner] 20:09:32 ICIAN LICENSE, CALIFORNIA MASSAGE [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:09:34 So this particular shop we mainly dealing with a lot of clients, are interested in and getting beauty work, cosmetology, work, work, and also relaxing for the health and for their bodies, and things like that the therapist, and also the it's a [Captioner] 20:09:36 THERAPY AND MASSAGE THERAPIES [Captioner] 20:09:39 LICENSE. THIS PARTICULAR SHOP WE ARE MAING DEALING WITH [Craig Steckler (Commissioner)] 20:09:45 okay, okay. [Captioner] 20:09:46 MAINLY DEALING WITH A LOT OF CLIENTS INTERESTED IN GET [Captioner] 20:09:50 TING BEAUTY WORK, COSMETOLOGY WORK AND [Captioner] 20:09:54 ALSO RELAXING FOR THE HEALTH AND [Captioner] 20:09:57 FOR THE BODIES AND THINGS LIKE THAT [Captioner] 20:10:01 . THE THERAPISTS AND ALSO [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:10:03 tian personnel. They have been license for the past 10 years, have been operating in the facility for the past 10 years, so they are very known in the area. [Captioner] 20:10:06 THE ESTH [Captioner] 20:10:09 ETICIAN PERSONNEL, THEY HAVE [Captioner] 20:10:13 BEEN LICENSED FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS AND BEEN OPERATING IN THE FACILITY [Captioner] 20:10:16 FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS. SO THEY [Captioner] 20:10:19 ARE VERY KNOWN IN THE AREA [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:10:19 Yes, so right now, I just wanna say that this is for for our, for having a nice beauty center for people to relax, and also take care of their The beauty. [Captioner] 20:10:22 . [Captioner] 20:10:26 SO RIGHT NOW, I JUST WANT TO SAY [Captioner] 20:10:30 THAT THIS IS FOR [Captioner] 20:10:34 HAVING A NICE BEAUTY CENTER FOR [Captioner] 20:10:38 PEOPLE TO RELAX AND ALSO TAKE CARE OF [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:10:40 they're facial and and gooming and things like that. [Captioner] 20:10:41 THEIR BEAUTY, THEIR [Captioner] 20:10:44 FACIAL AND GROOMING AND THINGS LIKE THAT. [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:10:44 Okay. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:10:46 alright. Thank you, sir. Commissioners. Any questions for the applicant [Captioner] 20:10:48 OKAY. >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT [Captioner] 20:10:51 , THANK YOU SIR. COMMISSIONERS ANY QUESTIONS FOR THE APPLICANT [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:10:54 Mr. Zhang [Captioner] 20:10:56 ? COMMISSIONER ZHANG. [Captioner] 20:10:59 >> Commissioner Zhang: MAY I ASK HOW LONG HAVE BEEN OWNING [Captioner] 20:11:02 THIS BUSINESS? [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:11:02 okay, They they've been. They've been renting the establishment for for the past 2 years, and right now the thing is that the reason why I came up completely old is because dave been waiting for the conditional use permit in order for them to operate [Captioner] 20:11:09 >> THEY -- THEY HAVE BEEN [Captioner] 20:11:12 RENTING THE ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS. [Captioner] 20:11:17 AND RIGHT NOW THE THING IS [Captioner] 20:11:22 THAT THE REASON REQUEST IT CANNOT BE COMPLETELY OPEN IS [Captioner] 20:11:25 BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE CONDITIONAL [Captioner] 20:11:28 USE PERMIT IN ORDER FOR THEM TO OPERATE. [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:11:28 but the manager off operator, Amanda Lou, has been in the area for the past 10 years, and license for the past 10 years, and has operated in the facility for The past, 10 years and this is a new location. [Captioner] 20:11:33 BUT THE MANAGER, OPERATOR [Captioner] 20:11:36 , AMANDA LU, HAS BEEN IN THE AREA FOR [Captioner] 20:11:39 THE PAST TEN YEARS AND LICENSED FOR THE [Captioner] 20:11:42 PAST TEN YEARS AND HAS OPERATED IN THE [Captioner] 20:11:46 FACILITY FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS. AND THIS IS [Captioner] 20:11:49 A NEW LOCATION FOR HER AND SHE'S [Captioner] 20:11:52 BEEN GOING IN AND OUT AND HASN'T BEEN [Captioner] 20:11:56 COMPLETELY OPEN, JUST [Captioner] 20:11:59 ON BY MAYBE APPOINTMENTS OR THINGS LIKE THAT BECAUSE [Captioner] 20:12:04 OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT THAT YOU CANNOT BE OPEN UNTIL THEY GET [Captioner] 20:12:05 APPROVAL FROM THE COUNCIL. [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 20:12:08 sorry, I've just follow up is, do you know there's an age less Awareness Center? [Captioner] 20:12:11 >> Commissioner Daulton: AND -- SORRY GO AHEAD [Captioner] 20:12:14 . >> Commissioner Zhang: SORRY JUST FOLLOW UP. [Yonggang Zhang (Commissioner)] 20:12:16 What is the relation between this natural bonus center will and the age list? [Captioner] 20:12:17 DO YOU KNOW THERE IS AN AGELESS WELLNESS CENTER [Captioner] 20:12:20 , WHAT IS THE RELATION BETWEEN THIS [Captioner] 20:12:24 SNARL WELLNESS CENTER AND THIS AGE [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:12:24 well, I I think previously, that was also. That's awful, is a herbal store. [Captioner] 20:12:27 AGELESS? >> WELL, I THINK PREVIOUSLY, [Captioner] 20:12:30 THAT WAS ALSO [Captioner] 20:12:34 A -- IT IS A [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:12:35 giving herbal supplies and and things like that. [Captioner] 20:12:37 HERBAL STORE, GIVING HERB [Captioner] 20:12:41 AL SUPPLIES AND THINGS LIKE THAT. [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:12:43 Yes. [Captioner] 20:12:46 >> Commissioner Zhang: SAME ADDRESS RIGHT? >> YES. [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:12:48 Thank you. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:12:48 good Commissioner E. Do you have a question [Captioner] 20:12:49 >> Commissioner Zhang: I SEE. ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU. [Captioner] 20:12:52 >> THANK YOU. >> Commissioner Daulton: COMMISSIONER YEE DO YOU HAVE A [Captioner] 20:12:56 QUESTION? >> Commissioner Yee: YES I JUST WANTED TO ASK THE APPLICANT, [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:12:58 So starting 10 to 8, 10 Pm. I'm at 10 Am. [Captioner] 20:12:59 WHAT ARE YOUR HOURS OF OPERATION? >> STARTING 10 TO 8 [Captioner] 20:13:02 . >> 10 [Wilson Ng (Natural Wellness Center)] 20:13:02 To 8 Pm. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:13:04 that's 7 days a week. Okay, alright. Thank you. [Captioner] 20:13:05 P.M -- I MEAN 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. [Captioner] 20:13:08 >> Commissioner Yee: THAT'S SEVEN DAYS A WEEK? [Captioner] 20:13:10 >> YES. >> Commissioner Yee: OKAY, ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:13:11 Any further questions for the applicant. Do we have any speakers on this item? [Captioner] 20:13:15 >> Commissioner Daulton: ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS FOR THE APPLICANT [Captioner] 20:13:18 ? TRISH DO WE HAVE ANY SPEAKERS ON THIS ITEM [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:13:22 Alright. In that case I will close the public meeting and ask if there are any further questions by the Commissioners, or for a motion [Captioner] 20:13:22 ? >> Trish Cordova: WE DO NOT HAVE ANY SPEAKERS ON THIS ITEM, THANK YOU [Captioner] 20:13:26 . >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT. IN THAT CASE I WILL CLOSE THE [Captioner] 20:13:29 PUBLIC MEETING. [Captioner] 20:13:33 AND ASK IF THERE ARE ANY [Captioner] 20:13:36 FURTHER QUESTIONS BY THE COMMISSIONERS, OR FOR A MOTION [Captioner] 20:13:40 . >> Commissioner Basrai: I'LL MAKE THE MOTION TO APPROVE. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:13:40 I have a motion to approve. K. Can I get a second [Captioner] 20:13:44 >> Commissioner Daulton: I HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE. CAN WE GET A SECOND [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:13:44 Commissioner Boston. I made a motion to approve, and seconded by Commissioner E. [Captioner] 20:13:47 ? >> Commissioner Yee: I'LL SECOND. >> Commissioner Daulton: [Captioner] 20:13:50 COMMISSIONER BASRAI MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER YEE. [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:13:50 Joe, will you read off the roll? Call vote. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:13:51 yes, chair, and I call your name on a motion to approve staff recommendation. [Captioner] 20:13:54 JOEL WILL YOU READ OFF THE ROLL CALL VOTE. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:13:56 Please state your vote, share Dalton Vice Chair Row is absent. Commissioner. [Captioner] 20:13:58 >> Planner Pullen: YES CHAIR WHEN I CALL YOUR [Captioner] 20:14:00 NAME ON A MOTION TO APPROVE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:14:02 Yeah, Commissioner Stackler, Commissioner Lou Commissioners Dang and Commissioner Boss. [Captioner] 20:14:04 , PLEASE STATE YOUR VOTE. CHAIR DAULTON [Captioner] 20:14:07 , YES. VICE CHAIR RAO IS ABSENT [Captioner] 20:14:10 . COMMISSIONER YEE, YES. COMMISSIONER STECKLER, [Captioner] 20:14:13 AYE. COMMISSIONER LIU, AYE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:14:15 Right. [Captioner] 20:14:17 , COMMISSIONER ZHANG, NO. AND COMMISSIONER BASRAI, AYE. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:14:20 Alright, on a vote of 5 to one, with one absence. [Captioner] 20:14:22 ALL RIGHT ON A VOTE OF 5 [Captioner] 20:14:25 TO 1, WITH ONE [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:14:25 The project is approved the as with the other items on tonight's agenda. [Captioner] 20:14:28 ABSENCE, THE PROJECT IS APPROVED. THE -- AS [Captioner] 20:14:31 WITH THE OTHER ITEMS ON TONIGHT'S AGENDA THIS ACTION BY [Captioner] 20:14:35 THE PLANNING COMMISSION IS FINAL UNLESS APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITHIN [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:14:37 all right. That concludes our agenda items. [Captioner] 20:14:38 TEN CALENDAR DAYS. BACK TO YOU CHAIR. [Captioner] 20:14:41 >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT, THAT CONCLUDES OUR AGENDA ITEMS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:14:42 So let's move on to the miscellaneous lines for the evening, starting with staff updates. [Captioner] 20:14:46 . SO LET'S MOVE ON TO THE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:14:47 Still? Do you have any [Captioner] 20:14:49 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FOR THE EVENING. STARTING WITH [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:14:49 Yes, briefly. Chair. I wanted to indicate that our housing element process that she reviewed earlier this year is proceeding through State Review, and we are expecting some feedback back from element, after which will be coming back to planning hit the Council for review at a later time at this time. [Captioner] 20:14:52 STAFF UPDATES, JOEL DO YOU HAVE ANY? >> Planner Pullen: YES BRIEFLY CHAIR [Captioner] 20:14:55 I WANTED TO INDICATE THAT OUR HOUSING ELEMENT PROCESS THAT YOU REVIEWED [Captioner] 20:14:59 EARLIER THIS YEAR IS PROCEEDING THROUGH STATE [Captioner] 20:15:02 REVIEW. AND WE ARE EXPECTING SOME FEEDBACK [Captioner] 20:15:05 BACK FROM THE HOUSING ELEMENT AFTER WHICH WE'LL BE COMING BACK [Captioner] 20:15:09 TO PLANNING COMMISSION, TO COUNCIL [Captioner] 20:15:12 FOR REVIEW AT A LATER TIME. AT THIS TIME, WE DON'T [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:15:12 we don't have any more news to present, but we will be bringing that back, And that's going to be a very important project for you to review. [Captioner] 20:15:15 HAVE ANY MORE NEWS TO PRESENT BUT WE WILL BE BRINGING [Captioner] 20:15:18 THAT BACK, AND THAT'S GOING TO BE A VERY IMPORTANT PROJECT FOR [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:15:19 Likely at your December hearing [Captioner] 20:15:21 YOU TO REVIEW, LIKELY AT YOUR DECEMBER HEARING [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:15:21 Yeah, I saw in the news that quite a few cities and had their How's the elements rejected? [Captioner] 20:15:24 . >> Commissioner Daulton: YES, I SAW ON THE NEWS THAT QUITE A FEW CITIES [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:15:27 So that will be interesting to see. So we have a good [Captioner] 20:15:28 HAVE HAD THEIR HOUSING ELEMENTS REJECTED SO THAT [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:15:31 just a quick question. Do we have a timeline? [Captioner] 20:15:31 WILL BE INTERESTING TO SEE [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:15:34 So December is, When are we gonna get updates before then, or feedback before then. [Captioner] 20:15:34 . [Captioner] 20:15:39 >> QUICK QUESTION, DO WE HAVE A [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:15:40 Sorry. [Joel Pullen (Planning Commission Secretary)] 20:15:41 So there'll be public information shared. At the receive of comments from Hcd. [Captioner] 20:15:42 TIME LINE? DECEMBER IS -- ARE WE GOING TO [Captioner] 20:15:45 HAVE FEEDBACK BEFORE THEN ? SORRY. >> Planner Pullen: THERE WILL [Captioner] 20:15:48 BE PUBLIC INFORMATION SHARED [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:15:49 Okay. [Captioner] 20:15:51 AFTER RECEIPT OF COMMENTS FROM [Captioner] 20:15:54 HCD, AND IT WILL COME TO [Captioner] 20:15:57 HEARING FOR YOU AND ALSO FOR THE COUNCIL BEFORE THE DUE DATE OF [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:15:57 Okay, thank you. And the do day was important. Thank you, Joel. [Captioner] 20:16:01 JANUARY 31st OF 2023. >> Commissioner Basrai: THE DUE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:16:03 Alright, Then do we have any information that the Commissioners would like to share at this time anything Commissioner E. [Captioner] 20:16:04 DATE WAS IMPORTANT, THANK YOU JOEL [Captioner] 20:16:06 . >> Commissioner Daulton: ALL RIGHT THEN DO WE HAVE ANY INFORMATION THAT [Captioner] 20:16:10 THE COMMISSIONERS WOULD LIKE TO SHARE AT THIS TIME [Captioner] 20:16:13 ? ANYTHING? [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:16:14 yeah, I guess I know. City staff knows this, and maybe a few of you. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:16:18 But I had no idea when I was at the planning Commissioners Academy, that there was a when they had these openings, but that I applied for I had. [Captioner] 20:16:22 >> Commissioner Yee: I KNOW CITY STAFF KNOWS THIS AND MAYBE A [Captioner] 20:16:25 FEW OF YOU BUT I HAD NO IDEA WHEN I WAS AT THE TIME [Captioner] 20:16:28 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ACADEMY WAS WHEN THEY HAD [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:16:28 No idea. Was it actually an election? And so I was kind of surprised that I actually was on a State ballot, and luckily I ran unopposed. [Captioner] 20:16:31 THESE OPENINGS THAT I APPLIED FOR THAT I HAD NO IDEA IT [Captioner] 20:16:34 WAS ACTUALLY AN ELECTION. SO I WAS KIND OF SURPRISED THAT I [Captioner] 20:16:37 ACTUALLY WAS ON A STATE BALLOT. AND LUCKILY [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:16:40 So I'm currently now the first vice President for the League of California Cities, representing all of you here in northern California, from Fresno to the Oregon border. [Captioner] 20:16:41 I RAN UNOPPOSED, SO I'M CURRENTLY NOW THE [Captioner] 20:16:44 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT FOR THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. REPRESENTING ALL [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:16:47 So it's interesting. We're having a discussion about the housing element, and I just had my third meeting presiding over anywhere from 20 to a 110 cities on zoom. [Captioner] 20:16:47 OF YOU. HERE IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA [Captioner] 20:16:50 FROM FRESNO TO THE OREGON BORDER. SO IT'S INTEREST [Captioner] 20:16:53 ING WE'RE HAVING A DISCUSSION ABOUT THE HOUSING ELEMENT AND I JUST HAD MY [Captioner] 20:16:57 THIRD MEETING PRESIDING OVER ANYWHERE FROM 20 [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:16:59 Which this looks really small compared to what I'm used to seeing these days. [Captioner] 20:17:00 TO 110 CITIES, ON ZOOM, [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 20:17:01 yeah. [Captioner] 20:17:03 WHICH THIS LOOKS REALLY SMALL COMPARED TO WHAT I'M USED [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:17:03 but it was interesting to hear from all the different planning commissioners and city managers in Alameda County. [Captioner] 20:17:06 TO SEEING THESE DAYS. BUT IT WAS INTERESTING TO HEAR [Captioner] 20:17:09 FROM ALL OF THE DIFFERENTLY PLANNING COMMISSIONERS [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:17:11 We only have one city whose housing element has been accepted, and certified, which is Alameda. [Captioner] 20:17:13 AND CITY MANAGERS IN ALAMEDA COUNTY [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 20:17:14 But [Captioner] 20:17:16 WE ONLY HAVE ONE CITY WHOSE HOUSING ELEMENT HAS BEEN [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:17:17 Cool. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:17:17 Yeah. And so I was going. Okay, what's going on with Fremont? [Captioner] 20:17:19 ACCEPTED AND CERTIFIED WHICH IS ALAMEDA. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:17:22 But that's that's all right. And and with many of the people that were there, it looks like Fremont has one of the largest goals for the new arena numbers for 2,023 what is that that 2,000, and 31 So it's yeah, it's gonna be [Captioner] 20:17:22 YEAH. SO I WAS GOING OKAY WHAT'S GOING ON [Captioner] 20:17:25 WITH FREMONT. BUT THAT'S ALL RIGHT. AND WITH MANY OF THE PEOPLE [Captioner] 20:17:28 THAT WERE THERE, IT LOOKS LIKE FREMONT HAS ONE OF THE [Captioner] 20:17:31 LARGEST GOALS FOR THE [Captioner] 20:17:36 NEW [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:17:38 interesting to see that, but also wanted to share with you for those that are into the atus like me. [Captioner] 20:17:40 RHNA NUMBERS FOR 2031. SO YEAH, IT'S GOING [Captioner] 20:17:43 TO BE INTERESTING TO SEE THAT. BUT ALSO WANTED TO SHARE WITH [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:17:45 Sb. 897 was was approved, So on January first, 2,023 at use. [Captioner] 20:17:46 YOU FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTO THE ADUS [Charles Liu (Commissioner)] 20:17:47 Yeah. [Captioner] 20:17:49 LIKE ME, SB 897 WAS APPROVED. SO [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:17:53 If you're attached to the house, can go as 25 feet. [Captioner] 20:17:53 ON JANUARY 1st, 2023, ADUS IF [Captioner] 20:17:56 YOU'RE ATTACHED TO THE HOUSE CAN GO AS 25 FEET NOW. [Captioner] 20:17:59 ON JANUARY 1st. JUST KIND OF GIVE YOU A [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:18:00 Well, Congratulations, Commissioner, on that one Commissioner Boss. Right? [Captioner] 20:18:02 HEADS-UP. >> Commissioner Daulton: WELL, CONGRATULATIONS [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:18:04 Did you have something to say [Captioner] 20:18:05 COMMISSIONER YEE ON THAT ONE. COMMISSIONER BASRAI DID YOU HAVE SOMETHING [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:18:06 Alright, Yeah. And congratulations Commissioner. You That's pretty awesome. [Captioner] 20:18:08 TO SAY? >> Commissioner Basrai: YES, CONGRATULATIONS, COMMISSIONER [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:18:10 I also will be attending the planning Commissioners training, I guess it's called next Friday, and I don't know if anybody else is going. [Captioner] 20:18:11 YEE, THAT'S PRETTY AWESOME. I [Captioner] 20:18:14 ALSO WILL BE SUSTAINING THE PLANNING COMMISSION [Captioner] 20:18:18 ERS TRAINING I GUESS IT'S CALLED, [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:18:21 But it's I guess it's done by instead of California. [Captioner] 20:18:21 NEXT FRIDAY. AND I DON'T KNOW IF ANYBODY ILLS IS GOING [Captioner] 20:18:24 ELSE IS GOING BUT I GUESS IT'S [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:18:24 And so I will be okay. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:18:25 Oh, you'll see There I have to conduct. That's the other aspect, as now. [Captioner] 20:18:27 DONE BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. SO I WILL BE ATTENDING [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:18:30 One of your officers. I conduct the planning Commissioners Academy. [Captioner] 20:18:31 . >> Commissioner Yee: I HAVE TO CONDUCT, THAT'S ONE OF THE OTHER [Jasmine Basrai (Commissioner)] 20:18:34 Okay, well, maybe we can commute yeah, yeah, So I just wanna let you know that's something. [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:18:34 So I'm in. I'm on the committee There you go. I'm pro. [Captioner] 20:18:34 PACKETS AS NOW ONE OF YOUR FIRST, I COWK [Ben Yee (Commissioner)] 20:18:37 I'm gonna drive. Yes, we can commute [Captioner] 20:18:37 THE PLANNING COMMISSIONERS [Captioner] 20:18:40 ACADEMY. >> Commissioner Basrai: MAYBE WE CAN COMMUTE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:18:41 I would love to be there I love to be there, but I'm very busy these days. [Captioner] 20:18:44 . >> Commissioner Yee: I'M GOING TO DRIVE YES, WE CAN COMMUTE [Robert Daulton (PC Chairperson)] 20:18:46 Okay, If so, if there's no further information, then from the commissioners or staff, I'm gonna call this meeting to a German [Captioner] 20:18:47 . >> Commissioner Daulton: I'D LOVE TO BE THERE BUT I'M VERY [Captioner] 20:18:51 BUSY THESE DAYS. >> Commissioner Basrai: I'M SURE. >> Commissioner Yee: [Captioner] 20:18:54 I WONDER WHY. EVEN FOR ME TOO, YEAH [Captioner] 20:18:57 IT'S CRAZY. >> Commissioner Daulton: SO IF THERE'S NO FURTHER INFORMATION [Captioner] 20:19:00 , THEN, FROM THE COMMISSIONERS? OR STAFF? [Captioner] 20:19:04 I'M GOING TO CALL THIS MEETING TO ADJOURNMENT. [Captioner] 20:19:09 AND I THANK YOU ALL AND GOOD NIGHT.